Sup cunts. Its that time again

Previous thread
>How about a tax on #auspol short-termism? Let's call it the Tony

>Muslim man punched in face for 'not having an opinion', SA Police investigate

>Voters are burning politicians who won't ditch coal

>United Nations urges Australia to fix Manus Island refugee ‘mess’ as hundreds toil in unsafe camps

>REVEALED: Cory Bernardi the most talked about SA pollie on Twitter

>Australia's record meth bust: Why do drug smugglers target Geraldton?

>Police to ramp up counter-terror investigations in wake of Flinders Street attack
>ACCUSED Flinders Street attacker Saeed Noori has been charged with 18 counts of attempted murder.

>Flinders Street incident: What we know so far
>- Police say they have not found any evidence driver Saeed Noori’s actions were planned, but they haven’t excluded a terror motive as investigations are ongoing

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Fuck I hate Melbourne.

sup cunt's i'm on the piss

Fuck Melbourne

Who wants to drink some Fosters?!

What's for dinner lads?

Who else here is jerking off? 4th straight hour of edging, its going to be an absolute showstopper

probably a meat pie maybe two

i just bought a six of Asahi. two down and homemade burritos on the way. thug life cunt.


oi same here

>eating meat
go back to china

homemade burritos! the secret is cooking the white rice and then frying it up with butter mixed with coriander. i know how to live.

are you a fucken poof mate?

>go back to china
I might as well stay home.

meat eaters will hang

>Muslim man punched in face
hey Mohammad, watcha doing?

I hope the China men eat you

Seeing as we'll never get any political power, we got nigs in Melbourne and Adelaide, even though we've had a 'conservative' government for 4-5 years, should we vote Green?

G'day /Auspol/ you hard cunts.

Softcocks get the rope first faggot.
There's actual cctv footage of it. But they do say "we've been targeted throughout the year many times blah blah" which sounds like bullshit.

So was he isis inspired or what?

Give, but differentiate between, proofs and thoughts.

That mosque is not attacked or abused. I drive past it almost daily and would notice if they had trash flung at their terrorist training facility.

yeah watch the footage, they are aware the whole time where the camera is located, it reeks of a false flag

archive.fo/0kWnv the article then goes on to imply it's a hate crime by showing pigs heads etc when the perp is clearly another muslim

screencap this, they'll arrest another muslim if they do anything, ABC is a race baiting piece of shit outfit

Auspol: life without meth. Tweaking fuckin balls edition. Are Abbos jumping off buildings yet?

nah they don't know how to climb steps or use elevators



nvm, since I am not a shitcunt
here u go

i used to take ritalin. a LOT of ritalin. dunno if i had adhd but i was precribed it so i took a lot every 4th day or so instead of like 5 a day the psych told me too. the best part about ritalin are the orgasms; amazing. worst part about about ritalin is only having a semi that is begging to unload. so i'd watch porn, hours and hours of it.
heartrate so jacked up and increasing with every stroke, porn tabs opening and closing and a thin film of sweat allover my lean body leg twitching stomach and arm muscles bulging can't hit that peak but i keep it going and hours pass.
heart rate affects your eyes and vision and stuff, run on the spot till you feel your gonna pass out and then look at a pic of a woman and your eyes are still jumping with your heartrate and cheekbones on that womans pic flicker up and down and her chin widens and contracts but it all gives the illusion of the pic not being of a woman at all. get the heart pumping hard enough and she don't don't look like a woman at all. now times all that by a million with a tummy full of chemist speed and balls that are raedy to explode and the pornhub suggestions increasing look gender dubious but you need this and cant stop. and then it happens not from the right clip or rhythm but a single isolated memory because you know for a fact it was a chick and you fucking explode so hard your legs cramp and you think youre gonna have a heart attack but it doesn't matter anymore and the one thing that greets you on the other side of this milky paradise is thought that pornhub has been giving me suggestions of traps all along becasue i may have clicked one by accident and now they think im totally into that and then you have to clean yourself up and ask your flatmate to look at the screen and ask him tembling and twitching and covered in sweat pointing to the pornhub suggestions "is that man is it??

