ITT the most incriminating info you got on Pizzagate. I start around 5:50 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.
Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie > children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.
Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them >PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.
tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think
Why in the fuck are they doing this? It can't be just money. How can women do something like this?
Jacob Edwards
The answers are simple but take decades of study to appreciate. If I said, once you kill a person's soul, for example, you'd think I was religious. If I said, women actually are disgusting perverts, you'd think I was a misogynist. If I said, mind control is so easy and most people are affected, you'd think I was a conspiracy nut.
The simplest answer though is that you either choose to be a human being which is hard or you choose to be a human animal, which is easy and comes natural.
Robert Mitchell
satanism. look into moloch worship for example, its all about sacrificing children. also blackmail. they invite you to some elite sexclub once you are successfull, tell you to have fun, eventually drug you and afterwards they tell you "you know that one chick you banged? too bad, she is a minor. also we taped it all. tough luck. better start doing what we tell you." or they just make you do degenerate stuff outright to join and the higher you want on the rangladder the more degenerate it becomes up to fucking and murdering children, snatching some children from the street for that reason and such stuff. (yeah i know david icke, but you still hear herself talking about some of the stuff
Hunter Kelly
Austin Campbell
Gavin James
Owen Turner
Grayson Cruz
Multiple senators wore the socks in pick related
Chairman of this onlineshop is Sir Phillip Green This friendly guy also lend his private jet to the McCanns to tour around And he seems to also get along really well with Bill "I put my dick everywhere I shouldnt" Clinton furthermore "Sir" seems to be a honourary badge for pedos, like: Sir Jimmy Savile Sir Phillip Green Sir Clement Freud
Also aside from the pedotriangles: Coke & Pizza = Cocaine & Children?
Juan Richardson
Gabriel Torres
(((Shooter))) was an obvious false flag / he ran over a kid before and was left of without any charges. he had a debt to pay and the false flag was the payment. also his father is an actor
Scalise gets shot, and Pizza gets send to his office
He was then most likely brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich based on the location, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds >In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends. >A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away. >Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car. what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?
Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.
Ian Smith
Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.” the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/ he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition. this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly however here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries? they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies this bitch even already talks like he dead
Jack Foster hodkinson, the baseball shooter had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list? is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?
furthermore hodkinson seems to have dissappeared months before the shooting where did he go? certainly not targetpractive. was he maybe snatched up and MKUltrad in that time? >Prior to the mass shooting, Hodgkinson visited the senate office of democrat Bernie Sanders, whose failed presidential campaign the gunman had volunteered for. The FBI also said the shooter had been in contact with the offices of democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth. >"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said in the statement. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. but happens to not mention the visit. hmmmmm
also >The FBI released new information Wednesday on the lone gunman >According to the bureau, 66-year old James Hodgkinson acted alone in the mass assassination attempt, in what the FBI is describing as a “spontaneous” incident. >lone gunman just like with abe lincoln and JFK i suppose.and so spontenious he dissappeared months prior to the attack and had a list with him. is anyone else thinking now?
He works for a company founded (among others) by Mitt Romney >Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by several former Bain & Co. partners that included Mitt Romney (later to become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States), T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss.[4] On account of these shared roots, Bain & Co. still maintains a strong institutional relationship with Bain Capital. Many current Bain Capital managing directors and professional staffers began their business careers at Bain & Co.[11]
So Bekenstein has ties to the DNC, donated to the Clintonfoundation, and has connections to a group fueling the russian hacker narrative. However there is Seth Bekenstein, his brother, who was found guilty of Childpornography So a Bekenstein, with ties to the DNC and donated for a CF dinner working for a company founded by Mitt Romney has a brother that distributed Childporn
>Bekenstein was charged in a criminal complaint with receiving child pornography that was mailed or shipped in foreign commerce. He is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Wayne Brazil at a detention hearing today. (January 12, 2001 ) >The sender, later identified as Seth Bekenstein, emailed hundreds of child-porn images, including photos taken by McVicker, to the agent. Bekenstein, a U.S. citizen living in Mexico, was then arrested when he visited Portland in February 2011.
he was found guilty for sexual abuse and only got 3 years on probation, was then caught again in 2001, and then was arrested in 2011?!
also in >One pornographic video, ostensibly titled as being a National Geographic documentary about pandas, opened with an image of a panda before leading to a depiction of "three underage boys engaged in sexually explicit activities," Kawabata said.
