Although I do agree that women shouldn’t have a choice when the fetus is diagnosed with Down syndrome
Yep, because that’s exactly what our society needs, more “people” with Down syndrome
How will conservicucks defend this?
elective abortions are okay, but medical reasons aren't?
they've got it backwards
people with down syndrome are a leech on society. We should do what the spartans did and feed them to wolves.
More pol recruits
When did Down syndrome become the new rallying cry for the pro-life movement? This is a testament to the power of media and people's love of being told what to think and inability to think for themselves.
While I acknowledge the abortion issue has moral and ethical dimensions, it seems like instances where an unborn baby is diagnosed with Down Syndrome is exactly the kind of instance for which abortion services are intended. Wipe the the slate clean and start again. Do over.
That's fucking retarded.
Why are Ohioan women so retarded?
How can they tell a downie from a burger anyways? Downies have a more developed brain?
Being an ancap is like the most burger ideology ever.
It's not acceptable to call me a nigger.
It's not acceptable to call me a spic.
>thinking memeflags mean anything
You know you can easily change them to anything you want right?
It's not acceptable to call me a chink.
because it isnt legal to kill them
It's not acceptable to call me a fag.
I don't get the leftists, I thought they were in favour of abortions?
It's not acceptable to call me a kike.
>why are you getting this abortion?
>I don't need a reason but I can say it isn't because my kid has down syndrome
Ehd Ehs Nahd Assepabuhl tuh caw meh a weetahd
Kek, long term plan will work out, we'll recruit non-aborted autists and turn them into hitler-worshipping strong men.
Here we fucking go
Cause of the news of Iceland completely eliminating DS through abortion, DS people crying how they aren't a disease and their people.
Reps use this to push anti-abortion legislation
Dems can't cry out at this cause then they can be accused of being "albeist"
How will this even be enforced? A woman can find out the baby has downs and simply say, "Oh, I love downies so much but my lesbian partner and I simply aren't ready to bring a child up in our home with 17 cats. Oh well."
Stupid law.
These aren't autists, they are down syndrome. The main difference is a lot of down syndrome people can live independent lives and hold a job while autists struggle with going into stores to buy ointment for their masturbation burns.
>conservatives want more retards and kids with decifits to be born
>conservatives will bitch about having to pay taxbucks for their existence
Explain this, neocons. Why does state enforced protection on holiness of life end right after birth?
But... you don't need a reason to get a abortion in america.
You could just say "I wasn't ready to be a mom" or something, what the fuck are they going to do? if you have a downy baby you can't abort it?what about people that would abort it anyway?
Not suprising. If they killed aborted babies with Down Syndrome, then they will lose a whole generation of Republicans
Dumb, they can just go to another state to get an abortion.
That's the main fucking reason to abort???? They have this in reverse?? These guys are insene
oh look conservatives figured out how to get more voters
I'm sure they'll just say the, don't work, you don't eat thing.
This is going to be struck down.
But it's pathetic conservatives want to breed literal retards.
Why would you want people with DS around anyway? You're throwing away valuable resources into an empty pit. They cannot support themselves, maintain civilization or (male ones) even reproduce. They are literal genetic defects. It's the one time that abortion is valid, and Hitler(PBUHN!) said that in the future, the Third Reich's greatest achievement will be the elimination of congenital diseases.
I'm not a conservative but abortion should be illegal and the babies taken by the state and trained as soldiers. The mothers should be 250 dollars for the child unless they fail a drug test in which the baby is forcibly taken and the mother shot for attempted murder.
Ohioan here, can confirm we're all downies.
>can't abort downies
>can only abort healthy babies
they are playing off of Iceland's elimination of DS by abortion and people with DS and advocates for them speaking out against ppl applauding the elimination of DS
They can use this as a way to push a anti-abortion legislation and can basically use what the dems have done with calling others racist, sexist, etc tacts against them too
Make no mistake, this is a tactic the repubs will use and the dems helped them craft a defense with "oh so you don't care about ds ppl, don't their lives matter." "You must be an albeist then to wanna continue to abort DS
They will fucking do this just watch.
Retards and mutants should be aborted
It just takes the pro life position and retards it up.
We cant ban all abortion
This is coming common in europe too
Doctors are not even allowed to tell you if your kid might have downs in the ultra sound
The downside of pro life. To them, all babies must be born, even if they can't ever pull their weights in society. They seem to be quite hysterical about the fact that Iceland is aborting almost 100% of downs and other unhealthy babies, and consider it to be literally nazi genocide. They don't care about economical and social factors when it comes to abortions, they never will, even if they oppose paying their bills and medical care after birth.
Fuck I’m sick of this. Work in the Canadian public school system (which is actually somewhat funded unlike the burger disasters), so we have all sorts of integrated and special needs programs, regular personalized learning assessment, and shitloads of parent teacher meeting.
And it’s always the fucking Downs parents.
Sorry: your kid has Downs. S/he’s never going to learn, does not the medical capacity, like other kids. We’re gonna make the kid feel included (inclusive!) and waste all kindsa money and time that could go to kids with talent and exceptional potential. There’s so much we teachers neglect to try to “help” these helpless and useless bottom of the bell graph kids. And it’s never enough for these fucking parents. If you wanted your downie kid to be normal, have a fucking normal kid.
Sup Forums if you ever have a smart or gifted kid in Canada, let me say: send them to private school. If they’re artistic, check out the specialized public arts school. If they’re autistic/downies, PS is your place.
>nazi genocide
Funny you mention that. Eugenics were mass practiced first in the US and hitler saw that it was very efficient and then copied it. The people I know with down children all look really old for their age. They keep them around because they get a bunch of travel discounts and special pricing on hotels.
I'm pretty sure 99% of down syndrome people wish their parents aborted them, or they would if they weren't retarded.
I'm normally against abortion but this is mercy killing desu. Why such a nichie law? Why not focus on the actual issues?
>aborting healthy babies is fine
>aborting unhealthy babies is not fine
Humanity is not worth saving. This politician is only doing this for the sake of reelection because the electorate is beyond redemption. China is the future.
Really makes you think.
More of a person than faggot OP that's for sure
Iceland has this figured out. Be like Iceland
>haha yes goyim keep aborting your best
Badum tss!
A person with Down's syndrome is still a person, and their life shouldn't be ended just because their mother doesn't want them.
Wrong. Try actually listening to people with disabilities sometime and hear what they have to say about abortion.
Abortion should be legal and free on demand, its the greatest eugenic mechanism ever devised, it terminates the children of exactly the kind of people we DON'T want breeding.
Human IQs will not be raised fast enough to compete with AI. The great filter will remove us. None of this matters.
Where were you when Kasich turned OH blue?
opinion discarded
Oh America, when will you learn
I guess you've had a good run
I'll tell my children about your country from back when it was a great place.
When it wasn't terrorized by gangs, crack addicts and poverty.
Keep breeding those retards!
Borders are closed in The Netherlands, sorry!
That's debatable
- A person with Down's syndrome is still a person
Per strict definition, yes
- Their life shouldn't be ended just because their mother doesn't want them.
That's matter of opinion. I disagree.
As a matter of fact, I think it should be a crime to bring (vastly) inferior genetic material into the gene pool.
Bitch if you weren't having kids in your late 30s maybe they wouldn't have the downs.
This is the real issue. They've convinced women to push procreation back to their 30s because the 20s is the me decade. Older women have retarded babies and they don't wanna deal with the problem they cause.
Just a christcuck conservative protecting the lives of more christcuck conservatives
Someone has to vote democrat.