TRS thread

Anyone here got the new episode?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, pay for it yourself and stop begging like a lazy, shiftless nigger

Having to beg for this every week sucks, but there's too much risk associated with buying a subscription in a stasi hellhole like cuckmany

If anyone's nice enough to upload it I'll be very thankful but I can totally understand the people who'd rather keep it to themselves

plz gib to those less fortunate this holiday season


>white nationalists demanding illegal activity which violates trust

I mean I want it too but this is bad.

I want it too, I already owe them for three episodes though. If I keep downloading them, my d'nation is gonna have to be huge when I sign back up for the paywall. I didnt pirate last week's or strike and Mike. I feel guilty TRS. I'm sorry


Don't feel guilty. Mike is a fucking kike.

We're oppressed Based American brother,

He's not. Ive been following them for a long time. When you ruin your chance of a career for your race I'll listen to you.


Pakistanis aren't oppressed by anyone.

Jokes on you. I'm just a nazi wanting to steal a little edutainment from some burgers.

Upload my show please.

You ain't getting shit, faggot. Poorfags on suicide watch.

hows that working out for you?

You are getting fucked no matter what. You are either getting allahu akbar'd by the Islamic Republic of Germanistan or ANNEKTIERT.COM. Better prepare that czech boipucci. :^)

show mp3 plz

Gibs me dat goy.

Pls gib

You should of had TDS instead of TRS in the thread

Thanks for reminding me it was posted. Going to watch now, since I have agency and can afford $10. You poorfags are pathetic. SAD

that's what you get for putting it behind a paywall

>if you dont believe in the retarded conspiracy theory that Israel did 9/11 then you are a kike shill!
Shit like this is the exact reason I quit all this alt-right associated shit. Its nothing but mostly paranoid retards

Shouldn't you be recording Minutes From The Death Camp, Loritz?

whats that site that lets you upload it?

The people who push that narrative aren't alt right, and they're not even white. See Morpheus for example. There are retarded larpers for sure, mostly anyone who follows Billy Roper and his cringey bullshit

Choke on a dick

open bobs
also post strike and mike

Merry Christmas


thanks user

Much appreciated

Pwease mister!
Have some Christmas sp-spirit.

There's a channel on youtube that stays fairly updated.



thanks and have a fantastic christmas user

>Having to beg for this every week sucks, but there's too much risk associated with buying a subscription in a stasi hellhole like cuckmany
I tried buying with prepaid debit cards so I could stay anonymous, but their gay checkout system won't accept any of them. Thus I beg for handouts on Sup Forums.


>clicking a spyware link
no thanks

I feel so guilty about stealing this show every friday. I'm buying a 12 month subscription. Honestly I was waiting to see if they survived this long post Charlottesville.

Thanks goy

Thank you user, much appreciated

please gib the new jazz and jessie user-kun :3

$120 for 156 daily shoahs a year plus more content is absolutely worth it
>$20 for a Sup Forums pass with endless shitposts without jewgle using you as an AI slave

I believe the holohoax theory, but what was the reason for putting Jews into camps? Why weren't they just deported to Israel?

Wrong, i used a prepaid visa and it worked just fine.

What brand/model did you use? I tried three different Visas and a Mastercard prepaid and none of them worked.


You got jazz n jesse generous user?

It was a visa prepaid, not sure there was an actual brand other than visa. Just use bitcoin or something. Email them and they'll take the same value in bitcoin form

glorious user.

Kike, way to subvert white nationalists trying to succeed and expand an alt right platform.

Better question, does anyone have a copy of the songs that they've been playing at the beginning?

thanks pal

>oy vey! he's stealing our shekels! shut it down!
it's christmas you bastard

>implying propaganda shouldn't be free

God bless you user.

Anyone got 2nd Strike and Mike? Missed it last time.


Could you please possibly upload episode 234 of the Daily Shoah?

just sign up dude

Poorfags LMAO

Why did ghoul only come back for one episode? inb4 8gag spams their infographs about ghoul fucking a tranny
be warned that it like all the others two hours of complete shit
also merry fucking christmas

Because he maybe fucked a tranny and was dating a man while doing the show, so people wanted answers, and when he appeared in that episode Sven just pretended to be funny and evaded all questions about it, he got called out and told to not do the same shit they did when Mike's jew wife came out and just be open about Ghoul's situation and that was the end of it.
Maybe they continued talking about it on 504um but I doubt it.
It would be a shitshow if they brought him back again so forget about it, he wasn't a good podcaster anyway. Bulby needs to come back.

thank you everybody, much appreciated.

