>promises to lower taxes on the middle class and replace obamacare with something better
>instead raises taxes on the middle class and takes away obamacare without putting anything in its place
Remind me again why Sup Forums supported this conman?
Promises to lower taxes on the middle class and replace obamacare with something better
Other urls found in this thread:
>Remind me again why Sup Forums supported this conman?
cos the world said it didnt want trump and pol is contrarian to a fault. when the pendulum swings back in a few years pol will be unironically left wing again
I know, right?
Personally, I think we should support Bernie Sanders in 2020, he really cares about the people and not just the 1%. Drain the swamp, but for real this time!
>raises taxes on the middle class
Did no such thing. Go shill someplace else.
>pol will be unironically left wing again
Sup Forums was never left-wing, but we can certainly make it so!
So you're saying when Sup Forums wins then they'll quit fighting over the abandoned corpse of Sup Forums? hmm...
shit that only msm low info useful idiots say...
have another heart attack david brock, you're losing
He was an hilarious choice. It was incredibly funny to see Donald fucking Trump run for president. Somewhere along the way the mood changed, especially amongst americans, and anons started to actually believe the god emperor memes. It was interesting.
>instead raises taxes on the middle class
literally a lie
bernie sanders....
his policy requires taxes going up for EVERYONE to even START to pay for
he is lowering taxes on middle class just by 2027 its going to raise on the middle class also you provided no information to your claim
>raises taxes on the middle class
fake news
I'm cuhrayzee how easy it is to tell when someone doesn't, and hasn't ever, had to pay any taxes anywhere near the "middle class" bracket.
No, Bernie Sanders will only raise taxes on the greedy fat pigs of the 1%.
In fact, under President Sanders, the middle class and lower class will see their taxes reduced dramatically!
Not understanding kek in current year
Yes, taxes rates are technically being lowered (albeit marginally), but the deductibles that most middle class people use are being taken away, along with their healthcare, and grad students are getting taxed into oblivion.
So, ultimately, the middle and working class will still be paying more even though their "rate" has slightly decreased.
This tax bill is an attack on the working poor and academia, especially academia because Republitards know that educated people vote against them, so they will disincentivize university.
pol wasnt founded the day you first visited nufag
I'm just here to comment in this totally non shill thread. I'm going to donate to the Bern's 2020 campaign right now. Match me Sup Forums.
He was /ourguy/ then Kushner/Jews got to him somehow around the Syria strikes. Sparks gone out since then desu, doubt he cba with 2020. Whats the point if the Jews will obstruct everything? Doubt even a wall will be built now.
just like in denmark except here it will be worse since half the country is brown and dont pay taxes
Sup Forums was literally created as a racist containment board, dummy
Why would a leftist board support ZimZam?
He didn't raise taxes you stupid cunt. Just like every Democrat Scum Bag you are just pissed he is going to take your Welfare Cheque.
maybe i want really expensive health care and really high taxes
ever think of THAT OP?
no you didn't because you are a faggot fresh off the boat from reddit
Remember to say "full retard" to people who now don't have to pay Obamacare penalties.
Any increases in tax DO NOT hit the middle class, but keep saying they do!!!!
If we are going to get this "blue wave" going, we have to bullshit millions of people to vote against prosperity.
Denmarks system operates because it doesn't have brown hordes draining billions from the Whites.
I'm middle class and my taxes will go down, and double fuck the mandate that was going to cost me over 1k this year.
That's retarded
its clearly two different people who live in the same house and use the same computer, pleb
Notice how shareblue hasn't sourced any of their statements.
>announcing sage
>pretending you can downvote things
>deductibles that most middle class people use are being taken away
>along with their healthcare
>grad students are getting taxed into oblivion.
Look if you have never attended college I understand you don't know anything about grad students.
But now grad students are being taxed on their scholarships. So if you attend a 50k university with a scholarship, you are now being taxed as if you make 50k.
Make America great again am I right.
>But now grad students are being taxed on their scholarships. So if you attend a 50k university with a scholarship, you are now being taxed as if you make 50k.
quality loles my good bitch
>He didn't raise taxes you stupid cunt.
Removing standard deductions is a tax increase.
and your policy is to disregard sarcasm
Trump wont be re-elected. His presidency has largely been a lie.
>raises taxes on the middle class
removes deduction lowers the rate you get a net tax cut yea he increased taxes ok.
yea polls where the make ups of republicans/conservatives is 25% and dems are as high as 51% in the last Monmouth, yea seams legit.
Wait, I know that guy on the right
fuck the middle class desu. bunch of selfimportant unimaginative cunts
>Trump wont be re-elected. His presidency has largely been a lie.
