Why does the ad for cranberry sprite have niggers?

Why does the ad for cranberry sprite have niggers?
Niggers don't like cranberries and niggers don't like sprite.
So why are these niggers drinking cranberry sprite?

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>niggers don't like sprite.
what fucking universe did you drop out of
sprite has been advertised exclusively towards niggers for decades

>Niggers don't like sprite

Are you fucking retarded? Take a look at all the advertising campaigns for Sprite over the last few decades. Lots of them are targeted towards an "urban" demographic. Sprite is probably the most Nigger soda ever.

Grape nigga... Dayum

Better question - why aren't the nogs celebrating Kwanzaa?

Because Lebron James is drinking it so therefore you should too! Don't forget to thank a Jew today as well!

nigga you retarded?

NIGGERS LOVE SPRITE. The list is as follows:
1. Grape Drank
2. Sprite/Purple Drank
3. Cocobutter juice

Btw niggers love sprite for their sizzurp mix. Back in school a new flavor of sprite would come out and the niggers would flock to it just so they could be the first to take a picture of the new concoction mixed with sprite and codeine and be the cool guy

Niggers drink sprite with every meal. Wtf u talking about op

Because you must shoehorn niggers into absolutely everything by law

Kwanzza is a literal, actual meme. Even when I lived in nigger central I never met a single person who celebrated that shit.

holy fuck is that santa shrek?

Niggas love citrus based soft drinks. Ornch soda is a nigga classic.

>niggers don't like sprite
Oh yes they do.
I worked at a gas station, and besides beer, they would clean out the orange soda and Sprite every week.

Hey Friend, I have discovered the secret to enjoying "BLACKED" advertisements. It's simple! Just follow these easy steps:
>Any house they are in is not theirs
>Any product they are endorsing is stolen
>Any white woman they are with is kidnapped

Easy-peasy lemon-squeezey, Merry Christmas!

Theres a lot wrong going on in that image. For one there's a father and for two they only have one kid.


They use Sprite for purple drank my man.


remember when they really niggered it up, and ruined voltron too. faggots

Why do they have to give them big lips, wide noses and big brown eyes?


>niggers don't like sprite.

>back in school

as in, last week?

>Niggers don't like cranberries and niggers don't like sprite.
You literally could not be more wrong.

Yeah, I've noticed that (((they've))) been marketing sprite to the black community as of late. Its pretty suspicious if you ask me.

lmao that commercial annoys the fuck out me, the ramdom nigger noises in the background while the shitty beat plays is so dumb it makes me laugh then get angry at how dumb it sounds

sprite has been marketed to blacks for at least 20 years


You're a thinking man, user. Must be part of something much bigger. A company wouldn't just market (((sprite))) to blacks so they buy it.

umm I think you're thinking of your mom


It's the Menthol of soft drinks.

I'm more offended that they have stereotypical black hairstyles. It's like this ad was made by privileged white people that never met a real black person before.

>using umm
suck dick much faggot

>Niggers don't like cranberries and niggers don't like sprite.
For some reason this is really funny to me.

They are even hideous in cartoons. Good Grief!

>niggers don't like sprite
whats this feeling im having called?

the darkies i know love making what they call dirty sprite. its 1 Sonic cup of ice, cherry flavored codeine cough syrup and 2 jolly ranchers. you get an empty sonic styrofoam cup to put the cup of DRANK in. double cupped, as they say.
they also swear it makes pills and drugs hit faster and harder because the fizzy sprite bubbles. yeaah.

Non whites in general love citrus/fruity sodas. Whites like cola or doctor pepper or ginger ale