Chapter 132. Still needs proofreading.
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Chapter 132. Still needs proofreading.
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thanks user
Thanks user. You doing more chapters today?
>Café croupe
What does that mean?
Croupe means horse/birb rump in french
would like to see counterattacks/deflections like this in Keijo, someday
and/or Saya become as OP (with great mobility, speed and range) as boss Kamui
either change this to bee or change bee from previous chapter to wasp
>"So there's no way I can just turn a blind eye to it!"
"so there's just no way I can turn a blind eye to it!"
>"I mean we were finally able to practice together..."
"I mean, we've finally been able to practice together..."
>"I mean, we've always been rivals and ass friends..."
"It'd be better if we can continue to be rivals and ass friends..."
> "We want to aim higher!!"
as we all aim for the top!!
>"So that's why we're thinking of one together..."
"and that's why we should come up with one together..."
>to amateurs
for amateurs
>your voice
this voice
>"And there's a lot
"There's a lot
that's mean!
>I can't believe it! You guys are just amateurs in countering and got so far..."
I can't believe it! You guys are just amateurs in countering, but have gotten so far..."
>I was able to have met
"I was able to meet
>such advanced tech
random thought: in the first minute and a half of this video, whatever was said about playing Tekken could also be said about reading/watching/appreciating Keijo
Hopefully they show next volume cover soon.
In maybe about 2 weeks
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks user
Hope for more soon
cool chapter
Aw, fuck. I was wondering why nobody was proofreading this. I completely forgot about you. Sorry man.
What does the mobile phone say here? I might as well typeset it, since I've also typeset this
>amateurs in countering
Shouldn't the word amateurs have the preposition "at" in this context?
What is that about?
twitter's translation feature says that Hondo Kaede (Kazane's VA)'s birthday is tomorrow (March 6th), on the event that was held today (March 5th)
Not sure how you would word this, but it's something along the lines of "Talking to" or "On the line with". I think you can use the same wording as you did with . Nozomi's name should be right under the caller photo so it's fine I think. TL user can clarify if he sees the thread up.
Sorry, TL user here.
I'm busy doing some other things today, but I might do a chapter later if I can.
Take it eaaaasy, man.
I've uploaded 132 to Batoto and I've also added it to the Mega folder.
I missed you my dudes
here, have some THICC but not too THICC Ujibe
yeah it should, oh well
best Keijo MAD to date is still this one with 100,000 viewers
RIP TL user, he was too busy
To be fair we got a ton of translations in such a short amount of time. Wasn't the TL taking a break to let the TS guys to catch up.
Well, yeah it's Sunday. I have to deal with Jump.
That and .
Thought it might be something like that, will you still be able to do the current chapters here if no group picks it up when it's caught up?
Well yeah. Until someone comes here and says, "I want to take this manga for my own", this is my project. But when you're 20 chapters ahead of your typesetter, I don't see much need to rush.
What did she mean by this?
Finally I found you guys.
Well thanks for keeping it running then I really didn't expect to like this one as much as I have so I appreciate it continuing.
The softest.
**I suction cup my mouth to her bare anus cavity, when suddenly**
**A transfer of her intestinal gas right into my mouth and down my throat**
**I try to pull my head away to gasp for air but she won't let me, she reaches behind her and forces the back of my head between her ass cheeks more**
**This definitely was more than just air being passed, I felt wet chunks blown in the back of my throat as she forcefully made me swallow them with my mouth still glued to her asshole**
>"Oh yea baby you like that, don't you little fuck boi, huh? Whos your mommy? That's right, I'm your mommy, now it's time for baby fuck boi to get his protein in. Open wide"
**She said to me aggressively, as she forced another one out**
**What tasted like a mustard pudding was ejected out of her colon. I threw up in my mouth from the taste, but she kept my head and mouth firmly lodged between her ass cheeks so nothing left my mouth. There was so escaping this one**
**I said with my mouth full of shit**
**She turned around, gave me a look like in pic related. And simply shook her head "NO!"**
**Fearing for my life, I swallowed her bowel movement, and she finally released me from her anus**
>"So hows that for eating ass?"
**She said in a smug and condescending way**
Agreed with .
You're making the anons avoid the thread...
... I absolutely hate this obsession with ellipses at the beginning of a word or phrase.
it's not a formal paper, there's no need for the author to restrict his writing tools.
... ok
I indicated "author" because I knew you would try some stupid shit like this.
No one is a author writing their story here.
No one wants authors writing their story here
Doing that here only makes you look like a shitty roleplayer trying to portray your RL avatar.
Chapter 133. Still needs proofreading.
◉ Nice to see some symbols finally making it through. Does anybody know what font Sup Forums uses?
>Is this how you meme the meme arrows?
>"Even Nr. 1"
This should be "Even No. 1".
>"It's finally the final round"
Sounds repetitive, unless that's on purpose. Maybe something more like "At last it's the final round" or "The final round you've all been waiting for" or something more colorful to that effect.
This does show up in spoken speech but it's unusual in English writing vs "There's" or "there are" and yes English is weird. Everyone will know what this means though.
I'd just go for the "It's the final round!" since it's simpler.
While simpler is often better in translations in general, I think in this case it's not un-announcer-like though to go a bit more complicated and flamboyant, they're promoters trying to rev people up in an exciting sport after all and they use longer speech later too. Ie., "THE ROUND YOUUU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITTINNGGG FORRRRR!!!!!" type of feeling. "It's the final round" sounds too matter-of-fact for this setting. Though whatever, speech bubble size is always a practical issue.
Yeah, you are right. That does indeed sound more like something an announcer would say.
The only reason I didn't elongate it was because of bubble concerns. But I can do it next time I see it
>"I'm feeling in the groove today!"
"I'm in the groove today!"
>As you all recommend
As you all have recommended
>"And I'll decide on what to do from then on...
"And we'll decide on how it should be used from then on...
>"Please don't butt into my dream!"
"Please don't butt into my dream anymore!"
>"I'll definitely prove it to you all"
"I'll definitely prove it
>This is the Venus Series which is held in Suminoe, and right here in Osaka..."
This is the Venus Series held in Suminoe, right here in Osaka..."
there are
>What the heck kinda insane preparations did you do..."
Just what kinda insane preparations did you do..."
well, translation for the last page is fine, so once that's in, it's good to go