Bazillions of lifes are on the line? Bitch I dont care
Dragon ball super
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Why arr burgers so upset that goku isnt a superman rip off ? He never was righteous to begin with.
He will win and resurrect them. Plus he gave them a chance.
>80 man battle royale
>no weapons
>no killing
>ring out
>no flying outisde the ring zone
This is gonna be a massive fuckfest. I expected team fights but not like this. Most fighters are going to job off screen so you got about 20 important fighters to focus on and I am being generous with 20 because toryiama is a lazy hack.
he was only fight happy in the movies, but in the DBZ series he'd never want to start a fight that would endangered Quadrillions+ of lives per universe.
It's as if DBZ never existed and only the movies did.
Arc had a great premise but idk I feel like its going to be rushed. Super pace is just too fast.
Why do I keep watching this shit.
>implying this guy isn't into this action.
>implying he doesn't want to see Goku get smoked.
The Zeno's are like little kids, they just throw everything into one big pile and watches the massive shitstorm that takes place. It's totally fitting to such a character.
Can't wait to see the Grand Priests future role in this anime.
>spared vegeta
>Spared frieza
>didnt attack gero's base prematurely because "muh challenges"
>Gave cell senzu bean
>Didnt finish off buu because "muh succesor"
>fucks off with some lil nigga because he strong durr and forgets about his wife and family again.
Goku doesnt give a fuck
>implying he ever remembered his family in the first place
Female Brolly will defeat Gohan.
They turned him into luffy.
He is stupid and careless exactly like him. Toei cant stop fucking up
Use the catalog retard
At least he's normal in the manga.
>implying he forgets the food machine, mini-me and useless nerd
Fuck off you dumbfuck that thread doesnt even have super in the title and has been a sub thread for hours.
>inb4 yeah but its dbs thread
fuck off Sup Forums has no generals
Those aren't family, they're just people who look and sound vaguely like him and live in the same house
>being this new
Wew lad
don't inject too much memes. They are affecting your psyche
So goku evil now?
Luffy isn't evil like Goku is. The worst thing he's done is beat up corrupt government officials. Goku endangered trillions upon trillions of lives. He is literally worse than Hitler.
hurr i will be the strongest fighter
i will be the pirate king
i will be the universe destroyer
hurr durr
This reminds me of a recent episode of super.
>Vegeta refuses to join the preliminary tournament due to Bra's birth
>Vegeta tells Goku to ask his son
>Goku says Goten is too young
>ponders for 10 seconds
>Goku then realizes he has another son
we need more time to decide what your opinion should be
>literally stops Majin Vegeta from killing the audience
Nu Goku is just an ass.
It's actually happening
Nah, he's chaotic neutral.
>>literally stops Majin Vegeta from killing the audience
Nigga didnt even bother to turn ssj. He just let the blast go past him. Only reason why he even botheted gusrding it is because vegeta aimed at him
Goku's always been evil. Just look at his terrifying face.
Hitler literally did nothing wrong compared to Goku.
What? If anything he was much more super hero like in the movies. Remember the bird in Cooler's movie?
I feel bad for bergamo. The guy just wants to live his furry live and peace but then some madman sayian immigrant from earth just wants to see the universe burn for his own amusement
Here's template for future memes
So pretty much every universe will jump at U7?
Maybe Champas team has to help out because he does not want to see his brother get erased.
Don't bother Toei shills will blindly defend all the faults of the anime including the shoddy characterization of Goku.
Plot twist: Goku murdered Konkichi after he saw that he made friends with other children before swimming to the budokai.
No one is allowed to be stronger than Goku at making friends.
>implying there's no middle ground between superman and absolute sociopath
Characters have been hated for being far less cuntish than Goku. Dude's an edgelord now.
How strong bergamo? He survived a kaioken blue kamehameha. I would say he is at least golden frieza tier
when did dragonball turn into bokurano?
Am I the only one that's disappointed about the arc being a battle royal instead of a standard torunament?
furfag memes and gokufags vs anti-gokufags for the next 2 weeks daily till new episode
hakai me
He only survived thanks to Goku powering him up. At the end, Goku says he is disappointed he never got to see Bergamo's own power.
