Why do retards, especially conservatives, oppose socialism withour understand what it is?


Because even a retard can grasp "theft=bad"

>welfare state = socialism
hello Useful Idiot SocDem

Bc nobody understands what it is bc it has never been implemented in its theory bc and doesn't work due to human nature.

anyone that truly understands socialism also hates it

Op doesn't know what socialism is.

I'm smart enough to control my own resources.

>GI Bill is socialism.
No it isn't The GI Bill is a benefit that is a payment for services rendered.

>Labor Unions are socialist.
No, Labor unions are collective bargaining - All our labor for these wages and benefits.

>The US military is a socialist program.
No, the US military does not produce "goods" in the consumer sense, thus it is not socialist.

>Roads are socialist.
Roads in the United States are contracted out to business who compete and bid on the project. The 'Production" of the road is literally capitalist.

>social security and medicare are socialist.
Not really... it's a ponzi scheme invented by socialist. Supposedly, people are taxed to bring in money and it is paid out to the same people when they retire. That's not socialism as there is no means of production that is owned by the state.

>Public property is socialist.
Op has gone full retard.

Because they think they don't need other people


Not real socialism

Socialism is the state ownership of some or all industry/business.

It's not benefits for military service.
It's not having labor regulations.
It's not having state supported medical care.
It's not public parks.

>roads are socialist
Explain why toll roads and expressways are always nicer than public roads
>social security is socialist
The more you pay into social security before you retire, the more you get from it once retired. If it were socialist, everyone would get the same
>Medicare is socialist
Same as above
>grass is socialist
>US military is socialist
They get paid to do a job, it’s no different than any other government job, and the majority of taxpayers are perfectly fine with their taxes going to military personnel. Next you’ll be saying that firefighters and DMV clerks are socialist programs.
>GI bill is socialist
See above. They had to work for 4+ years in a shitty job (military isn’t fun, I can confirm) to earn it. If it were socialist, every nigger or leftie with asthma and “mental illness” could get the GI bill.
>40 hour work week is socialist
Again, kys

If I'm reading this right socialism seems to produce shitty people.

I'm a Nationalist
and believe in a Socialism system.
Does that make me a Nazi?
If so then why is that a bad thing to be both Nationalist and Socialist?

>Amerishart thinks he knows how bad socialism can be

Our country suffered through a socialist system built by the Labour party that ended up making the majority of people entitled degenerate pricks whom if they weren't on strike were abusing the benefits system.

Op dropped his retard here then ran away. A shit post. So, Share Blue, Antifa, JIDL or some other Soros sponsored insurrection group is behind it?

No, you have a misconception as to what is meant by National Socialism.

This thread is retarded, because socialism is social ownership of industry. Not everything the state does is socialism.

wouldn't that be nationalisation?

I dislike the strawman that vets are welfare queens. Their pay is shit and they signed their life away to the whims on the government. What would you value for the life of an able, fit male in the prime of their lives? Shiet, 30k salary and free college/healthcare AINT shit for services rendered as international deathsquads. Shits a good fucking deal, and the draft isnt needed anymore because they in effect just use mercenaries now

Also socialism is redistributed to the public at large, not granted as a benefit to a particular demographic. Literally a contract

Higher kek

the short answer is whites would be paying for most of it.

hey faggot, defend this

>you, and whole society benefits

Good post senpai

>you are benefitted by having your wealth taken

>pay into these illegal government wealth redistribution programs or go to jail
>how dare this person who paid unwillingly into these programs dare use them
Congratulations, you're fucking retarded!

That's the problem with leftists. They have no nuance about anything. They think only on feeling and surface level facts.

>my ''''stolen'''' wealth goes to people who will prevent my house from burning down

>govt firefighters are better than private

Labor unions? Labor Unions are what is used instead of pointing a gun at the boss.

They used to modify work structures for Socialist Communist purposes.

>wanting your burning house to be saved based on whether or not it's profitable
>wanting to be jewed after a tragedy

Wow I didn't know the Section 8 niggers who would starve to death without government handouts and illegals cramming the ER with their 14 children whose healthcare is paid for by the taxpayer keep my house from burning down

stop responding to 1 post OP's

>hurp durp socialism is when the gubbermint does stuff hurp
Holy shit can't you even understand what your own ideology is?

Becaust it's not working

t. ex-soviet

White people won't work.

>entitlement to compensation AFTER a tragedy
>Private insurance should be replaced by govt

>implying they wouldn't be in section 8 housing if not for years of systemic discrimination
>implying illegals would come here if not for muh free market preferring them for cheap labor


>we can use the free market to flood America with beaners but we can't allow the free market to kill off niggers who would die without government intervention

What's the name of that socialist country that has a decent standard of living again?

If they had a better understanding of them they may actually support them, so the elites can't have that.

Ignorance is strength.

literally give me everything you own right now. I promise I'll give you social benefits. Literally right now though without question otherwise I'll put you in jail you fascist scum

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

if he is the beneficiary of so much socialism why does the author portray them as a failed individual and an idiot?
could it be that socialism is not good for people?
thinking emoji