/kg/ (((Krautgate))) General

Kilroy Edition

youtube.com/watch?v=6jpi4ymzvyo [Open]
>Jeff Excuse Vid ( I Lied)
youtube.com/watch?v=9sWQv2tIdlY [Open]

Sargon knew of doxxing
youtu.be/-i3XXPoaiIk [Open]

>The Madness of the Sargonites (AH)
youtu.be/JkBuI6er71c [Open]


>Could it get any worse? (It could)
youtu.be/J4xQoF-NyAQ [Open]

(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.

Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul Op. of Skeptic Stasi working w/ /leftypol/ & Antifa to infiltrate, gaslight, & delet every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Operation Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he delets everything.

Other urls found in this thread:





>Sargon knew, he knew.
*sucks in teeth*
>Back in Chile in the 80s, I was helping bury bodies for the Pinochet regime.
*camera angle does a 360 around the room*
>Back then I knew that SJWism was bullshit, and now I'm going to teach you that knowledge to you kids too. They dont call me Coach Red Pill for nothing.
*coach sits back and smirks while raising an eyebrow*
>But first I'm going to sue Sargon.
*Looks outside his window while sipping from his mug*
>Save it for kilroy, you motherfucking cuck!
*camera backs out revealing a ticket to Killroy, Coach smirks*

Sargon's posterboy fugged it, and now Sargon is finding a new house of cards.


Lol Gadsdens coming out to make the threads.

This thing is winding down now. We need to start summing up.

When is Sammy boy gonna come in and find the final solution to the sceptic question?

join the Morning Kumite


Academics, how can this meme be adapted?

>plz respond


nice, hope jim talks to him about this





dun dun dun

I wanted to make video parody, showing endoscopy with muffled CRP voice, but fuck me that unpleasant

>Sargon knew of doxxing
Skip to the end, he pretty much says that Sargon wasn't complicit in this. This is a stupid angle of attack that is pressed will backfire.

lmao, someone put edgy and the guardian in the cockpit with the academics and kraut trying to enter.

Is Jean-Francois the Frog-King we need, but do not deserve?


Send this to Jim.

Fuck off Vee.


haha why the fuck is the US anthem playing.

Remove flags, replace EU with discord logo
Pepe can stay or make him guardian002
Replace angry wojak with this kraut
Find me the original plane image and I'll do it


Based Coach Boomer Pill

he is so relevant and useful. that kid is going places!


Sargon told Jim that Kraut sent him dox info often, but "lol i didn't care so it's fine."

>hops on Warski stream
>only wants talk about irrelevant CRP stuff
>Jim pops on and cuts through all the bullshit
>starts directly asking him if he knew about what Kraut was doing
>"n-no I-I had n-no idea..."
>"lol I don't even care anyway tbqh... I really don't care. did I mention I don't care??"
>"oh, haha I have to go now even though I just hopped on the stream 10 minutes ago bye-bye~~"


Thanks for the kek.
This guy is almost a worse sperg than kraut.

I'll copy and paste what I said before.
Isn't proven. He knew that Kraut was collecting something, but not the extent, nor the scale. Pushing that, prematurely is a hill to die on, and Sargon literally tore CRP a new asshole when he claimed to have evidence. Bringing up CRP's credit card Fraud with Steve Keen YEARS ago.

Additionally, the recording is on the 11th, and Sargon had that live show, on the 15th, meaning he has a good alibi, and then immediately abandoned Kraut when more drama happened.

May be worth further investigating, but not a good attack angle.

This is the least edited one I could find, I'm not super well read into this but gaurdian was the leaker right?

oh fuck me
is that stupid sack of shit even trying

I'm watching Metokur's new vid, anything I should pay attention to?

>a good luck
strange, SJWs say that a lot too.

Where? Link, and timestamp? I'm open to a source for that, but claims like that need to be provable.


The enjoyment he is getting out of it. Jim plans to crash the plane.


>new vid
>part 2 isn't out
Don't toy with my emotions like that!
I'm not going to spoil anything for you. There's some serious fucking autism and degeneracy coming up in the next episodes.

First Jim ignoring Jeff's desperate troll shielding in his video, and now this.
This faceless, doxless man is a fucking internet god.



