I'll bet the Jews were behind this too

I'll bet the Jews were behind this too

Other urls found in this thread:


Good bet. Read "Why we Get Fat". The high carb diet was pushed as science by a Jewish guy.





Carbs are cancer to your body. Just go a week without them and get over the initial crash. I promise you will feel better and more focused than you ever have.



Keto diet forbids literally everything on that bottom tier

Carbs as a staple is so hilariously bad for you that you know the Jews are the ones pushing it.




How utterly fucked are your genetics that eating a tub of lard energizes you but a fucking apple makes you feel like shit?





Theyve been a staple in every civilization in human history

I don't think there has been a single tribe that hasn't put carbs at least as a parcial nutritional basis.

none of those civilizations had to deal with toxic GMOs

Why would you (or whoever wrote this) put it in this terribly illegible format? Lists, graphics, and charts exist for a reason. This is just terribly confusing and unpleasant to read.

I pity uninformed people.

Each Individual has their own dietary needs, this is just the most basic generalistic version of that.
Based upon Genetics and levels of activity this food pyramid changes.

Balance is good tho a person eating to this pyramid would most likely be healthier than leaving people to their own devices.

I pity dumb monkey fuckfaces talking out of their prolapsed asshole

Nonwhites will never understand. Plus he needs his energy to pretend his "country" matters so better carbload.

Balance is good tho a person eating to this pyramid would most likely be healthier than leaving AMERICANS to their own devices...

Youre genetically inferior if your body gets triggered by blueberries and barley. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

GMO's aren't toxic, dipshit.

Agreed. Cancer diet. Also crazy hormone problems with phytoestrogens. High meat paleo is best option.

You switched your flag because you got called out for being a nonwhite, from a non-country.

> moon cycles

so can i eat borax on this diet or what? need to decalcify my pineal gland too.

Actually, there are. Grease and guts hunter gatherers; mostly those from sub-arctic climates.

Yeah, but that's more of a byproduct of being storable.

I switched my flag because it makes literally no difference. Why do you fucking autistic failed abortions take it so seriously? You're probably a piss smelling mexcriment

Bread and pasta are awful full your health. Eat non-canned meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lots of unsaturated fats. Eating healthy is easy, but most people in this country are to retarded to actually try it.

No we should definitely stick butter in our mutilated cocks because some kike on JRE said something about soy

If we transplant that timeline onto ours then the next two millennia belong to the Mormons

>cancer diet

>promotes high meat

How curved is your nose?

>need to decalcify my pineal gland

if they really werent then carbs would actually be good for us

I was thinking about postagricultural societies, but your point is sound.

Okay, but keep in mind you might be putting the cart before the horse here.

Like agriculture works BECAUSE you can grow large amounts of carbs and store them, not particularly because it's an ideal human diet, or the only viable human diet.


Remove everything from the the tier II layer but keep the beans, nuts and seeds Now, combine the four center blocks as a single group of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans.

This is the diet everything about your anatomy and physiology dictates you should be eating. It's also essentially what all other primates eat, minus insects and occasional cannibalism - which we no longer need due to agricultural.

True, in fact I remember something about how studies around differences between hunter-gatherers and postagricultural skelletons showed that the former were much healthier (teeth was a definitive proof, but I could be wrong). However, one could argue that this is not only dietary but because the material structures that came from agriculture as well, that being way less physical exercise as a requirement for survival.

C60 or carbon 60 is the new health fad b/c it made rats live 90% longer

this is a recipe for sadness

Up until recently (the dawn of the agricultural age) people's diet was 60% fat, 20% protein and 20% carbs, and the carbs were complex carbs from leafy green veggies.
That apply you're eating is NOTHING like what our ancestors ate. It has been cultivated to be high in fructose.

the only thing i agree with on that stupid pyramid would be the sweets and meat

Is that supposed to mean something? Do your arteries actually get clogged from eating pineapple? Do you think agriculture didn't include livestock?

You are fat because food is cheap, and because you are very Anglo.

Count with me.

5 countries in the top 7 being Anglo.
Pathetic, repulsive, stinking lard sharts.

>This is the diet everything about your anatomy and physiology dictates you should be eating
Nigger, you realize virtually everything is an opportunistic carnivore, correct? Deer will eat trapped or wounded animals. Cows will eat and thrive on high protein animal feeds that hopefully aren't other cows. The reason that many other animals choose not to hunt is simply because they're bad at doing so.

