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I really feel like I have seen this cat in like 5 different news stories in the past few years.

inb4 sapir hafizhydemoud

Also fuck this guy. Make him walk the long road and drop a pill in the fucking gas chamber.

What is it with gingers converting to islam

Muhammad was a ginger

Got no souls.

They are and always have been objectively the worst branch.

looks like a retard

What's it with these retards and using their own internet/telephones to plan terrorist attacks? Holy fuck they're like libs who decide to get a latte before class.
>hmmm yeah maybe I should carry out an attack
>*googles how to make a bomb*
>*calls Hashim*
>Ayo Hashim you got any bomb building expertise?
>*call duration 45:00:00
If you're gonna carry out a public attack, stop using internet at your home and never ever use a telephone. You'd think that'd be common knowledge by now.

According to hadith, he is not.

>lied on his enlistment contract about not having asthma
>got kicked out for dishonesty
>potentially put others at risk had he got far enough to deploy


We are one big family. Also, some gingers class themselves as a minority with all that includes, my guess is that they think they will be accepted into Islam because Islam is a religion and not a race but a bigger identity that they hope to be accepted into.

Hahahahaha what a nigger neckbeard

Forgot to add

>but they still have to let trannies in

The absolute state

outcasts are more susceptible to extremism and radicalization

Yeah, you edgy nazi niggers would know how to do that.

He looks like that British ginger who enforces sharia

never trust a person that's both white and has a beard like that.

what about the amish

No, you can't trust a vet

Yes absolutely. And a few other cats I can't think recall completely. That British kid has been in and out of the joint for years. Be interesting to see how his life ends up.


What's being an 'edgy nazi nigger' gotta do with it? Any book you read on counter-terrorism reveals how most people get caught because they're unaware they're being tracked through their internet browsing and phone calls they make.

Day of the shaving set when?


Jealous Army fag detected. Enjoy your mixed gender boot camp and PT. You're so cucked with political correctness that you lower standards to be with females. There's a reason they send us in first faggot. When I was in Arty we went to an Army base in Indiana for a field op and we did your rifle qual with fucking NVGs on. Easiest branch next to Chair Force.

Correct answer

Says the faggot in the cucked socialism country who enjoys free protection from us because your military is a joke. Your PM is a faggot campy leftist.


They send delta and seals air force first . Then rangers. Then you pog

Threadly reminder

The cat was discharged after being diagnosed with Athsma lol.

Probably was separated with a Bad Conduct Discharge. My question is how in the living fuck did he get radicalized? I served with a little Yemeni dude who was called "Freedom Fighter" in boot camp. They fucked with him, but he was very loyal to the Marine Corps. Lat Moved to the Arab translator field and ended up serving in the Iraq war.Got blown up twice, Earned two purple hearts, then said "Fuck it." Got out. Now living happily in the land of the free. Where and WHO is radicalizing people?


I'm not a POG, but a Marine cook can outshoot a basic Ranger any day with iron sights. You probably have never shit past 300 yards. And you should learn to google. Battle of Fallujah ring a bell? Name one popular Army battle in the last 20 years. You're babysitters while the Marines kick down doors. Dakota Meyer got the Medal of Honor for saving Marines and Iraqis because an Army unit with a female CO was too chicken shit to provide help.

A General was relieved of duty because of that little charade that Dakota Meyer got the Medal of Honor for. Not only did the Army fuck up that Operation by being chicken shits, but they kept telling those Marines "15 minutes, 15 minutes, we'll have a chopper there for you." Fuck the Army.


They are doing it to themselves. In days of old people like this would have tried to join a biker group and then wash out or join some local punk rock/hc gang. Now they are just alienated fucks who watch some fagtube nasheed videos and it clicks with their shitty lives

>a Marine cook can outshoot a basic Ranger any day with iron sights
"Future" Marine detected.
Christ, you guys are worse than "Future" Navy SEALs.

Nice try buddy, I've been out for 4 years.

The Irish were already terrorists.

Never trust a muslim, especially a potato nigger muslim.

Army rifle qual, hit or miss pop up crazy Ivan targets at unknown distance no greater than 300
Marine rifle qual, 200 300 500 yard line. Sitting kneeling standing prone
Accuracy based scoring combined with a table two phase in full combat gear with speed reloads, failure to stop drills, moving targets... come on man. But hey, the chow hall is over there, we will be the ones outside the wire


lmao violence

t. med dropped half way through boot camp


You aren't offending me man, I did my time. I joined in 07 before it started to soften up. It was still fun. My sister is in now and she says it got worse but not Army worse


His name, "Jameson", is Scottish. Nice try faggot.

Don't make me dig out my DD214 and make you look like a bigger faggot than you are

Ya but we had Chelsea manning in the army, you want to talk about real bravery?

it doesn't matter, you all are going to die whether by sea, land, or air

Haha you're a riot man. He is proof that Obama is a fucking traitor, and he will hopefully be indicted and if he does it'll be like Trump winning x 10. Check foxnews

>>marine vet

totally leave out the fact he is a muslim convert





This MF is NOT a real Marine. He’s a certified SCUMBAG. We were warned about this.
Pic related
Of course he’s a democrat


Just like the shitbag turd that shot Chris Kyle, mentally ill guys fall through the cracks, the media made it sound like a crazy PTSD Marine (their favorite fallacy) shot him, but the guy was a motor T bitch that never left the wire. Statistically veterans that have actually seen combat are less likely than non combat vets to snap. I heard some cunt got 70% disability for hearing a 9 line over the radio.

