>Christianity is a tool of the jew
>Christian values and teachings are a defense against the influence of jews
Which one is it Sup Forums?
>Christianity is a tool of the jew
>Christian values and teachings are a defense against the influence of jews
Which one is it Sup Forums?
2. Though they have admittedly infiltrated the religion, but they've infiltrated any and all positions of power. They and their supporters need to be purged from religion AND the state if we are to remain sustainable.
If Christianity was a tool of the Jew, the Jew would be encouraging Christianity and Christian morals. Instead they hate it and have been trying to destroy Christianity since 33AD.
>worship of a dead Jew
>teachings promote passiveness
Sounds like a Jewish trick to me.
And yet Christians love jews and support Israel.
It can be both because Jews are nimble and exploit any and all weaknesses
Jews are also masters of subversion. So, even if originally Christianity was a protest movement against the Jewry, they could've infiltrated and overtaken it a long time ago.
Christianity is a tool of the jew and should be replaced by a preferrably monoteistic religion based on racial and natural laws its time to say goodbye to semitic religions
It's a jewish trick to out-jew the dirty jew?
>Vatican II
Thats the trap.
Jesus published his brand of slave morality as some friendly cult of love where the plebs could feel better by following simple rules.
The strong couldnt compete aginst an organized slave caste.
Also, the strong knew they were hated by the jew and secretly hated by the slave caste and Jesus subverted that. He told the strong that he loves them also if they follow him unlike the jews did.
But at the ens Jesus achieved the jews goal of this (((humaniterian))) ideas witch castrate the aristocratic caste.
Neither really. It's just ridiculous superstition.
>non-semitic religion
pick one kiddo
They are mainstream-Christians. Your fringe-believes don't matter and will never reach the masses.
One weird old jewish trick that works.
The first one. Christians believe that if a Jew believes in Christ, he is no longer a Jew but a white man, deserving salvation and heaven. That's no defense against Jews.
It's shit but tends to be better than nothing. I personally think that it could be replaced with nationalism as a source of meaning and a belief system but removing religion and replacing it with nothing will not work out for the average Joe. Fine for me but not the stupid masses.
T. Atheist
>implying semites have a monopoly on god
All anti-christian threads are shills. They try to undermine the pillar of western society. Gas all of them.
Early Christians hated Jews for killing Jesus. Modern Christians have forgotten this.
Jesus also wiped the earth clean of sodomites upon his birth, everyone forgot that too. There's a reason sodomites hate Christmas.
noble lies sure tend to work in the long run eh.
Sure thing rabbi, sure thing.
The BOOK is defense against the jews. The church is compromised. So both. Jews play both sides so follow the book and don't hang your hat on other peoples interpretations.
t. Protestant, you can't even do christcuckery correctly.
The only time Jesus mentions (((The Jews))) in the whole Bible is in this passage:
“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you” (Revelation 3:9)
so yes, Christianity is a weapon against the Synagogue of Satan
What planet are you from user. Do they have oxygen there?
>worshipping sandnigger religion
You fags do realize that before the spread of the Jews, Muslims, and Christians, WHITE people in EUROPE had their own religions. Why you would want to worship these jew-supporting, middle eastern, insane religions is beyond me. BASED huh? What about all the fucking equality that Christians are taught? Orthadox and, yeah, MUDSLIMES are the only true "baset" Abrahamic religions and we all fucking know how insane and souless Slavs are, then you all know of the muslims. Why, you all know its poison. You all know that the Gods of Europe have never left. They only wait for the white man to either realize how wrong they are and correct themselves or for us to all die out.
Numerous crusades with no good ending, muslims commiting violence in the middle east and at home, Jews doing what they have for uncountable centuries, war after war because their interprutation of a Abrahamic, sandfucker, jew-loving, book with uncounted number of authors with differant agendas, is differant.
You fucking decide.
>15-50% of the Catholic Church priesthood and hierarchy is homosexual
The Church is utterly corrupted.
Swords come from the middle east. If you own one then please stab yourself.
That's why group affiliation is harmful.
the moon moves a few inches away every year
millions of years ago the moon was much closer, and sometimes would block the sun completely
millions of years from now the moon will be so far from us that it will never block the sun, only transit like a mercury or something
what GREAT LUCK that the tiny slice of time we call humanity happens to be the same range in which we get to see perfect 1:1 eclipses and the coronal plasma
so when a jew or his puppet tells me to deny christ because its cucked and jewish I cant wait to help them maybe I will even pretend to be a confederate
>That's why group affiliation is harmful.
I don't follow.
The second, the first is divide and conquer. You're supposed to be smarter than that.
Or co-opt it by useful idiots using "Judeo-Christian" values.
Let the Catholics be homos. Let protestants be thieves and cheaters. Let the evangelicals go cry about how much they stole and how they didn't know traps were gay. Let them deal with their own shit and don't defend them on it. Don't support it and don't feel obligated to because heaven doesn't require THEM.
Like i said, follow the book and not peoples interpretation. Sorry if that isn't a common talking point. Its not supposed to be.
Then they're against Scriptural teaching
"33 “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 34 When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.
35 “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36 Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37 Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
38 “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”
41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.” " Matthew 21
God bless you.
>Seeking strength in numbers
That's why I despise democracy.
Few are saved not many. It doesn't matter how stronger they appear, if they don't have unity, they're not the true Church. If they don't bear good fruits, but spread degeneracy, they're not of Christ.
Ever considered why so many heresies erected throughout the ages in Christendom?
I believe that Satan, being the great deceiver he is, purposely misrepresents what Christianity means, so that people will not hold true faith and will be damned alongside him.
It is seen trough the ages.
Arianism, Vatican II, countless Protestant heresies
All different in doctrine, but united in purpose, to deceive humans and lead them astray.
There is not one religion that has suffered so many heresies as Christianity.
And I won't in any way support them. So if you're p*gan and concerned by degeneracy of the current "Church", rest assured, true Christians are too. And they dissociate themselves from such people.
Its that simple.
The good and righteous will always join together under a banner when the world needs them. Good Christians will be among them, but simply being "Christians of considerable number" doesn't isn't inherently safe, or put them on the side of good.
Only shills and le edgies push the first narrative.