How is it that race mixing makes people genetically weaker?

How is it that race mixing makes people genetically weaker?



Depends on the mix

i'm surprised no one's called him "Robert de Negro" yet



What baffles me is that he decided to marry and fuck an absolute monstrosity.

It's like breeding dogs. Some combinations work well, others are better off being put to sleep.

Race mixing leads to physically unappealing off spring like pic related. If your genetically ideally composed, you will look better as a result of the way nature intended you to, you will be more confident and feel better, producing a more productive member of a society. On the other hand, pic related will grow up be ugly, feel bard and the result is a victim mentality which is the breeding ground for weak citizens. Havent you ever wondered why so many leftist and liberals are weak both physically and metally? They are basically compensating for their bad luck by trying to pull everyone else down to their level. Strong citizens are almost always right-leaning because they naturally feel more independent as a result of their inherent confidence in themselves.


Because it usually results in the worst of both races or at least that's the Sup Forums meme. De Niro was already a manlette so he had shit genetics anyways.

It needlessly raises the possibility of an extinction event via pandemic if everyone is mixed in to a homogeneous mass. This is a legitimate concern, as this *does* happen when plants are reduced to a single cultivated strain. Actual diversity (no or extremely limited racemixing)acts as a safeguard to allow for saving the whole, to see what effects regional differences have in the spread of a pandemic.

No, Robert de Niro did NOT impregnate an ugly niggress, THIS has nothing to do with his offspring, i think, we can all agree on this.

Bernd, what are you implying?

are we still being children and carrying about this lol

>he decided

He didn't decide shit. His job&role in the society is to steer goyim in the (((direction))). He carried out the order.

>Strong citizens are almost always right-leaning because they naturally feel more independent as a result of their inherent confidence in themselves

and you say this as a person who browses Sup Forums? how do you really feel user?

Half the people here are neckbeards who are to depressed, shy and both physically and mentally weak to speak to the opposite sex let alone voice their political views outside of a fucking internet forum?
Where are these strong right-leaning citizens you speak of?

U speak the truth. My political views tendcto go both ways though. On certain things i agree with the right, others i undoubtly agree with the left. Left seems to have the needed empathy, while the right has an eye out for fighting agsinst homeopathic thinning of the cultures that make us feel, or should've made us feel proud as certain citizens of a country. Never just look for your answers at one side.

>Robert Da Negro


Genetic trainwreck / 10

Can't believe another film got white washed #blackactorsforblackroles #diversityisourstrength #fuckwhitepeople

Genes evolved to help people survive in a specific climate. African features are for humid climates that have harsh summers, Northern Euro features are for climates that have harsh winters, etc.

Race mixing is like having a large fur coat but cutting the sleeves off it. That coat would make you hot in an African summer and cold in a European winter. It's the same for mulattos, they can't live in Africa or Europe without technology.


Lol maybe 5 years ago. Oldfags like you might think this shit is still the truth but you'd be surprised who goes on Sup Forums.

Not necessarily, I'm the living proof of racemixing done right, you absolute subhuman.

Is this another brown country has the whitest leadership around scenarios? Like the half humans watch the animals?

Isn't racemixing an inexorable occurrence for "whites", though. Whiteness as a whole is marked by a desire for revenge, being white is wanting a vendetta against nature and taking the heavens by assault. Of course a lot of the results will have to be discarded, but only exploration will lead us to eternal peace. I mean are you even white.

Oh and I'm not a country. You're not a country either.

>Whiteness as a whole is marked by a desire for revenge, being white is wanting a vendetta against nature and taking the heavens by assault
Sounds more like you are describing Jewishness.

What an ugly ass nigger he made Dalmatians with.

I never understood beasteality tbqh senpai.

his kid has vaccine induced autism, statistically black males are 4 times more likely to be harmed by the mercury in the shots
but his wife is also quite ugly

Subtle. I like it. 1 gyro deposited into your spiti.

Robert De Niro is half jew. Who cares.

>vaccine induced autism


he's a leaf, don''t mind him I learnt to ignore their blatant bait