The way I see it this should definitely be something on Trump's agenda, and here is why.
For starters it is a civil right issue. I should not be compelled to join any organization in which I do not agree with. I should not be forced to collectively bargain when I can negotiate for myself.
Secondly I believe 28 states already have right to work laws. We want it nationally.
The fact of the matter is unions should not be allowed to open up a closed shop. Unions are notorious for being connected to the mob. Also unions are notorious for forking over piles and piles of labor money to Democrat candidates.
If there was some sort of Republican union that endorsed Republican values... I may be compelled to join such a union. If the union hired some border guards to keep the dirty beaners out fuck ya I'm in! However it seems to me like every union is promoting Democrat candidates and I'm a Republican... So... Why the fuck would I want in a union?
>If there was some sort of Republican union that endorsed Republican values... Will never happen. Republicans by and large view unions as commie bullshit.
Aiden Hernandez
>Will never happen. Republicans by and large view unions as commie bullshit.
If there was a Republican Union it would look nothing like a union in there current state.
For starters dues would be VOLUNTARY and not mandatory. Strictly based on charity, and not just taken with dues check off.
It would also likely be much smaller in scale. Not hundreds of thousands of members like the god awful teachers union...
The republican equivalent to a teachers union would be like like all the teachers in a school who want in join up. Then they go to the principal or super attendant with these issues.
So it would be like a dozen teachers where everyone has a voice, an the problems are local, and solved locally. As opposed to the current system where there are thousands of teachers with a hand full of reps that are far away that don't listen at all to any 1 teacher.
Such unions would be a wonderful thing, and here is why:
It takes power away from Democrat Unions. It would be more likely to solve problems as the people involved all know one another on a first name basis, and work together. Also a totally voluntary thing, and everyone gets a voice.
Orwell would be proud of this double speak in American politics.
Luke Gutierrez
>Republican union
Oxymoron, Republicans are Ayn Rand cultists.
John Young
>For starters dues would be VOLUNTARY and not mandatory.
Yeah let's ignore the fact that it's unions who are the ones working to benefits non-union workers. So me paying union dues as a non-union member benefit me cause I know the unions are fighting for me.
Nathaniel James
>I know the unions are fighting for me.
Unions take your money away, and give you nothing on benefit in return.
They hustle that money away to the mob, and Democrat politicians.
Unions have a thing called "seniority" that keep people like you from climbing the ladder of success.
They promote people based on how long someone has been in the union, not based on merit.
So if you are a 23 year old guy working 9 to 5 for the past 3 years for a union company and you are the best damn employee they got... And a management position opens up...
Guess what! You will NOT have any chance of getting that job if there is a shitty employee that has worked there for 1 week longer than you.
Jaxon Mitchell
Unions demand so much money for people who are unskilled and do not deserve it. There is a reason why Unions have fallen in the last 50 years.
Nathan Bennett
unions are about the only democratic foundation i agree with. corporations WILL fuck you if allowed too, and good luck fighting unlimited resources if you try and assert yourself in court. the issue is that corporations cannot be trusted to look out for you while your in their employment and will always avoid paying you what your worth unless your educated with an esoteric skill set in which case you dont need a union and not everyone can do that
Levi Allen
and the free market dictating wages doesnt hold true to life in small towns with a limited job option pool.
Kevin Rogers
>Unions demand so much money for people who are unskilled and do not deserve
Absolutely this!
The way I see a union is like this:
Imagine you are a married man. You are married to your job. It's on you to decide to keep your job or negotiate matters you dislike, or to take your leave and divorce that wife for a better one.
A union comes in to your relationship... The Union is her 350 pound fat fucking black friend... Right at the start she holds her hand out, and is like "Gimme some money, or you can't be with that bitch"
So it's at this point where right to work comes in. You can be like "get the fuck out of here nigress!".
but lets say you didn't...
Lets say you really want to fuck your wife in the ass, but she aint on board for all that. So you go to the union and are like "hey I wanna fuck my wife's ass". So she holds her hand out, and is like "Gimme more money" And you do...
Then you go on a date with your wife... and you pay for your meal, and your wife's and the fat friends. You aint allowed to even talk to your wife anymore. All the talks go through her fat black friend.
So the fat black union bitch corners your wife in the bathroom, and is like "that white boi you with... he wants to stick it in your poop chute girl!"
You could have asked your wife yourself this, but not you your a union man...
So the wife is like alright.. Tell you what. I don't want him to fuck me in the ass. However if he mows the lawn, and buys me this, and that, and takes out the trash... and leaves the seat down... and hundred other little things... Tell you what he can the tip in.
