The Jews are trying to crash it
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no shit, buy now.
B-but its safe from jewish intervention
>buy crypto currency with us dollars
>save from jewish intervention
fucking leaf
As much as I want to call OP a fag... he is the complete opposite. He is Totally correct. Futures market is going to fuck BTC. As someone who has been a BTC support since 2010, and have mined a number of them, I would keep 1 BTC just because, and then cash the rest out into gold via AMPEX.
Futures make sense with something like cotton and soybeans. A farmer might short soybeans for the fall, if he thinks his crop is going to be really good. That way, if it sucks, he wins in the futures market to cover his losses in the actual market. Hedging.
But with BTC, there is absolutley no reason to have a futures makret at all, other than for speculation and/or manipulation. How do you think the gold and silver prices are kept artifically low? Futures.
The price of BTC no longer reflects its value as long as it has a futures market. For at least 5 minutes, put down the BTC pipe and think about what I am saying.
Anyone with BTC better get up to speed on this shit.
In so glad it’s crashing hard. I fucking hate anyone maki g money from doing nothing, jew or not.
Good thing I'm safe with ETH and LTC r-right?
Technically you are never "safe" because you are speculating in a currency/asset market.
That being said, yes those would be "safer" when compared to BTC.
Just keep an eye out for futures markets on those tokens. But it's a case by case there could be certain asset tokens that a futures market could make sense. There just has to be a reason for a futures market.
For example, the airline industry uses the oil & gas futures market to purchase jet fuel for the planes. They can often improve profits that way. Just be wary if you see a futures market, without an underlying business use case in the real world.
I get what you are saying. My suggestion is to learn to trade currencies in the forex market. Transform your hate into making money off the very people you despise. Don't sit on the sidelines and complain like a little bitch. You have the power in your hands.
You are in the UK.. so here:
Jej. People have bought back into the 14k range. We're reaching levels of lunacy that shouldn't even be possible.
They created it, goyim.
You can't expect plumbers and average joes to all just throw away their potential ticket to the good life at a loss. A lot of people are probably 'buying the dip' with confidence.
The main problem with all crypto currencies... is you have to have power and a network. How do you use bitcoin after an EMP attack and then a few key bridges and pipelines are taken out.
In a real crisis, land, gold, treasures (fine art/jewels) fresh drinking water and ammo are the only things that will save you.
You're shocked that a week after bitcoin futures came out that the entire jewish mafia decided to short the whole thing?
I got a golf secret for you
The Jews are trying t-
Same goes for the whole banking system. Except, unlike BTC they've been thinking about this for years, and have at least SOME hardened infrastructure in place to prevent a total collapse.
Darwin thought the Irish were the least evolved of all races.
Whats wrong with futures on bitcoin? The market has variation too, that are somewhat unpredictable. Some have to do with technical matters: ability for the network to keep up with transactions, upcoming forks or upgrades. Some are competing coins affecting the coins value. And if it keeps prices stable, that is a good thing for mass adoption
Are they going to EMP the whole world? Most of the BTC infrastructure is spread out over China.
agreed. coins and paper currency in those situation.
In a no power/network situation... imagine people trying to cryptographically sign a transaction on paper. Or a room full of thousands of people "mining" by doing random sha256 hashes on paper. hilarious.
There is a TCP/IP over carrier pigeon protocol they could use to broadcast I guess. Seriously, there is.
IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service
>In a real crisis, land, gold, treasures (fine art/jewels) fresh drinking water and ammo are the only things that will save you.
fine art? just how retarded are you?
in a real crisis owning a farm and having reliable help plus some weapons. or by "real crisis" do you mean a tendies shortage at Publix?
No, but the value of BTC is essentially the network itself. Just fucking up a big chunk of it, could be enough to get people to flee. The Irrational nature of man plays much more into markets than crypto people realize. It's a confidence thing.
I bought it in 93 bucks. 6 grand worth.
bitcoin is d e c e n t r a l i z e d
emps are very l o c a l i z e d
in crisis situation, land ownership loses meaning, gold loses value, essentials gain value. nobody is going to want money or crypto if the entire nations power is somehow knocked out
My brother lives in a hippie commune, he has never had a job. He convinced all the trust fund kids there to invest in ETH when it was $10 and now they're turning their commune into a hippie city. Its all pretty amazing. I don't like people getting rich from nothing either but large transfers of wealth definitely leads to some interesting new developments. I think its healthy and good for the economy.
The eternal Éire
I'm not retarded.
13 year old detected. Perhps you should read history fuckwad.
What do the super rich take when they have to flee? Gold, jewels, and fine art.
You are the nigger that would leave the mona lisa in his palace because he couldn't sell it for 1 trillion zimbabwe dollars.
