This man routinely masquerades as a "queer woman" on youtube for attention, and now wants more protection against hateful comments.
Does Sup Forums have any suggestions?
This man routinely masquerades as a "queer woman" on youtube for attention, and now wants more protection against hateful comments.
Does Sup Forums have any suggestions?
Other urls found in this thread:
suggestion is: kys faggot
Ignore it. Don't give him the views.
I want to make him suck my dick and spit in his crying face after I cum down his throat.
DIALATORS!!! Mount up.
shes not a man trans women are women I know you may disagree but please don’t be rude call her what she wants to be called it’s about respect
>stop misgendering trans people
be the change. stop misgendering yourself.
>My name is Muhammad, and I give humanity the Koran. Believe I am who I say I am, and give me your virgin daughters. This is about respect. You need to respect me, my religion, and my desire to enslave your daughters.
Now why should you respect this Riley faggot’s wishes & not mine?
That poor guy, somebody should tell him that fashion choices don't magically change your biology.
Watch the video. He literally wants youtube to censor and ban things based on his personal preference. Also he wants it to be a rule that he can only have positive attention or you will be banned.
Transgenderism is the ultimate act of LARPing.
Gender dysphoria is a pretty bad mental illness it really hurts to be called a man please be polite and just not be rude it’ll make things better for everyone
She doesn’t actually mean it she’s just hurt and lashing out please don’t judge her too harshly
Stop misgendering boys
Call it a faggot
I’m not really autistic enough to stick to any larp this is just who I am at heart
It was a clear black night, a clear white moon
Tranny G. is on the streets, trying to dialate
Some shit in my gash, Smelling like some funk
Just dialatin’ all my life, chillin all alone
Just hit the east side of the L.B.C.
On a mission trying to find Xir. Tranny G.
Got a car full of fags ain't no need to tweak
All you fags know what's up with us Trannys.
So, you're a trans YouTuber self-posting on Sup Forums?
>That thing
>Being the prophet of God Muhammed is a pretty bad mental illness it really hurts to be called a man please be polite and just not be rude it’ll make things better for everyone
Again, why do you choose to believe the mental illness of this Riley faggot over my insistence that I am the prophet Muhammed and you should give me your daughters? It’s like you pick and choose which mental illnesses you should believe in, rather than respecting the wishes of others to be identified as whom they wish to be identified by. Now hand over your daughters, kaffir dog!
Dat adams apple
jesus christ what a tool.
Trans people should be trated with special treatment and people should know that these types of people are going through a hard time right now. Don't bother with them until they choose a race.
These trans people are still stuck in the Pokemon menu screen.
And it should be looked down upon. Kek
Do you also indulge the fantasies of schizophrenic people?
this is the guy she is complaining about
I like to watch how fugly he is, help repressing
>Protect me from mean comments
I will respond with some of the best advice for Internet users ever uttered
Funniest shit ever. Glad you got the reference.
is that the voice behind that spirit science bullshit? sounds just like that faggot
nigger, is pretending to be retarded funny to you? its just cringy the way ur doing it. at least be funny pls. second hand embarrassment feels so weird
The fucking mental gymnastics of this freak is unbelievable.
He probably wants that though.
He supports the YT algorithm supporting him and only him. He's hopeless.
Oh God the voice compared to the appearance why did I click
"""PEOPLE""" unironically defend this faggot too. Looks at all the cunts sucking his cock in the comment section!
>Blacks have been oppressed in the US in ways that white people will never understand
No black today has ever been oppressed by slavery, so they have an understanding as good as every white person. Fuck this idiot
Try playing two different videos at once. The sound of ice picks being shoved in your ears.
