Daily reminder

Daily reminder

Other urls found in this thread:


>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

tl;dr women are thieves

Nice pasta, but let's reexamine it further

> cucks give legitimacy and their boipuccis to a bunch of warlords
> warlords enslave cucks and take their sons and daughters to raise to become cattle to make more cucks
> cucks call the warlords many things. In current year, the warlords are called "the State" and the cuckold is called "taxes"
> some of the cucks' kids don't wanna be cucks anymore
> kids get bullied by warlords
> kids want the power of the warlords and the recognition the cucks give it for themselves
> kids employ useful idiots to help their cause to take over the warlords
> kids become new warlord
> useful idiots get too much power from the warlord kids and soil the spoils
> kids reap what they sow but keep the same cucks licking their boots now and let their pets wreak havoc uncontested
> rinse
> repeat

Be your own boss and mind your own business. End the State. Incels get rekt

You're missing your ancap flag ;)

Tell me
- (How) would you build large infrastructure (roads etc)?
- (How) would you protect your country?
- (How) would you protect your citizens against crime?
- (How) would you organize fire safety?
- (How) would you organize health care?
- (How) would you organize the response to natural disasters?

I agree, government now is no good. In some cases it's just a necessary evil. Therefore tax is a necessary evil.

>what makes sex not raep?
>what makes a job not slavery?
>what makes a transaction not robbery?
misplaced trust
>what makes taxation not theft?
is not theft, is robbery

Base your currency on public work.
Instead of making money out of thin air exchange it for labour and resources.

Also not all taxes are a necessary evil.
>Inheritance tax
>Property tax
>Natural resources tax (sun and wind)
You tell me I have to pay a certain income tax and we can argue about it. Maybe a driving tax even. You go further and it's stealing.

>Recreational McNukes (Really a gun culture that means any occupiers will have to fight guerillas on steroids)
>Bucketbrigades and fire insurance (paying private fire department in advance)
>Private healthcare is infinitely better that government healthcare
>Charity and natural market signals (people are paying ten times average for water in disaster zone, lets ship water there)

>inheritance tax
>not evil

I said necessary evil not necessarily evil.

The government can fulfill all those requirements with a negligible tax budget. Our government is just wasteful.

>- (How) would you build large infrastructure (roads etc)?
private companies build them like they already do
>- (How) would you protect your country?
militias that request or seize assets as needed, corporate mercenaries paid in spoils of war
>- (How) would you protect your citizens against crime?
local mafias (families & allegiences)
>- (How) would you organize fire safety?
volunteer fire fighters like they do now
>- (How) would you organize health care?
private companies like they do now
>- (How) would you organize the response to natural disasters?
volunteers and militias

Absolutely this.

Also, user believes might is right because he is a cuck. Do not reply to people who do not share your way of reasoning. People may have different beliefs, but those with different reasoning are truly alien

Do you not consent to being a citizen of the nation you're residing in?

There's no consent in modern jobs. In this system you either get a bad deal or starve. That's coercion, not consent.

Name a nation that doesn't have taxes

>born in nation
>cant be citizen any other nation
>no land thats not a nation
>dont know what is a nation cause babby

>Actually starving
>In any non-socialist/nigger country

Best Korea

This lol

A lot of people die in the streets in capitalist countries. There are 11 million people undernourished in developed countries.
You either become a wage slave or live in the streets, then die in the gutter. That's not consent.

In other words, the only country that doesn't have taxes is fullblown commie. Great Example

"""""Capitalist Countries""""""
Anyways, if you are actually starving in a developed country, then you have managed to be too retarded to even beg.

That's nature. Actively starving people because your commissar couldn't plan for the feeding of millions is simply murder.

I'll try, even though I wouldn't say I'm ancap. I'd love to discuss my personal politics though, so I'll post a filteries.
>Holy hell an actual political discussion on Sup Forums
1. So, why are we assuming public companies can't take care of this, and compete for it?
2. Militia/PMC
3. NAP
4. Volunteers.... so basically not really a change
5. Why would we organize health care? How about the company that offers the good healthcare gets good business and the company that offers bad healthcare gets bad business.
6. Again, this would also simply be volunteers. Do you know how much was donated to big recent natural disaster survivors? You should figure it out.