I'm simply telling people what is actually worth a shit, during a time of turmoil. ( consider the russian or french revolutions. )
eh, I decided to put like 5% of my wealth into cryptos early this year, just for the exposure; they fucking exploded in value and now it's like 25% (was like 35% just three days ago lol).
i don't have any BTC, mostly ETH and some LTC. I bought in low enough some dips don't bug me. I'll hold it long, see what happens.
more worthless shit according to boy genius
dips don't bug me either. I'm just saying, all the people talking about BTCs intrinsic value, now get to experience what gold and silver people already know. That price doesn't reflect the value anymore because futures are manipulated. Have fun.
willing to help an user out you lucky lucky fucker?
> falling for the bitcoin meme this hard
kys beggarfag
The fact that people protected their art during times of crisis is the reason that is exists and has value in the first place.
>t. fag who thinks he knows all about bitcoin
is bitcoin not decentralized? are emps not localized? how does these basic facts mean i 'fell for the meme'? why do i even bother with someone who declares the jews created bitcoin without an ounce of proof. cling to your banks, schlomo, they're going the way of blockbuster
BTC ceased to have intrinsic value the second it became a highly speculative store of value.
I figure ETH can conceivably do shit if dapps take off and LTC can actually serve as a unit of currency since its faster+cheaper to send.
This is true
>BTC ceased to have intrinsic value the second it became a highly speculative store of value.
> falling for the jew meme this hard
Sup Forums is a mightier wurlitzer than the old guard ever dreamed of.
do you even know what intrinsic means?
Professional investors will bring it to its real intrisic value : 0. Markets led by chartists are always checked by fundamentalists in the long run.
Why would you pay anyone for running his computer ?
Only value of bitcoin today is lack of regulation compared to mainstream finance. So basically, when you buy bitcoin you are long money laundering and short regulation/compliance. Do you really believe governments will do nothing to regulate after all the efforts done against finance, tax evasion and money laundering ?
yeah, I do. Now tell me what intrinsic value BTC has or had?
bitcoin has to die because of NK and Iran
this is a factor as well I think.
how do you regulate crypto lel
it's decetralised by nature
>consistent ledger
vs many private ledgers in banks or no ledger for cash
>decentralized, no trusted authority
vs trust the fed, banks
>publicly verifiable
vs bank audit?
>miners must submit proof of work
vs fed prints money by changing numbers in a database
What’s Bitcoin?
Republic of Ireland is also a tax haven.
all of that kind of goes out the window when you can't move the stuff huh?
what is it, like 30USD minimum to move even the smallest amount of BTC now? A lot of transactions are never going to move and any wallet with less than what, 0.002BTC can never be moved due to inability to pay the fee.
275,800 and rapidly rising unconfirmed transactions as of right now.
Yes. Read his books.
>But with BTC, there is absolutley no reason to have a futures makret at all
Someone's full of shit and didn't read the whitepaper...
You can have a futures market for anything...
it doesnt go out the window because it is a changing technology. bitcoin protocol is constantly changing. right now the fees are high but lightning network will have zero fees. if you dont want to wait you can use another coin. the fee is still in place now because the rapid deflation has given holder so many gains. and thats the demographic for bitcoin. other coins have taken the role of small transactions
Torrents are decentralised as well but governments can find you and make you pay when you download illegaly. Or cut your internet connection.
If you are a miner you need to communicate with mining pools. If you are a trader/customer, you need to access exchange. This is easy to trace and ban. With no exchange and no shops accepting bitcoin payments, you can do nothing of your wallet.
there's nothing to craash...... it's just 1s and 0s...
bitcoin has no more legitimate inherent value than any other cryptocurrencies
bitcoin has no future
They are trying and failing
Why do you think the US government hasn't intervened?
Its because trying and inevitably failing is terrible optics for the world's biggest super-power
They don't know wtf to do
That's for sure.
>governments can find you and make you pay when you download illegaly
lol, anybody who "pays" is admitting guilt for an act that is literally impossible to prove without your cooperation
wimps are wimps because that's what they are
they cave to any pressure, and sit on the sidelines watching others try, hoping they fail
what are you?
you kill exchangers
what are vpn's
what are decentralised exchanges (ie what a lot of crypto projects are working on right now).
Crypto is like torrents, it's impossible to stop it.
>decentralised exchanges
you need to receive the money or product
what ?
Decentralized exchanges are run by no one, rather by all. Just like crypto rn.
Government can't into censorship of the net (or hardly) how do you think it'll censor crypto when the complexity of that is even more than simple web pages.
It's the future lads, don't be nocoiners.
I mean cashing out, receiving goods
it is a bit difficult if you operate in a black market
Can someone start me out with a bitcoin?
>black market
When did I ever say that.
Decentralisation is like the devil for y'all.
I said that: When you trade with a "banned" currency, then you are in a black market.
silver is 16$ an oz...jus sayn
Ok i see sorry.
Cashing out could be done with localbitcoins or other ways then. Can't stop that.
*other similar ways
No we aren’t