ever notices how many of the kids in the instagram pics look really tired? so tired they have rings around their eyes? rings like pandas have them? i believe the kids are the #cumpandas
Carson Cox
Even dying seems preferable to giving in to blackmail like that. I'm not new to this, I kind of get it, it's just frustration. When does this nightmare end
Dylan Bell
>ITT the most incriminating info you got on Pizzagate Trump's way ahead of you, it was the entire reason he ran
Jace Russell
i hope so. seems like he is taking some meassurements. if he truely gets rid of the pedos i pledge allegence to him till the moment he wants us to take some RFID chip or similar into our hand or forehead
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo
no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career. a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?
also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy
0:29 seconds watch the list: #5 pizzaparty #1 AmberAlert amber alert is an emergency system for example in case of missing children and is provided with technology by AlertSense which is the company fucking laura silsby works for then he continues to say his parent sold him off in the song. am not through it all yet 1:10 he says he cant stand the rich kids bar mizwahs and sleep overs with saudi princes at 1:30 he sings about being put in a pit for 3 days and splashed with a hose which reminds me on those hot shit videos and the other shower videos manager comes in saying "nothing to see here, he is just pranking lol" 2:30 kids says they will sacrifice him to the god baphomet
then there is also this shit: includes the satanism, threat of suicide and blackmail through forcing him into fucking a child. also goes 3:22 (Skull and Bones) and ends with the words "God please help me" even though all the other High in church clips have that song going on longer at the end
David Evans
>bee otistig glown faged >no tribe or ambishun >suffer from ass burgers >save spooky scary clowns from b movies (oh shid) >sid down at gombuder eating tendies >browze /bol/ and shidbost >see bizzagate shidbost >OH FUG :DDDD >IMMA SHITDPOST IN DA SHIDPOST SO SHIDDY SHIDPOST FUG XDDDD >does id for freee >FUG YOU GUG NIGGER FAGET XDDD LE EDERNAL GOAD OF BABBYLYON NIGGER XDDDDD BENIS!!!!
Sup Forums is actively holocausting their own archives, employ shillmods, use every resource they have to slide pizza/pedogate related threads, prune/move threads, ban OPs posting related material. This is a coverup of mass proportion but it is too late for these fucking freaks.
Check the archives and OP posts. MOUNDS of evidence there is a pedophilia trafficking abuse epidemic occurring at the highest levels of government worldwide.
Matthew Thompson
Some rather old news which still get overlooked i feel
Second: Laura Silsby is no longer found on the AlertSense website. She used to be on the website with pic and name (as Laura Gayler though), but they restructured the website and now she is gone. For those that dont know, she was caught smuggling out 33 (interesting number by the way) out of haiti after an earthquake, most of which werent even orphans. She then was spoken guilty but only sat the 6 months she awaited trial and was set free afterwards and then went to AlertSense which provides technology to AmberAlert which is a warning system of the government for the case of, ie., children dissappearing. Furthermore they also scrapped her work at AlertSense from the Wikipedia article. While mentions >Silsby and Hammons worked together at Hewlett-Packard.[24] Silsby-Gayler became associated with MyStateUSA an Idaho corporation based Meridian Idaho in 2010 [30]. MyStateUSA CEO, Claudia Bitner, founder of MySateUSA appointed Silsby-Gayler the CFO and corporate secretary in 2011(30). MyStateUSA changed its name to AlertSense [31] you dont find anything any more at the current article
pic related about the Silsby case and some screenshot from the older versions
There are a lot of mysterious coincidences regarding Comet, like this comment on an article about the establishment from 2008 ""Working with artists is always an intense experience and there is always two sides to every story. I happen to know Carole's side and it would make those dining on the new food choke and feel nauseous. I will only say that if they knew what really happened, they like me would no longer dine at either establishment."
Also Tony Podesta's "last night was fun - still in torture chamber" email to his brother is super fucked up, considering he literally has an underground chamber in his mansion.
Also Tony sleeps with fucking stuffed animals at his bedside with no children or grandkids...
So do you have any actual real evidence that would be of any use in a court of law? Or are you just making unfounded leaps of judgement and discounting any explanations that dont fit what you want to be true?
Luis Gomez
> New Mexican here. It truly was a dig at the governor.
>Get drunk in hotel >Too rowdy >Get state police called on you >Tell the police that you are the governor >Lie about bullshit pizza and coke >Get caught >Get mocked
She is a shitty governor. Worked her way up by being extremely harsh on child abusers as a judge. Now plays bullshit latina politics which is why no one really likes her. Take it how you will.
Nolan Jenkins
>be harsh on child abusers >get "pranked" by (((them))) by getting busted by police for some bullshit >get made fun of with pizza reference yeah, she probably busted the wrong pedo i guess
Kevin Adams
Psychic vampires isn't as crazy as it sounds when you're describing justification of abhorrent behavior.
