Redpill me on the Polish meme

I’m 25 years old and will be transferred to a Warsaw suburb for work next year (engineer). Speak English and German and starting Polish.

I’d love to meet a nice traditional wholesome girl like everyone talks about but I’m suspicious about all the memes about Polish waifus.

Can Poles and other anons help me out? Are there actual trad women in Poland?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Ukrainian women

Any whore that would hook up with a foreigner is not traditional

>nice traditional wholesome girl
All of those have already been taken in highschool, the rest are thots riding the cock carousel exactly like in the west. Good luck anyways.

Man I hope you fucking die out there

Thanks bruh, I want to hear the truth; even if it hurts :(


Go to club Luzztro, great place for finding wholesome polish tradfus

t. pole

The only interaction I have had with the poles in online but they seem to be somehow retarded.

I just came back from a two week trip from Poland. Both my parents are Polish and I go there frequently. There are A LOT of girls in Poland that are traditional, think kissing is a big deal, and many are virgins. Whores exist in every county, but Poland has a lot of really nice and respectable women. I've had one night stands in Poland, and I've also met girls that have never been kissed at 19. They exist.

Also, if youre not Polish you can fuck off and die

How about you leave Polish women to Polacks and find yourself a nice 56% girl here.

Pick a number and wait the lines are back in commie lines long.

Women in poland are scares like once bread.

That's because we like fucking with people and we have jewish blood. for example i always walk directly behind finnish people

>pic related

That may be because most can barely speak English

"do you think you're too good for Polish pussy?"

Well it's not like the average male's face here is better. 56%-ers belong together. 56% pride.

>Are there actual trad women in Poland?

Milking beta providers in the most soulless way possible is a rather traditional female occupation, and i think that poland will indeed be a great fit for you.


>I’d love to meet a nice traditional wholesome girl like everyone talks about but I’m suspicious about all the memes about Polish waifus.
> Are there actual trad women in Poland?
Yes definately, but don't wait forever. You are 25, if you were to start dating a girl your age, marry her at maximum 28. If you were to break up, past that line finding a good trad women is becoming more and more difficult. Try aiming at younger girls of course, being American gives you some strong inital bonus points. Try to get as many polish friends as possible, being introduced into a friends groups is the best way to find nice girls. Hope it helps.


>traditional wholesome girl

Netanyahu and his suite is from Poland (and many others from neighbour Ukraine), Khazars just pretending to be jews. (And also ""extermination"" camps were all in Poland?)

Then consider ex-polish jew Merkel (Kazmierczak?), inviting all brown goyim into Europe...

All those Kagans and others from the region between Poland and various Baltics, you know them well...

Now as many left and infested the world, those who stayed are probably the better ones, as is evidenced by PiS prevail...

>giving an amerimutt advice on how to get with his women
Are all Polish men such cucks? Why don't you send his your sister instead? Save him the trouble of traveling.

Poland is based, they’re one of the only nations telling shitskin rapefugees to fuck off. Girls are pretty much the same way everywhere though, if you can’t get one where you are, then moving will not help you

Currently married to a conservative, traditional Polish girl (born in Krakow; her personal idol is Janusz Korwin-Mikke) - pic related. Answer is an emphatic yes. Lots of good women there.

How old is she, pervert?

>married a canuck and moved out of country
>traditional and conservative
lol, pick one

You, sir, are a fucking retard

It's rude to ask women about their age, don't they teach you that in Niderlandy?

Sorry, I meant traditional insofar as gender roles.

LIKe all slavs, they turn into babushkas.

some better face

And you are a cuck.

Because he is my Sup Forums brother that shares the same views as I do and on top of that he literally wants to learn Polish? This is how we do this here, we stick together, that's how we survived.

You do know all women become old. Man too.

