Nords are objectively inferior

There are hardly any great Nordic inventors (Blond hair, Blue eyes) only one great Nordic commander (Gustavus Adolphus, literally no others) No great Nordic explorers besides Lief Eriksson and literally no great Nordic artists.

Even the figures of significance in Nordic populated countries are always brown haired and brown eyed (Isaac Newton, Robert E Lee, Peter the Great).

Nordic people are naïve, uncreative, cowardly, neurotic, your women are all race traitors and your "men" are too pathetic to do anything to stop it, preferring to spend your time attempting to take credit for the achievements of superior races (Mediterranean) on the internet.

>But your country is Nordic!

No bitch, pic related is Captain Cook, the man who discovered Australia, an obviously Mediterranean man who is continuing the seafaring traditions of the Ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Portuguese and Spanish.

Other urls found in this thread:

Even in your Nordic movements of racial salvation, you're too incompetent to organise and to cowardly to fight, hence all your leaders once again being Mediterranean:

>Muh Nordic England

Only Black haired Mosley stood up to fight

>Muh Aryan Germany

Black haired Hitler

>Muh Germanic France

Leon DeGrelle is clear descendent of Julius Caesar or some other Roman hero

And my favourite...

Even in a country that's literally 90% Nordic, Finland, the only leader with any balls to fight for the people was Carl Von Mannerheim, a black haired, brown eyed Commander. Pic related.

Nordic =\= blonde hair blue eyes. I am “Nordic” and have light brown hair and brown eyes. Anyways I could name dozens of blonde hair blue eyes inventors and engineers from Scandinavian countries. Nordics are literally the smartest race and have the highest balance of IQ to physical strength. Truly a perfect specimen.

Not to mention if your race is so much more “superior” why the need to attack other races? Inferiority complex much? Sounds like a Jewish thing.

I hit back after you attack us relentlessly and try to steal our achievements, you would do the same.

And no, you are not Nordic. You are by definition not racially Nordic unless you have blond hair and blue eyes, just ask Nordicist idols like Varg Vikernes...

VERY good post

Nordic != Blond hair and blue eyes.
Nice divide and conquer, though.


It literally, by anthropological definition, does.

And no, this is not a D&C; We had no unity or brotherhood to begin with.

Thank you my brothers.


eat my shit olive niggers

Tesla was of intermediate skin tone and had dark brown hair and brown eyes and literally invented our way of life as we know it today.

Nordic people are a fucking meme.

>See bullshit propaganda like "March of the titans" and "Passing of the great race" claiming Nordic superiority and claiming Mediterranean figures were Nordic

>Yes, this is great. These VIKANGZ achievements really make up for my lack thereof

>Get btfo by the real master race with facts and evidence

>E-eat my shit nigger! s-stop the divide and conquer! you get to be white now too ok?

suck cock in hell

Hahaha exactly.

The only merit of their entire race is that their women are easy to fuck bahahaha

Tbh i wouldnt mind we bleach meds a bit so they would shut up about:


Pathetic bunch of savages that found their way to the North after the last ice age.

Nothing more.

>mfw it's true

Quality kek. Roman conquests 2.0

What's with the anti-Nordic propaganda on here since ~2016?


>Black haired Hitler


He had light-brown hair

Ironic coming from people who literally post anti-med stuff every fucking Day here.

Im not even Med but i still cant stand the retarded Varg buttlicking.

>THAT is light brown?

God you Nordcucks really are retarded, can't even perceive colour correctly, no wonder you produced no great artists.

My hair is the same color.

that isnt light brown its just brown with an ashy appearance.

Where are you from then, I wonder?

Tis a secret but Central Europe.

Northerners are so superior that they legalized rape.
I wish we were more like them.

Ah fair enough. Got nothing against you guys.

unfortunately we just have to wallow in our *obvious* inferiority :'(

Bu bu bu BUT! Muh Vikings!!!

Bunch of fucking primitive savages who travelled down a few rivers in their rapeboats and trading mudcakes and fur with snowniggers down south.

both sides of this argument are coming from triggered autists who are probably very self conscious. there is beauty and innovation in all of European civilization. This idea that one is superior to the other is drivel.

kek at this confused celtic faggot who thinks he's med masterrace

Plenty of French are Med. He's probably from Marseilles or some Roman hub, even just scattered through the country side there are plenty of Meds in France.

i mean ive fucked plenty of dark bitches, its the blondes that are the hardest to get

>attacks literally everyone
>"haha why are you attack this race u must actually be inferior xd"


norway always struck me as an incredibly boring nation
am I right?

