I'm not a Nazi, I don't dislike other races, I just wish our countries could just stay the race they should be...

I'm not a Nazi, I don't dislike other races, I just wish our countries could just stay the race they should be, I don't want a large black population, I don't want a large Muslim population, no matter what you do they complain about racism, even when they choose to come here off their own accord, and racism doesn't stop them reaping the benefits. We have no obligation or responsibility to let large numbers of immigrants in, absolutely none, they never integrate into the host's culture, that's a meme. They just form pocket societies and cultures that you don't want.

I'm lucky because Ireland's Irish population is in the high nineties, with a less than 1% Muslim population, but I'm afraid with Brexit and the increased liberalisation of this country that can change very soon. It's shit knowing that I'll have to view the inevitable chucking of my country while I'm old enough to comprehend it and jaded enough to understand it's irreversible ramifications. I really don't want to be Britain 2.0 because once your population is "diversified", it's never going back. It's irreversible.

But of course if you say this your life is ruined and you'll never get a job. Great.

I know this probably gets said here 24/7 but I've never been on this board before and I really needed to get this off my chest.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is basically Jared Taylor's entire platform.

national party plus there's always genocide if it gets real bad

>I’m not a Nazi
Lemme stop you right there. Everything you eloquently describe in the next two paragraphs is so far to the right of the definition of Nazi as is ((((commonly understood)))). The sooner we all accept where things are, the better.

It's the jews.

I don't fully understand their endgame but I think they want everyone else to become a pozzed mongrel underclass that is easy to enslave/influence/exterminate. Their religious scripture encourages this.

I am not sure how we got to the point that to be white in white homelands is considered "bad"

That is some next level brainwashing shit.

here they have been pushing hard this idea that britain has always been mixed race with wog roman soldiers on Hadrian's wall etc

>I don't dislike other races

just give it some time

>I'm not a Nazi
That's because you don't actually know what it is. It's not skinheads and hollywood bullshit.

>Not a Nazi
Just give it time idiot

The look on his face... bwahahhaha priceless

He went from liberal to national socialist in one night

Sounds like you'd like being a nazi based on what you wrote.

It's hard man, It's ridiculous because the liberal parasite has absolutely no concept of tradition or culture, it's alien to them, they just don't get it, and it's impossible to convince them. Even the regular people who don't identify with hard right or left still consume super leftist media and news, it's the default, more conservative stuff is something you have to actively go looking for.

It just makes me sick, when I think of Irish culture I think of my family and the history and my grandfather, these immigrants don't know or care about our history and culture, and they never will, why would they? If I immigrated to fucking Mozambique, would I give a shit about their culture? No.

It's sad to see where Britain is at the moment too, throughout history Britain and Ireland have had a pretty rocky relationship, but it's kinda like our countries are really close in terms of values at the same time, kinda like brothers who say they hate each other in their childhood but as they grow older realise they share a history and bond like no other.

It's just sad to see Britain get fucking ravaged is all...

Don't want it to happen here.

nazism will never take off so you can't be a nazi without larping. that's just the way things are.

You speak for all of us

I don't want to exterminate anybody, I just want to prevent the mass "diversification" from happening. Even though there's literally nothing I can do. I want Ireland to just have no immigration, Japan-style. But that would never happen.

It's like if you are told that in an hours time, there will be a terrorist attack of a magnitude never before seen, but there's no way to contact the authorities and the journey to stop the terrorist is over two hours, so you just have to wait and watch the horror play out.

Give it time.

>I just wish our countries could just stay the race they should be,
With "our" which countries are you talking about?

Now I have to go listen to sunbather

I wish America would balkanize into white, native, latino, mixed, jewish, asian, polynesian and black ethnostates. It'll never happen, sadly.

Trump is a full blown israeli supporter! He said Jerusalem is israel's capital! Trump has supported Israel even during his business days

You are a retard if you believe trump is like hitler

You have nigger blood you Brazilian fry

If I do then it came from the Med side of my family, which is likely given how Meds are.


All of them, blacks stay in Africa, Asians in their respective Asian countries, Hispanics in South America, middle easterns in the Middle East, whites in their respective European countries.