>Can Poles and other anons help me out? Are there actual trad women in Poland?
This is a meme

Westerm Europe = rich and degenerate
Eastern Europe = poor, corrupt + degenerate in addition to this

There's no difference between Europes and this civilization is heading towards some kind of overhaul, don't trust memes. If you search long enough you will find many girls that are catholic, but most I suppose aren't

Eastern Europeans want to be just like Western Europeans who have prestige and have dominated everybody's imagination

Why don't you just cut the middle (wo)man and suck his dick instead you cuck lmao

Yes. Go to Church and meet a nice girl.

>implying babushkas are bad

Introducing the Babushka

>Hardened WW2/Communist survivor
>Spends at least 2 hours a day walking to buy food
>Spends at least 4 hours a day cooking advanced Polish cuisine to ensure proper nutrition for her family
>Sole purpose is to monitor the family and ensure her offspring are happy, healthy and full of krokiety
>Openly advocates for kebab removal
>Literally believes niggers are monkeys
>Wears stylish headscarves in various colours
>Becomes enraged when any non-white is seen
>Goes to church at least twice a day
>Calls grandchildren daily asking when they're going to make more white babies
>Can shoot automatic weapons and engage in warfare
>Votes extreme right every time

The Babushka: the secret tactical warrior defending the Slavic race


Don't worry
Both you and OP are fucking retards
Each in his own way

OP for his trophy-wife, sex-tourist-like mentality
And you, for your childish, neckbeardish logic

1/10 LARP op is a faggot


We are 56% after all. Though the dude advertising his country's women to a trophy-wife sex-tourist is a cuck, which is not better.

Women are same everywhere faggot. Your own are shitty only because you let them to be that way and ours are not perfect too.

Friendly reminder that Warszawiaki are the worst kind of polacks out there, watch your back and protect your neck.


Yeah when they're old. Not when they're about 8.

This board overrates poland so fucking hard.

t. town rapist

Of course you would think so, commie filth.

Cocksucking commie - everyone here is better than you

Post commie shithole don't believe pol memes

Stop being anti-semitic

Those charts are way of for The Netherlands, at least for 2017.
We have almost 5% muslims alone.

We now have almost 13% NON WESTERN immigrants first and second generation.
Third+ generation is counted as 'Dutch', god knows why.

Source: CBS statline

Feels bad man.

I'm actually torn on this. On the one hand, both of your parents are Polish, and blood is important. On the other, Burgerland has a way of making people, well, burgers. We don't wan't burger retardation in the Fatherland. So you either leave your merican ways at the border, or you can fuck right off.

Can confirm, the only people who hate blacks more then klansmen are old polish women.

So you're not a pole yourself I hope.

>UK has been the only country pushing multi culti for over 100 years
>Lectures a burger about bad social practice
Take your filthy poms back, we hate them and we hate your shitty country too. We wouldn't have this plague of street shitters here if it wasn't for your fucked country bribing our politicians.

You utter moron, they still have divorce in Poland.

like most trad cons you don't even understand what traditionalism is. A lazy stay at home parasite is not traditional.Women used to do hard work in the past.

If you are bribing a woman to be with you, she will discard you soon as she can get a better deal, or she gets bored and decides to cash out taking half your assets.

So called trad women are just as bad as any feminist woman, and some of the worst exploiters of men.

Why do men have so little self respect, that the pine to slave for some woman in return for blow jobs every now and again?

for engeneer salary, even if it's nothing in USD or GBP you can live decent life in Poland. You gonna like it. The best thing in this country is complete lack of political correctness.

Be careful, if you speak english a lot of fucking golddiggers will flock to you. It's fucking embarassing whne you go to pub with friends from UK in Poland and girls first start talking to you only because you communicate in english.

Who cares if a girl is catholic? Catholic women still divorce.

Every extreme is bad

Verpiss dich, polnische schweine
stop inviting amerimutts to our land


are you black?

i guess not but better be sure

Whoaa? Stalin smoking cigars? First time i see this.

Dudes, I'm Polish, stealing a British job on the Islands. How is that not obvious from the context? It's not as if there aren't 800 thousand of us here.