>So what?
Your anatomy and physiology is flexible. Extremely flexible. We fucking created a new food group and adapted to it over maybe 20,000 years or so. I'd argue that we're going to be the best animal consuming primate simply because it looks like historically that we've actually had to survive on almost pure meat diets.

>What about other primates??
Do you think gorillas would spend fucking huge blocks of their time gathering roots and tubers if they had ready access to huge quantities of calorie dense food? Fuck no. You honestly could probably raise them on completely meat diets. Would it go over well? Maybe not, they're probably less adapted to it.

>Is it ideal?
This is the only real complicated part. You'll notice that where the western diet is adopted western changes occur. Meiji restoration? Japs got fucking huge from adopting meat into their diets. Same changes were observable in India where meat consumption became more common place.

The catch 22 of whether or not this is good in the long term is that the western diet walks with western medicine. So, you can easily claim that the western diet has no positive effects, but new age longevity is purely because of medical advances. You could also claim the reverse, but it would be fucking stupid.

>Up until recently (the dawn of the agricultural age)
>10,000BC Neolithic Revolution
Good bro science tho. You must lift, paleo user.

Behavior is almost entirely irrelevant when it comes to what you actually need. People get shitfaced every weekend, it doesn't make alcohol suddenly necessary.

>twigs adding calories suddenly get bigger

Well, the thing people tend to forget about agriculture is that agriculture was, for the most of history, absolutely garbage. Like you produced staple crops in large amounts. That was it. You were one bad harvest away from dying. It was hard work, and you really didn't produce enough food to gain significant weight.

Like, if you were to compare early agriculturalists lifespans with their hunter gatherer brothers, the HGs would probably live longer and healthier because of

>More varied diet
>More rest
>More natural work. For instance, tons of injuries were sort of unique to overwork on agriculture. Knee injuries, back injuries, petty infections, whatever
>Less interaction with hostile humans (read, those who will murder you)

>Why did people start farming?
No one really knows. There are tons of competing theories.

Yeah, having sharp teeth makes you a car-

I didn't argue anywhere whether or not it was what people needed. My point was

A. Whether or not it was "natural"
B. Whether or not it was ideal

huge amounts of carbs plus refined sugar=diabeetus

Dutch actually eat this but we don't become fat.
- We eat human portions
- We don't drink buckets of soda
- We don't mix high fructose corn syrup in everything
- We actually walk and ride bikes everywhere instead of getting in the car all the time

You have the disadvantage that your country has been designed for cars, so you need to compensate all that sitting with exercise!


Niggers eat pigs assholes.

>virtually everything is an opportunistic carnivore.
Comparing ourselves to animals is retarded. We have the ability to cultivate abundant plant food resources and we're intelligent enough to understand what is and isn't ideal for our health.

>Anatomy/physiology is flexible
It is. Doesn't change what is and isn't ideal for health. We can eat high cholesterol/saturated fat diets, and we will continue to die from things like heart disease (number one killer in the West) which has been proven to be preventable and even reversible utilizing a plant based diet. This is why the president of the American College of Cardiology and the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology both recommend this diet for heart health, among other reasons.

Makes no sense. Gorillas eat what they have evolved to eat. What their anatomy and physiology dictate. Yes, if you gave them cooked steak they'd eat it. But if provided them equally calorie dense plant foods they'd eat that too. Pretty much any animal would. My point was to get an idea of our """natural""" diet, look to what our closest biological relatives eat.

>Appeal to futility/lacking direct cause and effect evidence?
The healthiest observed populations have been the Okinawans (former diet as it has changed recently) and the Adventist vegetarians. Also the China study showed that high carb / vegetable / soy / low or no meat diets produced the most favorable long-term health conditions, comparatively.

This is perfection

You guys are dumb as fuck. I have pasta or something bready for dinner every night. Lunch is a peanut butter sandwich with chips and pretzels. I can see my abs. You dumbasses brainwashed by dairy and meat industries and their gymcel shills need to be gassed

Show me the study conducted by 3rd party actors proving nutrition and safety parity between natural foods and artificially created pseudo-food. Pls.

>Comparing ourselves to animals is retarded.
>My point was to get an idea of our """natural""" diet, look to what our closest biological relatives eat.