America is already way to much of a melting pot to do anything about (sorry lads), so that can just be a cultural and racial free for all. (Once again, sorry lads.)

I just hate how the modern idea of "world diversity" is every country just being the same grey homogenous clusterfuck of conflicting cultures and ideologies. Which is ironically, not very diverse.

>All of them
Why? Its fine if you wanna keep ireland how you like it but if we want to replace Germany then how does that relate to you?

I just thought that this is something that all Germans would want for Germany, to keep their culture intact.

We don't have a culture. And whatever people call German culture is absolutely disgusting to me.
I think replacing Germans with any group would be an improvement on Germany and the entirety of Europe.

I just think it is crazy to want every culture preserved.

Once again you are Brazilian! Which means you are more likely to have nigger blood than the fucking Salvadorans or mexicans

So fuck off

Why? Why do you hate German culture? Would you rather it be replaced with Islam?

Aw look at you, being all angry over random people online over the dumbest shit like muh one drop.
And behind a meme flag on Sup Forums of all places, that's cute user now go get your medication.

What is we like mix all the races together so that like there will only be one race and everyone can just live where they want and just end racism all together?

>Why do you hate German culture?
I don't consider what we have a culture.
>Would you rather it be replaced with Islam?
I want it replaced. I don't really care with what because everything would be an improvement.

But that is not the point here. I wanna know why you are not just focused on Ireland?

>I don't consider what we have a culture
beer, sausages, bavarian dancing or whatever
the stoic nature and need to be punctual,
all parts of German culture
I think you're taking it for granted.

Lmao im not saying you're a nigger! What i am saying is that you might have like 10% of nigger blood compared to some countries that didn't have that much of a nigger slave trade like Puerto Rico has lots of nigger blood and cubans are niggers but countries like brazil have a huge nigger population compared to others

I agree with you. A lot of Americans do. Look where that got us.

Man the Jews really did a number on you

>I'm not a Nazi, I don't dislike other races
These aren't the same thing, and your insistence that they are is exactly why your country will be flooded with shitskins.
National Socialism is just about having a duty to preserve your nation--that is, for Ireland to stay Irish. No racemixing. No third world immigration for (((their))) profits. No degradation of national spirit or traditional values.
You don't have to hate other races to do this. You need to love your own. Stop buying the Jewish propaganda that these are the same thing.
>Jewish ethnostates
No. There should be white, native, and black ethnostates, and I'll negotiate with the Asians (Hawaii can become independent, also). But the spics have to go back, with the exception of the few border areas they were always in, and so do the Jews. Nationalist Jews can go to Israel, the liberal ones are hated by the Israelis and will probably get the oven (figuratively, of course. This post is satirical).
Then there is no unifying force left besides what (((they))) feed us with materialism. You have a shapeless and easily controlled mass of plebs, and nothing else.

Please stop.

I love you're culture! Germans and Swedes are sexu ;) but unfortunately Germany has the lowest fertility rate in the world

So you need to get an Aryan wife and fuck her and have kids many kids! Like 8

We are already a shapeless and easily mass of plebs. Both conservatives and liberals both go to their own private sound bubbles to be told what to think.

The only thing will will lose is an easily identifiable enemy to blame our mistakes on. Which will just cause us to solve our problems for once.

You don't need to be a "Nazi" to believe this. This was considered sane and normal at least two decades ago. You think you need to say "I'm not a Nazi but..." because we've been socially engineered to associate these thoughts with "the bad guys"

German culture?

Music: Wagner and Beethoven. Bach and Strauss. Don't like classical? Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream. Rammstein and Blind Guardian. All of this music has a unique German quality that you may not see, but is there if you listen for it.

Architecture: do i even have to explain this?

Food and drink: okay your food sucks but the beer is good

Literature And philosophy: brothers grimm, Nietzsche, Shopenhauer

All of this is engraines in your culture and it will all be destroyed and forgotten if you. You have to rediscover things to be proud of. I'm just an american with burger education but i can say you can't just replace a culture without completely losing *everything* that developed the old one

Ideology is fluid, race is forever. A unity built on ethnic kinship is infinitely stronger than circlejerking opinions, and the kikes know this. That's why they try so hard from across the (((accepted))) political spectrum to discredit it.
You have people who started as anything from socialists to libertarians to agrarians on Sup Forums, all united to save their people. I started out as a centre-leftie, and now I am a NatSoc.

