Let's settle this for once and for all. Which system works? Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism?
Let's settle this for once and for all. Which system works? Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism?
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Regulated Capitalism?
Socialism works for Canada because we can float our economy on resource exports.
White, Christian, Theocratic, Ethnostate.
Socialism leads to Communism.
Unless it's national socialism, which worked and it took 3 major superpowers to destroy it and make it most hated ideology in the world.
Capitalism contained within a nation state
i;e none of this bullshit countervailing globalism that we see today more along the lines of america in the 1950s
Capitalism is a term invented by communists. Burgers using the term to describe their own system speaks volumes. Only social democracy has stood the test of time. It's time to employ the European system everywhere.
So National Capitalism
>nation state
>kill all jews, negroes and westerners
>build communism for everyone else
it's that simple...
National Socialism.
So we get to choose from 3 choices Jews control... Hmm
doesn't work
Theoretically. In practice it goes back to capitalism
>no monarchy flag yet
The evidence we can study suggests it does very well.
>Only social democracy has stood the test of time
It managed to bankrupt itself in less then 50 years. Great success
Why would you choose from already existing systems, when you should try something new?
>no choice for fascism
Sure is Israel in here
Just because your country gave up on minting its borders doesn't mean everyone has too
No governmental system or ideology is a universal, one-size-fits all solution. That's utopian nonsense. Biggest factors to consider: population size, technology level, average IQ, and homogeneity.
Socialized economic systems require a content and unified populace. Communism can work on a very small scale, but the bigger and more diverse a society becomes the harder it will be to function. Free Market economic systems, based purely on how they've historically outcompeted everything else, are the best way to run bigger states, but they require a high IQ population to prevent and be vigilant against government abuses (and because a free market system allows the smarter and harder working to prosper.)
Diverse populations don't benefit from high degrees of democratization in decision making because the lack of unity in beliefs and practices gums up the works and causes social alienation. A large diverse population, esp. differing IQ levels, will necessitate an ever stronger central authority to hold it together. That's what's happening in the West now.
Low IQ populations need more central authority to function the larger they get as well, like all these Middle Eastern strong-men states we've been toppling. I look at the Gaddafi's and Assad's of the world and see a parallel with feudal Christian lords: authorities outside the religious world who bring secularity overtime as they consolidate their own power base. We keep knocking the potential Henry VIII's and Holy Roman Emperors back into the dust, so the Islam fundamentalists keep filling the vacuum.
Run by who?
Neither Capitalism nor Communism are "systems", they are concepts.
American "leftists" don't even realize how far off they are. They are just liberal toadies.
The only evidence we need is that Hitler and his boygroup got overrun by Ivan. All of the supposed economic recovery from 1933-1939 was accomplished with massive loans, foreign money from private banks. That is why the 3rd Reich ran out of steel and oil halfway through the war. Its economics were practically nonexistent, a complete farce. Any economic success Germany has ever had is owed to leftists.
This is where you're wrong.
check the archive
you illiterate commie retard soyboys already got all the answers your delusional fantasy looting rampage "paradise" deserves
Wow that was, for once, something not absolute autistic screeching said on Sup Forums
>are country fucked over the people currently living in our country by letting in a mass amount unskilled labor, therefore everyone has too.
Kraut logic
Id give it 10-15 years before all of your countries expensive social services crash and burn because of this
Very large parts of the US economy are unable to compete on the global market, despite your superior ideology of cheating workers out of their well earned wages.
America is in far greater peril than any country in Western Europe (possibly excluding the UK), and not just in a demographic sense.
>cheating workers out of there well earned wages
Implying that the workers themselves set up the economic institutions that pay there wages
elaborate on this plzz m8
>Which system works?
What hammer works to pound nails and won't crack a human skull? Category error, work is performed by the human mind; using tools.
I mean, if I have to choose, capitalism over communism. But there are problems inherent to both regarding human nature.