>What is ideal for our health
I'm honestly just going to go straight for the low hanging fruit here. What is the ideal we're striving for? If we're going for athletic performance, getting out of the manlet pit, and general calories of course it's going to be a much more animal product heavy diet.

>Appeal to futility
My point is, are those people actually living longer when you comparing apples to apples? Do well off, physically active persons on relatively western diets fare worse than those on traditional Asian diets?

>Niggers eat pig assholes
Comparing ourselves to animals is retarded.

It is retarded. Your quote of me is perfectly accurate. Arbitrarily comparing ourselves to any given animal when it bolsters our argument, like saying 'all animals are opportunistic carnivores' so we should eat meat too, is retarded. However, we can look at 'our closest biological relatives' to gauge what may be a valid comparison to what our ideal biologically agreeable diet.

>What ideal are we striving for?
Lowered all cause mortality, lowered incidence of our common diseases (heart, diabetes, cancer), better quality of and longer life.

>are those people actually living longer
Yes. Those were population studies. Those populations, on the whole, lived longer and suffered lower incidence of disease than the standard western diet.

Chinks are worse tho, in the case of eating filthy animal parts. We gas them first.

It is a Grimuar. A book that is everything, but a book. It connects data in specific order, but anything you will read will be rejected by your mind as a 100% bullshit. Every information is presented in the same retarded way, therefore your mind learn this "method" of connecting data to skip proving every bullshit to be bullshit and ignore that info. It is a natural procces of learning. The more you read, the more your brain is getting used to one kind of bullshit and patterns become stronger. Now this is the most funny part: while your brain is just rejecting everything in this text, it doesn't pay attention to the form of the text. Colours, numbers, shape or lenght are entering your mind without any filtering (i don't like it, nice colour, looks like a dick), there is no additional data. Once you finish the text, there are several words/numbers in your mind connected with themselfs. Together they create a trigger.
>f.e. 7,2,3, cat, dog, and green color
The only connection this set of things has got in your mind is that retarded "logic" your brain have been using to detect bullshit in that Grimuar. Viola, an information that your brain will recieve after the trigger will be verified using "that" logic instead of your common sense.
>f.e. Grimuar implies that school makes you more aggressive if you have to sit in the cardinal direction of the north, so painting the walls white will prevent you from this effect, while painting it black will make it worse.
Being stupid (bad) + school (good) + north (neutral) + white (lied to be good) + black (lied to be bad). So your brain changes north into not north (mostly likely into south) and problem is solved. Obviously it is bullshit, and it doesn't matter which direction a classroom is oriented, Yet something has changed inside your mind.
There is a trigger in your head: School + stupidity + north/south are now connected to the bullshit, white color = lied to be good, black color lied to be bad.

This deserves a (you). I'm on keto right now with the misses. Faggots should put down the lotion and give their cocks a break to learn something about nutrition.

why do you have to choose between fapping and learning though

>Gorillas nonsense
The point of the argument is that physiology is flexible, and that meat in diets is beneficial because it is a dense source of nutrients.

>Yes. Those were population studies. Those populations, on the whole, lived longer and suffered lower incidence of disease than the standard western diet.
Look, I'm going to say that you're not comparing apples to apples. Why? Because the western diet also has the byproduct of often being excessive. Exercise varies extensively. And simply put, certain peoples happen to suffer from certain aliments.

If you actually compare the same upper class comparable diets in terms of raw calories, you'll probably get about the same results. Why? Because physiology is surprisingly flexible.

I'm not even going to touch on race or culture for this one, but whole population studies are a bit shit when comparing population versus population in the same way that comparing NYC to Beijing will be shit when you compare infant mortality.

if jews you mean proud american capitalists
then yes
it was invented by Kellogg to boost sales

>eating any salts, oils, flesh, blood, milks, ferments (alcohol, bread, cheese) unironically
user i... can't help but recommend finding a cliff..


Dairy should be avoided but cheese can be an okay source of fat.

Even grimoires are written more legibly. Both the notes posted by the Canadian and your post sound like The Language Crystal, except worse.

I taught myself, and disregarded content I considered self-defeating or lies. I haven't given the leeches of the world the time of day.

>your brain is just rejecting everything in this text, it doesn't pay attention to the form of the text.

That is exactly what I paid attention to. Did you not read my post, Polack? It's frustrating when individuals try to sound so esoteric and enlightened, but they speak incorrigibly and with so much ego, it's difficult to ever take them seriously. Remember, you're wasting your time on this shithole, just like I am.

