Does beard shaving promote homosexuality?
Does beard shaving promote homosexuality?
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Yes, your hair is an indication of your diet, health and genes. females may say they don't like beards but what they actually don't like is shitty beta male beards. Every female loves a good thick alpha beard. Only beardlets or wagecucks who cant have a beard would disagree.
absolutely. every time i shave mine i get this over whelming urge to suck cock.
not homo though.
Beard is ok only for sailors and legionnaires.
>mfw your so insecure about yourself the only confidence in your masculinity you have is your beard.
Btw it’s SOP in the army to shave.
Most bearded guys I know are lazy fucks who are so lazy they cant even get a dick up or give their girl basic attention. It’s a great compliment for a man but I’ve cucked multiple dudes with beards without even trying lol. Am I your girls bull tonight beardy?
Meh, I started shaving mine again, and I've found that women are responding way more. It's less effort to maintain. 2 or 3 days after I shave, I have the manly seedlings of 5'0 clock shadow.... women cannot resist.
Maybe when I can afford to go to the barber every week I'll grow a beard again.
Take Differin. It makes it so much easier to shave and now is available over the counter in the United States. It smooths your skin and prevents aging too.
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>Yes, your hair is an indication of your diet, health and genes.
Beards are actually just your genetic sensitivity to testosterone. Not your health, diet, or even T levels; just your sensitivity to T.
Meanwhile chins/jaws (which you beardbros try to hide) have a direct correlation with a mans virility, health, and testosterone.
no, it promotes discipline and order
my face is plenty manly when I'm clean shaved. A handsome young man ;-) I could never be mistaken for a woman
post boipucci
The Chad of Chads?
rate my beard
>t. boomer
it's no coincidence that the fall of the west over the last 100 years has coincided with the mass shaving of facial hair. i'm christian, but muhammed was right, bro. shaving is for faggots and fembois and low T betas who want an easy ride by pretending to be cute like a woman.
Beard promote homosexuality and gay bear hook up culture. Most gays have a beard.
I would grow beard if I looked like him, but my beard and moustache are pretty shit tier so I look far better without them, It's shaving for me every morning.
Beards are for faggots, and girly betas who want to look “more manly”. Real men shave every single day
my dad can grow a full, glorious beard and I barely have a couple of pubes on my face, fuck this gay earth
hey man not everyone has amazing beard genetics but have you ever given it a serious effort? let it grow for 2 months and if it is still very patchy then shave it off.
With a beard you look like a homo erectus, the supreme aristocratic masculinity is the moustache.
falusi vagy? városban nem lehet olyan szakállt viselni. inkább egy igazi magyar bajuszt növessz és cstalakozz a gárdásokhoz
Sure thing soyboy. Thats why women cant grow a beard because they are so manly. Stop sippin lean Jamal.
I agree. I believe that a man who can grow facial hair who shaves looks straight if he has that shadow effect left behind from strong facial hair growth.
I like having a beard, it feels nice. Guys who can't grow beards are always much more fucked up than guys who can.
autista vagy?
It's a fucking fad.
to be honest I don't like having a beard. at least a long beard. it's definitely a chore keeping it clean. it's hard to clean the skin underneath and there is odor, skin flaking, it sucks. if you can use all the balms and wash it regularly I guess it's alright. it's still a chore though.
No homos love bearded men more than women.
cereal killer/10
If you are going to have a beard you have to at least cut your hair. It is much more menacing to have short hair and a beard. If not you look like a fucking hippie.
Its those Mongolian rapebaby genetics you got there, Ghengis.
>Does beard shaving promote homosexuality?
I'm convinced it's the other way around. Most of the faggots where I live have beards.
people with beards often hide a weak chin.
I grew up in San Francisco, in the Mission District, and most of the gay dudes running around looked like OP's pic.
Gay dudes rocked the beards, mustaches, way before it became a trend with heterobros.
Beards are only as masuline as the men who sport them.
Beta cucks still look beta with a beard, especially jawlets and chinlets, it's painfully obvious they're using their beard as a mask.
However Chad men with alpha jawline looks great if they rock a beard and keep it clean looking like your picture
Beards have been ruined.
>being a lazy fuck is more alpha than scraping a razor against your face everyday.
This. Most bearded men I see today are nu-males hipsters who can barely grow a beard.
You either look like a weak faggot or not, a beard or no beard won't change that.
Only a beta would obsess over how manly they appear to other people. The same type of people who do stupid shit like eat raw onions and other shit like that cause “muh t”. Real men don’t worry about that shit cause they are confident in their manhood
Yeah I don't keep my beard long, I don't like it either. I can completely sympathize with your complaints. I mostly keep my beard above the halfway line on my neck. I take care of my beard big time and keep it trimmed because of my job. I live in Alaska though, it's weird to see guys without beards up here.
>The same type of people who do stupid shit like eat raw onions
What's stupider is thinking that was an actual thing
>the young turds
someone warn a nigga
no. are you retarded?
lmao afraid of what? catching HIV?
Get yourself a chadstache
If you’ve ever done anything at all to increase your t levels, regardless if it works or not, you’re a fucking beta plain and simple. Same thing with beards, doing things to make yourself appear more manly to other people is one of the most beta things a “man” can do.
Beards make men look like primitive beasts. Alpha males don't need to grow beards in order to prove their masculinity to the world.
Those are big boys
I disagree kind of. Obsessing over testosterone sounds like some kind of insecurity, sure, but staying healthy with good hormones levels is completely fine to me. Eating cheetos and chugging soda/beer all the time isn't doing your body any favors. I wouldn't encourage anyone to do that if for nothing else because it's not good for you.
I'd say being a faggot does.
I have a problem related
My beard grows orange/brown and in nice dense but when im shaved my face looks sharp (jaw bones and shit like that) and with the beard i look like some rounded face cuck, what can i do pol/
I agree. This man is sexy as hell. Female here.
>If you’ve ever done anything at all to increase your t levels, regardless if it works or not, you’re a fucking beta plain and simple.
So working out and being healthy is beta now because it might increase your testosterone levels?
>doing things to make yourself appear more manly to other people is one of the most beta things a “man” can do.
Retarded as shit. The point of life is to be the best man you can be. Kind of funny that trying to improve your worth as a male is seen as beta to you? You do realize that's not just human nature but it's the nature of pretty much every animal on earth? Your entire point of view just seems like something a bitter /r9k/ beta would say to keep people self loathing with him.