Btfo'd you frizzy hair mulatto Nigger.

They forgave him for having sex with a 17 year old boy.

Thanks user

thanks, in return an anglin approved wife

oh man if only I was 30 years old

>posting that one link I posted 2 hours ago in a random thread and taking credit for it

>anyone who follows Billy Roper and his cringey bullshit
Woah, Billy Roper seems pretty based. I never heard of him, so I googled the name. What do you have against him?

Thanks, bud.

Oh, look, another controlled-opposition thread. Hopefully some liberal faggot murders these assholes.

What pro-white media have you produced, user? Fuck you.

is this post satire?

tripfags are the worst.

>your race

Amerimutts are not a race. I bet you love Matt Heimbach too.

He has taken hard stances against the newly red pilled alt right. Spencer, TRS, et all. He was a 90's white nationalist and when you listen to his podcast, you can tell he is upset there are people out there, who are intellectuals, making more inroads in the white nationalist community. Add to that, another leader of a NatSoc group who spent an entire show bitching about not being a bigger leader in the movement than he was, because he had military experience.

People talk shit about TDS, but they aren't larping. They stay in their lane and that is much more than I can say for the legtover skinheads from the 90's

They do more free shows now than before the paywall, faggot. Go be poor somewhere else

Then maybe you should donate to them, it being Christmas and all... But, I guess Christmas for you means free shit. Not suprised from a cuck. Another example of the ME ME ME Attitude.

How the fuck is this proof he is a kike? Fuck off faggot.
At least post the passover dinner he was having with his half brother and wife that is legit not this retarded shit

Literally no proof of either of these things.

doesnt add up. methinks your a fuckwit. if i remember correctly, wasnt Spencer against natsoc entirely?

It's rough when you have to teach retards how to shill. Imagine being the sperg that shills rent free on an anonymous board. The lack of credit for the signaling must be really hard. I am sure they screen cap their posts to distribute within their leftypol groups so they can be noticed and recognized

I told you, you faggot.
People asked them to explain what the whole thing with Ghoul was about and all Sven did was make stupid jokes about it, after that they never brought it up again on the Shoah.
This was when they still had disqus comments so you won't find the comments calling them out to explain the situation and then calling Sven out for avoiding it.
There's no other narrative than antifachan's one on Ghoul, they didn't deny Ghoul being a faggot, they didn't say anything about it hoping it would go away, but it backfired when they brought him on for a few minutes on that one show.

I assume your response was toward my post and I was mistaken, it wasn't a NatSoc group it was the new leader of American Vanguard. There was a reason for the split after Charllotesville within that group, and its because this guy is a fucking retard who thinks saying "please clap" (i should be the leader) is an effective way of grandstanding

By the way, this faggots blue pilled narrative on charllotesville is not only retarded, but offensive to anyone who paid attention. Especially for a "leader" of a white nationalist organization. Fuck this faggot Dillon Harper, twice a retarded and larpy as Billy Roper

i was talking to OP, but i appreciate the response mate. more than i was hoping for.

gibs plz.
i'll suck your dick

Thank you kindly

If your flag didn't have any stars I probably wouldnt have responded. I can't deal with British men. Change your accent or kill yourself. It all reminds me of Sargon the Cuck and his pompous bullshit. Yes, that's burger as fuck and I'm okay with it.

>He has taken hard stances against the newly red pilled alt right. Spencer, TRS, et all.
Looks like he's the only one speaking about the Charlottesville 5. TRS, Spencer, and the "alt-right" you mentioned haven't said a word about them.
>you can tell he is upset there are people out there, who are intellectuals, making more inroads in the white nationalist community.
Yeah, except TRS isn't white nationalist. They Castizo-Hapa-Fag nationalists who talk about fucking Asian grills on their forum. Jared Taylor thinks jews are white and refuses to say the 14 words in public, in English at least -- he'll say them in Japanese and French tho.

Not really into fake white nationalism like TRS, but thanks for letting me know about Billy Roper. He's what we really need. Alt-Right is a fucking disaster.

t. sheckle grubbing capitalist

Its the same shills making the same posts every time we have these threads. They pretend their paywall shows are in high demand by making these threads, then samefagging. Same posts every time like a script.

thanks senpai!