North Korea

How many of you think we'll be at war with NK? By that I mean ground troops and such?

I'm actually surprised we haven't nuked them already.

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if america nuke them first then it's WW 3 and eu might side with russia and china because it'll be conssidered a WW agression (especialy since trump is pretty much hated outside the US)

if NK nuke first, then china invade NK and put a puppet to run the country , US get some bad shit and trump will look bad because he was "war mongling" and the world will secretly think that they served it but will be supportive

that's why the us are seeking "peacefull talks" because they made the situation look real bad

Something would have to change with China first. Nork is Chink puppet state. They tell them to rattle around a bit to play games with Americans, but China can't stand the disruption to international trade currently. If that changed, perhaps.

War isn't happen, please put your suicidal edgeboner away and get over it.

>"peacefull talks"

It won't work. We are talking about Kim Jung-Un. He's more bat shit crazy than has dad.

>Something would have to change with China first. Nork is Chink puppet state.

True. But as far as puppet states go, even China is losing it's grip with them.

The only country that still backs NK is Russia. Whether US attack or NK attacks, there will be a shitstorm because of Russia.

And with a relic like comrade Putin, there would be total fucking war, just to show that ryssä is strong.

I think it's breddy likely.

The real question is how Moon and the Worst Korean public will respond

Highly unlikely. This conflict has continued for decades and they don't have any power. They are aware of the fact that once they launch one missile, they're finished.

They are like Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israeli tanks. Nothing to be worried about.

a war with NK would be desert storm 2.0
>troops march towards pyongyang after airstrikes buttfuck anyone between them and the city
>pouring concrete into the tunnel systems to seal anyone inside rather than deal with fighting through them
>wave the american flag around in the capital and hook up a chain to any large statue of lard ass

>world war 3
People have been saying this for years, every time the media hypes things like this up. This kind of shit has no place in a serious discussion.

That argument is fit only for kids round a middle school lunch table.

Okay but if the Palestinians had nuclear weapons are you really telling me nothing would change

it'll work because china is now pressuring NK to calm the fuck down, kim want his nuke just because he think it's the only way to stop the US from getting him off his throne ( it's more of a nuclear sucide belt than an actual attack tool)

the real problem now is that if you overcorner NK, it'll give kim credibilty in front of his people he'll be able to say things like "all your problem are due because the world is agains us, only I can save you"

trump attacked kim because he wanted a "sure international win" problem is that it backfired hard on him and the US

>thinks Russia would back NK in a war that would bring their own annihilation

china explicitly said that they will retaliate hard agains the country that would strikes first, to preserve the stability in the region,

you should read a little more before trying to join a conversation

>china makes a threat
>world war 3
Schoolboy tier thinking here

North Korea isn't going to start a war.

The problem for the United States and conservative South Koreans is that once North Korea obtains full nuclear capability, it will be in a very strong negotiating position which it will exploit to the fullest. It will demand tribute in return for good behavior (i.e. in return for not repeating the Cheonan and Yeonpyong Island attacks or worse) and South Korea will have little choice but to comply.

With the US seeming to be gradually weakening, this doesn't look like a bright long-term future for South Korea.

The problem now is that there are no good options. Letting things continue is bad, but a first strike on North Korea has the potential to not go as planned either putting it mildly.

We're in frightening new territory.

I'm going to say probably not. But I'm also going to say that in the off chance that we are, there won't be much to worry about. Before a single boot lands on the ground, their infrastructure will have been bombed to shit. Beyond that, we'll probably be kicking the football to the Chinese and letting them pick a new, non-nuclear regime to avoid any unnecessary troubles with them.

Just nuke already

that's the sadest thing, SK did a pretty good job opening eyes in the NK but since the hostiles exchanges began they stregthened kim position,

without trump i think that the regime would have colapsed around 2020; now it'll depend on the US ego and if they let go

>china explicitly said that they will retaliate hard agains the country that would strikes first, to preserve the stability in the region,
They're focused on maintaining security and safety for their country. If a war breaks out nearby, they will do whatever is necessary to attain the above.

Fighting the US is not a good way to achieve security or safety. Fighting North Korea is not a good way to achieve security or safety. Closing up the borders and telling the US to get the fuck out of Asia after they're done reenacting Dr Strangelove is a good way to achieve security and safety.

Nothing to do with Trump, the North Korean nuclear program is a long-term project going all the way back to the early 1990s and has been a North Korean aspiration since the 1970s.

The North Koreans have always been very candid about what the long-term purpose of North Korean nukes is: they want peace negotiations with the United States in order to achieve a US withdrawal.

It's not that they expect to achieve a military victory over South Korea because that would be unrealistic. What they do hope to achieve is a political environment on the peninsula conducive to their goal of a) avoiding unification by Southern absorption and b) achieving tentative political union with the south, initially of a weak federal nature, but then deepening in nature as time passes.

As they see it, if Korea in 2050 is somewhat of a compromise between the nature of the two Korean states today (i.e. leftist and authoritarian under the combined leadership of the Korean Workers Party allied with South Korean left-wing parties albeit not quite like North Korea), they'll count that as a victory or close enough to one. Like the Chinese the North Koreans take the long view. They can't beat South Korea let alone the US outright in a fight, but they know that the US is about to go into decline and that the South Korean conservatives are on their last legs. All they need is the willpower to fight more than they are fought and influence more than they are influenced, and South Korea will ultimately be theirs in some form or another. And like I said simply avoiding unification through absorption (흡수식 자유통일) will be an incredible achievement for them.

China knows that the US wont leave Asia, the US are known for ignoring agreements like that. China would be forced to aid North Korea since its in their interest to have that buffer state as without it they gave a land border with an US puppet.

This is why WW3/nuclear war is never happening. The whole thing would be a giant pointless mess and everyone in every party knows that.

big gunz yo

I fucking wish. It'll be a Cuban Missile Crisis 2.

Support for a Saudi war with Iran is probable though.

kys kike faggot warmonger