
how was she ok at the end? What even was the end? Is anime too deep for me and should I just stop watching?

She was ok in the end because Rei (Lilith) managed to take her soul, she appears from the sea of LCL about one month after she died because she is afraid of losing her individuality.
Shinji chokes her because:
- She is the main source of his misery and so he resents her
- He wanted to check if she was real
Either way, when Asuka touches his cheek its a sign of empathy against a negative action. She neither runs away or fights, breaking the hedgehog's dilemma. Buuut its ruined when she says "How disgusting". They have a long way to go from understanding and accepting each other. Final is a message of hope.

I liked when she made Shinji wear her plugsuit. It probably made him smell like perfume and girl smell and I bet Misato and Asuka teased him about it and made him do it more often.

They understand one another at the end, but they also understand that they don't have to need each other and can part ways. It's just commenting on depending personality - which they both had for one another.

The disgusting line is just there to show she knew what he did in the hospital.

>how was she ok at the end?
When you're in the goo, you leave the goo as you see yourself. Asuka knows she had an eye injury, so she came back with one. That's probably why they get injured when "piloting" the EVA in the first place - synchronization seems to imply a level in which they lose their self-identity and any injuries could be their ego recalculating itself on the fly.

Rebuild had a few things to add, but most people consider them a separate canon to the show. Maybe that's why they don't age - they see themselves as they were when they came in.

Evangelion messed me up

Even after watching NGE, NGE - D&R, and EoE. Hideaki Anno still leaves a lot of open end questions for the viewers own interpretation. This leaves unsavoury taste somelike its completed but imperfect.

Eva rebuilds is great especially from movie 1-2, but eva 3.33 is entirely new story and plot which leave eva 4.0+1.0 may be the answer and closure we all waiting for.

> few question i wondering is Seele trying to stop or trigger 4th impact in EoE
> Eva series is the tools to trigger 4th impact by forming yggdrasil configuration (why tree of life symbology there must be some sort of more revelation).
>Question about the angels, lilith, adam, which eva is derived from.
> most baffling character to character relationship, which Anno create during his career depression years. which leave each own viewer to assume/do own interpretation about whether its lust/love/hatred resides on shinji denial/escapism/sexuality this includes all the complexes characters presented to us in Eva.

I bet Shinji crossdressed when no one was looking

What are the main differences between 25-26 and EoE?
I don't remember much about the original ending other than it being more confusing than End of Evangelion

25-26 are mainly character studies with no plot development

Can you repeat the questions in a xlearer way?

Does it just focus on shinji or does it also involve other characters?

Focuses on Shinji, Rei and Asuka.

and Misato

it's 1 hour of Gendo plowing Rei

25-26 are what they're experiencing when they're the orange liquid, EoE is what's happening on the outside and up to that point

Pedophilic jokes are not funny you rat

It's not a joke, Gendo and Rei did the do

That's just a theory.


But it makes sense because what shinji experiences when he's in it in EoE is what the last two episodes are like.

EoE is the real ending
25-26 is what happens when a studio runs out of both money and time

Not really. In EOTV Shinji learns to accept and love himself, in EOE he learns to accept and understand others.

Anno is also a hack so he likely changed what he wanted it to be

>This myth again
You don't know what you're talking about.

The rebuilds are the REAL ending


>Hayashibara: So there will be two episode 25s.
>Anno: Right, it will be a multi-ending.
>Hayashibara: So, a dual... ah, a multi-ending. After episode 24 the endings will diverge.
>Anno: Right.
>Hayashibara: There will be two of them.
>Anno: There will be two of them.
>Hayashibara: Ah, two endings.
>Anno: Yes.
>Hayashibara: In terms of gaming - is it called a simulation game? What do you call it? The ending for that [particular] self changes as you go on [through the game].
>Anno: Right, a multi-ending [game].
>Hayashibara: You took this road so you went here. You took this road so you went here. The ending changes. That's how it goes.
>Anno: Um. Evangelion is my live performance. Since I create it with this sense of it being live, what I'm thinking now, what I'm feeling now, my current mood, all this gets transferred onto film - that was the initial theme, or the theme I had in my mind.
>Hayashibara: Right.

