How much money was spent on this phrase

How much money was spent on this phrase.

How many people sat in rooms, coming up with this.

It pisses me off to this day thinking about it.


>"I call it trumped up trickle down economics"
>pauses for laughter

The pause was probably even in the script.


Couple 20-something year old dikes doing it for free.


> (OP)
That was pure frustration that her well manicured bullshit was working.

>How come the guy who makes 80k per year isn't saving as much money from the tax cuts as corporations that make billions per year?

yep, but we've always known that Trump voters are beyond stupid.

I don't have the cartoon, but it was a Hillary vs. Trump tweeting. The bulk of the cartoon was Hillary's team spending the moring doing research and composing their Tweet for her. The last panel was Trump next to a clock that read 4:30 AM and the caption "Crooked Hillary at it again, Sad" *send*

> this fucking faggot

I seriously can't believe Sharia Blue still pays people to post here. FFS its been a year. Get over it. You lost.

"Please clap".



Wow, I didn't think I could think any lower of you.


Agreed, I continue to be annoyed by it.

pol is just becoming a leftwing board again, if you dont like it then kill yourself faggot.

Where are the tax cuts for the homeless? WELL DRUMPF???

infallible fucking argument

Man. I remember the threads where we figured out he "public appearances" after the 9/11 collapse were all here being bluescreened in from somewhere else. Like she would be walking in front of a crowd who all had their phones up, supposedly recording, and you could see that what was on the phones in no way matched the background behind her. The big one was when she was givng a speech in front of an American flag backdrop and she and the podium she was behind pixillated and then disappeared for as second or two, but the background was still there. The network tried to say it was a transmission problem. Yeah, no shit.

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

follow up

Eh, they're in it for the long haul. Soros and Company have deep pockets. It is annoying, though. But at this point any MAGA hat wojack is pretty much a flashing neon sign that says "Shareblue poster, please give me (You)s"

Funny, how come I never got any of these redistributions when we were taking trillions from them? And I'm supposed to join his side because...?

Holy shit, I said the EXACT same thing during the debate. It sounded so pathetically canned that you know it went through a dozen focus groups.

The Russians failed her.

Well, that's why she blamed them for her loss.

>this is what paid posters actually believe

> economists
> please respond

I took a vacation, you know from saving western civ from leftist faggots like you, but im not going anywhere, you piece of shit

which is how you knew she got all the questions in advance and was reading from a script....she was nothing more than a puppet really, saying and doing what she was told to do....

>Pokemon GO to the polls!

My whole family and I cringed in unison when this line came up. 1 of them is a HillBilly too.

I forgot about that travesty.
Thanks for reminding me.