Total power abuser. New Mexican government has always been corrupt. No one pays any attention to us and it is all university politics.
I was a juror for one of these asshole politicians and we found him guilty of corruption after trying to pay some accounting chick to fuck him.
John Williams
you just reminded me of an even more tinfoil reason on why they are doing the satanic shit, but let me do some explaining first Since sven keeps bringing up jews The (((jews))) we know are not the ones mentioned in the bible. Those we know are merely imposters Lets start with the bible text >And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The serpent, Satan, here is said to have produced offspring, namely with eve. Now Eve got Kain and Abel (and Seth, which we dont go into here). Kain, who is the offspring of Eve and the serpent then kills his brother Abel because he envied that his sacrifieces were greater than his own. For this Cain got cursed. >12"When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth." > 15So the LORD said to him, "Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold." And the LORD appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him. This Curse made the land not bare fruit to him, and "marked" him.
Now we skip a bit of time until after the flood. people mixed with each other, everyone has some Seed of the Serpent in him, but not all express that seed but because its mixed into everyone, everyone is a sinner in the christian ideology. We go to Noah when he was blackout drunk and his son Ham "seeing Noahs nakedness" (probably raped him). When Noah woke up: >And he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Note that Canaan is also considdered to be of the Seed of the Serpent, which at this point got its second curse. They are unable to agriculture, "servants of servants" aka slaves, and are "marked". Does sound a lot like niggas which in all these years still cant farm, are historically usually used as slaves and are marked by their skincolour.
Nicholas Roberts
Now lets skip back a bit. Back to Cain, and the Seed of the Serpent. This is what I believe are the (((Jews))) we see today. Furthermore they are likely what we call Neanderthal >Today, smaller ethnic groups, like Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish, can have unusually high rates of certain genetic disorders. >can have unusually high rates of certain genetic disorder Obviously Satans creation is nowhere near as good as Gods is, has different failures in form of (genetic) deseases. So what are they doing to get rid of those? They mix themselves with gods creation as much as possible, spreading the seed to corrupt his creation while simultaniously negating the effects of those errors of Satans creation.
Check out this bitch >Occupation: CEO of YouTube >She has 2 sisters: Janet Wojcicki, (PhD, anthropologist and epidemiologist)[6] and Anne Wojcicki, founder of 23andMe So the founder of 23andMe has a sister at a high level job at fucking google and another one who studies epidemics and deseases. Pretty much the perfect thing if you want to find out how you can get rid of the errors Satan embodied into your genes.
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you Note here that those that claim to be jews are not really jews, but the Synagogue of Satan, the 13th bloodline and the Seed of the Serpent.
So the Homo Sapiens is the creation of God, while the Neanderthal/canaanite is of the Serpent which mixed into todays Cro Magnon. Pic related Amalek = Neanderthal = (((jews)))
These blisters look like pic related (there are worse pictures, but i cant tell if they are really from Porphyria or not, so I keep it real). Now how is it treated? Among other stuff >blood transfusions
Remember those bloodlible accusations against jews all the time where they supposedly snatched children to drink their blood? The vampire stories about people drinking blood and not being able to step into the sun? But there is more:
So through that bloodlible back then, and probably even today, they tried to negate the genetic errors they recieved through the bloodline of the serpent even though through all that mixing they arent as likely as they were back then among (((them))).
You know those people arguing we dont come from this planet because of our backproblems, or that we were created artificially because we apparently arent really evolved properly for the upright walk? All caused from the errors of the seed of the serpent which corrupted Gods creation physically and spiritually. So how likely is it that the origin of the Childfucking and bloodlible actually comes from this?
Juan Flores
Nolan Sanders
^note how the guy says all those missing kids left voluntarily? how does he know if they are missing? did he find them, ask and then released them again? or just a "nothing to wory goy" speech? another possibillity that those kids were put into places of people who do some dirty work for the government as for example hodkinson, the baseball shooter who abused his foster kids and drove one into suicide by burning herself and hitting the friend of one of the foster childs and shot around with his rifle and was still allowed to have (foster) kids and guns afterwards apparently. or the CPP falseflagger. they gave these kids to such people, knew they were suffering and because of this know they left voluntarily because they didnt want to be abused by those people they were given to on purpose (this article is weird as it is literally just a headline and one line essentially saying the same)
David Thomas
makes you wonder why she shilled so hard against trump
Nicholas Collins
Jordan Morales
Wyatt Jenkins
>Nothingburger: The Thread
Adam Thompson
Use as Blackmail material is a big part of it.