Communism is worse because it goes against human nature and Marx's views on private property from an anthropological point were totally flawed.
But, while capitalist and free markets are more in line with human nature (and, honestly, I with nature/evolution itself - free market capitalism is basically Economic Darwinism) proponents have a habit of hand-waving away the inconvenient part of human nature. Namely, how do you keep the victors of the market from unfairly consolidating their power? Too much government intervention is self-evidently bad, but how much is too much? Or too little? And when you try to nail down answers to these questions, you almost inevitably get the "well, we don't even HAVE a true free market to look at!" which, to me, smacks of "but REAL communism has never been tried!"
No society can be perfect because the individuals that compose it will always be imperfect. You'll out never have an economic system or a governmental structure that you just wind up and let run. What you need is a smart, vigilant population and a structure that allows for pragmatic changes.
All of those are components fading in the West.
>Neither Capitalism nor Communism are "systems"
Ok so, Free markets vs State directed economy?
The freer the market, the better the market. I'm not even memeing.
You have sweeping household and trade deficits that keep spiraling out of control, while the regulations that could prevent another 2008 crisis have been shitcanned. This is because the richest and most influential Americans do not believe it feasible to make the US economy fairer, more transparent and more stable. All they care about is the ability to step right over the masses. They have rendered your government impotent and unable to influence their decisions. A society so dysfunctional is bound to become gradually more miserable. America will either balkanize (unlikely) or turn into a second Brazil (very likely). There's no saving for your country since you'd have to confront wealth inequality, which you can't.
You're right: globalist policies are unfairly restricting the ability of US workers to compete and syphoning the capital into the pockets of ultra-wealthy elite. That's a problem of massive central authority married to corporate interests.
You know what won't solve that? The fairy tale world of a bearded pseud where everyone is perfectly equal and no one owns anything because private property is le ebul.
nothing works. people work. Fucking hell, even communism could work if you had the right leader and right people. Hitler knew this and tried to shape the people to fit his societial view that he believed, and i too, to result in more happy people. capitalism works with greedy and vain people, just like our society, but in the end it isn't making us happy.
You haven't read Marx. Stop pretending you have.
The inequality you pointed out is the result of nationalism, not globalism. In a globally cooperating world, tax evasion and profiteering as it happens in places like Wall Street simply wouldn't be possible. We'd have a strong government preventing such.
The absolute state of rebbit communists
Myself, along with 20 other other people made 36,000 donuts yesterday. We were paid roughly $50 each for this labor. To purchase this donut back cost 99 cents.
Nordic model mixed economy
If you had actually read and Under Stood Marx you would know that critical theory of history is a lie because at no single point in the history of society has there been a society were everyone is equal. Even in tribalism there is a hierarchy because there is a chief to the tribe. Hierarchies are invaluable because of mans evolutionary nature
Just look at my flag
Why don't more countries just adopt the tax policies that create the prospering tax havens? Oh, right, because the bureaucrats and corporate owned politicians of the central authority won't allow the citizens to exercise their national sovereignty.
What a terrible question to ask. Asking if something like a economic system "works" is retarded beyond all measure. Obviously none of these systems "work " in the presupposition you apply to the meaning. The better question to ask would be, "which one provides the most opportunity for success?" protip, watch how people vote with their feet.
fiki fiki
Fascism is socialist.
How the FUCK is it not settled already?
>socialism failed everywhere, tried by every ethnicity, every culture group, on every continent, with very little resources or most resouces on entire planet and everything in between
>communism not ever reached because it fails hard on step 1 which is working socialism
>hurrr does socialism work u guise haha durr durr
Laissez-Faire capitalism will last the longest, but no economic system will last forever because of innate human corruption.
"To each according to his ability, from each according to his will."
You are so deluded that you see radical egalitarianism in everything. It's about preventing the powers that be from treating workers like cattle. If it hadn't been for the broad recognition Marx's work got, our generation might have been even poorer than it already is.