Every cunt in here needs to watch this if they haven't already - youtube.com/watch?v=8L63brsnHj8

Its just some old guy

>An elderly driver veered onto the footpath outside a Bonnyrigg shopping centre, injuring one

No, they would bring more. They are here from the Gillard era imports.

Sounds like ritalin fried your brain m89.

i think thats his joke mate

yeah it looks staged, the guy who got hit braces for impact

What an inferior cunt! Can't you see Melbourne drives the nation?
Anything Melbourne wants, the nation gets. Fags marriage, gender spectrum, nigger rights, femiboxers, (((safe))) schools, Chinks, poos, and of course, the Islamic master race enrichment (((siege))), (((incident))), (((accident))), (((mental health issues))), (((drug addiction))).

Fuck off cunt.


I saw that on the news. Late 50s guy with chink wife got nailed by a 78 year old guy having a spaz in the car park.

I'd probably rather die by terrorists than by some stupid old fart.

I've seen them make a complete mess of islands of concrete after they slam on the accelerator when they spaz out in an attempt to stop.

Nah just lay down in the road mate

Half joking. The idea is Greens get in, fuck the economy, can't afford to bring in all these shitskins anymore.

xD got us good there leaf xD hahahah have an upboat

anybody spending christmas alone?

Nope but ive got to spend it with an iranian refugee because my aunty thought it would be a good idea to invite him, what wars are even going on in iran?

Just you.

Daily reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia

apparently theres gonna be a fight between aussies and africans down at the st kilda beach on boxing day, some black kid i went to school with put it on his snapchat (im from bris) so it must have gone viral.

Fuck you
no idea, the iranian i know is rich af and said that they're run by a dictatorship or something

No it's not it's gen x and y refusing to counter the boomers and being useful idiots for them.

Boomers are poorly educated and are as ignorant as fuck. They've got a reasonable excuse. They still haven't really had to live outside of 1990 Australia. Not properly.

i will get some calls, but probably. It's kind of nice n peaceful.

Well that won't happen. Especially now that you put it on auspol. These threads are monitored

monitored by who?


yeah alright mate i think asio has better things to do.

remember the thread with the retired cop talking about politicians and missing kids and people getting offed for looking into it ? then they are asking in here for him........ and info

ASIO literally visited one of the auspol discords if I remember correctly. Someone has some screenshot or someshit.

Regardless, FBI monitors Sup Forums so it's not a stretch at all to think asio does too

how did you know it was asio or the fbi doing it though?

thats what i was talking about, they were onto that in a heartbeat


>Worshipper punched at Marion Mosque

>“He then turned the conversation to politics, talking about Jerusalem and the United States.


Jews vs Muslims
Who wins?
Who's next?
Tune in next week to reddit

so that's why auspol threads give me such a raging hard on

>I'm being watched


link to thread?

cant remember it

thesmokinggun.com/documents/internet/another-Sup Forums-user-gets-busted-fbi

Trash source but still.

And as for the asio thing there was screenshots and shit. Infinity chan know about it more than me

Hmm ok, what were they saying on the discord?

I am.

No idea. I don't wanna be part of that shit. If they managed to get a visit from asio it can't have been good.

I feel so fucking depressed, i was on a road trip going down to Victoria to see ny family and on the way i drove past what i thought was a car accident but it was a dead family pet dog lying dead on the road with the family really upset

Feels bad

yeah that sucks

once I was driving with my girlfriend and a mother duck with a trail of ducklings following behind was crossing the road

time seemed to slow down as the car in front mowed straight through them

we drove though a cloud of feathers, some got stuck on our winfshield

girlfriend was screaming hysterically for what seemed like ages in that slow motion span of time

but she swallowed my load later that evening so it kind of worked out ok

Canberra user here.
You are kidding yourself if you don't think ASIO is monitoring Sup Forums.

There's always this great story

Which caught our defense agencies with their pants down.

im not doubting him but i just find it hard to believe, Australias intelligence agencys dont have the time or recources to be monitoring stupid boards like this which is basically all but shitposting.

