>Japan doesn't need immigra-
>Japan doesn't need immigra-
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Better to die yourself than to live long enough to become someone else
>shrinking population
Oy vey, gotta pay for them entitlement programs somehow goyim
Libshits: We need immigrants to maintain population growth!
Also libshits: hurh durh machines are replacing all your dumb manual labor jobs!
Um maybe the better option would be to have an economic system that doesn't depend on more and more "taxpayers" (as if immigrants will pay a lot of taxes anyway).
WTF is it with this constant "onward and upward" population for developed countries? Countries that are developed obviously don't want a lot of kids per family. And civilization lasted for 99% of the time when there was civilization WITHOUT escalating birthrates.
Somehow the population trajectory of 1900-1960 had to become the norm for all nations on earth, huh. Good luck with that.
Automation age inc.
explain why low population means import immigrants. how about incentivize the native population to have children?
>bbut im german, i HAVE to destroy countries with immigration
>about the same population size as russia
>3 times as many people as south korea
yep they don't need any more people considering they live on a tiny island. i hate these pronatalist retards who want japanese people to breed more
low population is a good thing, they will have to take care of a lot of old people but they will manage
Wages will go up
Housing prices will go down
How terrible for the Japanese people.
Sex toys can't get pregnant
Who wouldve thought
Literal Ponzi scheme entitlement programs require more suckers to keep the system affoat.
Birthrates don't matter if you don't have social programs that require mass funding. Sometimes populations will rise and fall.
It's a fucking Jewish trick and you know it.
Nobody believes in the infinite growth model anymore. Japan is one of the best countries on Earth and even during it's so called "lost decade", it still experienced rapid increases in tech and standard of living while seeing no increase in war, crime, or poverty. Imagine that, the boom and bust cycle of economic "growth" that benefits about 10 Jews isn't actually necessary for the average person to have a good life.
liberals need to stop telling people not to have kids and just party and get drunk.
Why are people imlying a declining population is something bad?
Is this eternal grow meme just a ponzi?
this, its like trying to drive to and from LA, bumper to bumper traffic, and the US take in another million immigrants. unfucking real.
Jesus Christ. This thread is the red pill normies need.
theres too much people on this island as it is
lol just kill all the seniors. ez pz
Oh no, theres 125 million Japanese people, in a few generations there might only be 100 million! better Import millions of Beautiful multicultural Muslims into the country to "save" it!
>the we need population growth for infinite economic growth meme
This meme has to die. If the system can't handle changing birthrates then the system is not working and we have to change the system, not the people.
Yep, it's literally a ponzi scheme and the only reason people buy into it is because things like stock market growth and GDP are considered the only indicators of economic success, which is ridiculous because those things mean precisely jack shit to the average person who doesn't have investments in the stock market nor do they receive any sort of wage increase. On the contrary, while immigration raises overall GDP, it results in decreased individual wages. So, as usual, the elites (mostly Jews) peddle the ponzi scheme because just like with any ponzi scheme, only they actually benefit from it.
Immigration from low life countries with high birthrate is killing your culture.
But more importantly, it's not a solution. Even in african shittystans birth rates went down from 10 to 3~4 and continue lowering.
In the end those who imported savages will end up with savages with low birthrates, just a little bit later.
A million of births in that small ass island its more that enought.
The population its going to get a balance point when the island stop to be soo fucking overpopulated.
Why aren't jap men breeding with their women ?
Almost a million new Japanese babies is not sufficient? How many do they need to stay stable?
There are more Japs now than at any point in history before 1990.
Of course Japan needs immigration who else is going to pay for social security
Immigration from MENA countries is NOT the solution.
yeah but they will suffer economically from a shrinking and aging population.
pump the brakes they dont want any darkies, they want the aryan laplanders
Not really, since they're a world leader in automation and robotics.
why you post this on the no fap month of our lord Jesus Christ?
>Small islands should grow their populations indefinitely until they have billions and billions of people living like ants because the (((economy))) demands it.
At least they would get white people. Were stuck with fucking spics
>Number of birth hits record low
Well no shit, how about fixing the fucking leak
Literally full, fuck off
>2 million more than my country
>one fifth of land than my country
No, your goatfuckers brothers are NOT welcome there, Muhamad
you have to do more
That's a lie, the fertility rate is steadily climbing.
They have a huge population on tiny islands. This is simply nature working itself out. When their pipulation comes down, people there will be more inclined to have babies due to better living conditions, you stupid kraut.
The Jews will get to you one day Japan
Increasing foreign immigration isn't pronatalism. Quite the opposite as it discourages native births.
