In The Hillary Timeline

1) No tax cut legislation
2) DACA & illegals pardoned
3) Trillions for welfare
4) Obamacare expanded
5) Taxes go up to pay for expanded welfare programs
6) Mexico Open Borders
7) Syrian War with Russia
8) Palestine declared our ally
9) Hamas is not terrorists
10) Refugees program
11) Millions of refugees
12) Gun restrictions; no more semiautomatic rifles
13) Islam welcome

What else would be happening in the Clinton dimension?

The Cambodian Horse Whipping forum that saved America

Don't forget the war with Iran

> Billions in bribes to clinton foundation
> millions of children raped and gutted for organs
> Bill Clinton still dicking bimbos at home.

>gun restrictions 2: handguns restricted to approved permit holders then banned entirely like bongland boogaloo

Also they would be going after the first amendment. Racist thoughts are probably already a crime in the Hill universe.

>Helped cover up the Enron scandal with the destruction of WTC 7
>Branch Davidian Waco Texas slaughter cover up
>Bosnian slave and drug trade during the Balkan war

>Palestine declared our ally
Fucking heebs, Palestine is superior to Israel because they have launched more rockets at kikes than Israel has. GTFO.

That sounds awesome to me.

I wanted:

>increased LGBTQIA+ rights
>pro-choice justices appointed and planned parenthood funded
>Hyde amendment repealed
>ACA kept & expanded
>parental leave
>gender wage gap reduced or ended
>More social spending on programs like social security, Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare
>keystone xl and dapl banned, offshore drilling banned
>comprehensive immigration reform or anmnesty, less deportations
>more affirmative action
>education made more affordable and student loan relief
>more refugees allowed in
>gun control passed
>higher taxes on the wealthy
>remain in TPP
>stop the reemergence of Russia
>contain China
>isolate and cripple North Korea
>supportive of two-state solution
>stay in Iran deal but ratchet up the pressure
>ISIL destroyed
>increased contribution to NATO, UN, and foreign aid

Maybe we can undo this current travesty and vote in Kirsten Gillibrand or Kamala Harris.

Actually, in that timeline, Bill was sacrificed for a 7% swing state bump in October 2016.

Go back to lefty pol you kike shill

>> Obama shipping weapons to ISIS
>> nigger write ISIL destroyed

Trump will take care of it, retard dems will sponsor terror instead.

Kek. Slut Gillibrand or Half-Nig Harris. Good luck faggot.

>STILL harping on about that irrelevant bitch to destract from trumps total failure as president

o am i laffin

Ignorant, one-trick pony. Fags like you are to roll one's eyes at, basing all your political and ideological beliefs on, "gas the kikes". You'd fucking bow down to Mecca on your fucking knees just because the Mohammedan want to slay the Jews. They're also want to enslave you and your family, you stupid sandnigger loving faggot.

Clinton wouldn't even do half of your demands

>Isil destroyed
She would let Isil in our country you son of a bitch

>palestin declared our Ally

Literally nonr of the Dems actually support Palestine

And Hillary is prob the biggest israel shill, arguably more than trump

Sincerely, thank Christ I died and ended up in this heavenly timeline.

t. Jew


Or howabout someone like Tulsi Gabbard, who is for things like improved healthcare but doesn't have horrible foreign policy

The fucked up part is that this soy boy faggot actually means what “xhe” wrote.

die heeb

Trump tried for treason

Me too, bro.
Me too.

Straight white males relegated to the Cum and Joke mines of Mars.

Nobody's voting for the race baiter Kamala Harris.

Also I laugh at your LBGTXYZABCBBQ rights when she took $50m from Saudi Arabia and other related countries which execute gays and treat women like shit. Yeah, that's not happening.

Oh and if Killary won it'd be WW3 with Russia.

>mfw i realize how creepy symmetrical sam hyde is

Literal billions sent to NK so they won't hurt us.

Civil war brewing when the dumb cunt E.Os the confiscation of semi automatic weapons and high capacity mags.

Daily reminder:
Kirsten Gillibrand fucked her way into office.

I’m pretty sure most female politicians fuck their way up in power.

The best part of the timeline

>What else would be happening in the Clinton dimension?
#MeToo is probably not the 2017 People of the Year

I think user's suggestions would be just great -- in a separate nation. Go Calexit, secede, let the left go to a country where they can live as they please and pass all the LGBTQIA+ laws they want. If it survives, more power to them. If it turns into a third world shithole, too bad. Let them make any kind of country they want -- as long as they keep their hands off ours, and off us.

1)Hillary orders no fly zone for Russian planes over Syria, orders planes to be shot down sparking Cold War 2
2)US is now at the brink of a civil war
3)Twitter, Facebook ban Trump and all alt right accounts
4)Sup Forums is shut down by the Comey FBI
5)Illegals pardoned

But he won the majority. Impeach Shillary!

I actually doubt we’d have an immediate war with Russia under Hillary. The only reason they’ve been demonized is to explain her political failures. If she had won there’s be no demonization.

6)Hil's support for EU would keep Poland and the UK in check
7)Photo op. with Merkel. The caption reading "The Female leaders of the free world" or some other cringy shit.
8)Attempt to have a country wide gun control would spark the civil war
9)Corruption and sex scandals would be buried and never heard of

10) Statues of her would go up at College Universities and monuments would be erected.
11) Universities would continue going full Marxist
12) Scholars like Jordan Peterson are now banned from campuses nation wide for hate speech.
13) Police officers are now forced to follow ridiculous new protocols on dealing with criminal organizations like Antifa, MS13, and criminal aliens.
14) Crime and Drug addiction sky rocket due to demoralized police force
15)ICE gets downsized and becomes inaffective
16)Border Patrol gets downsized and becomes inaffective
17)Police have now staged a nationwide protest due to not being allowed to combat child trafficking and drug traficking
18)Stock Market plunges and student debt bubble pops
19)Great recession pt. 2

Go die

>War with Russia.