>I think YouTube should do away with the dislike button entirely
if you tried you could have the possibility to look better
instead you choose the inevitability that you will look worse
I’m not even being slightly ironic
>stop misgendering trans
nobody gives a sht about trans, self important fools
Rocket launcher activated...
being trans is a mental illness. seek help before you kill yourself like the majority of trans people do. I'm worried for your safety user. for some reason being trans makes you wanna kill yourself so you shouldn't encourage others to be trans. you are encouraging suicide and thats wrong
Back to transgenderism. The war on masculinity and the collapse of our culture’s ability to believe in itself combine to make young men feel detached from reality and bad about being men. With the left singing the praises of transgender people from the rooftops, it’s only natural that some of these poor boys and young men come to the conclusion that they would feel less alienated and under assault if they were to become women. With anyone who speaks the truth than men can’t become women being bullied into silence and ridiculed by the vicious bigots of the left, these boys are indoctrinated with the idea that gender has nothing to do with biology. The feeling that they don’t want to be a man naturally feeds the thought that they are a woman. Once this idea has taken a hold it becomes part of that man’s identity and any attempt to challenge that notion will only hammer it in deeper. People hate having their identities challenged, and when these are challenged they will react with strong emotions which only serve to deepen the attachment they have to those identities. People who have decided that they are transgender are therefore, with rare exceptions, lost causes. While it may be cruel to ridicule them, it’s important that we make being transgender as socially unacceptable as possible. We need to stop young men and boys who feel alienated from society and under attack for being male considering that they might be women. It is a nonsense the humouring of which has no positive effects on the person harbouring under the delusion, nor does mutilating their genitals through surgery have any measurable benefits to them. Prevention is all we have because there are too few examples of people breaking free from this hallucination for any cure to be discernible. We have no choice but to treat the people who fall victim to this evil mind virus with complete contempt so that others are put off from even considering becoming one of them.
tldr: gas these faggots
I respect a tranny that admits its a mental illness
Gb2 tumblr
At least he believes it's a mental illness. There is a huge push to label it as completely normal and not a mental illness at all. We should have sympathy for these people the same way we would any illness. Provided they are reasonable and don't want to piss with our daughters of course
I have, and transition has improved my life massivley to the point where I love life and I love living. I don’t care what ignorant assholes think about it too much. If I had to be a man and couldn’t be this I would rather kill myself.
If a schizophrenic thinks the TV is talking to him, should I tell him it is?
If Michael Jackson wanted me to refer to him as a white guy, should I do that too?
A m to f tranny is a gay man who wants to con or manipulate straight men into having sex with him.
Even feminists are starting to catch on to their bullshit
Transgender-ism is a mental illness. You realise that 45% of these lunatics commit suicide, with that number barely changing at all after operations to actually change their sex. The only time a suicide rate has been as high as that in any fraternity, ever, is with jews under nazi germany- and I garuntee that trannies are not being treated worse than jews in the 1940s
I officially believe he just browses Sup Forums for a few minutes, opens the first few threads to decide on what to talk about next, and just parrots bullshit he read off of Tumblr.
>he believes it's a mental illness
I'm happy for you that transitioning has helped your condition. Do you know if in general this is an effective way to treat it? I've heard it doesn't necessarily change suicide and depression rates, but you would probably know better than me
> he believes a healthy mind would want to cut off their own dick
%45+ attempt suicide and your advice is for everyone to be "respectful". mean while little kids are being abused by their parent's and doctors with needless pills and operations. if you don't treat the problem the problem grows. but at least the docs and big pharma are getting rich while this guy in a dress and other asshole enablers get all them sweet ass likes and retweets on social media.
>A m to f tranny is a gay man who wants to con or manipulate straight men into having sex with him.
Actually no, they're generally "lesbians". Trannies have a fetish called "autogynephilia", which is simply being turned on by the thought of yourself as a woman. They're generally not gay, they're either straight (men) or they claim to be "asexual" (ie, they prefer just to masturbate).
As Jordan Peterson was swaying, the best way to overcome a phobia is to confront it in small chunks.
Maybe you can confront being a man, a little bit each day.
You are a narcissistic jackass, if you expect people's to pretend you are something you are not.
You are imposing your will on society and expecting us to go along with your game of make believe.
Don't get your dick cut off. Just man up and start dating other gay men.
I look at it more like common decency m8. I'm not gonna purposefully upset a person with a mental illness bc I'm not a shitty person. I guess to the schitzo comparison it would be a bit like responding "sure bud" while walking past a homeless guy as he rants about George Bush trying to kill him. Why argue with a mentally ill person?
