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This dude is a kike.
There is no russian hacking. Stop trying to perpetuate bullshit.
He broke the Awan story you fucking heeb
>Usman Ashraf
>Russian hackers
We're hitting liberalism levels that shouldn't even be possible
Awan was a big nothingburger George Webb. Awan was a stooge for Mossad.
oy vey!
His name was Bill Priestap....
>mfw it ends up being the Awans who hacked the DNC and that's why DWS/etc. never turned the server over because it would reveal these Paki fucks were all inside the DNC stealing everything (would also explain the speed at which the information was stolen, on-site)
I smell some Debbie Wasserman Schultz cookin'
Do they offer VPS?
Yes goy it's those pesky pakis and their russian allies
>IP hard-coded into the virus
>Awan had connections to Pakistani intelligence
>malware found on the server connects to Pakistan
>clearly it's the Russians
Posted the edited version
Awan family set up a phony car dealership to funnel money to some guy linked to hezbollah. The car dealerships initial were CIA.
>hurr durr russians run around hacking everyone
>nobody can stop it!!!
>but don't worry we totally found them due to their sloppyness
Go suck mudshit cock somewhere else.
You mad you got called out?
RT is garbage
>implying it wasnt a virus from debbie wass's and hilldogs pet muslims.
He has been going to court for bank fraud. He wear a tracking device, don't think he's allowed his own money. Need to double check that.
You caught me, I'm totally a kike.
I agree with all of this. I want to know why she kept him employed even after she was told he was being charged.
Lmao, so easy to make the kike stand up
Bahahahaha stupid kike
So it wan't Seth Rich it was the Paki brothers.
>Pol is always rig..
>Oy vey fellow goys, Pakis & Democrats would never work together to launder money
He was a spy for israel.
prove it
BFD, nothing will ever happen
Seth Rich was the leaker. Mossad killed Seth Rich.
There's no need for Israel to send spies. They're the Shadow Government already and run every branch.
are you aware of how many Senators have dual citizenship?
they dont need muslims to spy for them
Awan worked for Israel. Don't worry though! We don't need to argue! Mueller will expose everything soon!
Say bye bye to Israel! Hello Palestine!
>Awan was a stooge for Mossad.
I was ready to call you a shill, but this is interesting. Got any kind of circumstantial evidence to back that up?
"Russian hackers' UK link revealed"
his name is Usman Ashraf for Pakistan. 100% Russian -.-
There's a mention on a Pakistani defense forum site about a Mohammed Akram Awan, an ex-Pakistani Air Force officer who was jailed for espionage as a Mossad double agent that planted a device in a PK plane to bring it down in 1988. Oh and it happened to be the crash that killed the President of Pakistan!!! Those in the forum don't seem to know what ever happened to him after he was jailed. 3rd post down on this forum:
BeenVerified site says yes!
Ever heard of a double agent Moishe?
Nixon Loyalist Jews. Russian Jew Mob. This administration is Zionist case closed.
Are they not Muslim terrorist supporters?
They should have used russian IP xD
Why do you think pic related showed up to the Infowars Trump circle jerk?
Jews hated nixon
>Guy dropped a PC full of evidence for the Feds and has been under lock and key testimony every since
Rope yourself
He left the laptop to be picked up because he didn't want to get caught up and be a stooge for Israel. He saved himself.
(((Synthetic Nationalism)))
I can tell that’s a Jew under the mask by looking at that pouty bottom lip.
Fuck Dicky Spencer. Don't associate that faggot with Nixon.
Rather ironic that the sever was linked to a company called "crookservers" I mean you can't even write shit this corny
Russia is a perfect deflection. What happened in SA is coming here.
The Mossad, wouldn't have been so careless.
Priestap was Mossad
Since when is pakistan in russia.
Also how did it take them over a year to find this.
Are you joking? You fucked up Seth Rich's murder. You fucked up Vegas. You fucked up false flags all of 2017
Sounds like Pakistan needs a nice heavy dose of FREEDOM
ip hard-coded into a virus, pakistan, some literally who company, what the fuck is going on?
>servers IP hard-coded into the virus
>just smash tech buzzwords together in a sentence
>normies shit the bed
this world is fucked
yea what the fuck
Bill Priestap is a dirty cunt
You're pushing this awfully hard considering the news more or less just broke.
they hid bin laden and now they are spying on the us govt? i hope trump punishes pakistan I FUCKING HATE PAKIS I FUCKING HATE SMELLY DIRTY PAKIS!!!!!!!!!!
Good grief. Multiple people supposedly hacked into it, someone unauthorized copied files off it to leak, and now it had a virus on it? It's a wonder the thing functioned at all.
not a happening.. this is something I'd already assumed a year ago
guys i think i accidentally hard-coded the pentagon ip into my brazzers account wat do
I can smell jews in this thread.
This is the first thing I thought of after reading OP
is this related to Imran Awan at all
So much this. Can we get internet investigators to look into this.
It's not buzzwords (probably). If what they're saying is true, the numeric address of the machine (i.e., rather than a human-readable DNS address (i.e. Sup was present in the executable. That's a relatively common occurrence, especially with low-effort programs.
This actually happens though.
>Everyone who's shady is Mossad
While those dudes to get up to some shady ass, outright illegal shit, come on man.
He was a fucking Jew just like strzok. Mossad bitch.
I'm confused. They find evidence of a Pakistan-based IP address, and this is further evidence of *Russian* hackers? I realize anyone can hack from anywhere in the world and appear to be wherever he can get a VPN or a login. But it's still no more evidence of Russians than Eskimos.
for the sake of clarification and to continue with the thread, im honestly asking for an explanation of what that sentence means. hard-coded ip? whats that referring to?
It was the Ukrainians who originally blamed Russia, correct? Gee, nothing for them to gain there.
He's basically the only media that even showed up to ask questions during the Awan trial. We wouldn't even know if they bothered to hold it if not for him.
It's an actual IP written in the code.
>the numeric address of the machine (i.e., rather than a human-readable DNS address (i.e. Sup was present in the executable
but that sentence makes sense
the other shit is literally buzzwords
It means a static IP adress the data was being sent to, probably.
Normally you use domain names and let DNS look up the IP. That way if a web site or something changes IPs, it still gets found.
But you can always contact an IP directly. For instance if it doesn't have a name in DNS because it's not intended to be public.
This shit makes my dick hard.
thats more buzzwords than its original meaning.
they probably would have simply watched what the computer tries to connect to
Ever heard of a source faggot?
A static IP Address was written into the code of the virus. Viruses often call back to home to notify their creator or owner of their status.
One way to do this put a Public static IP address into the virus code.
Those aren't buzzwords. Those are actually rather mundane and simple technical terms.
so as i understand it, basically info was sent to a publicly accessible "drop point" (ip) and the info could be picked up anonymously by a third party?