>Daily reminder to make triple gay look what they made you do
Quick rundown on the situation.
>Australia's state owned far-left radio station does a yearly poll of "best songs" of last year.
>Is the largest music poll in the world.
>Always ends up getting some left-wing piece of shit to #1.
>This year they moved the date from Australia day because they hate White Australians.
>In 2015 the station banned /our/girl TayTay from being voted into the list.
>This year it is our intention to get Look What You Made Me Do to #1.

So how can you help?
>Voting is open to anyone in the world.
Step 1. Go here: >abc.net.au/triplej/hottest100/17/how-to-vote/
Step 2. Make a bunch of burner email accounts, to find out how to do that go here.
Step 3. Sign them all up to the ABC website to make an account which will let you vote.
Step 4. Once you're singed in you have to write in the track by clicking on the "plus" sign to "add track".
>Look What You Made Me Do
>Taylor Swift
Step 5. Submit vote.
>DO NOT vote for anyone else.
>DO vote as many times as possible with as many accounts as possible.
Step 5. You will need a fake mobile phone number, you can generate as many as you need here.

You forget user, back in the day there were intelligence leaks on here.

I doubt they monitor it actively but passively and anything with flag words is send on to be check by a human or other algorithm

what was the contents was it sensitive info?

This guy's story shows that we are being monitored>There's always this great story

>In an embarrassing security breach, a 21-year-old Department of Defence graduate allegedly managed to download a secret Defence Intelligence Organisation assessment, burn it to a disc, take it home and post it to anonymous image-sharing forum Sup Forums while praising Julian Assange as his hero.

Original thread

Original thread


I remember that. I had a hearty kek because someone posted something legit and it got called fake and gay

stealing that shit tonight

holy shit how much shekel do you get shilling for a mainstream artist?

>>Look What You Made Me Do
>>Taylor Swift
Holy shit i am on board with this

If it was some mainstream countdown I would undoubtedly shill some underground natsoc cunt.
But this is ABC.
>Banned taylor swift
>Cummed themselves over beyonce and kanye
They deserve it.

Auspol doesn't have anywhere near enough power to push Taylor to the top, I doubt even Sup Forums could do it. It will likely be someone like Kendrick Lamar.

Anything that comes out of abc's mouth you can be sure that it reflects the opinions of Australias establishment.

Did today already and tried some things that honest to god made my dick bigger and harder than ever before. It's like there was hidden length and girth under there

I've voted 150 times already.
If everyone did the same?

That poll takes hundreds of thousands of votes.

would you like to know why it's a waste of time doing that?

you have to pay attention to their show, while they shit on aussie tradition

the people posting likely work for JJJ

so they can get fucked, and you can get fucked for having no pride in aussie culture

Do aussies like scots? I was thinking about moving there

if we post it, and everyone joins in we could sway it, pol is pretty large.

So if you read aus/pol/ or post or browse in general, aren't we all fucked then? Especially if we visit other boards such as /gif/? A lot of folks would disqualify for a political placement I would think. I wonder if I was to start an industrial company, if I would get fucked.

I can't speak for erryone but all whites welcome. It's chinks, poos, muds, and nogs we hate

I post it once a day, and then again in aus/pol/. Don't want to spam up the board like the blacked faggots do.
Triple gay is going to play nothing but abbo shit. Make them have to announce someone they absolutely hate as best song.

I'll marry you if you pay me $50,000

I'm on board for it so start a new thread. Just be warned that the Sydney Morning Herald is also trying to influence the Ozzest 100 on MMM.
>Award-winning rapper Briggs has called Triple M "redneck scum" and accused the station of pandering to "white nationalists and racists".
>The rapper has encouraged people to vote for his hit single January 26 in a bid to have it aired during the Ozzest 100 and educate Australians about why the date is hurtful to the nation's first peoples.


Leave your meth at home.

fuck I hate Briggs.

Link the new thread and ways to make proton mails and register abc accounts and how to vote

is bretty good innit

This make it a quality thread like the OP