FBI Arrests White Islam Convert for Plotting SF Terror Attack

"The FBI has arrested a Modesto, CA convert to Islam for what they say was a plot to attack San Francisco's Pier 39 on Christmas using a combination 'of a vehicle and firearms.'"

Look at this guy, are islam converts the new fedora tipping athiests?

Proof: archive.is/aPMwl

Other urls found in this thread:


Other thread said he was in the Marines. 99% chance he was a pog.

Is it surprising incels would fall for 72 virgins or whatever?

Jesus, not even. He was one of those faggots who goes around "ermergud I servd in basic dat makes me a vet right?"

"U.S. Marine Corps for failing to disclose his latent asthma. He attended basic recruit training and earned a sharpshooter rifle qualification."


Why is there such a prevalent archetype of a bulky/husky white ginger guy with a beard Muslim convert in the west?

Is there a connection between being a bullied ostracized visibly different minority and converting to Islam. It seems like people in the outgroup of social hierarchy want to attack it, that makes sense, so why would we want to import people so much different from us?

I used to work with a retard faggot who got medical'd out of navy boot and was pissed that he couldn't keep "his" gun.

No souls

mohammed was a ginger so maybe that's part of it. In western countries they are funny looking people but in islamic culture they look like the prophet.

dammit he just couldnt keep his shit on the down low.
btw im from commiefornia. fuck sf. mental illness capitol


Fucking FBI and Drumpf stopping the religion of peace Christmas gift for SF.



If he's not a Catholic, he's not Irish. His surname is Scottish anyways faggot.

No fucking way! I live in Modesto. It's nothing but E.T.s, xenomorphs and space invaders that live here.

You were a fucking POG, boot ass bitch.
I fucked served 8 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I liked over 27 people, 90% were children. Come at me faggot

I got 82 likes on Facebook once.

That's not possible. Shut up

Fucking Gingers! its always a fucking ginger!

Isn't that the tranny?

1 like = 1 pray

>convert to islam white guys
>release your anger take revenge kill many as possible
>die in action
>be a hero for millions
>go to heaven afterlife
>take 72 virgin girls

western society is full of sluts, gold diggers, cheaters, liars

only islam gives you true solution which proves islam is the only true religion

what does you church tell you about degeneracy of white women? just nonsense rhetoric or nothing they simply ignore it

islam makes a point for real issues

open your minds

for what does one need Virgins when he's dead? They are only useful for guaranteed fatherhood.

fuckin hate mick bastards


>kill yourself and others for moral superiority

wow what a great religion can you tell me more about all your angst it's so inspiring

>western society is full of sluts, gold diggers, cheaters, liars
every society is. At least the West is entertaining

maybe but difference is I can beat my wife when she lies, cheats or does something I don't approve our legal system approves husband is the chief of family because of sharia influence (not 100%sharia system here but better than yours)

If we wanted white islam, we would just convert to Mormonism.

Nice meme flag Todd, or are you a Taylor? Jordan maybe? I'm sure it's a nice feminine soyboy name.

What a faggot. Islam is intellectual cancer. Good job, FBI.