Our commitment to preserving our people is what keeps us together. Meme ideologies have no set membership, and any attempt to get rid of a destructive system through ideology alone will fail because it is easily infiltrated.

I don't want to derail this thread into a full thesis of why German culture is worthless. My point is that it is our decision if we want to remove it and I just don't understand why so many nationalist are focused on other countries.

You dumb nigger.

Seriously, how can anyone listen to Entry of the Gods into Valhalla without getting in your feels.


Captcha: ADORES Heckenberg
And we do. Strive to be as uber as you can

You have no idea how much teenagers today are exposed to this idea of Asians in Asia, Africans in Africa etc. I've been at my brothers house and my niece is red pilled mainly cause of shitty instragram memes and people like Milo Yiannopolous.

OP here, it's my thread, and I explore you, derail away!! I'm interested to hear this thesis.

I pray to god Ireland isn't touched by this shit. I love your country and very much hope to visit it someday. Please god let it remain conservative and free of Europe's rape.

I've heard this before, that the generation below us is going to be hyper-conservative, the pendulum effect I believe it's called.

Hopefully this new generation can unfuck us all out of the hole we've dug ourselves, if it's true.

That being said from what I've seen of my younger cousins (I've got loads) they seem to be way less shitty and entitled than my generation was as kids, so maybe that's a good sign, I think it's because they grew up during the economic crisis, so they have the understanding of a cold hard world that we may not have experienced at their age, making them more conservative?

I don't know, but they're our only hope. Kids always rebel against the status quo of the previous generation, so here's to hoping they completely rebel against the leftist ideology.

Thanks ameribro, I lived in your country for a year once. It was nice.

Nothing Germans have contributed to the world isn't vastly outclassed by other cultures. Our history is basically just larping as romans and then larping as romans. With a completely unwarranted superiority complex. And most importantly we have done nothing but damage to europe over and over again. You don't have to destroy everything and never listen to wagner if you like it but for the sake of future Europe it is imperative to remove germans. You have a real shot to become an utopia without us. Europe would have colonies on Mars right now if Germans never existed.

Please, Hans, don't say this. It keeps me up at night knowing that German language and culture is the quickest one crumbling in Europe right now.

>It keeps me up at night knowing that German language and culture is the quickest one crumbling in Europe right now.
And it gives me hope for the future.

that's where your wrong. You must accept you have been labeled a Nazi for refusing kike programing.

At the end there you mean if Jews never existed...

But anyways who outclasses Volkswagen or Mercedes? Siemens? BASF? Adidas? Aldi? Who outclasses your trade schools? You really think Mexicans and blacks in America do working class jobs the same way the Anglos and Germans do? No. You can actually trust the Anglo and German to do the job 100% And not skip steps. Why do you think Mexicans get work done so fast? Cause they skip steps, leave nails on top of the roof and dgaf. They don't have integrity or pride in their work

You're a land of autism but you have to weaponize in a positive way.

Why? If German culture existed in a vacuum, alone, would you deem it worth saving? Do you simply feel responsible for Germany's involvement in wars, etc. throughout history? Because I think German culture is the height of human intellect and creativity. This may not sound like much coming from a burger but I have studied your language and culture for 6 years, and I am nearing fluency.

What has Ireland contributed to the world? Nothing. But I still love it and my culture still has a right to exist.

It's the same with Germany, broseph.

You did contribute the untermensch to American society back in the good ol days

>who outclasses Volkswagen or Mercedes?
Italy and Japan for example outclass us on cars and technology in general. We are not the best at anything you listed.
>If German culture existed in a vacuum, alone, would you deem it worth saving?
German culture is basically ruining other people's shit so can it really exist in a vacuum?
>This may not sound like much coming from a burger but I have studied your language and culture for 6 years, and I am nearing fluency.
No I think that is great. Learning another language generally seems good for the brain. I think you made a horrible choice because German language and culture are disgusting but it is still commendable.
You Americans have a really weird idealized view of Germany and Germans. I think it is because the Allies glorified us as this powerful force because it meant you "slayed the bigger dragon". But it is just not reality how I see it here.