Not for long though, don't worry, most of us'll be fucking off back home within a decade. The UK is lost to Islam, and even if all Polish men took up arms in the cause of a new Reconquista, it probably wouldn't be enough, because I'm damned sure almost no British men would join in.

Relax and hear to Polish military song.

probably a chink or a poo then

Traditional Polish women don’t date American subhumans

Would they date a Russian chad though?

Why is it whenever a mutt makes a thread about travel or work abroad they literally always ask "where can i find X qt trad girl".

Why are mutts so completely obsessed with interracial relationships or relationships with people from different cultures ?

Warsaw is filled with leftiests and hipsters, so don't expect to find many based people there
Expect to be a magnet for a lot of materialistic women, who want to take all of your money
Based girls are suspicious of foreigners and you would need at least months (if you really prove yourself) to be considered as one of our own. It probably would take years

Hostile, aggressive, poor, no hospitality, fairly uncivilized and terrible English.

Actually I have seen some Polish - Other eastern euro couples
I personally know a guy that is in relationship with an Ukrainian gal
Also, 3 or 4 months ago some Russian shared few photos of himself and his polish girlfriend

And boy oh boy, this made some Americans mad as bloody hell

If you can't speak even basic polish then fuck off. Are you white?
If you try to fuck someones sister and leave, her brothers will hunt you down.

Any pollack bro to give me the video for this? I love you guys.

>no hospitality
How to spot a shill
No country in the world has better hospitality than Poland, that's our tradycja and it exists since Sarmatian times.
In 17th and 18th century, good hospitality was a matter of honor for every polish noble.
And this custom is still alive and well

Fuck off.
Anyway, since you're engineer, if you're scrawny nerd, without knowledge of our culture, don't count for anything else than a gold digger.
If you're decent looking you will do good anywhere in the world

Yeah I don't think they are fucking off back tho

Three of my mates packed their bags and pissed off in the last couple months, the tempo of new arrivals is slowing as well. I've had an offer of a decent paying job in the capital, but I have a prospect of getting a promotion here, so I'm holding to see which will be the better offer.

Don't get me wrong, some of us are too deeply entrenched in the UK to leave. But most will leave, sooner or later.

Hahahahahaha. I've nothing against such relationships. Tbh I actually like to see Slavs getting along. I do get mad when western fags or our own mutts salivate for le "trad Easter Euro qt" though.



I'd say maybe Georgians (the country) might beat you (if you don't count Stalin of course)

>polish women

I was born in Wroclaw. I'm going to buy a flat there for an excuse to go see my estranged family. Maybe find a waifu. I'm over the western girls.

Trained there for awhile. Most of the people are pretty cool, and yes a lot of people are traditional there.

You're a weak retard-o.


Polish women are obsessed with Med men, so if you're an unironic le 56% face it will help a lot. The coal-burner meme is true only for Warsaw but this is a huge lie. It's easier to get ons in Poland than almost anywhere else in East Europe, even Ukraine is harder to game (although not by much)

yeah this
pakis are racist towards poles because they like to think there's a race out there that's beneath them, kek, they'll see who's laughing in 20 years when UK turns into the next bosnian war

it's a meme, they're very hungry for foreigners with so much as a whiff of money and are extremely anti abortion. you do the math. if you're black then introduce yourself as a frenchman or a swede so they can lie by omission to their friends

theyre traditional only in the sense that they don't want want to get a job. call a spade a spade unless you intend to marry a mormon


pick one gypse

dont be an idiot, all women are like that , if you bring her here she will just turn into another American cunt, you have to stay over there.


he was good in the 1980s

I'm ok with this. My great grandma is full polish babushka

"Traditional" Polish girls are a meme. Most of them are just as degenerate as Western European girls, sometimes worse. Those ONR Qts you guys love posting pictures of? I can guarantee they're fucked up in one way or another. Video related