Trump is about to bring down the shady Obama administration.
Hold on to your pussyhat, faggot. The swamp is about to get drained.
You're going to be "literally shaking rn" just like you were on November 9th, 2016.
You're a fucking idiot. Even the MSM has finally shown the vast majority of people will benefit from the new tax plan. Your liberal lies won't work anymore.
>the left still lying about the tax cuts
Not really surprised. If you told a leftist that this tax plan was from burnie they would lap it up.
What are you a fuckin jew
Tax rates were lowered for the middle class.
The standard deduction went up to $12k for singles. If you can itemize more than that, you are not middle class. Breeders get more cash for kiddies.
If you think the middle class had their taxes raised, you are dumb.
Fag. Show me where the middle class pays more. The bulk of the cuts are to middle class.
You fucking Jews really need to leave the USA.
why do the individual cuts expire and the ones for wealthy investors and businesses last indefinitely? i think that's the main point of contention. and most of the money is going to big corporations/landholders.
Why would you choose to live in New York or worse still New Jersey? Fuck you, you've had a free ride for years anyway you greedy leftist shit.
sorry, for the guy under you
individual cuts have an expiration date so Republicans can say in the 2026 midterm election: "Vote for us because Democrats will raise your taxes, we'll keep them lowered."
It's purely politics.
take a knee or genuflect, either way i don't give a damn.
- the swamp
The Republican's have to offset the revenue they are losing. So how are they going to do it?
Well according to Paul Ryan and company they are going to go after your Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Yup all three. And it's also no coincidence that the health care mandate will be removed AFTER the 2018 election, causing the private health insurance markets to either collapse or become completely unaffordable in 2019.
But won't this bill push businesses to either hire and raise salaries? Not likely, growth comes from demand; not extra cash that companies have. If you own an ice cream factory you aren't going to hire more workers unless you have more demand for your ice cream. Money to the company doesn't create that demand and neither does a small increase to take home pay that will be offset by higher out of pocket costs for other things that the government will cut back on.
And if you think "trickle down" works please take a good look at the recent Republican experiment in Kansas then get back to me and tell me how its doing. The GOP is doing what they always do; adding trillions to the debt so that they can then claim that the debt is so out of control because of the social spending that the government does.
No, its out of control because these guys hate revenue and they have no problem giving tax breaks that cost us a fortune to people and corporations that absolutely don't need them.
And if business was in such terrible shape financially then why is the stock market so high?
>things that will never happen: the post
You're fucking delusional if you think the elites will ever be taken down.
He isn't Hillary.
The key word is supportED.
But muh liberal tears muh 4d chess
are shills getting more and more retarded? The middle class is going to pay less federal taxes, not MORE. Obamacare is still in place, just finally allowed to die gracefully without illegal govt subsidies and individual mandate. Then, and only then can the Affordable Care Act be replaced with something less oxymoronic and Obama will be completely and wholly undone
You faggots don’t understand that this is aimed towards getting corporations to quit hiding their money, bring it back to the U.S., and begin investing in the U.S.
And we are supposed to take you at your word that he raised taxes? How about "Citation needed" Your feelings don't matter.
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums
You do realize these so called hidden monies have to go to the creditors/shareholders first.
Trickle that down your noggin.
every democrat senator, congressperson, talking head, and internet person who has made this claim has not made any citation or specific reference to how this claim is true.
not a single one. they can't. it's total bullshit.
Sometimes the best bread is right under your nose.
Meanwhile, House Speaker Paul Ryan and other top Republicans are beginning to publicly promote the next GOP priority: cuts to spending on welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid programs. While cuts to entitlement spending would help mitigate the dramatic loss in revenue from the tax cuts, President Trump campaigned on a promise to protect the programs from any cuts.
Somebody's got to pay and it sure won't be the swamp.
Sup Forums is just a reactionary base for LARPers to spout "red-pilled" bullshit like "muh Jews" or "muh race war" when in reality they probably just need a safe space for being outcasts to society. Sup Forums was never contrarian
That's incorrect. That was in the early senate draft, it is not in the current bill.
pls try again.
>instead raises taxes on the middle class
>instead raises taxes on the middle class and takes away obamacare without putting anything in its place
2-4% increase in post tax income for middle class
Mandate is gone.
Stop shilling lies Ethan.
Same formula
Initial shill post plus 2-3 immediate supporting posts.
Then true pol fills it up with rebukes.
Are you guys in the same room? Honestly it would be easier for you.
>it's another OP is an uninformed retard episode
people in California making a million a year aren't middle class OP