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I didn't think there could be anything worse than TFA, boy was I wrong.

I read the shit on this shite I was expecting the worst.

It wasn't that bad. Luke arc kinda made sense. The thing that annoys' me is they reuse the exact plot from the previous movies. Its disgraceful they get paid millions to plagiarize

Could what the jews did to Star Wars become more pivotal than even Gamergate?


i hope so, but seems like there should be more of a drop off in (((TV))) watching aside NFL, and there should also be declining purchases of (c)rap music too

Star Wars

Don't know if you're a concern trolling jew or what, but these are huge steps and momentum is growing.

Both, especially the NFL, were considered untouchable just a year ago.

From the Forbes article

Be sure to buy your porg plushies, goyim


Star wars was always mediocre rubbish.
I never understood why manchildren overhyped it so much.
The same manchildren that think it's the greatest series ever created by mankind yet hate 50% of the films.

NFL numbers are down proportional to TV viewing in general, and still dominates other sports.

>eu flag
I can see why you think this way. But you are wrong.

So it's actually about like the others, other than ROTS, which is the odd man out.

>released during Christmas like yeah look at all this free time people have and money to spend

Last Jedi was the biggest "fuck you" to Star Wars fans ever. The prequels may have been shit but at least George Lucas made them with real passion. Hell, even the Holiday Special is less offensive to the fans

Yeah they stomped all over my childhood. At least the prequels had a fucking storyline and character development.

There's a clear downward trend though

it's just a shit movie, nothing to do with goyims waking up

Original trilogy was good cinema. Based on great Japanese Cinema, had pioneering special effects and action.

rogue one was actually nice, unique

cant be the only one that thinks that it was WAY better than the 7

100X better

The moral was 'You've been a failure all your life, failure is good. Reject your father figures, they have nothing to offer you in 2017. Reject God and religion, they are not needed or 'page turners' and of course Rose's line about "saving the ones you love not hurting the ones you hate"

>If you let your enemies kill you, you win

i had fun

my moms boyfriend had fun

my crush and her black bf had fun

everyone close to me had fun with the movie

fuck you pol the movie is good

this only means that you and everyone around you is a retarded sheep, fuck you too and please stop spreading your diaspora

Better, but not great. Same situation where I couldn't give a fuck about the characters.

tlj actually toned down some of the sjw garbage that tfa had in it, probably because jew jew abraham had less to do witih it

dont get me wrong it was still poz as fuck

That's not much of an achievement.

I absolutely hate that nigger that plays Finn. Easily the most useless character in the entire trilogy, yet the actor is so god damn stuck up.

0/10 so bad you don't even get a (((you)))

Luke Skywalker is probably among the top ten most popular movie characters ever
he's pop culture icon at this point
they turned him from a noble and optimistic (if naive) do-gooder in to a jaded outcast and murderer without any real explanation
then killed him off and had him die alone on some shitty rock
that doesn't even address any of the other problems like making the Jedi path a farce, killing Admiral Ackbar off-screen or the Princess Mary Poppins scene

>Both, especially the NFL, were considered untouchable just a year ago.

yeah any political consultant would have told you that publicly attacking pro football was suicide just one or two years ago

It was far far better than 7 but Sup Forums will squeal incoherently if you say that. It had a flimsy, but at least coherent plot, and the characters stood on their own without needing to piggyback off nostalgia. The only nostalgia plugs they made were hideous and rejected by audiences.

yeah my biggest gripe is how they completely shat all over the jedi training process, ray learned more in 2 days than luke did in a whole fucken movie

talk about fuck the cannon

Look at statistics for last film you absolute retard

what's so bad about the latest star wars film? gonna see it with my brother tomorrow night.

Don't forget Mark Hamill has a real problem with how they portrayed Luke in the film, calling him "Jake Skywalker"

they're unironically blaming the alt-right for this

Is this real or wishful thinking? I thought that Star Wars would be a guaranteed success pretty much.

I actually didn't mind tfa, it wasn't great but it was entertaining enough. Last Jedi is pure shit.

