Archer was my childhood hero. Is this how Comic book fans feel when the SJWs get a hold of their favorite character?

Archer was my childhood hero. Is this how Comic book fans feel when the SJWs get a hold of their favorite character?

Because he's black? You were fine when he was dark skinned?

Hey, now that you're culturally enriched, you're now a better person.

No man, I am talking about how he got fucked up by a fucking woman when an eternity of killing did not break him. Its just so fucking stupid.

gay priest is here

If Sakura was able to make Shirou change his mind about being a hero and wanting to save everyone, why can't another?

Dark skinned means nothing. It can still be caucasian and no a negroid.

Because the other is a fucking crazy slut. She makes Sakura look like the virgin Mary in comparison.

You know east africans are a thing

Pucci ?


>complaining when we still know little of what happened.
You're retarded

>Archer was my childhood hero
Fuck off.

I'd be fine with it if he didn't look so lame

>I fall under the category of Anti-Hero. I’d thought that originally, but I was ensnared by a mysterious woman. As you can see, I’ve begun to rot.

It doesn't take a genius.

You're making the same fucking thread everydays. It's all you can think about to sperg your SJW autistic obsession on Sup Forums ?

>Archer was my childhood hero.

They really have no originality do they?

Yeah. He met Kiara and became absolutely broken
But we're losing all info in the middle, like what happened when he met her and how she lead him to become so broken (Maybe I'd know more if CCC was translated and I had a better idea of Kiara's character)

Why did they waste Alter Emiya's design just by making him the cash priest?

Kiara is a cult leader. Everyone she meets will invariably die from the all-consuming desire she evokes within them. Even men who are antisocial or homosexual are swayed to her, brought to salvation and ruin through carnality.
She gets called a murderer but she doesn't really intend to ruin people's lives like that, it's an automatic thing about her.

Only someone completely devoid of desires (Buddha) can exist in her presence unaltered. Shirou is a burnt up husk of a person, but he still has tiny embers of desire, and that'd be more than enough.


Is Shirou going to become the next Saber with a gorillion of alternate interpretations? Also how is he going to bullshit creating guns?

Magic swordguns™

>going to become
Do you mean Fate Shirou? Or UBW Shirou? Or HF Shirou? Or HA Shirou? Or Kaleid Liner Shirou? Or Miyuverse Shirou? Or Extra Shirou? Or Capsule Servant Shirou? Or Archer? Or Extra Archer? Or Extra Archer CCC?
It's already happened. Archer Alter is another on the pile.

I always took Shirou from Fate/UBW/HF and even HA as the same person since his design barely changed in HA but looking back you are actually right, goddamn there is too many of either character

like this

Does this mean he could make a copy of Shichika?

>Pucci ruined the JoJo timeline
>now he ruins EMIYA
way to go, gay priest

>Archer was my childhood hero.

kys swiftly

Spiral staircase

Hey, I'm just saying, EMIYA isn't some robot. He has changed his mind about things multiple times. He is more than capable of being corrupted.

Sometimes FGO goes too far, I wish there was more of quality control instead of their usual "nuh, this looks fine, next servant".

>Sakura look like the virgin Mary in comparison
Well, she is

I don't give a shit, they gave us canonical whore Tohsaka

Is he still a champion of justice?

He tried but meeting the demonic saint was too much for his (already shattered) soul.

So how does F/GO cast ntend to redeem him?


Sup Forums here.
The best you can hope for now is for Archer to beat him since, with Nasu, Swords>Guns.

Why do you think they made Rin be possessed by Ishtar?She is going to milk out the evil inside him

Kiara. Fate/Extra CCC's true ending's final boss

I think he looks pretty hot.


Only of his body I'd guess, but I'm not versed in Nasulogic and it's been a while since I watched Katanagatari so maybe he could.

You think that's hard for you? Archer is my husbando. That thing you posted is the man I love. Now I feel obligated to love that abomination too because no matter how he looks he's still my husbando.