Memes aside, white privelage is a complete fact so you need to fucking stop saying it isnt

Memes aside, white privelage is a complete fact so you need to fucking stop saying it isnt

Other urls found in this thread:

> white privelage is a complete fact




It isn't.

How do we fix the justice system?
Are we going to need to start using qualified peers or something?

This fag posts this everyday

What is 10 20 Life?????

>Spic shoots nigger in self defense.
White privilege

Of course it is in white societies built by whites for whites on rules by whites. Thing is, niggers and other poos have no moral claim to be near white people and ask us to give up what we have built for their sake. They can fuck off back to where they came from, to place where there is poo privilege or black privilege for same reasons whites in white countries enjoy and should enjoy white privilege to full extent.

This is not a difficult concept.

>gets attacked by chimping nig in his own neighborhood
>goes to abusers house where she doesn't live to "fire a warning shot" at him

>Hispanic/Jew shoots nignog attacking him

All cases go to the supreme court

Jaffa is calling

And after leaving his presence and retrieving the gun from her car. She claimed the garage door wouldn't open, but it worked fine when the police tested it. Lying murderous cunt.


Commies are braindead so don't even try to understand what they are saying

Dumb bitch should have shot her target not spray bullets into the air and potentially kill neighbors.

Let's be real. They weren't warning shots. They can't aim for shit.

our society our rules nigger

Man, this is such a quintessentially leftist meme. Who ever made this is a good propagandist. I'm sure it makes its rounds on Facebook and Twitter by those useless idiots.

He's fucking Mexican. Queue lé 56% face

Back when I was a Tumblr faggot we all got into a massive argument over this.

The fact is, she left the house during the fight to retrieve the gun from her car and come back.

>"Alexander then retrieved her gun from her vehicle and went to the kitchen. Alexander fired a "warning shot" towards Gray and his children, which hit the wall near Gray at the height of his head, then deflected into the ceiling."

Also she got her sentence reduced to 3 years.

>complete misrepresentation of facts
>therefore white privilege
Well done OP

By "white privilege" I assume you mean our superior genetics.

Nobody cares, nigger. Also saged.

White privelage? Strange how MSM didn't run this for weeks. Strange how there were no riots.

This isn't a race issue it's just a matter of leniency towards attractive people and bias towards ugly people.
How the law should work tbqfh senpai

George Zimmerman
>Only half white.
>Only approached Trayvon to question what he was up to, since he was on alert due to a recent break-in in the neighborhood.
>Was being beaten into the concrete before he shot Trayvon (and therefore his life was in immediate danger)

Marissa Alexander
>Left the scene and returned after acquiring a gun (self-induced "danger")
>Fired a warning shot which landed near he children (threatened the safety of the family)
>Mandatory 20 year sentence by law (not the direct decision of the courts, but of state law)
>Released after 3 years after appealing anyway

Must be "muh racism" not the fact that she literally threw her defense under the bus via her own actions.

The funny part is that she claims "she wouldn't be alive" if not for her warning shot.
I would think someone under immediate danger would get to safety and call the police, not approach the thing that she claims could "end her life".

>Sentenced to 20 years
>released after sentencing for timed served

Stop trying to meme leftys

this lady went back into her house and got a gun and returned and shot.
zimmerman pulled a gun out while being beaten.