>americans believe it is their god given inalienable right to own a gun
>americans believe healthcare isn't
before you pull that "making healthcare a right means doctors are indentured servants!!!" shit, someone still has to make guns. are they indentured servants?
Americans believe it is their god given inalienable right to own a gun
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>has to make
Who? The gun maker will just shoot you
Fuck off Soy Boy.
>im entitled to guns but no one has to make them xd
yet you own guns, curious
not an argument
Well, no. Because the right to healthcare you're discussing is a right in a positive sense.
>You must be provided healthcare.
Whereas gun rights are a in a negative sense.
>No one has the right to stop you from getting a gun.
For gunsmiths to be slaves it would have to be in the positive sense as well.
>You must be provided a gun.
Which is what we should be voting for. Mandatory guns 2020. Everyone against it is a cuck.
It depends what system doctors and healthcare staff would prefer to work under.
I'm pretty sure gun makers are happy to make guns and gun buyers are happy to buy guns.
>implying I own a gun
>implying someone would not take the time to make their own guns, however primitive, just like any other survival equipment
You live in gibsmedat
Tbh arguments like this expose how little the left actually understands about politics or philosophy. The USA and its constitution is built on the concept of negative rights. The left has flipped the whole thing on its head by declaring that negative rights ar inconvenient and outdated, and therefore null and void. Then they try to replace them with an avalanche of arbitrary positive rights that have no foundation in anything except reddit memes and jewish propaganda
you still have to buy the gun, it doesn't just appear in your hands
You can't use healthcare to protect yourself or your country.
What a stupid fucking argument. This is Johnny Mathis vs. Diet Pepsi all over again.
That's honestly fucking bullshit. You should be given a gun by the government, or at least a stipend/tax deduction in order to purchase a gun.
Also, a fine for every month that you are gun-less.
You're making a fallacious argument.
Right to own a gun means you've a right to obtain one with your own funding. You aren't mandated to be given a gun by the Gov't.
Right to healthcare implies the right to be GIVEN healthcare.
Stop being fucking mentally deficient. Fuckin lefties, i swear.
This, it's ridiculous, they don't understand the meanings of the words they use. The "right" to healthcare is actually a claim on resources, whether you agree with it or not. The right to bear arms isn't, you don't demand that the state buys you a gun.
I cant tell a lame ass troll from a real moonbat any more
>user doesn't know the difference between a right and an entitlement
Why am I not surprised?
We don’t get free guns. Why not? We have a right to them don’t we? And that means “if you can’t afford it, the government will provide it free of charge” to leftists. So leftists, where are my free guns?
cool, then make your own guns. we should ban guns from being sold if that is an ok option.
Pacifism demands gun rights and rejects theft for the health of others.
Only if we can ban people from purchasing healthcare.
poor people don't even pay for it anyway. i see no problem.
>Dindus get shot or blow themselves up with shitty improvised weaponry
>Hospitals are shut down because it is now illegal to sell healthcare
>ham-planets die in droves along with boomers
>Liberal hypochondriacs never leave their homes
Like I'll honestly call it a netgain.
Imagine being as stupid as OP and actually believing forcing someone else to take care of you is a God given right and it somehow compares to a gunsmith plying his trade to make a living.
There is nothing in any religion that says you are owed healthcare by society or even that you should trust society to care for you.
I'll take the bait
We have the right to keep and use weapons to defend our lives, property, and liberty. We aren't entitled to receive weapons on the gov't dime. Want a gun, buy a gun. Don't want a gun, don't buy. Simple as that.
>Gib muh free helfcare
Kys nigger
One involves right to own something if you pay for it, other involves someone else paying for you.
Though I personally support both.
But both the right to access firearms and healthcare are rights Americans have.
It's "free" healthcare they don't have access to.
>he doesn't understand the difference between positive and negative rights
Fellow Americans, post pics of the guns your government has bought you with tax money
Pic related.
Every Obama phone should come with a Hi-Point.
>I'm pretty sure gun makers are happy to make guns
You would think, but Smith and Wesson still won't bring back the 4506.
the state doesn't give us arms retard
i don't have a right to go to a gun smith and demand a fucking gun, you absolute idiot
Hey asshole....reminder the most dangerous thing the average American can do is visit their local snake oil salesman. Thanks to cronyism and institutionalized incompetence, the medical community murders more Americans than suicide, mass shootings, car accidents, war, natural disasters and plane crashes combined.
Health care in America isn't healthy and it isn't care. So fuck off with your memes. The average physician is less useful than the average garbage collector and that's a fact.
Doesn't America import >90% of personal guns?
Heard American made guns all suck.
That's because gun ownership is a god-given right to protect oneself. Entirely personal and requires no other people.
The right to healthcare is a right to the forcible employment of doctors and nurses against their will to serve you whenever you feel sick. One is a personal possession problem, the other is forcing others to get a specific education to serve you, asking an entire system to exist for your benefit when you put 0 effort into it. Get fucked.
Nowhere close to 90%.
>Heard American made guns all suck.
A lot of the ones that are imported are imported because their cheap, for example look up Taurus, HS2000, Italian cowboy revolvers and lever actions which are really fairly nice actually. American made AR-15s and AR-10s are some of the best semi-autos you can buy, plenty of top-class bolt gun makers, Remington and Mossberg make very good shotguns. Best 1911s, lag behind a bit in more modern semi-autos (Smith M&P is nice, but that fucking trigger...)
We have the exact same accessablity for both of those rights.
>buy it
If I'm paying for other people heart care via my tax money, then there needs to be government issued free firearms too. 1 pistol, handgun, and rifle for every non-exempt (doesnt pass the NICS backgroud check) tax payer 18 or older.
And to be fair healthcare isn't mentioned as a constitunal amendment. I do personally believe it could be considered the "life" in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
Free healthcare requires 100s of people who are forced by the state to provide a service. 2A, you can go and acquire a rifle at your own expense, if you choose to do so.
Are the gunmakers forced to provide you with guns paid for by the taxpayers? Congratulations on the lowest IQ post of the month.
>someone still has to make guns
No they don't
>shit, someone still has to make guns. are they indentured servants?
No they're fucking paid and volunteer for the job just like doctors you fucking moron. Derpty snerf.
someone else has to provide me healthcare senpai. A gun is an item. Healthcare is a service. Also no one says you can't have Healthcare. You certainly can. You just have to purchase it from someone, just like a gun.