So union black bitch comes back to you, and she did get you the right to stick tip of your dick in the wife's poop chute, but the wife negotiated back, and got some shit she wanted out of the deal too.
I mean... Who the fuck wants this 3rd party butting in to your business? Only a complete retard that is desperate would do such a thing.
Asher Moore
this is retarded
Kevin Ross
>this is retarded
Not really. You lose your bargaining rights, and pass them over to be collectively bargained on your behalf, and you pay for it.
Unions can not guarantee you anything at all. They are an unnecessary middle man.
If you are a sub par worker, then yes a union is right for you. It may in fact act like a crutch to prop you up on a broken leg.
On the other hand if you are a hard worker it will act like weight holding you down.
Adam Walker
an unconstitutional attack on the 1st Amendment and middle class by corrupt billionaires (ie Kochs) and their good goy governors. Everyone who signed or voted for it should be hanged for treason.
Jace Young
>Unions take your money away, and give you nothing on benefit in return.
>amerimutts and their knowllage of history
Aiden Myers
>someone this uneducated and stupid exists
Owen Turner
>Unions take your money away, and give you nothing on benefit in return. They give you much higher wages, you colossally stupid person.
Hunter Hill
>They give you much higher wages, you colossally stupid person.
Unions can NOT guarantee a higher wage. They take some for sure though with due's check off. So at best it's a gamble. May as well buy some lottery tickets.
Joseph Lopez
My grandfather was a steel worker and was obviously in the union. He always bragged about the union and how they protected his job yet with the other side of his mouth he would explain that the union only helped the shittiest workers. Decent workers didn't need protecting because they did their job. It was lazy niggers who had to have someone standing up for their right to be late everyday and lazy. My senior year of high school I got a part time job loading packages at a huge UPS facility. Of course we had to join the union. They took money out of every check. Never gave me any kind of representation. I never got any say in any decisions being made for us. And because I was a good worker they never had to protect me. Fast forward a few months and I got into management. Managers aren't in a union. I was given a loading dock to run and I had about 15-20 workers to supervise. I spent more time dealing with the union than literally any other aspect of my job. Worker is late and you wanna write him up? Gotta get a union rep down and explain the entire situation and have everyone agree on the write up. Wanna suspend someone for continuous issues? Good luck. Gotta have so many union-approfed write ups before you have the right to even suspend them. How about firing a truly problematic worker? LOL. You get the point. Unions were a necessary part of the evolution of industry and a modern economy 100 or so years ago. In this day and age they are completely unnecessary due to advancements in laws and even the industries themselves.
Jackson Harris
unions should be formed as needed as a response to conditions within a specific company or even a specific job site by affected employees and dissolved when a comrpomise is reached or their demands are met.
attempts to interfere or poison attempts at collective bargaining by a company should be punishable by serious fines and potential jail time for individuals involved.
Matthew Howard
>unions aren't a jewish scam 0/10 bait. Unions are nigger tier. They protect lazy fucks who sleep on their jobs. They also are the ones who pushed the gap between minimum wage and livable wage by constantly asking for more. It's the very definition of gibs me dat. Fuck out of here you underaged faggots.
Sebastian Peterson
This guy gets it.
Kayden Wood
>right to work what? can someone explain this concept to me, genuinly confused what the fuck does it mean?
Andrew Robinson
Boomer posting at it's finest
Jason Miller
Every state is going to be right to work in June anyway....
Eli Butler
It means you don't have to be in a union if you don't want to
Oliver Ortiz
>Every state is going to be right to work in June anyway....
You think you can negotiate a proper wage for yourself in the face of an overwhelming corporate powerhouse, meanwhile you can't even convince a bunch of neets on Sup Forums you're not retarded. Think about that.
Anthony Howard
Unions are why I could have the economics of a 1950s childhood in the 90s while my peers parents were both working 60-80 hour weeks just to keep afloat. Because of unions I was protected from almost all the problems. I was raised in a very labor aware family and grew up discussing union politics and labor issues.
Owen Johnson
>what? can someone explain this concept to me, genuinly confused what the fuck does it mean?
Okay here is right to work in the most simple of terms.
Say there is a company. This company has some employees. Employees historically have argued on their own behalf. For say I want x hours or x pay, or x benefit. Some workers at some point got together and formed a thing a union. The union collectively bargains on behalf of all of the workers. The unions take a part of your check as a middle man in the process.
Lets say you know all these things. Lets say you want a job at this company. If you are in a RTW place you can choose to join the union or not. If you are not in a RTW state you have no choice and must join.