Sounds glorious
Goku going saiyan as fuck.
Doesn't care what people think of him.
Doesn't care about death or destruction of trillions of lives.
>Just fucking fight me you fucking scrub
You didn't expect 70+ fights, did you?
I excepted some riot against blue fuckers or boss blue killing zenos.
A battle royal would be pretty cool with good animation and fight choreography.
We have come full circle.
>no killing
>mfw goku asks them to remove it so goku can fight hit
>tfw several members of not only U7 but other universes end up dead as a result
I hope Toei is deliberately setting Gooku up to be so unlikable so we can see him beaten down hard by Captain Ayylmao later
But knowing Toei they're oblivious to the dislike they're building
Do you know who the fuck I am?
I am goku king of I dont give a fuck
Current Goku's reaction to this?
>Wow you made a big mess! Are ya done? I wanna see how strong ya are!
Goku does think about his family. But not as much as common dads.
Also, my concern with SSB is that its a really good idea, but it wasn't used right at all.
It feels like toyo could have it as some sort of "new form" powerup at the end of the battle royale or something. You know, something actually climactic. The problem being that the Anime already blew its load with it.
Maybe he'll wait until U7's fodder is ringed out.
>implying I don't like goku not giving a fuck
>Current Goku's reaction to this?
>>Wow you made a big mess! Are ya done? I wanna see how strong ya are!
Thats exactly the reaction of original goku. Bulma knew about gero's hideout but still insited to fight them putting people in danger
literally cell games 2.0
It's probably vegeta that's going to call him out on his bullshit. He would rather see his daughter be born than jerk off Kakarotto's fighting fetish.
3-0 confirmed
Have you considered that goku might not actually be 100% mentally deficient, just carefree so when he gets told the guy that everyone tells him to be reverent of has decided something he realises he can't change it.
That or he's actually thinking "We'll just use the dragon balls!"
How is Goku unlikable?
Pretty much.
Buu confirmed for the masterpiece. Renember he can heal.
You are retarded. In the world of void, nothing like that could happen. He would not go all out in a place with innocents.
Let's update the rules of the tournament with another classic Battle Royale
Why is everyone so god damn retarded in this stupid ass show. Even gohan who knows whats up is to pussy to call out his dad.
I want trunks back this is bullshit
Universal tournament saga
>9 inches: Tenshinhan, Piccolo
>8 inches: Roshi
>6 inches: Goku
>5 inches: Vegeta, Krillin
>4 inches: 17
>3 inches: Gohan
>absoletely no dick: 18, Buu
Bergamo is as strong as Goku's base, which is trained Frieza tier, which is stronger than anything pre-BoG.
>thinking DB threads arent a massive beaner circlejerk
So is flying not allowed at all or does it only not work out of bounds?
>Ya got a funny look on your face, Vegeta.
Namekians don't have penises though...
Fembroly confirmed for U11 via the silhouettes this ep.
Updated version
LOL, The so call 'new' tornament is YET ANOTHER idea taken from a movie. In this case: Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound:
Same concept, same rules.
Toei made everyone dumber even Buu.
>arragh!! why aren't the cartoons behaving like me a real human bean boy
I wonder if they have shitty writing and this is the only way they could come to the fighting part??
>someone save it
im glad this edit help you all
Thats what they want you to believe. Trust me, they have.
So this multiversal tournament is going to just be 8 teams of 10 fighting each other in a battle royale?
That's disappointing, we can't really have individual fights now
Remember when Goku had the chance to destroy the androids but he didn't just because he wanted to fight.?
Remember when Goku made his own son fight against Cell?
That's right my dudes, your childhood hero has always been an asshole
why did you rename your picture with randumb numbers?? and sorry I don't speak whatever that is
Anyone feel like the non participating universes God/Kai/angels look super generic and therefore won't be part of future arcs?
>b-but my light in the darkness
Fucking burgers and their shitty ass dub
The only acceptable version of this was the dub version of him waiting for Frieza to reach 100%
Him wanting to crush Frieza emotionally and mentally by beating him at his best as a form of revenge for Krillin >>>> hurr I want to fight a strong guy
To not talk about the animation.