>women get shit done
>the entire resistance army at the end of the movie fits snugly inside the millennium falcon
yep, seems about right





It's at about 76% of where TFA was at this point based on box office mojo. Down from just under 89% on opening weekend numbers. This is a huge drop in on be week, and we haven't even seen what the weekend will do to it. TFA drop 40% in outs second weekend and grossed almost $150 million, with the poor weird of mouth i expect this is going to be much much worse.

>talk about fuck the cannon

The Last Jedi: A Hate Letter to Star Wars and its Fans

>Luke arc kinda made sense
If you love eating shit that is.

They ruin anything they're involved with

The worst part is, I don't even have it for is obvious sjw bent. I hate it for legitimate inconsistencies in the plot that was written by some fanfic tier Tumblrina. Rose and Poe had no romantic interactions prior to that kiss. The admiral should have just told the crew the plan and nobody would have mutinied. The hacker had no way of knowing the rebels were already escaping on small ships. And worst off they refuse to make Rey into a properly developed character. They just keep giving her fuck you force powers with zero explanation and if you question it you hate women. Despite Luke being shit with the force in the start and it being implied that Anakin trained for years as an apprentice. No sure. She just happens to be good enough to take down a room of imperial guards and the man that is now the strongest member of the first order.

If you think this isn't because of Russian bots and agents your a fucking retard

Merry Christmas /po/ - from me, Chad Vader, Darth Vader's brother.

Why is that thing doing a soysmile? Is that the nu-male insert?

You can't 'plagiarize' your own property, but I see your point, anyway.

Paco speaks the truth.
Rouge one was mature and finally treated Star Wars as a war story.

Just leaving this here

>it makes sense that the man who saw light in darth fucking vader and actually succeeded in turning him from the dark side would instinctively try to murder his sister's son in his sleep because he was flirting with the dark side
yeah dude, totally makes sense
it's like the natural progression

Want to get even angrier goyim?
Commence rage


Fake praise from a fake story from fake news written by (((fake whites)))

A tiki torch in every hand at 2020 Trump rallies

Mentions require using a hashtag and you can't have anything on the same line, for example

which on my screen looks like


Also Sup Forums automatically censors your credit card number, here's mine: ********************

try it out!

People like you will shit on everything. Did you ever think that some people grew up with Star Wars and so they still enjoy it? Yeah it’s gone to shit now but the original trilogy was pretty good. It’s always been goofy.

Also this JewYorkTimes article that explains that the ENTIRE writing staff were strong, independent, inspired, activist women tired of seeing women portrayed like actual women on screen

why does it matter if her bf was black you fucking racist

ROTS is actually the 2nd best SW movie

>falls for obvious bait

Watch who call normie



Donald Trump's White Christmas to the NFL:

Oh, you better watch out,
You’d better not kneel,
Better not pout,
Cause shit’s getting real,
Donald Trump is taking you down,

You’re raising your fist,
Better check yourself twice,
Or he’ll put your commish’s
Balls in a vise,
Donald Trump is taking you down,

He sees you when you’re kneeling,
He hears you bitch and nag,
He knows that you’re a race baiter,
And you disrespect our flag,

So, You better watch out,
You’d better not kneel,
Better not pout,
Cause shit’s getting real,
Donald Trump is taking you down,

You’re linking your arms and holding your hands,
There’s gonna be no one left in the stands,
Donald Trump is taking you down,
You stood behind Newton, Bennett and Kap,
But White fans have left, they ain’t coming back!
Donald Trump is taking you down,

With tickets at five dollars,
It’s a bad look for the Shield,
And as for Colin Kapaernick,
That son of a bitch is off the field!
You better watch out,
You’d better not kneel,
Better not pout,
Cause shit’s getting real,
Donald Trump is taking you down!

luke dies

It turns out being progressive can't take the place of actual talent, creativity, or dedication

Nah. Gamergate got off the ground because of the implication of game reviews being in bed with game developers literally and figuratively which brought into question the ethics of the magazines that until that point were trusted but gamers as a good source of advice on what to buy.
People are free to make shit movies. The problem comes if we find out Lucas is fucking movie critics for high ratings on what he calls a movie but is just a still imagine oh him taking a shit.

