Should old people be allowed to drive, Sup Forums?

should old people be allowed to drive, Sup Forums?

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To the gas-station yes

No worse than EVERY fucking millennial that is glued to their fucking phones 24/7. I've never had a close call with the blue haired people, but on at least a weekly basis some 20 year old nearly runs me off the road while fucking with phones.

what the fuck

If they pass a test later sure

this guy again
god bless him

Yeah old people can drive okay it's fucking children that are in their 18 I don't know what the fuck you're doing



back to >>>/reddit/ you autistic cringe faggot

of course this faggot has a sonic avatar on his youtube.

That's Shadow the Hedgehog, you fucking uneducated faggot.


Nothing personnel kid


This, I think you shoud be required to retake the driving test at 65 and every 5 years after

Shadow is edgier than than the razor blades the emofag at my old school used.

Old people, yes. But no non-whites.

Honestly used to think not,. But cell phones and pharmacuticals have the other two thirds of the population operating just as poorly. So, "Everybody into the pool"

oh my fucking god, this guy