Because economies where lower and middle class folks can actually earn decent wages are automatically more stable and have far better future growth prospects.
>regulations could prevent an economic crisis
When people say "Socialist", what they usually mean is the marxist version of socialism and its adaptations.
Yea well most people are wrong.
Go back to your anarcho-somalian paradise.
Somalia was destroyed by radical socialist bud.
name anything that's "socialist" about fascism.
Yep, it's just that they only teach ((socialism)) in schools. Just saying that because it'd be retarded for you to answer a leftist that calls you a fascist with "fascicm is socialist" because they'd insist it's not and you would have to waste an hour of your time debating what socialism actually is
Very limited property rights. If you weren't running your business exactly the way the state wanted you to run it - no matter how retarded the demands got - your property could be seized. That's bretty socialist. Not to mention the giant welfare state.
Indeed they can, every expert can confirm this. Regulations are a vital and necessary component of any economic entity. The notion that a lack of regulation would result in prosperity is complete nonsense, and disproved with just one quick glance at reality. The undeniable prosperity of Germany, which is one of the most thoroughly regulated and at the same time one of the most prosperous economies in the world, is living proof of this. There can be no such thing as an economy without rules and restrictions set by a government.
>our generation might have been even poorer than it already is
If we are comparing standards of living from past generations then we are the furthest thing from poor. We live like kings when compared to previous generations. The generation who lived at the start and end of Marxist political doctrine, and where considered common men at that time, were poorer than the poorest person living today.
National socialist and international socialist is heads and tails of the same coin. Capitalism is the only system that works for man is individual.
Yea I know. I usually don't even bother arguing about that with leftie normies. They always hit you with that
>but the dictionary definition of socialism says that it's all about equality
>We live like kings when compared to previous generations
Are you retarded?
you're probably to young to know this, but Germany didn't have a minimum wage up to 2014. Furthermore the economic growth in the 50s and 60s can't be explained by regulations as Germany was really free-market oriented.
And don't get me started on unions..
Socialist, here. None of them work. None of them. People are stupid, feeble animals. They will act like stupid, feeble animals. They will latch to greed or sloth and won't aspire to anything better. They will accept whatever is to their greatest momentary benefit. Whatever gives them easement of the moment. Whatever allows complacence and works for them.
Humans are morally bankrupt, and the morality of religion has only proven to exacerbate and embody that bankruptcy. Morals must be built, developed, justified, and enforced by the self. There must be an understanding and adherence of a set of laws to allow society to function and move forward without dragging or going off in a direction of self-destruction. And some people are physically and mentally defective to where they can neither understand, empathize, or comprehend the tenets of such a doctrine or dogma.
Is manorialism capitalist or socialist?
On one hand the government (nobles) controls the market, but on the other they own the means of production.
No. But you may be. Take a look at what your doing at this present moment, and compare it to this picture, and tell me who is king.
>every expert
You do know that "experts" were running the economy while the 2001 and 2008 crashes happened right?
>German prosperity
Like 90% of that comes from the fact that you can maintain a giant trade surplus because your currency is artificially depressed since a bunch of trash countries are also using it. Which regulations exactly are benefiting the economy as a whole and how?
Socialism and Communism both failed every time they were tried. Capitalism works perfectly since the day people started practicing voluntary exchange(how many thousand years ago?)
You're allowed private property, as long as the products benefit the nation and you don't exploit the workers.
For example, if you want to open a gay bathhouse, or if your food products contain harmful ingredients that were not made available to the public, you get shut down, simple.
Don't jew the nation and the workers. We can all agree on that. Did you even read that pic in my first post?
Also, when it comes to the welfare state, it's mostly designed for stay at home mothers, no leeching by parasites or drug junkies that refuse to find a job(basically, it has nothing to do with today's welfare state that commie spergs or niggers abuse). Gotta raise the white birth rates.
>National socialist and international socialist is heads and tails of the same coin.
