Why are Nigerians such liars?

I'm black and dislike black people, but niggers from Africa seem to be the worst. At the top of the list of awful nig nogs are Nigerians.

I work with a number of them, and have also had the displeasure of a family friend being married to (and subsequently cheated on) by an awful Nigerian man, besides the dozens of smelly Nigerians who always try and get with me.

Nigerians, tell me: why are you like this? Is there something about lying in your culture...I don't get it. There are actually some Africans who tend to be sweet and docile, not Nigerians.

Are there niggers that aren't from Africa?

The "white" american maybe?

Obviously I'm talking about people who were born and raised in Africa vs. being born and raised (especially for as many generations as most African-Americans) in a different/Western country.

All those online scammers too, from Nigeria, dishonesty must be a national trait.


You've never met a somali, then.
t. little sweden

I'm mates with a Nigerian lad, frequently cheats on his girlfriend and he's a criminal but to be honest I couldn't care less because it doesn't effect me

What's so bad about somalis?

Receding hairlines & massive 5 heads.

>blackess on pol

Sup Forums + timestamp on tits

So far, all they've done is:
>steal student loan money to fight their civil war
>shit up public places like the mall of america
>cause minneapolis to become a massive ISIS recruiting center

are you aware of what Somalia is like?

Nigeria is a big and relatively successful country, large population, chaotic but dynamic.

There are many well educated and honourable Nigerians as well as many scammers, there's a lot of christianity and it's a positive influence

The black race can only be fixed once we dewesternize the black woman.

There are niggers which certainly are from africa, and those africans are known as Somali's: the niggers of africa.

yes, africans were once moors, chinese, japanese samurais, native americans, and olmecs. source: we wuz

Nigeria is the china of africa, full of pseudo-kikes people

Nigerians and Dominicans are some of the only niggers i like. Whats your reason for hating them?

>He thinks suppressed history can be found in western books.

What was their religion? I've met some cool Nigerians, but they were Christians -- and despised Muzzies.

holy shit i experienced this. nigerian women are pretty smart and personable. nigerian men dont listen to instructions. do things wrong and insist they are right, cant listen to a woman speak for 2 seconds, grunts as a response to everything. they're awful. i think it's all just some cultural machismo bullshit involving never listening to anyone and pretending you are a genius by simply fucking things up and lying about it

Look at these pyramid builders.

why dat nigga be laying in the grass?

Wtf is with poverty and just trashing everything? I understand you can be poor, most of history our ancestors were relatively poor but they didn't just throw their fucking trash all over the place. They're drinking out of a fucking puddle and then throw their TRASH into it? you'd have to be a complete fucking moron to do stupid shit like this.

>sitting, standing around doing nothing all day long
Why is so hard for them to get organized and pick up all of that trash, fix those "houses" or pave that road? Do these ideas even exist in their shriveled brains?