Seriously have you ever driven a Japanese car?? It's got the lamest cuck boy no road feel at all. Here in America the only Italian car we get is the Fiat (and now the sexy Alfa Romeo Giulia). I would take a German car (or even American for that matter) over anything from Japan

You guys missed the Roman and Anglo-Saxon waves of racemixing but Dublin got Vikinged and the entire coast got Normaned and of course Norn Iron is just a plantation of British Huns.
Practically every """"Irishman""" is mutted as fuck with Hun blood lad.
The British Empire had the right idea, pick one faith one flag one language and colonise the whole fucking planet with Anglo-Celtic mutts or die trying.
Good luck with your gay friendly Islamic EU cuckstate tho.

Maybe I'm tired, but I really can't understand how your Culture is actively ruining others. Have the actions of past Germans had great consequences for the world? Yes. But your culture? Does it get up on its feet and go around punching others? How is Faust, Wagner, Hesse, and sausage actively destroying the world?

Also you may not like your own culture. But I can assure you that you are a small minority.

Look you can keep Wagner and your sausages. You don't have to destroy anything. But these contributes are not worth the damage we are doing. German culture produced two world wars and the EU. I am fine if the next Wagner does not get born if it also means I don't have to see what we come up with that is even worse than the EU.
>But I can assure you that you are a small minority.
As in around the world people not liking their own culture. Definitely
As for Germans? No.
If you say "Germans will die out" in front of a German audience we generally cheer.

>I don't want to exterminate anybody, I just want to prevent the mass "diversification" from happening

you can't have both user

Honestly, you need to accept who you are. Claiming you don't have problems with race, yet everything you just described is clearly a problem with other races. As for integration, sorry, but that's life. In this universe, you either adapt or die off. And with the fear that you and many, many other whites have, you're nightmare is only going to become worse. You're going to die off. Mixing societies is how we as modern humans even got to where we are today. You may love your culture and your land, but long before whites even existed, that land was occupied by someone or something else.

Oh... and your comment about not giving a fuck about a country in Africa's culture, had you moved there, just shows how ignorant you are. The fact that you don't care about other cultures IS THE VERY REASON people like you are disappearing. If people actually gave a shit, we all could respect each other and keep heritages for a lot longer. But it ain't gunna fuckin' happen, chief. You don't care about other cultures, so why should we or anyone else care about yours?

This is really a sad thing in my eyes. We really fucked the spirit out of you after World War 2. Still, to me, I have a hard time pinning your culture as the cause for the wars, etc. Why don't you blame the individuals for these things? Does your culture really inculcate your people so much that every German who is well versed in his own culture is a potential Hitler, Merkel, or Luther?

But I just had another thought. I can see how the morality of Nietzsche, the desires of Faustus, combined with the need for order, etc, etc can and has combined in the past to create the figures of German history that you must hate the most. Am I getting closer to what you mean?

Thank you. Too many niggers on here think that their bloodline is untainted. We're all goddamn mixed, whether you like it or not.

That's because intellects far above yours view your people as a threat to world domination - the germans were not the cause of the world wars; the incentives of multi-national corporations and talmudic jews, infighting amongst freemasons and other secret societies, and other factors were.

They have brainwashed you into cheering for your own destruction - it's too late now anyways.

>Why don't you blame the individuals for these things?
I could. But then you should also count the good stuff as just individuals and not produced by the culture. So I can't feel proud of wagner or german engineering or other memes.
>Am I getting closer to what you mean?
Sort of. Just pattern recognition shows we produce horrible continent destroying people again and again. We can't abort Germans from history and improve it. But we can make sure there are no more Germans at some point in the future. And I genuinely believe that will make at least Europe if not the whole world better.
>They have brainwashed you into cheering for your own destruction
If that were true then we would deserve destruction purely for falling for it, don't we?