>1/3 were done by Jews.

>He thinks the country and not the race of the recipients is what matters

Not a single one is going to be Nordic, Varg, I guarantee you.


>Completely ignore every I posted
>Noble prizes are for bullshit like holding up signs and promoting peace

created for Nordic retards, by Nordic retards

Norway is super comfy.

Literally nothing worth mentioning about them besides the famous violent, neurotic, cowardly psychopaths rampaging through their cities and their cacophonous rubbish they call music.

Yes, we like peace and quiet.
Chill out desert abo fag.

True, but your hate for light eyes is Unfounded. It is light hair that is objectively repulsive, childish and low t.

Best is tanned golden carotenoid skin, dark hair and light blue, grey or green eyes for max aesthetics.

Dark hair, dark eyes and tanned skin is just too common. Every average wog, arab, semite, indio, asian,... has those. You need to stand out, and light eyes are objectively superior to dark eyes.

The coloring of Gandy or Alain Delon is the best.

Nerdics are repumsive thoufh. Sickly pale skin, non existentiële eyebrows, light childlike hair(normally hair is supposed to become darker during puberty), gracile features lacking any masculinity,...

I don't understand these threads. I mean, yes, Nordic people are essentially faggots who should be treated as outsiders and enemies by Mediterraneans, but who cares? It's just another group of scum we'll have to face on top of the plenty of others.

You also like dying alone

You know what I was talking about.

Nothing wrong with a bit of savagery. Too much civilization degenerates and corrupts. You need some stress on society/population if you want to retain a strong vigorous people.

Now that's a spicya meatball

well, it's nothing new

How did you get that out of the statement I made?I said nothing about civilisation I was talking shit about the population.

That's right and there is nothing you can do to stop us because you are wildly inferior.

Talking about characteristic, not aesthetics.

Enjoy your genocide. Nothing of value is lost to the rest of the world. Also tell your Nordshit buttbuddies to stop fleeing to our countries (Like Southern France) when everything goes to shit because you subhumans can't manage a nation.

I would worry more about yourself.

Need I remind you?

What are you doing in a Anglo country anyway medishit? Had to flee huh?

Oh look another leftypol divide and conquer thread

There's nothing to divide. The claim that there was any unity between Northern Europe and Southern Europe is a contrivance, anyways. The unity ended with the Reformation and it has not and will never be restored.

Yes, yes we've heard it all before "there's no such as white people, there's no such thing as European culture, Europe was always full of niggers" blah blah blah.

Your shilling is pathetic and predictable.

As I already said;

Captain cook, Lachlan Macquarie and Sir Edmund Barton were all black or brown haired Mediterraneans.

Same goes for famous Australians like Ned Kelley.

The Mediterranean race of Ireland and Wales primarily, but also England and Scotland partly is the founding stock of this country.

It is my birthright, faggot.

Europe is objectively not a monolith.

I don't give a crap if you believe in white people. Just don't pretend that Mediterraneans and Nordfaggots are the same people. Keep your American, flavourless identity to yourself instead of trying to impose it on others.

I'm Occitan Master Race

Plus pic related.

>The Mediterranean race of Ireland and Wales primarily.
LOST IT, holy shit you are retarded.

>Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt [...]
>Trans.: The swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Hispania opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts
- Tacitus, Agricola XI, ~98 AD

>Silurum colorati vultus; torto plerique crine et nigro nascuntur; Caledoniam vero incolentibus rutilæ comæ, corpora magna, sed fluvida: Gallis sive Hispanis, ut quibusque obtenduntur, assimiles.
>Trans.: The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large but flaccid bodies. [The Silures] are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.
- Jordanes, Getica I.xiii, ~551 AD

The Silures are the ancestors of the southern Welsh, by the way. As to the Irish, their own mythological literature traces their origins to the Milesians - literally "Soldiers of Spain" - who sailed to Ireland from Galicia. Mythological? Yes. Retarded? Not really. It's not unfounded when the Irish themselves are writing about it. Perhaps you should pick up a book once in your life.

>Nothing to do, with the nobel prize location (sweden) sureeeeee

>light blonde and pale skin
>actually described as having hair "approaching golden" and literally tanned and curly haired

I guess you don't see many Irish or Welsh in Norway.

They're famously dark compared to the rest of Britain.

Pic related is a famous Welsh singer (Once again proving my point that even in "Nordic" countries the talent is drawn from the Mediterranean stock.