Shinji seemed to enjoy it from the corner

If you're interested, there's a game called NGE2 which shows the different endings possible in the canon universe by choosing different options.

I'm of the opinion that the Rebuilds are Shinji dreaming in the goo - that they represent his hopes and fantasies, until his self-doubt sets in and everything reverses so horribly and becomes a nightmare.

The whole lynchpin of Yui's plan was for Shinji to want to reject Instrumentality and restore humanity, but doing that he has to wrestle with his own fears of being rejected and embrace the suffering that comes with being human.

Other people can also cone back, as Yui says. Asuka was just first because she has a strong will. Or people from different places could've already come back

how did they know the angels were coming


Because they're huge.

We had a thread about it the other day, but it mostly devolved into shit and Mari speculation. I mean in the beginning everything seems to be going Shinji's way - he's more assertive, more competent, Asuka is less outright hostile to him, Rei is less closed off, and both girls are outright competing for his affection. Even his own father is ever so slightly warmer to him. This is his fantasy: Shinji is loved, Shinji is the hero, Shinji saves the day.

Then he remembers the bad - he replaces Toji with Asuka because of his guilt over being unable to prevent her death. He tries to save Rei and accidentally triggers Third Impact, and then fourteen years pass without him (or the viewer) to witness it. Then when he comes to, nobody has really changed. Asuka hasn't aged because he can't imagine her any older, Rei is back to the lifeless doll she was after II died. Kaworu dies again because of Shinji's actions and in a way that makes him feel as helpless as when he did it the first time. And when he tries to fix it all, everything goes even worse. This is his nightmare: Shinji is hated, Shinji is the villain, Shinji has doomed humanity.

This is his greatest fears made manifest: that he was being manipulated by his parents, that he was too weak to save everyone else, and when he tried his hardest, he only made things worse. This is just him freaking out in the LCL and trying to sort through what has happened to him up until this point. Maybe it's not even just his dream - since everyone else is with him, maybe they're playing their parts - that's why Kaworu is seemingly aware of things "happening again" and why Asuka is wearing the eyepatch - she brought her injury back with her at the very end of EoE; she must've accepted it as her self-image.

"It was all a dream?" Lame.

Most angels generate AT field. That energy is readable.

Part of that interpretation gets thrown to Hell though when you remember that Mari isn't in the original series at all. Given how EVA pilots don't age, and that the manga establishes that Mari personally knew Yui (note: the manga isn't canon, but I believe Sadamoto worked with Anno to create her) - it's pretty clear that we don't know everything just yet.

I dunno, this is NGE: I guarantee you we won't get our questions answered in the next film, but we'll get an ending even more ambiguous than EoE.

I believe Mari is some kind of omniscient time travelling freak. In any case, she's not human.

This fucking scene.

Oh my... Basically like Alucard post-Schrödinger

i read the wikis alrdy and get my own answer. above post is a rant after frustration feeling from NGE and wanted to funnels some of it but it form a disarray question (since im only writing by the moments).
> also after watching rebuilds it doesnt help at all.
> realise 3rd impact is from ori NGE and 4th impact from rebuilds
> this series screw my mind, thanks to Anno

Ok good 4 u dude

need to take breaks from Sup Forums and enter the limbo for a while

>I just watched the ending
>Should I stop watching?

What do you mean by ending? End of Evangelion?

He's quoting OP.

Well he meant watching anime altogether

Reminder that Shinji is canonically heterosexual.

You should stop breathing.

He does both you retard. EoTV ends and then it goes into Shinji talking with Rei before ending instrumentality.