Now obviously that doesn't mean they should get to piss with my wife and daughter
It's not a phobia. It's a mental illness
This boy needs to learn respect first before we can call him a man
terfs have been a thing ever since trans activism has
A pediatrician on trans mania
>Just man up and start dating other gay men.
are trannies the literal definition of homophobia?
> how much you wanna bet a bunch of people are gonna not watch the video, not look at my sources, and just be like "but i think being trans is a mental illness because i feel like it is!" don't bother engaging with those people. they won't listen to facts or logic.
>a fucking leaf.
discord gg/j46ep6a
add a .
They're trolls, ignore them
Almost everyone with gender dysphoria who goes on hormones feels it’s a massive improvment. There are always a handful of people who detransition though but even with that most of the time they don’t regret it. They’re not magic and the person who takes them will still have to deal with shit but it really helps because it gets your body to a point you can accept and even love. Without that then you’re just stuck wanting to rip your flesh away whenever you see yourself or hear yourself or are reminded of what you are.
>Gender dysphoria (GD), or gender identity disorder (GID), is the distress a person experiences as a result of the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. In this case, the assigned sex and gender do not match the person's gender identity, and the person is transgender.
Gender dysphoria - Wikipedia
what color is that kettle?
I'm not clicking on your YouTube page dude. Fucking millenials I swear to god
45% attempt suicide at some point in their life. I’m counted in that already because I tried to kill myself before I tried transitioning. Once you’re in that you’re never off, so it really says nothing about the effectivness of any treatment.
Id hit it.
That must suck, buddy. I feel for you, as long as you don't wanna piss with my daughter lol
Gender dysphoria isn't real
That doesn’t work. You can try to repress but it will never go away never ever and it’ll keep getting stronger with each wave until you finally break maybe at 40 maybe at 50 either way you’ll be an unpassable freak who wasted their chance at enjoying their youth. They’re sad and pathetic things and the fact that you would try to condemn people to that out of your own ignorance is disgusting.
that beast is NOT a trap
traps are hot as fuck and genuinely look like women (therefor traps =/= gay)
that disgusting creature looks like it swallowed a Rubik's cube & pisses standing up
How so?
No, nonbinary isn't real. Gender dysphoria is a mentall illness.
Am I the only one who legitimately thinks these sad-for-beings should be killed for the greater good?
>mean words
Oh look, a mentally ill person still has the same weaknesses they had prior to transitioning
>gender has nothing to do with sex
>pay for my sex-change to solve gender dysmorphia you nazi
You should've seen his post election day video.
It's just mental illness
so you have a weak mind that could not accept what you where biologically given at birth. coupled your homophobia i see why you attempted it. chances are even higher that you'll try again. pills and surgery are only a temporary solution to a weak mind. you're still hiding and you know it. it's always there. even this stupid trains-guilt crusade you've embarked on is a temporary happiness based on trying to control and manipulate others.
tl;dr you couldn't accept yourself. don't expect others to do it for you.
Merry Christmas bro. come back with us here to reality. forgive yourself. accept yourself. love yourself.
Won't watch it, but they're spreading their degeneracy to kids, which is bad enough for eliminating them.
I use the mens room but i’d use the womans if I really felt like it. No one even gives a shit about bathrooms they’re all filthy.
Tell him to stop being a faggot.
thats like saying schizophrenia isn’t real
im not homophobic I wish I could just be gay
Do u pass well enough to use the women's?
I suggest killing it with fire
Right...gender dysohirua is just the name
Pediatrician on the differences in men and women
Anyone who buys into the transgender tend is signing up to get eliminated from the gene pool. Maybe that's a good thing. Just don't impose it on other people.
idk probably not but I’m effeminate enough that no one says anything
Yea, I don't think there should be laws governing this shit. If you pass then you can use the girls and no one is the wiser. There shouldn't be someone checking, it should stay how it is now. My biggest problem with making a law saying piss wherever u want is not necessarily with trans people - it's other weirdos who will use this to their advantage to jerk off while listening to your daughter piss and there is nothing that can be done about it