How do we fix women?
How do we fix women?
I wanna fug her. Xenomorph has grown on me. Small tits, big ass. Not the best but she's white.
You become one white boi
Women just conform to society. Men create society and define its rules. The problem is men, women are just a symptom.
By being men
>ywn dick that qt little slut muffin
>big ass
find one and fix her yourself. if every guy manned the fuck up and took control of their relationships, women would follow and create less issues. be a leader, make decisions, and dominate in the bedroom and itll all work out. i swear my gf loves me more and becomes more submissive every time i spank the shit out of her.
White sharia.
Actually, she is the only character from the new disney shitfest soy wars I liked and didn't seem 'forced'.
Slap that bitch in the face
Make them drink soy milk from an early age
Gas the kikes.
Kylo carried her thot ass, btw she has some private photos, when you look at them you want to kill yourself
Daisy does not need fixing.
Imbecil. You are an idiot.
how about fix yourself virgin lmao
Shill thread
get in touch with your inner White Sharia and cut off her clitoris; like normal. It's exactly like circumcision except different
Too late, the paradigm shift has happened and there is nothing one could do. I fuck sluts and despise them, its an awful circle but that dream of marriage seems more and more like a nightmare.
Proprietary communities.
We need to restart society.
You know its true.
The only ones directly fighting against the Zionist World Order.
Friendly reminder ISIS are Mossad.
we have much to learn from your rich culture
>beta faggots defending their virtual whyfoos
This board is an absolute joke.
You're half way there.
Press S to shit on grave
Damn...that thing is pretty fucking ugly
by shipping them with stronk white males
I swear to Christ when I get my second monitor setup one of them is just going to stream 24/7
Reylo Ja! Ja! Ja! TLJ was a Reylo dream movie. They will end up togheter, and form a white powerful family. Disney will not deny their princess her dark prince.
There is nothing wrong with arming children.
That guy is so fucking ugly.
Pls poast
By not depending on them so much to achieve happiness and ignoring your pathetic will to breed