>physiology if flexible
I agree, in the short term. On the long term there is a clear cause and effect in the form of our top killers. Regarding 'certain ppl happen to suffer from certain ailments' these studies included compartives such as studying chinese women on a standard rural chinese diet versus chinese-american women on the standard western diet.

>Apples to apples
This is a rabbit hole of sorts so I'll just end with only one diet has shown to lower all cause mortality and treat/prevent heart disease (#1 killer) and that's a whole foods plant based diet. It also produces the most ideal cholesterol levels, most ideal BMI, and most closely mimics the diet of our closes biological relatives.

>makes you fat
>makes you into a woman
a white man chart would only have pasta, meat, and vegetables.

>fruit leads to weight gain
>thinks sugar in fruit is same as refined sugar

I have the same eating habits as you and I too have a super low percentage of body fat because I only eat when I actually feel hungry and I actually get off my ass and exercise sometimes, it's not hard


Fats are numbers one

>godly taste
>fills up well
>nice and oily, good nutrician

They weren't behind the food pyramid but they were behind pic related. That's why we didn't start seeing more vegan soyboys until after the Obama administration.

forgot pic

Faggots who don't understand this are retarded. A serving is based on how active you are. Do nothing all day, then a serving is 500% less than the guy who works out a few times a week.

The real Jew scam are food labels: everyone can understand guides and feel bullshit, but no one makes the two logical jumps to see the guides need individual food labels so controlling the labels controls the guides. The Jews would control the labels.

The guide, like the food pyramid is correct, but your fat ass that does nothing all day doesn't deserve 1 serving of pasta for every meal. You need to be eating 1/3 a serving based on the labels and suffer through the boredom of not eating as much, because you don't need it fatass.

>That is exactly what I paid attention to.
Idiot Autists cannot be affected by Grimuars, because unlike normies spergs don't reject bullshit from memory. Info is info.

> Remember, you're wasting your time on this shithole, just like I am.
yep, lurking 4chin gives out no profit in real life. A normie wouldn't do it, because of it. The normie will not spend his time writing long texts in foreign language as user, because it gives him nothing. He gains nothing. But he is the normie, he doesn't even bother with remembering an information if it is useless or fake. Normie is picky, so there is a system which decides what is worth picking. If you know how the system works, you can influence it. On the other hand user will read and analyze a very good book with the same focus as he has while reading shitposts.
Shitposts are making us immune to propaganda.

eat what humans eat before agriculture and you'll be fine

33 year life expectancy

So you expect me to eat only nuts and corn and tomatoes because the Jews are trying to make me eat stuff that humans have been eating for thousands of years?

This has to be a fucking joke

Would you try for more?

How did people not realise sooner that this is all wrong?

When I eat something low down on this chart, I don't feel satisfied at all. The lower down it is the less satisfied I feel. When I eat a salad I don't feel full from it and when I eat cereal and bread, I will feel sick long before I feel full.
Yet if I eat meat or something greasy, I'll feel full for ages afterwards.

When did people stop listening to what their own body was telling them?

While our digestive system is that of an omnivore, it is actually closer to being carnivore than herbivore. The most intelligent species are carnivores due to higher calorie intake, having to problem solve in order to outsmart prey, and the brain being made primarily of cholesterol.

I support people that want to be vegan for moral reasons, but people that argue that humans are meant to be vegan are liars. Unlike all other herbivores humans require vitamin B12 and heme iron intake from animal flesh or we will die. Be vegan but stop telling lies to support your cause.

>t. Nutritionist and dietitian

>closer to being a carnivore
Dishonest, low hanging fruit. Comparatively, the human digestive tract is essentialy half the length of a cud eating herbivore and twice three times the length of carnivore, but is the exact to body length ratio as most primates / frugivores.

calories are calories

"Fats are really good for you. I won't give any reasons why and don't question it."

>hurrr carbs are bad for humans
humans are carbon based life forms
>fruit sugar is carbon
hurrr fruit is bad for you
>fucking brainlets every time.

I dare you to try a fat free diet.

This is le keto cucks in a nutshell. Even though boomers grew up having tons of eggs, red meat, steaks, hamburgers, butter, lard, fat and now they die of heart attacks

and record numbers of rare cancers

shit really dude? well 1 liter of gas has 70,000 calories better shove a liter up your ass and hit the gym!