Would the United States be better off if felons were executed on conviction?

It is well backed that criminals have a high rate of recidivism -- as high as 77% will wind up right back in prison within 5 years. Many of these offenses are violent or theft based in nature, meaning that they are directly detrimental to law abiding citizens.

Would our society be better off overall if we simply executed felony level criminals rather than clogging our prisons up at the expense of normal people only to unleash them back on the world to hurt more people later?

No. We should give them guns and drop them off in the middle east. Turn it into a penal colony.

It's retardedly easy to become a felon in most states. For instance, in my state, all you have to do is make contact with someone's head or neck during a fight (and it doesn't matter if you were the one attacked).

Until stupid laws like that are fixed, your proposal is sorta dumb, man. Like some "ends justify the means" commie shit.

Would the economy be doing better and would crime rates be down? Certainly, however we would create a culture of fear that could be easily abused. After all getting a conviction, especially for drug related charges even if you are innocent isn't particularly hard, and there are numerous documented cases of people on death row being exonerated when new evidence comes to light. Furthermore such a system is easily abuseable.
>Someone important doesn't like you
>Pull some strings to frame you for a crime
>Found guilty
>Immediately executed with no chance for appeals
Put simply killing all criminals sounds like a fine idea until you are accused of rape or assault (have fun being executed for getting into a fight).

I like it.

Exactly, we know what this racist OP meant that niggers and spics should be executed.

The rates of recidivism are high only because the system makes it impossible to get back on your feet after becoming a felon. Try getting a job as a felon.

T. Felon.

Not every felony deserves execution. I would agree at the very least with a three strikes rule. 3 separate felony conviction and immediate firing squad.

Try not breaking the law next time asshole

Even if that was his intention such an idea is perhaps even less likely than just executing the Spics and Niggers directly. Even before the modern era and the advent of prisons execution was still relatively rare, generally crimes were punished by mutilation, paying a fine or blood money, or public humiliation. Execution was reserved for murder, treason, and stealing stuff that is particularly important or valuable (eg. in some places and times stealing livestock was a capital offence).

Even then executing people doesn't directly decrease crime rates, since most criminals are either in the moment, stupid, or egotistical they either aren't thinking of people caught or think they won't be caught because they are "smart" and will commit crimes regardless of the punishment. If you execute all criminals crime rates will decrease but only because you are killing off groups more prone to commit crimes (poor people and minorities, particularly those living in cities).

That's besides the point though. His point is that once you commit a felony returning to society is incredibly difficult. If recidivism rates are the issue your goal should be to help convicts return to society.

>Try not breaking the law next time asshole

I realize that. We have a one strike and you're out policy. Once a person becomes a felon they can forget ever having a good job again, a family, reliable shelter, and food.

The very real possibility of wrongful conviction makes this a really bad idea.

t. nigger

>(poor people and minorities, particularly those living in cities).
>poverty meme
Rich black neighbors are just as bad.

I'm white. I have a master's degree and was designing satellites for the government before I was busted for CP. Now Im unemployed live in my parent basement and chat with guys like you all day.

Should an hero no joke at all

We unironically need to increase the scope of what constitutes a capital crime & carry out more executions in a quicker & more efficient manner.

The Chinese are a horrible people & all that, but they don’t let their murderers sit around appealing their convictions for twenty years.

>Should an hero no joke at all

Judging from my options in life this is a great choice.

Lethal injections are a dumb meme. Bring back the rope. More affordable and less to clean up vs a bullet. 2nd felony and you’re out.

OP here. That isn't true at all. My brother (who I will just go out of the way and say is a worthless piece of shit) is a 2x felon (heroin and robbery) who has always been able to find work to this day.

But working isn't his problem. His problem is that he's a narcissistic sociopath who can't stop stealing from people (even family) or doing drugs.

Anyway, if you're curious he tends to work in construction/handy-man jobs and currently does concrete work.

Why do you suck cocks?

>My brother (who I will just go out of the way and say is a worthless piece of shit) is a 2x felon (heroin and robbery) who has always been able to find work to this day

At McDonalds?

Capital was the first form of legal punishment, from God

Well the USA would be better off if we executed a lot of people; not just felons.
Can't kill people just because it would help society though.

The US would ne better off if we gassed all kikes

Construction type gigs. He does concrete work at the moment. Not loaded by any means, but he makes more than enough to live a comfortable lifestyle, own a home, pay bills, have a car, etc.

Just hire/volunteer a guy to strangle them while strapped to a table.

They aren't as bad, but poverty is certainly linked with crime rates, this is just as visible among whites as it is among blacks and Hispanics.

Long drop hanging or garroting likely are the most merciful since the conscious period is much smaller, the person is unconscious as they are dying, the body is left intact for the purposes of funerals and organ donation. Also anyone capable of doing basic math can organize and carry out a long drop hanging instead of with lethal injection where you need someone to administer drugs and poison.

Peal Colonies are the only solution going forward.
Australia only took like 100 years to stabilize as a nation.
Just gotta remember to wipe out the useless fuck natives.