ITT Army faggots BTFO

Chris Kyle was a lying fag and died like a cuck.

Are you referring to the Jessie Jackson stuff?


And he was taking a Vet with issues shooting to try to reach out to him. I understand that in all likelihood you are an extremely jealous faggot from outside the department of the Navy, or even a faggot civilian, but are you that intent on being edgy that you're gonna claim Kyle wasn't legit?

Check. Secondly, my husband is a former Marine, it’s difficult to get an accurate military record sadly.

>Marine Vet
Sounds like a good job.

why are white converts always pudgy gingers?

Every city has a military rep, I was able to pull up my father and grandfathers enlistment paperwork, just ask. Also, his DD214 does not lie. If he was making everything up wouldn't the Navy and his section speak up?

Not disparaging but there are fishing stories and then there is MUH KATRINA TERRORDOME SNIPERS.

Bravo Sierra like that helps nobody.

SOME DD214s can have SOME faggotry on them because of the human component.

There is not a fairy godmother of paperwork that makes sure everything is correct at the end of the day.

Why don't you just focus on checking your doors and windows against the muslims you're importing buddy. Most vets are employed in well paying jobs since we get paid a stipend while going to college free. Go pick on some Aboes that you're putting on welfare ya cunt. When I went to Aus on a MEU all the girls went nuts for us and especially liked my Boston accent, told us how pussified your military is.

underrated post

"Marine Vet"

You mean an aquatic animal doctor?

i see what you did there

He probably got off the hook 5 different times.

thanks for your service sir

there's still white kids in america, that surprises me

Did he convert to Islam or is he just a neckbeard?

Being stupid is a prerequisite for terrorism isn't it?

According to the Hadith, he is white.

yup, that's why if whites become a minority in the west there will be hell to pay

Missed the joke there didn't ya buddy.

already are in many states, and nothing has happened. i think whites are pretty passive race when you think about it.

in the modern times, whites are more tend and befriend than confrontational. pretty good for cooperative societies but bad when in contact with other races, as they will take advantage of it.

If Muhamed was white, that means he was good. Jesus was a Jew, and Jews are vermin. So, Jewsus is vermin and Muhamed was good.

Hey friend, cool ideaz. Do call (((me))) and my fellow ((((tourists)))) at 1-666-TOTESNOTFBI and let's get you some ((((clocks)))) and ((((stuff))).

Provably did sone horrible shit to civilians (muslims) in the army, feult so guilty of it that he converted.....

Yes he was the space shuttle door gunner. He probably killed 5-6 thousand vortigaunts.

>already are in many states, and nothing has happened

most people have to be absolutely cornered before they fight back, give it time, whites are already starting to turn to white nationalism as an alternative

He was kicked-out because he could not follow US law

not really, what's most likely is a few rich whites will hide away in gated communities with paid armed security like you see in the latin countries

the rest will mix into the melting pot with the other minorities, as has been done since america's beginning.

whites in america are too individualist for "white nationalism" to become a thing, even if we wanted to i doubt we'd see it. it's just not a strong enough identity.

instead of channeling your rage at being tikd you were disqualified by your local recruiter due to your weigjt or depression meds, why dont you educate yourself? I was in for six years and had one coffee bought for me. Alot of guys in the beggining of their lives paid alot more than the price of a coffee. Also, only fags drink Starbucks. In Boston, working men drink Dunks cuz its wicked awesome.

When PPL like you get angry you burn your own neighborhood, when White Folk get angry they burn down Continents

>all these triggered soldiers and sailors and airman who were too pussy to join the white mans branch

Yeah, Africa is where we should really be trying to emulate..........
Or better yet, china, I have a craving for some rats that were skinned alive

there's a good bit of black marines too though based on your chart, about the national average

you have to give black people credit, probably the biggest patriots in this nation. fought for hundreds of years when most people viewed them as inferior, and still fight strong today.

Look up the casualties by race and laugh your ass off. I was on the USS Kearsarge and had a black cook tell me he joined the Navy to not get hurt and meanwhile mostly crazy white boys want to be in USMC infantry


and Sup Forums shills islam all the time.
and look you all get BTFO
knowing some of you are muslims and athiests and pagans.

hahahahaha I hope the real world wakes up from their lies..
t.Christian. War Veteran.

black marines are mostly supply and food service, they dont want to get shot, if they did they would stay in Detroit, Chicago, DC, any majority black city

they do live in those cities though, that's why they have stayed majority black (well chicago isn't majority black, has a lot of whites and mexicans there too)

lot of our military men come from those cities user

They get a ridiculous amount of attention from Muzzies as Muhammad was a ginge.

>have mild asthma
>dont even need an inhaler
>cant enlist
>need to take pills every day or become a rupaul freakshow
>can enlist