I wouldn't say taxation is a necessary evil (I can see how it would not be necessary and most government work would be volunteer work, then those volunteers would be supported by the community), but I would certainly support high autonomy in a state within the republic which would enable them to enact taxation if they so choose. Regardless, I would personally support a flat (bi)annual tax for every living person which would support judiciary settlements, military, and salary for necessary personnel within local government officials. It's unfortunate, however, that I'm unable to choose that setting on this site.


>born in tribe
>tribe ensures your survival
>but you can't consent cause babby
>leave tribe when adult
>tons of land that's not taken
>die from starvation or animal or another tribe

>born in tribe
>try to join other tribe
>no speak same language
>no look the same
>other tribe murders your ass

anarchism is a mental disease

What volunteers in a society that encourages egocentrism?
Why would companies not exploit the total lack of oversight?

>Work or die

Just like everything in the world

There are people who can't work, and they have to receive socialized help from the government.
Social darwinism has no place in civilized groups.

>- (How) would you protect your country?
Here are some arguments and counter arguments.


All but that last part were perfect.

I give you a

9/10 A good person I don't mind voting


I fucked up. There should be no civil unions allowed for abominations or faggots.

No government = no state.

Whats the difference between having kids (and ordering them around, even against their will, for their own good) and slavery.

Can an ancap provide me an answer to it?

1. the same reason why the countries with the least welfare turn out to be the most charitable.

2. Hey still have to win customers

1) Natural monopolies, or just the larger company buying out the smaller until monopoly
2) PMCs still need to be paid, nor have any obligations to not muscle over you. After all, they have the strength.
3) Meme. Strength plays in again
4) How would you ensure a minimum amount of volunteers for a decent fire fighting force?
5) See 1. The invisible hand of the market turns out to be biased in favor of the powerful, not the righteous
6) See 4

Name a family that can survive without a tribe (the nation is an extension of a tribe)


Hey my dick and clan is bigger than yours.
I take everything. Thanks for the compliance.

its funny that the US has witsec programs to protect some from too powerful subjugation. And some think the Purge is the solution to this. Mass subjugation.

1) [citation needed]
2) There is more than one way to have customers. One of those is forcing them to be your customers.

wow country has ever impleneted full blown an capism, makes me go like hmmm.

im not proposing an alternative, just saying
did you consent to be borned?


If you make enough money you can absolve yourself of all taxation though offshore tax treaties.

ever heard of the term "mutualization"?

People already give hundreds of millions of dollars to charity. If you live in a developed country, then starvation is your own fault even if you can't work.

reported for underage b&

What is the average IQ of these people that are starving? I can guarantee you that these people you're glorifying are not worth the investment.
Why are they incapable of taking care of themselves?
There are going to be winners and losers in every system, that's just how things are, and people are able to rise from poverty because of capitalism, free of restraint they'll be able to make something of them selves.

>>- (How) would you build large infrastructure (roads etc)?
>private companies build them like they already do
>>- (How) would you protect your country?
>militias that request or seize assets as needed, corporate mercenaries paid in spoils of war
>>- (How) would you protect your citizens against crime?
>local mafias (families & allegiences)
>>- (How) would you organize fire safety?
>volunteer fire fighters like they do now
>>- (How) would you organize health care?
>private companies like they do now
>>- (How) would you organize the response to natural disasters?
>volunteers and militias

Nigga its like you never read nachiavelli or sun tzu
Whomst universally agree that resting your defense on an unregulated militia and sell swords is a horrible tactic.

>have to

They don't have to receive help. No one puts guns to people's heads and makes them eat.

The base state of nature is starvation and death. You have to get up and do something to survive, even if it means asking for charity/help from people.

What makes the OP a cuck?

Maybe it was born that way, maybe it was cuckservatism

"paid in spoils of war "

Nice warcrime you have there, barbarian

Wow you americans get more retarded day by day,today you forgot how to understand the basics of a human society.
Its ok its not your fault its the 56% genes and the education sistem.

Also, I'd like to hear what you'd say about it instead. If not volunteer work/charity, how would an ancap society organize rapid disaster response?