I fucking called it!
Okay okay, I'll play along.
Sell me on your bullshit.
As a Mediterranean man explain to me why exactly I should focus my ire on Nordics rather than Niggers, Muslims and Jews. What do I stand to gain by obsessing over the differences between wine culture vs. beer culture rather than addressing the rise of malt liquor and "nutcracker" culture? Why should I obsessively reject German opera as an alien entity with no cultural connections to Italian opera while GUCCIGANGGUCCIGANGGUCCIGANG plays on the radio?
Break it down for me.

hahaha goddamn.

mexicans are the strongest race my dudes

What are you, new?

Because the overwhelming majority Nords who are racially conscious despise us and don't consider us white, attempt to denigrate our people are steal the achievements of our ancestors claiming them as their own.

I understand in you U.S you have a big problem non-whites invading your country, but here were focusing on actual anthropology and planning ahead for the people that actually look like us, not just Amerimutt "black and white" paradigms thereof.

>See bullshit propaganda like "March of the titans" and "Passing of the great race" claiming Nordic superiority
Damn OP, didn't the JIDF teach you hide your power level? Even most goyim don't know those rare titles. Where are you lurking that you hear about such rare Nazi books?

you beaners are alright with me.

The DINARIC man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his white to olive coloured skin. This skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the sun and wind of western balkan, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The light brown skin reminds us of our deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The DINARIC man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(??*?? blacks, nords)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The DINARIC penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the DINARIC man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent balkan seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the DINARIC man impregnates.

In total, the DINARIC man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the DINARIC man is the epitome of masculinity.

>As a Mediterranean man explain to me why exactly I should focus my ire on Nordics rather than Niggers, Muslims and Jews.
It's not a one or the other situation you buffoon. I place Northern Europeans in the exact same camp as the aforementioned people because that is the camp they chose for themselves, specifically by virtue of the Reformation and the evils which proceeded therefrom. And why shouldn't I? After all, the nation of my forefathers has been so thoroughly damaged, subverted, and corrupted specifically by YOUR country, which is the outgrowth of Whiggism, itself the outgrowth of the Reformation which spread like wildfire in the wicked hearts of Northern Europeans, and which has worked diligently and successfully in overturning and desecrating the social and divine order.

If you want to know who your enemies are the easiest measure is by weighing who has done and sought to do you the most harm. In this respect, I would say that Northern Europeans are well above negroes, probably even Moors, and at least the equal to the Jews from the perspective of the Mediterranean.

But what would you, an American who is utterly deracinated, does not know or have any legitimate ethnic history or identity, and who has internalised the commands of his oppressors? If you are in fact a Mediterranean, which seems unlikely to me given the prevalence of muttism among your people, then perhaps you would want to look into how Jews like Louis Wirth and WASPs (or Northern Europeans) like the Rockefellers cooperated to destroy, intentionally and systematically, Catholic identity in your country. Perhaps you mean learn a thing or two about yourself and how you came to be a "white guy".

I own them. I've read them. Soon I'll burn them too ;)

Don't reply to me you lowly mutt

Why are you conflating Norway with Sweden?

pic related, fixd

>I own them. I've read them
Why would you read Nazi books unless you were either a JIDF kike shill, or an actual Stormfag?

106 for anglos?
Last time I checked it was 167...

Amalia Lindegren from sweden is great.

Every British accomplishment can considered to be Nordic considering they're all Viking rape babies.


The meme is making fun of you being in USA, its making fun of burgers letting you in, retard. You making fun of yourself.

Hes either a nigger or an arab

Dinarics are good. Branch of the Mediterranean Race.


Both Nordic. It's the racial stock itself I'm attacking.

Same as why you were posting Italy pics despite me not being Italian.

This thread make me thing I don't any single Scandinavian or Germanic movie.

>no great nordic inventors
I don't know what world you're living in cunt, but how can you forget about the GREATEST INVENTOR of all time (pic related). So watch your words next time, Manlet

Sweden seems to be a lost cause, but Norway will prevail.
But if it hadn't been for at least Sweden, Norway wouldn't have taken the much harder stance on immigration compared to other nations.

This was pretty funny. Sorry, I've just got too many latin@ friends to be mad at you :)

The Aryan Race is from the Alps, and Western Asia.

We're hitting levels of awareness that shouldn't even be possible

>this is the cutting edge of identity politics

Idk if I agree with this. They're all usually lanky and have skin-packs. Not strong at all, unless they're abnormally tall, even then, usually still skinny.

They also carry the autistic etc. bad genes too


>Color by...

It's a pity that your graph doesn´t explains that almost 1/4 of it were re-discoveries, usually from ancient greece, but even from mesopotamia.

>nordics are literally niggers