25-26 is the canon ending

EoE is fanservice

People like the ones described in EoE do not deserve to be either understood or accepted.
If someone is corrupt, incompetent and negligent to the point of criminal offense, I don't need to hear their sob story to know that they are scum. If someone is willing to commit genocide, you don't need to hear their side of the story.
The biggest piece of trash here is Shinji himself. He was constantly emotionally blackmailing others with his misery, and pretending not to have social skills while manipulating others around him.

don't separate them
in both instances, shinji comes to understand the human condition w/ regards to both himself and others

being ambiguous for the sake of it is cheap

being an eva fan is suffering

EoE is fanfucking. Anno sticking his dick in your ass and asking "where's my dick?"

Rebuild is headfucking. Anno sticking his dick in your ear and saying "what do you think about that?" as he ejaculates into your cerebellum


Nothing wrong with Rei Q

everythings wrong with rei q

Well, yeah

Switch the movies, and you're right.


Don't present theory as faxx.

Poor fujo

Reminder that Shinji is a transsexual

Does this mean Kaworu is straight?

Kaworu was always straight, user. Shinji was the one blushing at his dick when poor Karl just wanted a friend.

As of 3.33, Rebuild is shit.

Buttblasted Reifag detected.

Shinji is such a fag, a dude is being nice to him and he immediately wants to take it up the pooper.

Buttblasted 3.33fag detected.

Yeah, I don't know why you nerds keep repeating that manta.

It's like you people have never seen Evangelion before.

Reifags don't care about Evangelion.

3.33 is objectively shit, only a full-retard mode asuka or kaworu otaku could ever like it. Get some fucking standards or fuck off back to tumblr.

Buttblasted Reifag confirmed.


I've seen Evangelion before, but I know a shitty work when I see one. 3.33 was made for nerds like this guy: who doesn't understand Evangelion beyond "reifags and asukafags and kaworufags and and" ad infinitum.

You know 3.33 has a horrid story and shallow characters, why are you even arguing?

Don't listen to fujos, Shinji is straight

Yeah, 3.33 was pretty bad.

Too late, we all recognize you. No amount of samefagging and falseflagging will change that.

3.33 is great and Reifags need to hang.

Yea he's a straight transgirl

Confirming that 3.33 is only liked by people who hated Rei, AKA butthurt Asuka and Kaworufags. 3.33 had no story because it was busy pandering to the lowest of the otaku.

Thanks for posting another image of how insane Reifags are.
All you guys care about is shipping, huh? No wonder you hate 3.33 so much.

Because the films are a four-act story and bitching about the low point is asinine.

You as well start crying about how the show isn't wall to wall shooty-shoot and warm feelings like the beginning of 2.0.

>the butthurt kaworufag is back

He doesn't like Rei because Rei looks like a man

see You got nailed, samefag.

He only hates 3.33 because it ruined his shipping fuel.

But I like all Eva characters Except for Kaji, fuck him

>Because the films are a four-act story and bitching about the low point is asinine.

The low point in four act stories aren't always poorly written wrecks, user. The third part in a four parter is not exempt for standards. Now we have a shit story in 3.33.

You can't use buzzwords to excuse that.

Fuck off kaworufag. We were having a nice thread.

>because it was busy pandering to the lowest of the otaku
Those would be Reifags. And it didn't pander to them, that's why it's good.

>liking 3.33
>liking all Eva characters

Choose one. Take this user: and see how much he projects. 3.33 was pure shipping fuel, and that's why he's upset when people point out that it's shit.

I'm sorry, but you have shit taste.

Maybe Evangelion isn't for you, maybe you'd prefer a simpler show instead?

Yeah, lets discuss Shinji being trans instead.

Triggered Reifag can't handle discussion on 3.33. Figures.

Maybe if you keep calling me a Kaworufag someone will believe you.

I'm currently rewatching Eva because I wanted to confirm the feeling I had back when I first watched it.

It's basic episodic shit, with the famous trope of trying to pass bad situations as actually dangerous when people are going to survive anyway and the Monster of the Day is going to be vanquished.


Those would be Asukafags and Kaworufags, respectively. It pandered to those. Any remake which panders rather than making great story is a failure.

Why do Reifags start going insane as soon as 3.33 is mentioned?

They're like rabid dogs. Sad!