I updated it

The fez is the key Bill.

> I put a gun to your face and tell you to give me your money, otherwise I shoot you.
> You agree to give me your money.
> You consented

Your logic.

looks like i gave the bot a syntax error

ok lets get rid of taxes so no roads no bridges no firefighters no cops no laws lets see how well things go then.

>I'm going to larp flag the larp flag
Fuck off, socialist scum.

Said like a true edgelord.
Living is not a game, being born poor or having an accident should not mean keeling over and dying.

what even is representation anyway

Monaco has taxes, it just calls its income taxes social insurance taxes

Strange, coming from someone with the SU flag.

sure thing dane

>what is universal destination of goods

Fuck off, Reddit.

Why don't you move to Somalia, it's an Anarchco Capitalist haven

>not knowing the difference between "loose" and "lose"

>- (How) would you build large infrastructure (roads etc)?
Mandatory labor actions for unemployed, capable of body individuals
>- (How) would you protect your country?
Mandatory civil service like we used to have in Yugoslavia (Territorial defense force)
>- (How) would you protect your citizens against crime?
By punishing all violent felonies with a week of torture followed by summary execution, all non-violent felonies with mandatory labor, thus keeping crime in line with fear of pain and death
>- (How) would you organize fire safety?
Minimalist state can maintain services like police, firefighters and military; along with the judiciary and as little admin as possible - and constitutionally nothing else
>- (How) would you organize health care?
Private sector.
>- (How) would you organize the response to natural disasters?
Emergency laws allowing the state to "usurp" private resources for the duration of a disaster.

By living in a country you're consenting to abide by its rules.

Make the last one "What makes border crossings not invasions?".

Nowadays, there is no land that is not taken. Even Antarctica is technically taken.

>Equating all anarchists with anprims

Fucking statists, man. I tell you they're keeping us down



If you're born poor, blame your parents. If you die poor, blame yourself.

nice police state you've got there


Nice meme.
Civil war is not the same as anarchy

Also, niggers create a shithole no matter where they are or what system they are under.

"usurp private resources"

You sound like a communist

this is dumb

rape is still sex
being payed in currency differs slavery from work
both sides participate and gain something in a transaction, this would apply if you meant a loan

takes are a transaction in which you pay the goverment you ellected in order to improve public infrastructure and keep the state going

0/10 bad bait

there are no laws because you are not taxing people to pay the ones to make up the laws and enforce them try again.

Is the shit from the picture a politic quiz to see on what spectrum of ideology you are or a game

Where is that screen cap from?

if you dont consent to taxation, why do you pay?

Governments are a necessary evil, but not all government is created equal. There is a demand for security, which manifests itself in several competing groups, until one of those groups secures the monopoly on violence, and then that group becomes the state.

For the rest of your list however, that all can be privatized, run by a voluntary community organization. It could be paid for through voluntary payment, private enterprise, or conditional settlement (akin to a HOA).

Found new tribe.

checkmate, anarchists

It's funny how much more insane statism sounds.

>if you don't consent to theft, why do you get robbed?

Just make your own country you faggot, be careful they don't shut you down though

You communists simply can't seem to wrap your mind around the difference between negative rights and positive rights. A state of nature and a manufactured environment.

Volunteer firefighters are trash. There is a shortage of them in nearly every town that attempts to utilize them. If they show up at all it's almost always far too late to do any good, an estimated 70 percent of the jolly volly organization are bearded, overweight, unfit good ol boys who just like to race down to the fire hall running their emergency lights on their 1994 Ford Ranger at unreasonable speeds just to sit there and wait for the one guy who can drive the truck. I can't count how many times I personally have responded on my full time, paid professional fire department to towns "protected" by volunteers because said volunteers couldn't get a truck on the road. But let's not hire paid professionals to deal with emergency conditions, be it medical, hazmat fire related or other because MUH TAX DOLLARS!

checkmate, existentialists

I don't see why autocracy has to be inhumane (other than towards violent criminals who forfeit their claim to being human the moment they commit a violent crime)

I unironically think everyone should sign a literal social contract when they turn 18. If you choose not to, you are deported to a designated no man's land.

A tribe of one. An easy prey.