>You think you can negotiate a proper wage for yourself in the face of an overwhelming corporate powerhouse, meanwhile you can't even convince a bunch of neets on Sup Forums you're not retarded. Think about that.
What the fuck is right to work? Where would you work if there are no jobs? Am i missing something here?
John Clark
Because of unions I can't relate to either of my parents switching jobs let alone workplaces much. You can keep the same job for decades without worry with lots of benefits, leisure time, and vacation. Unions are good.
Unions are the literal solution to the falling wage problem but nope. You want to bar all women from the workplace instead becasue you hate women.
Jayden Bell
It's the right to not join a union in unionized jobs. I don't think you should have such a right. It just results in falling wages.
Camden Peterson
Perfect example of Republicans phrasing something that fucks the average person over as a good thing. They are pure evil.
William Bailey
Trump's not going to put it on his agenda because he doesn't need to. The Supreme Court has the votes to eliminate mandatory union dues (and was on the verge of doing it just before Scalia died). Another case comes up next year, so in roughly June it will be illegal for unions nationwide to force members to pay dues. That's functional right to work - and also based on what has happened in states that passed laws against mandatory union dues, their membership will drop in half or so.
Obama was going to fuck it all up for unions. Trump may actually save unions.
James Anderson
One correction - "membership drop" should be "dues-paying membership"
William Bennett
It's true when unions literally bully people into joining the union, or else the union managers never let you get promoted, or even get a job in the first place.
Also, why would a white male trade job worker want to join an organization that donates to politicians who let-in millions of foreign niggers to compete for his job/market?
Aaron Martin
Do you even know what right to work is?
Jaxson Lopez
This works really well until you remember there are other countries. "Ha, you have to pay me $75/hr!" >plant moves to mexico
Xavier Lopez
To get higher wages and higher benefits?
Justin Davis
>We want it nationally. There should be no Federal labor laws unless you are actually doing commerce between the states like driving a truck
Jace Cook
Protectionism is the answer to that.
Nathaniel Cooper
And more Mexicans competing for your job, or creating their own businesses, which drives-down the value of your production, and then your wages; possibly leading to you being laid-off.
Caleb Russell
that's what i thought from context, but the name is very misleading.
Adrian Phillips
In my experience with union jobs you stay in the same job and same workplace location for decades. It's almost impossible to be fired. This is why they are good.
Juan Brown
I'm down
Owen Jones
I actually don't view unions as commie bullshit I see that as fair game in a free market. However, living in a RTW state I also agree that people should not be compelled to join a union but rather should have the option to collectivize to try to promote their own interests as workers.
Gabriel Smith
That's because they're in the far-norther Rust Belt away from the Mexican border.
The spics will head your way in your lifetime though. They're already colonizing Chicago.
John Sanders
>The fact of the matter is unions should not be allowed to open up a closed shop. -
I'm against freedom of contracts....for workers.
Unions of Capitalist aka Corporation are ok. Free Markets for me but not for thee.
Owen James
My only experience with unions is with the railroad. But I can say personally I have been fired twice, and got back with pay. Also average 2.5% pay raise every year is nice.
Wyatt Rogers
>I actually don't view unions as commie bullshit I see that as fair game in a free market. However, living in a RTW state I also agree that people should not be compelled to join a union but rather should have the option to collectivize to try to promote their own interests as workers.
This is also my stance. I'm not saying that we need to imprison union members, or lock them up, or take anything away from them.
What I am saying is that we should not be forced to join their organization.
Brandon Morris
>Do you even know what right to work is?
It doesn't mean you have a right to work, it means fuck over unions for Mr. David Koch.
Hunter Jones
I remember in high school being forced to join and union having to pay a big chunk of my paycheck even though the job paid minimum wage and had no benefits. They didn't do shit except shake me down for money.
>It's almost impossible to be fired.
That's not necessarily a good thing. Unions defend 'workers' who don't do shit and show up to work late and drunk.
Jaxon Hall
Do you even know what right to work does? It's another Net Neutrality situation. You don't have to join a union, but to work for a company you forfeit all rights to preferable labor conditions. You can be fired for any reason with no chance of legal recourse and you aren't even entitled to a guarantee of pay. You agree that if anything happens between you and the company that you cannot sue, ever. Right to Work enables companies to set those kinds of insane standards.
Jackson Rodriguez
Democrats literally opposed protectionism during the 2016 election because Trump supported it.
They said Trump's protectionism would ruin the (((global economy))), etc. Go look at NYT and Economist articles, etc.
Also, Obama, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi all shilled for TPP.
Eli Wright
>I'm not saying that we need to imprison union members,
You used to do that before the 1930s.