Nathaniel Kelly
Lets go to southpark >Sexual harrassment panda >the club of super rich guys that travel the world and fuck little boys to stay healthy turns out they also drink their blood. >the episode where stan says that alcoholics anonymous is like a cult aleister crowleys diary of a drugfiend basically talks about using drug addiction to brainwash people and turn the dependence of the drug into a dependence of yourself making people obedient. parts of this book supposedly are taken over directly into the guidebook of the alcoholics anonymous.∴A∴ Really makes me think.
coincidently bitcoin was dropping down immensly around the same time the EO was passed, almost as if bunch of pedos tried to get their assets before they are frozen, or try stay liquid when everything else gets frozen Now this link states a few names that effected by those sanctions
On the list (to mention just a few) The former president of Gambia which supposedly got put into place by the cia under clinton for example (Yahya Jammeh), Benjamin Bol Mel, got military supplements from Clinton even though using childsoldiers Roberto Jose Rivas Reyes, President of Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Council, got covered regarding electionfraud by Clinton
Jose Murphy
Ryan James
Lucas Reed
Christopher Hall
Easton Sullivan
Hunter Reed
Austin Bailey
Isaac Morris
Jeremiah Ward
The pizza parlor didn't even have a basement
David Rodriguez
>implying its relevant >implying the whole "its run out of alefantis basement" thing isnt a strawman to discredit it >implying alefantis doesnt have another restaurant right next door which is might as well connected >implying they didnt have to lie to even debunk that poorly made strawman
John Parker
James Richardson
Owen Richardson
Wyatt Sanchez
Xavier Scott
Luis Wilson
Kayden Thompson
Cameron Roberts
Nathan Perry
Kevin Sanchez
Leo Fisher
Robert Turner
Ayden Scott
Andrew Bell
/atg/ up
Andrew Morgan
Holy fuck no wonder they killed Breitbart. He was 5 years ahead of wiki leaks
Did not expect that. Normies will still think it's 'just a sketch' though.
Jayden Parker
they always do. but remember the clip is from a few years before pizzagate happened. thought i didnt look right myself when seeing it the first time. moore is based
Owen Taylor
Benjamin Taylor
Jose Murphy
Xavier Long
Alexander Thomas
closer than one might think some more from the list Dan Gertler, international businessman and billionaire, main business partner Glencore, whose founder Marc Rich was on the FBIs most wanted list until pardoned in 2001 by Clinton (Bill) Slobodan Tesic, armsdealer that supplied various military groups in the civil war in Libya. ISIS most likely among those groups. Libya as a whole was a Clinton plot. Maung Maung Soe, former chief of the Burmanese army. Claimed to have taken part in an ethnic cleansing. And again the Clintons are close to Burma
Liam Torres
Jaxon Watson
small occultism lesson in pic related you see the penis (male energy) getting united with the fish (commonly seen as female energy) thus uniting polar opposites. this i a common theme in the occult believed to create wonder/magic/miracles. in case of male and female for example it creates the miracle of life and is one of the most holy events in many cultures. the washington monument is also symbolizing specifically this. the obelisk, the phallus/penis/huge dick standing in a vesica pisces, the fish, again the female energy. more about that symbolism here
the star of david also symbolizes this with the 2 opposing triangles being united, but since they are triangles it also can be symbolized by the 33 which is the masons favorite number and in general seems to be of significance.
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day. 33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life (trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation. Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm. Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise
John Mitchell
Frank Winstead.
Last Tuesday, Winstead staged a live performance at the packed-full ANC meeting held to reassess Comet Ping Pong's voluntary agreement with the commission. During the course of the meeting, Winstead accused Comet owner James Alefantis of lying, cheating, stealing, spitting in a customers food, and encouraging both murderers and rapists. Winstead: James is trying to turn this into Adams Morgan with the murders, the rapes ... [Extended booing, punctuated laugher] ... the lying, the cheating! Winstead: He breaks the law
Solomon: We are not law enf—-
Winstead: [Unintelligible] ... he’s filling up his fat wallet ...
Solomon: Alright Frank, you're out of order, please. [Calls from crowd for Winstead to recuse himself] That's not helpful here.
What can tech-retards like me actually DO about shit like this? Forums are compromised, facts manipulated into whatever context the arguer pleases...
Sincere question, not only am I a leaf but also the furthest thing from tech savvy as one can be aka a girl. Wtf can I do, cause at this point OVERWHELMING evidence being laughed aside is making my hands reach for the xanax more and more