They want you to become blackened so they can sell you back your whiteness through designer babies in the future. If you stay white they wouldn’t have anything to sell you. Now imagine your black children are given the option to have blue eyes. Then lighter skin, then higher IQ lol. That is why they are fucking with Europe. The future is white lol the whole meme of your children will be brown is for retarded liberals who actually believe it’s a good thing. However I foresee whiteness creep happening in the future. Imagine people being able to give their children white features, smaller nose, colored eyes, colored hair, higher IQ . How many people are going to say make my kid dark as fuck with lower IQ and a big ass nose with fucked up hair? Honestly lol the rich will be white and all others will be dark as fuck with the Jews raking in the money from your countries jungle lust. That’s the end game basically selling white genes back to Europeans in the not so near future.

Well, I seemed to have lost the argument with my last post. I believe that this German mentality that you hate is a good thing. It has produced some of the best people in the world. Even those who you hate. Without getting into 56% memes, I have it, my grandpa has it, and everyone preceding him had it. And he is someone who I love dearly and admire the most. I'd tell you everything about him that makes him quintessentially German (mindset, will, good natured, etc) but it would take far too long and it wouldn't change your mind anyway.

I hope that best for you and your folk, I really hope you come around and see what the world will be losing without you, even though at this time it's probably too late to do anything about it. God bless.

Obviously I am not asking you to hate your grandpa. The past is the past and I have no problem with some germans surviving in the US.
Future is a different issue and I just want to know that at some point the weight around Europe's neck is removed.

that pic transcends the meme plane. the ultimate taboo is oedipal and this pic is oedipal as fuck. we all know cartoons freeze frame or focus on cutesy exaggerations. but the fourth pic is only rotated. she didnt change. only the second pic ever happened. for a split second. why was she doing that? bart's face is not taken out of context. i believe he was whining and she was doing yoga. so like a boomer mom she rubs it in his face and her neck disappears or some shit and she asks what is a sleeping death

Again, I would disagree with that statement. But it's late for me now and I can't stay up to talk much longer. I would however like to continue the conversation if you are willing. If not then I'll see you in another thread.

>I'm not a Nazi, I don't dislike other races, I just wish our countries could just stay the race they should be, I don't want a large black population, I don't want a large Muslim population,
Too late, you are a nazi now. Welcome to the club

The main reason I come to Sup Forums is german hate threads. So look for them if you want to find me.

Alright then. Frohe Weihnachten und bis bald.

Yeah see you haven't learned yet.
YOU don't get to decide whether you are or are not a Nazi. The lefties decide that for you.
If they say you're a Nazi, then they'll ruin your life just as bad.
And the positions you describe in your OP make you a Nazi to the left.
If you disagree with the left then you're a Nazi. End of story.
To the left things supporting things like tradition and borders make you a Nazi.
>You have two choices today:
>Either bend the knee to the left and agree with everything they say and virtue signal as loudly as you can and pray that you don't slip up and offend the wrong leftie and get made the target of a witchhunt
>Stop worrying about being called a Nazi and band together with all the other Nazis to defend the shit you believe in
because the alternative is
>You're stuck in the middle all alone and the Left will treat you like a Nazi anyway

That guy has the look of a man who just saw his country's future die

This a real German right here. Nobody out cucks the Germans.

You're all fair game for the juden, you retarded fuck.

You'll never defeat them by playing their game.

this must have been made pre-election...right?

> I'm not a Nazi

Me either.

t.white US combat vet

I know it seems that way. We are on the ropes. But we love Jesus and we pray that He heal us of our sin and heal our land.

Donald Trump, crazy man that he is, has officially blessed Israel for our nation. God sees and will bless them that bless Israel. We are about to win bigly, just so He can show those who cursed Israel Who their God is!

Barring rapture being the blessing, the God is about to deliver our enemies unto us...foreign and domestic.

Then, we judge sin. We do not have respect of persons. All are equal under our common law, which our ancestors gave us. May God judge between us and them!

No, I've been tested. Don't project your negrosity onto those who don't have that disease.