Slide thread do not reply
smart people(asians and whites) tend to stop breeding when their economic conditions are shit. blacks and spics on the other hand keep on breeding despite how shitty their economic condition is
>st they would get white people. Were stuck with fucking spics
Nice ridiculous fake news.
Japan 100 years from now: still Japan, maybe slightly poorer and less populated
The West 100 years from, the way things are going: pic related
So what? Have you seen the size of an urban apartment in Japan? Or the people whose job it is to push people into the train? They could do with less people. Reduced population is fucking amazing for upward mobility. Why the fuck do globalists treat population numbers like year-to-date sales?
oh my gawd these people are so racist i can't even, that's a chinese baby not a japanese one why else would they be wearing a panda get up gawd i hate these dumb racists
Looks like Abbe sold out his country to globalist's cabal.
>Nice ridiculous fake news.
Go outside for once and stop drinking the kool-aid
Months after the disaster, Fukushima Prefecture set about examining the thyroids of hundreds of thousands of children and teens for signs of radiation-related cancers. The screening effort was unprecedented, and no one knew what to expect. So when the first round of exams started turning up thyroid abnormalities in nearly half of the kids, of whom more than 100 were later diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a firestorm erupted.
Jews already got to Japan, slightly ww2 the Japanese government literally invited Jews because they thought it would improve the economy. They also thought it would help in US relations.
Even Jews fleeing Nazis were given asylum.
2014 dude.
And, what's the fertility rate of japan in 2017 ? anybody have it ?
well, they don't need anymore foreign or native births. the island is crowded as it is
>Islands so overpopulated that people live in cubies
>People start having less kids
>This is a problem, not the solution
Poor little Maria. She looks so scared.
Their population isn't going to die off
They don't need so many people - and it's a good thing. We're heading towards resource scarcity and we can't maintain 1st world standards of living for such large 3rd world populations.
jews are upset because their entire economic ponzi scheme is predicated on infinite growth. There was always going to be a day when populations stopped growing, and when pop growth slows and stops, their ponzi scheme collapses. That's the real reason for this bullshit.
Japan is not actually a tiny island. It's fucking huge.
Yes my (((fellow Nihonjin))) the population is shrinking, bedda import a trillion arabs and africans! After all diversity is out strength.
halts maul ahmed
Japan fertility Rate: 1.46 (only japanese)
Germany fertility Rate: 1.5(including migrants)
70% of japan is basically mountain you jew
another people's children will not fix Japan's birth rate, goy
oi vey
who will pay interest on the debt?
Why doesn’t Japan reach out to their expat community, offer tax incentives to repatriate, offer to nationalize the non-Japanese spouses, etc.
Kek the irony is too much
A formerly great country, now a 3rd world shithole, advocating for immigration? The very thing that reduced you to a 3rd world shithole....
They need to ban video games and porn.
they're fucking full you faget
>At least they would get weebs. Were stuck with fucking spics
propably a twink
Worry about your own problems Cuckmany
How is Japan third world?
true and made me laugh.
Doesn't need immigration, the people just need to start having crazy sex and popping out babies
Why lower population is bad already? Lower rent, lower prices, better wages, lower property, less pollution, less people on roads
He's referring to Germany, the country OP is from.
He talks about the germanfag, not Japan.
Japan would rather fade away and die being remembered for what it was, rather than become some third world shit hole.
I have a new level of respect for the Japs.
I know this is a bait thread but I'm FUCKING SICK of the idea that immigrants fix low birth rates. They don't fix them. THEY REPLACE THEM. PAY CITIZENS TO POP OUT BABIES, SUDDENLY BIRTH RATE UP.
This. California is the exact same seize but we have 1/3 the population
Endless growth is the ideology of a cancer cell.
>Now listen girls, having kids is a sign of patriarchal oppression towards women and stands in the way of you having a successful career. The world is overpopulated anyway and kids leave a huge (((carbon footprint))) which is basically burning us alive, causing storms and huricanes
>The country has a huge population problem, people arent having kids! well, its time to take in millions of uneducated savage people from a culture completely incompatible with ours REFUGEES WELCOME!!!!!!
>population shrinkage is bad
This old meme. Global population needs to shrink 50 years ago there were millions less people per country and everyone did just fine. Also automation and global food shoratges means less people is desirable.
whats so bad about a shrinking population?
they don't need more people wtf
Quit making excuses to run away from your country instead of fixing it. Stay where you are, and fight for your race.
Jesus christ, sage.
Doubtful, we don’t even like Happas here, nobody other than Japanese will ever hold any real power in Japan and I’m pretty sure there are no Japanese Jews
nothing but the jews don't like people being happy
>mention of a shithole attracts the poo's attention
You elected two hafu miss japan kek.
>Japanese need to have more babi..........