If Trump would federally legalize weed tomorrow

The Dems would forever lose their hodl on the nig population. Discuss.

That could actually be the final nail in the Democrat coffin, come to think of it. They would have literally NOTHING to offer.

But marijuana lowers IQ and is a degenerate habit, so it would reflect badly on Trump if he appeared to support it. It's best if it remains a state's rights issue.

I think there's some truth to that. He should do it. Have Sessions give an address while stoned.

>"I see now how I was wrong... So, uh... Uh... Blaze it, faggots."

>If Trump would federally legalize weed tomorrow

He's not going to do that because his donors told him not to do so.

He also has never done a single drug.

Make college free and the dems are finished.

Might as well throw that in there as well.


He’s going to leave it to the states around year three or four. If he does everything at once they’ll just insult him until re-election. Ask yourself why he waited until the very day after Democrats released a new platform to ban trannies from the military? Because it’s all about timing.

I think this every day... Sure hope The Don and old Stoney have something planned, it would destroy the young left over-night.

>But marijuana lowers IQ and is a degenerate habit, so it would reflect badly on Trump if he appeared to support it. It's best if it remains a state's rights issue.
While I agree with that, I hate dems more than I hate degenerates. And besides, maybe with it being legal it'll be less attractive for law breaking edgelords(?)

It would be an amazing blow to democrats, especially since democrats (currently under neoliberal control) wouldn't ever really legalize it federally. It would definitely make younger people and nonwhites view the party in a better light. Problem is that democrats will always promise gibs and republicans will always promise that you can earn through hard work.

It won't happen. First things first is that no one really gives enough of a shit about weed as a political issue so it's only used as a carrot on a stick to get the potheads to vote democrat. Second thing is that while Trump is personally a drug free man you will have seen he has tried himself to sell alcohol branded in his name. Trump is a capitalist at heart. The way to convince him to legalize pot would be to show the economic growth and jobs it would bring. Trump also seems to want people to like him. It would also drastically improve his favorability.

fuck that commie shit, but aint nothin wrong with a lil smonk every now and then

Trump has to do this in his first term. This issue is truly the low-hanging fruit of American populism. If the Dems were smart enough they would have done it under Obama, and I don't think we'd have a Trump administration today.

Its not on his agenda. He probably isnt concerned that people smoke weed and wouldnt really have much to say were it legalized. I just doubt he gives a shit about weed.

And if trump granted illegal spics amnesty, democrats would lose the spic vote too. Of course, there would be no point in that since at that point the parties would be the same anyways. Plus the nigs and all other nonwhites will vote for whoever gives them the most gibz anyways and that’s always going to be a democrat. Even if someone with an (R) next to their name does it

He wouldnt even have to do that. This would win him a second term.
"Since the liberals wont do it, I have decided to lower marijuana to a schedule 5 drug."

It's all or nothing man. I have a feeling that dems are going to go derranged left for the next election. If Trump only puts a dent in it then they're just gonna blow it out the water to spite him. Then they get the victory.

>trump legalizes weed
>weedlords turn straight-edge overnight

a nig doesn't have the mental capacity to change his vote

If he did tomarrow they would still vote dem for the gobs and they would of just got what they wanted.

He should run on it for his second term then it would be a good deal.


I want to see this happen strictly for the salt and cognitive dissonance from the left

Just think of all the BASED black guys we would have on our side, fellow pedes!

i don´t care about the niggers.
Legalize it so the US-Puppet Merkel has to legalize it too. 420

>Trump is a capitalist at heart. The way to convince him to legalize pot would be to show the economic growth and jobs it would bring. Trump also seems to want people to like him. It would also drastically improve his favorability.
Good points
Say what you will of Roger Stone, but he's been lobbying Trump to honor his campaign promise on weed. I really think that if the right advocate convinced him, he'd legalize it, or at the very least move it to Schedule II, which would result in massive marxist asspain nonetheless

I think it’s going to get better because even Trey Gowdy was asking some drug idiot “why is marijuana a schedule 1 drug but heroine isn’t”

Even Sessions had to admit pot is harmless compared to opiates and hard drugs, something Obama's drug czar famously would never admit.

The power of Gibs is difficult to break.