It's not. You should read some Marx and some Fascist literature, even if you're not up to changing your mind, it's better to thoroughly know the views of your opponents before you take on them.
>for man is individual
kek society existing is counter evidence for that, mate. If men are individuals , why don't we all just run away to the woods - considering our current political systems are opposed to absolute personal freedom? Why do we accept to trade some personal rights for a social life, if we're individual animals?
Germany in its current form is only 27 years old. However, the German republic always was and still is socio-democratic, a decidedly mixed economy with unemployment benefits and universal healthcare for everyone. At no point, not even from 1933 to 1945, were we "free-market oriented". German culture is all about social justice, and you all need to learn to deal with that.
We would be living like that if there were a war. Use something comparable, like this, slash and burn farming in Finland.
>your currency is artificially depressed
Tinfoil hat tier argument.
My point is still made.
I'm a working class peon sitting in a house that is constantly warm and brightly lit, with expensive and durable windows. I have a device in my hands that allows me to talk to and see people on the other side of the planet immediately, with access to the sum total of human knowledge. In my house, I have foodstuffs and spices that collectively have probably traveled tens of thousands of miles to reach my plate. We don't live like kings, we live like fucking wizard emperors.
Yet, I do agree that it's bullshit that global elite syphon off wealth that could belong to the lower rungs. It's the principle of that greed that is wrong, even if our lives are still materally better than our ancestors.
Please read more Darwin before you tout nonsense. Individuals creating societies promotes survival.
Capitalism is the thesis, communism is the antithesis, socialism is the synthesis.
The troubling thing is that you seem to believe we're not allowed to make laws that neutralize greed.
We are. In fact, we're obliged to do so.
>we live like fucking wizard emperors.
my fucking sides.
Give me an example of this happening.
Give me an example of this happening to a high degree.
You and "Fascist" over here Are idiots talking out your bum pipes
None work in their purest form. This has been answered time and time again throughout history; not theory. Stop sucking the system's dick instead of using it to promote what actually matters (blood, culture, homeland, etc.). Everyone that does suck its dick (an-caps, communists, libertarians) is going to be autistic.
Therefore men is social. Like ants, we aren't mere individuals, we have evolved past that. Learn high School biology before pretending you've read any Darwin.
Well that's kind of a fact. Do you really thing the Deutsche mark would be trading at the exact same ratio with Greece's Drachma or the Frank for the last 18 years? No way in hell.
It is not created from laws. Every man is looking out for the own interests above others (greed), we are in a system that inadvertently incentives passing ignorant consequential legislation that has typically has unintended and usually opposite affecting results.
What about any of my posts imply I don't think laws should exist to combat greed?
> Germany in its current form is only 27 years old.
No, it's called "Anschluss der DDR an die Bundesrepublik Deutschland". Germany, as we know it, exists since 1948.
> a decidedly mixed economy with unemployment benefits and universal healthcare for everyone
Sozialreformen und so sind dir wohl auch nicht geläufig, kennst ja nur Hartz4, von der Mama bestimmt.
> At no point, not even from 1933 to 1945, were we "free-market oriented".
Reading comprehension, please. I clearly said "50s and 60s".
> German culture is all about social justice,
Sure thing, brother.
Or if you want to produce cars while the Fuhrer wants tanks. Then you're also "not benefiting the nation" and get your property seized. The Fuhrer and his goons are the ones that decide what "benefits the nation". It's exactly like in USSR where Stalin and his goons decided what was in the "common good" or whatever it was.
explain what's wrong with my statements.
kek, what's your ideology, bong?
Republic, Senate and Emperor
National Socialism as pic related
>we have evolved past that
With all do respect you nigger, citation needed. How could you tell me we have evolved passed creating societies composed of individuals??
Greed is good
White ethnostate.
>Greed is good.
I think what you meant to say is It's not greed, it's self interest. Individuals operating out of their own interests is fuel of any economic system.
Globalism, motherfucker