LUL Kraut's patron trying to shill for him in discord


Wait did he say he would upload daily? I'm kinda hoping that we end the year with Jim putting the fires down.

oh god

part 2 isn't out until tomorrow evening 'merica time

Nah, he didn't really touch on any of the ideas where Kraut was BTFO by JF and Faulk.
Maybe it's coming in the series, but Jim prefaced that he was only there to laugh at the situation so I'm not certain he'll give a straight answer because he thinks his reddit followers will stop donating.

I think metokurs been doxxed before though, how do people know he has racemixed with an asian?

he's going to have to shut it down. There are already like 20 shitposting anons in there.

He fucked Jade on a stream

because he talks about it all the time

I think she came into a stream and offered to suck him off?

will he finally end his sad excuse of a life?

Because he and his Asian GF literally had sex on stream.

Actually he fingered her.

>The virgin "emotional connection"
>The Chad Public Bean Flick

>a video every day
>autism calendar
>just kidding, a video every other day, maybe
Sasuga jim

top fucking kek

What did you expect? We're on Jim time.

she's a facefag and he hooked up with her during gamergate. Him fingerblasting her on livestream was funny, all the skepcucks were horrified and worried about muh PR over it at the time.

y-you guys got any screen shots, bonus points if you have video of the stream.

link pls

Jim worship is getting fucking cringe. E-celebs are e-celebs

I think it wasn't recorded visually...

Mirror is down so I don't have the date, but lets use this:
Published on Dec 4, 2017
Recorded Dec 11, 2017
Fuck off Kraut Dec 15, 2017

Stop being autistic, the recording of Sargon talking to Kraut is far worse in terms of >oi vey, he knows
Than this. This is not Proof, of complicity.

It wasn't on video obviously, only audio.
It was one of his GG-era drunk streams, back when he was still Internet Aristocrat.

I think this is the only pic of jim, correct me if im wrong.

And who are you that proud Skepdick said that I must believe in race Only an Academic with a different perspective that's all the truth I know. On the left or on the right an academic still has their source and mine are intelligent and qualified, as intelligent and qualified as yours! and so he spoke and so he spoke that Kraut of Skepticsphere but now the "community" REEE's O'er his discord with no academics left to hear. Yes now the "community" REEE's O'er his discord with no academics left to hear"

JF Sends his Regards

>first link
>a video of a video of a video

Did you get the time stamp wrong or something?

>hey dude, could you rename that "niggers" section to "people of color" or something?

I uh, need to learn how to use something other than paint

how has he not been doxxed yet or have even a face reveal. I'm gonna dedicate myself to this for the lulz, people are sucking his cock too much lately and I wanna crash his plane too.

Hows this mate?

His dox has existed a long time, so long it rarely gets brought up.

To the anons on the discord, could you please be a little less obvious?

Yes, you too, commu

t. Aussie Kraut

should have put braving ruin rather than jim but its good.

Kek/10 m8, ty

What program do you meme with?

>have a (YOU)

Knew about it for some time, covered for Kraut, muh Horseshoe even in the supposed disavowal, lied to Jim on stream.

And let's not forget what he'd do if he found out Aninta had some doxing war room, I doubt his reaction would be contained to 'don't do anything bad mkay'.

It was in a vid of his

don't have a link but pic related is his 3d waifu

I made the one with JF piloting but I like this one better even though it makes less sense.

Fuu fuu I was too late

I finished some requests for some good goys
I delivered

bit of a chubby face looks korean, hopefully the rest of her ain't fat. Not bad though.


yes, a calendar of autism until newyears

It's more a background video. The next one will cover up to Kraut making all of his videos private.

He's an expert in online OpSec - change your usernames often, never use the same email for accounts, no real-life social media.
The closest people got was claiming he was this "James Tristan" guy, but not only did it not lead anywhere, but the lack of info made it so dubious him just saying "yeah not me lmao" was enough to make it not stick.


"Zeph said that Sargon did nothing wrong", this stream was before Zeph leaked these recordings. Mate, you are either a pathetic snake or really autistic...

(((Khaos & Tears))) on suicide watch

I like how it shows kraut is crashing krauts plane, deep/10

Those are all pretty great.


Ew gross

>he's an expert in online Opsec
You are so gay