Anthony Williams
I grew up in Detroit, so l have always hated unions. I worked nonunion shops in construction, and manufacturing, so l did not have to be an apprentice for fricking ever. After l left Michigan l pretty much lived in right to work states. I have worked in union shops as a nonunion employee. Union workers would tell me l was living off of them but l informed them that l was not at their scale, and l had to pay for my benefits. I did not tell them l was making more, and that l got stocks in the company, something they did not get. I also got a paid vacation, something the union slags did not get, and sick pay, another thing they did not get. Being a good and faithful company man served me well.
Luke Powell
>Democrats literally opposed protectionism
This is a lie
> because Trump supported it.
Yeah and Trump lied, what's your point? He's gone in the complete opposite direction since taking office, shilling for one bad trade deal after the other.
Jose Martin
It means that a union cannot form a contract with an employer that requires them to hire only union workers.
Aka make unions de-facto illegal as the closed shop is the entire basis limiting the labor option for management and giving union leverage. Basically RTW=Right to Employ Illegals and other Scabs.
Blake Jenkins
You do realize that no one is forcing you to join these unions and that these unions aren't forcing you to join them to work? Stop being a corporate cuck and actually read this shit.
Huffington Post, the liberal feminist catlady news source, literally said that Trump supporting protectionism was "dangerous".
Jace Flores
Yeah but today people hop jobs every 2-3 years. Even my peers relate to their parents switching jobs and workplaces quite a bit but I can't relate to this because I've never personally experienced it in my household.
Christopher Lee
Let this sink in for a while.
Leftist-as-fuck Huffington Post said Trump supporting protectionism was bad.
This is 100% true. Outside of unions there are zero labor laws in this country.
Mason Fisher
>today people hop jobs every 2-3 years
That's a symptom of incompetant soy boys and a chaotic market. That is not normal. My dad has worked at the same pipe/valve factory for 45 years.
Switching jobs constantly means you don't get steady raises, and your retirement and health plans get all fucked up.
Hunter Richardson
Why are you posting so much every post? This is Sup Forums
Anthony Sanders
>Do you even know what right to work does? It's another Net Neutrality situation. You don't have to join a union, but to work for a company you forfeit all rights to preferable labor conditions. You can be fired for any reason with no chance of legal recourse and you aren't even entitled to a guarantee of pay. You agree that if anything happens between you and the company that you cannot sue, ever. Right to Work enables companies to set those kinds of insane standards.
What if my preferable working conditions include not paying a union fee?
Union dues are roughly $400 on average per year. I worked a union place before.
Union workers can also be fired. My hard work is a reason not to fire me.
It is false there are "wrongful termination" lawsuit options available for workers fired in certain situations. For instance if I worked a non union job, and my boss was like "You are of a religion I do not like. I'm firing you" Oh we have a huge lawsuit here... HUGE
The "you agree if anything happens between you and the company you can't sue..." That is a different contract entirely. That would exist outside of a normal employment contract. You may or may not be forced to sign such a thing.
You are guaranteed pay for the work you do. They will not simply be like "Hahaha you are not in a union we give you $0" Uh... nobody would go in to work then now would they?
Dylan Murphy
I think it's the symptom of not having unions around.
Robert Reyes
Juan Barnes
Anyone against unions is a nigger cuck, the fact is even your neoliberal lover Reagan supported them.
Die in a fire kike.
Brody Martinez
You're saying there's no unions in your deep blue soyboy region?
Not an argument.
Nolan Jones
>Anyone against unions is a nigger cuck, the fact is even your neoliberal lover Reagan supported them.
Hmmm... Remember the time he fired all those striking union workers, told them they have 48 hours and charged them with a crime?
There are unions but I'm talking about across the country. There are fewer now than ever.
Jordan Myers
The Union I'm in makes regular magazines. One of it said not vote for AfD. Fuck them.
Levi Rivera
t. never been in a union or worked in a union shop
They raise dues, take your paycheck, and say it's a good thing while using the extra money to donate to a political candidate they say will be good for you (them) even if you hate that fucker.
And all the people who get fired and brought back by the union are the worthless employees and mentally ill, incapable-of-life depressed autists and retards who can't even show up to work on time and can't work to their full capacity, if they have one of note, either! And the workplace belligerents, can't forget them. The fat drooling retards who don't want to work and the mentally ill. The weak and despicable, that is who unions protect. Fuck unions. They had their place before federal labor laws existed at all, and now they have served their purpose and only make our lives worse.
