>be lithuania
> finnaly get of the commie dick which was raping us for 50 years
>decide to join EU
>EU becomes a one big bank where we get money from
>now EU is like hand rubbing kike who is wainting for lithuania to ask for money
>every time we elect a new party expecting a change , end of corruption , it turns out that they are yet another gang of corrupted politicians who just want EU money
>elders are starving , youth is immigrating , but mansions outside cities are still rising
>now that politicians have built their mansions , the country has to give money back
>we have a president who does nothing (we elected a fucking woman)
>now we to have take in shitskins because of decreasing population
>rabbis are laughing at us from EU parlament
>best part , we can't leave the party because it would be like brexit and 50 billion shit
> they know how money hungry our people are , since we are a post-communist state
>we are so deep in the shit without a shovel that there is even a popular saying "it was better with a russian"
Hey eastern european anons , is this shit the same in your countries ?
EU is designed to kill post-communist countries
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I need a fucking hug
Maybe you can take back your welfare leeches so? And Romania can take back gypsy?
Most western euro countries never wanted you. It was others who forced you in. Fuck off if you don't like it most of us would welcome it.
I personally know polish people flying in to my country collecting welfare then flying home with Ryanair. We work hard and you cunts steal and moan about everything
lel, good,
fuck off
Hey, at least your country isn't the literal bureaucratic capital of the EU.
> meme flag
We wan't off the ride (people not our kike politicians)thing is , is that you are not going to let us off the hook that easy like you did with britain
I know how you feel about us being money hungry , like i said it is because of glorious communism
Here , every one would like to get EU money but only politicians get their hands on them
The only thing that could save us is strong nationalism or fascism
Is it really that bad there
Atleast you are not starving
Shut the fuck up.
Baltics are getting richer they are on track for parity with Western Europe.
Guess what this is it, low birth rates, its kinda shitty and you're lucky to go on holidays.
All your best and brightest are living somewhere else for now but guess what they move back to the "motherland" build a house and have 2.4 kids.
The only thing that is getting richer are oligarchs
Minimum here is fucking 200 eu , food prices are rising , so are taxes , all money that comes from your hard work ends up in our politician's pockets
Low birth rates are because the people can't afford to have a family because they don't get enough money
No it isn't, that just a side effect. It's designed to be a united states of Germany. Given their ever flowing prosperity it seems to be working.
Yeah , it does
A lot of people here say that we changed soviet union into EU
bigs hugs for my lith bro, fuck the globalists.
Just wait and it'll be even worse.
Thanks aussie
soviet union was pretty horrific during the holodomor, hard to imagine anything being worse
Can confirm, same shit here and there's no escape from it. My only hope is that EU will crumble under heavy migrant crisis and ethnic tensions, because our retarded politicians will sure as fuck do nothing.
I know
They gonna bring low-tier shitskins here
Fun fact we actually brought in some civilized shitskins here but this suck so much that they even ran out of here
Eastern europe m8
Everything can get worse here if people do nothing
Imagine Australia NOT making the refugee boats turn back, that's how bad the EU is.
I know the solution Little Poland...sorry... i meant Lithuania!! Please come back home!! We miss you QQ. Lithuania do you remember that time when we ruled in Moscow? Or when we were fighting 5 vs1 and no1 could even hurt us? Lithuania please come back home, we are worried!
Polish-lithuanian common wealth when?
We need bring old school monarchy back
One day friend
We will take what was once ours
fug dat, we are still cucked to fucked by my standards
Will we see cronulla riots 2.0 ?
Lithuania was better under communism
fuck knows, I got too much money to do that sort of shit
To add aswell a lot of the south african imigrants are pretty decent. Being christian and all. Most non christian immigrants are so shit tier criminals
It's same pretty much anywhere.
Neoliberalism does that.
Then it seems that the riots were effective
We need cronulla riots USA edition
Your country is ran by communist kikes, that's the problem. The same ones that ruled during soviet era are in power right now. Their goal is to destroy the country from within using economy.
Sure it was, you communist party kike
Abejoju ar is ekonomines puses tu teisus, komunistas yra komunistas , jis nekencia religijos , kulturos ,liepia kautis jo karus taip yra ir su europos sajunga dabar nepriimsi pabegeliu tau uzmes kaip lenkijai sankcijas ar bauda
We have democracy , really shitty one tho
If we don't like one party we gonna vote for another , but they are all fucking same
Btw how is it going for you there fellow balt
It is globalism , people leave their homeland , they forget their language, history, culture they become zombies who can be easily manipulated by globalist kikes
this basicly, it's why hollywood is so pumped in our faces. cultural assimilation with the americans
>My only hope is that EU will crumble under heavy migrant crisis and ethnic tensions
I've been traveling and its very stable and hardly any Muslims. Definitely not as many as France or America.
Jews are squeezing the poor in this shithole
Suck my big baltic cock you nigger. You dont know nuffin
They want to destroy ottoman countries, the goal it's to dissolve the memory of an arab middle east in order to make the idea of a great judea.
I don't believe you
It's worse over here at least
Jews everywhere in the higher echelons of society too
>it turns out that they are yet another gang of corrupted politicians who just want EU money
You poor sod. Your politicians get money from the EU? That's a harsh fate, I have to agree. These cruel eurocrats probably don't even say "thank you" when they hand you the coffers.
Shit aside Lithuania, have you ever thought that these euromonies don't grow on trees? I have to work for them and my government is throwing around my money like candy.
You're at 40% debt-to-gdp as well. You could even borrow somewhere else and don't need to take the EU money.
>we have a president who does nothing (we elected a fucking woman)
You just said she gets money for free from the EU. That bitch! I hope you can elect someone else who piles these EU funds onto a heap and burns it all. That will show us, Lithuania.
>elders are starving , youth is immigrating , but mansions outside cities are still rising
You want us to send all these Lithuanian beggars back? Fine with me.
they never will suceed in greater judea , 30% of world population is muslims and im pretty sure alot of them hate jews.
Riiight.. You not fooling anyone anymore we have facts now. You needed small countries just becouse your kraut buisness can gain more market., Eu fucking destroyed country agriculture becouse krauts and polshits already doing that.. And we gave all our gold to the Eurobank.
I know that you work hard to build our politicians house with us joining the EU no one wins besides globalists and oligarchs , i wish we could do something hanz but we can't
It has been 200+ of constant unadulterated embarrassment now
>You needed small countries just becouse your kraut buisness can gain more market.
If you don't like our goods why do you buy then and why did you join?
>Eu fucking destroyed country agriculture becouse krauts and polshits already doing that
What are you complaining about? That you aren't the only farmers in Europe? Well, thank God for that. We'd all starve.
Aren't there any German firms settling where you live? In Germany we always hear about them wanting to expand their production somewhere in eastern Europe.
>And we gave all our gold to the Eurobank.
Did you? So what about it? Did the ECB lose it?
>I know that you work hard to build our politicians house with us joining the EU
Well, it's not our fault that you've got corrupt politicians, is it? We've got them as well.
If my tax money helps you develop I'm not even opposed to pay it. We've had a quite successful common trade policy in the Hanse back then. We've grown on you and the other Baltic states during that time.
I wouldn't know why that can't work in this day and age.
Are you not printing your own money like Poland?
I remember a few years ago in Lithuania there was a father whose daughter was molested by politicians, and the father took them out. That was a cool story.