>A fucking self-insert

your probably more retarded than the original pastor if you think I'd fall for that credit card scam

>I was very hungry
I can tell

>to create female characters who felt real
Obviously you ate a truck of friend chicken instead of doing that

Women should not be involved in writing fantasy epics

Anyone else excited for the new Halloween by Blumhouse and John Carpenter? Shaping up to have an all-white cast.


>Luke ark
Kek doesn't he just give up on life after the 6th movie and die a meaningless death in the 8th?

no no no
"luke dies" may mean that he gets fucked by someone or something in some epic battle saving the galaxy, which would be cool
luke just fucking decides to die out of the blue for no fucking reason and then dies while sitting on a rock looking at the sunset


If you’re autistic and you absolutely HAVE to see it, then buy a different movie ticket and sneak into the theater. Do not give (((them))) your money.

Literally nothing important happened in this movie. The whole fucking thing was about how the past does not matter, and you can burn 10,000,000 year old books because knowledge is in the heart.

This was some gay ass shit

>my crush and her black bf


Some of those scenes looked like Iraq
Decent movie

That’s seriously a 12 year old girl’s tumblr fan fic

Porgs totally throat fucked.
Mary Sue BTFO

Can somebody explain to me who the nigger is in the new Star Wars? I don't plan on watching any of the new stuff because it's obviously garbage, but I'm kind if curious what his backstory is. Does he have any relation to the previous characters in the franchise? He seems to have just appeared out of nowhere.

The Porg fleshlight was just one step too far from Disney.

>not astronomy

>Look, I'm Mary Poppins, Ya'll!

He's a stormtrooper who defected from the Empire, and so far does nothing useful for the rebels.

Yeah, what was up with that? Astrology? Are they serious?

Whew lad

imperial janitor turned stormtrooper that defects when tasked with killing and then finds mary sue on desert planet
after that he's just the diversity hire sidekick

Are the goyim waking up? Or are the jews just beginning to shift toward war rhetoric now? What if they forced shitskins upon us to show everyone just how bad they really are so they can turn the culture around and eventually sell bombs and bullets for the purposes of btfoing shitskins and also decreasing white populations.

This. Start movie with several frigates, a squadron of X-Wings, A squadron of bombers and a Mon Cal star cruiser. End with the Millennium Falcon and twenty some odd people.

Its odd but that actor has really become mad over starwars because of this film. You can see it in his face now.

The Jews have sacrificed box office success for destroying the culture. It's all out war for them. They aren't slowing down, they aren't stopping, this isn't "winning"

I'm legitimately surprised Sup Forums isn't into astrology from all the other /x/ autism about muh saturn here

well, good thing they killed the sun swallowing death-star mk 3 tm then, wouldn' want it fucking up vice admiral gender studies readings by putting any stars out of business

Women eat astrology up, it's proof 90% of them are fucking idiots.



There are probably /x/ cross posters here that are into it.

Thanks user

Sup Forums is going to crucify me for this, but fuck it - it's not like there are any new white heroes in the new trilogy (except for maybe Lady Purplehair Giraffeneck). I actually think Finn is the most interesting of the new trio of characters - he had so much potential that they threw away in TLJ.

-Explore his journey from being a small fish in a big evil pond to a big fish in a small good pond.
-How about the Resistance not trusting him because he was a Stormtrooper?
-Instead of going on the stupid "find the codebreaker" sidequest, keep him on the ship. Even if the tracking technology was true, it'd be great to see the Resistance saying, "How are they tracking us in hyperspace? They've never done this before! Wait...we have a stormtrooper on board, right???"
-He even has him own nemesis in Phasma, but nah, the new movies are determined to waste having Brienne of Tarth in their movie.

He did the same thing as obi won did in the originals, ascended or whatever. You can can fault many things but that makes sense to me at least.

It’s bullshit scam by gypsy fortune tellers