The last man I saw saved by a union was at a food plant. He was a nigger who never washed his hands or wore gloves and constantly skipped out on the mandatory hair net and beard net. He was fired for being tardy, eventually, and brought back via the union. Then he was fired for punching a guy in the face and brought back by the union. His hygiene? He could be verbally disciplined, but under the union, it wasn't cause to fire him.
Elijah Perry
>two retards who have never worked for the same company with and without a union.
Skeleton crews and accidental Chloride Gassing. If it the mob fuck it its actually protection money because damn.
Oliver Bell
>Hmmm... Remember the time he fired all those striking union workers, told them they have 48 hours and charged them with a crime?
Yeah Reagan was awful.
Michael Rivera
It's the same here. All the unions support wide-open borders.
Luke Moore
I believe it. Unions do NOT help white people.
Leo Baker
It basically means my employer can release me from my company for no reason at any time and can expect me to meet some ridiculous labor expectations while paying the bare minimum and offering no other incentives.
Parker Gomez
Why does everything seems to go to extreme in USA? Lobbying is basically legalized bribing at his point. Unions are must join (in some places). Uni papers and 100K debt or you'll be nothing.
I'm part of one union, 10.50€/month and in case I lose my job I get higher benefits from union during while I'm unemployed (dont remember how long right now) than I would get from social security.
Levi Walker
They help the fat, retarded ones, the unstable ones that lash out at other employees, and the ones that are too depressed and apathetic to work.
You know, you fire them, they say they don't care, they call the union, and then they're back standing around dead eyed and all, and the best you can do is demote them to a less critical department that happens to be under the same union. One guy had to be fired several times until he was actually FIRED - because he went to jail.
>Companies don't want to retain employees Bull shit. They want to retain good ones and set reasonable expectations and use incentives as rewards
I'm glad as fuck that I got promoted to a non-union position
Lincoln Roberts
I won't be surprised if in a few years, a construction union in New York City calls all its employees in for a meeting where some fat nigger in a hardhat tells everybody the importance of using "proper pronouns", and the ones that don't will be expelled.
Logan Gutierrez
Your country has only 5 million people in a relatively small area, and you're all white with high IQs, and have the same culture.
Christopher White
They take worker's money and damage the competitiveness of the industry they latch themselves to.
They're parasites through and through, and this isn't even addressing the political aspect of these bums.
Cameron Sanchez
For all the young fucks who want to watch a good movie that is actually kinda balanced on what labor unions are check this film out.
>Why does everything seems to go to extreme in USA? That's how we like it bitch.
Jace Smith
Also don't forget about union corruption. Some examples in this article. $800 million in pension assets blown on some bullshit hotel renovation - who do you think got the renovation contracts? Millions on trips to Vegas. Tens of millions on golf courses for the union management.
It's all a big racket. Each union is like a bigger Clinton foundation for the group of people running it. They're not doing it to help workers, they're parasites taking the union dues to spend for political favors and taking their pension money to blow on themselves.
"In Maryland, a Laborers local business manager, working with co-owners of a construction firm, allegedly diverted more than $1.7 million in union funds to personal and political use; in New York City, three union bosses, two from the Allied Novelty and Production Workers and the other from the Teamsters, were indicted for kickbacks and thefts in excess of $1 million from union benefit plans; a United Food and Commercial Workers organizer in Northern California was indicted for receiving $500,000 from marijuana dispensary operators in return for advice on how to avoid being unionized; the comptroller of a Carpenters regional council in Michigan was charged with stealing $500,000; and a family in the Inland Empire area of Southern California was indicted for looting their union to the tune of around $900,000."
Jaxon Bailey
Soo black/grey states force you to join a union? that would explain why those states are shotty.
Blake Williams
EVERY organization that isn't explicitly for profit turns into a corrupt scam to enrich whoever takes control over it. The only reason for-profit businesses don't is because they are already explicitly about enriching the owners. Go look at how most charities are organized. Pay as high of a salary possible to the execs, then figure out other ways to divert money to them. They will spend tens of millions on contracts for friends, hire friends and family, on and on and on. Governments get turned into the same thing: loot and waste as much as you can get away with. Same thing with universities and colleges. It's all loot and waste if nobody's watching, and unions take advantage of dumb leftist activists to divert attention away from their own exploitation of workers.
Jack Collins
They're corrupted on the very low level too. The last place I worked with a union, the union rep had his desk in the same room as some of the upper management for the company and I never saw him come down to the shop or the factory floor ever. Some old timers told me the guy went and played golf and drank at the country club with the management.
Even if the union did protect your job in a wrongful termination, they company will just find some way to fire you anyways. It's a pile of shit tbqh.
Alexander Roberts
>Switching jobs constantly means you don't get steady raises