I don't understand the problem you have with Black People, I hope you realize that the same path that Black people have fallen down is the same path that you are falling down just at a different rate. Check the African American LGBT rate. Check our single mother rate. Check our poverty rate. Now check yours you will be in the same position we are in, in less than 20 years because of the government. Sure you could say that a percentage of it is genetic but i would argue that most of it is the government causing these problems. If you look back at pre 1970's the black community was doing well before the welfare state.
And most of Black Men and Boys are raised by single black women most of them are horribly abusive and are very neglectful so when you are basically raised with no identity you look to your environment to raise you, you turn LGBT, you listen to rap music, you listen to your friends and this is what perpetuates the state if the black community.
But you don't realize that White People are headed down the same road and in due time you would realize Black people can be your allies also.
What do you have against black people
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't understand the problem you have with Black People
They're dumb uneducated wild gorillas
I hate them because they breath up all the White Mans air.
Did you even read what i wrote, i gave reasons why they are like that, if the government took away welfare so that single women have incentives to get married instead of having children out of wedlock then the black community would be fine
They are ungrateful, whiny and prone to irrational violence.
I agree with you for the most part. Slavery, Hip Hop, abortion, single mothers....we have the same (((enemy))). Sad to say that too much blood has been spilled between our peoples for us to start goosestepping together user.
I understand why you say that because it is true for most of us but what i am saying is that white people will be in the same situation in the near future. I will look down om your single mom raised ignorant ungrateful prone to violence in the near future. Insulting isn't a solution starting movements that is what this board doesn't understand.
Newfag. Redpill him, gentlemen. Let me start
Understood don't even care if we still hate each other after but we must get rid of (((them)))
Okay red pill me
Even though i am probably more red pilled than you will ever be.
It's not the guberment kaffer. It's simply that you and your kind are lowe IQ and don't understand how to maintain a society, let alone build one. No one is headed that way. You will always be the lowest common denominator because of your genetics. Take it from someone who deals with your kind everyday. Niggers are stupid and will always try to push the blame on someone else. That's all there is to it, nothing more.
I don't. The black people here aren't causing any problems.
You idiot don't realise what i am saying.
i said that that im sure some of it is genetic but You don't realise that the current state of the White community os worse than the state of the black community in the 50's you fool you think you are red pilled you will see what your true enemies will due to your community in 20 years the White community will be worse than the current state of the Black Community.
Why do black people chimp out when we want to live with our own people.
Learn to speak proper english then try to talk to me again kaffer. As long as society keeps devolving into degeneracy niggers will always be at the bottom of it. No one is going lower than you. And race traitors like lgbtbraaaaph will hang with your kind on the day of the rope.
honestly, now that I have been thinking about it, getting rid of them, and fully exposing them to our peoples, could be the very thing that would solidify race relations. A clean slate.
>What do you have against black people
I grew up with niggers. Anecdotal information and appeals to nature will get you killed. Good luck.
So your saying the reason the White Community is doing bad is because of Black people not the Jews. You have no argument fool. You blame genetics for everything, i agree it is some of the problem but not most of because the White Community is doing worse than the Black Community was in the 50's you idiot. You want to rope everyone that doesn't have a high IQ or good genetics fool that is exactly what the elites and jews think of you just like black people dumbass you aren't redpilled in the slightest. You are just like (((them)))
They hate you cuz your dicks are bigger and you keep taking their wives.
Don't listen to anything their bitter mouths say lol
STFU you absolute retard
bamp. OP is trying to warn you fruit loops that regardless of skin tone the merchant sees all goyim as niggers. OP, your road is a hard one, but dont give up
they don't belong in my society, because we don't need racism
no niggers and shitskins nor racism, so simple is that
because they kill so many people here it's an epidemic
>they just kill other niggers
not true, when they rob they have a tendency to execute people
A lot of my musical heroes are black but they're too stupid to learn the truth and the jews are using them again
no prob bob. I also like trying to make my life more difficult by redpilling normies. its emotionally exhausting, wtf do I have to lose? at least this way, when things get worse, I can tell myself at least I made the effort
NOT reasons .
i don`t hate black people..i hate niggers...there is a difference
i don't hate them, they should join forces with us against the mexicans
i do love me some newfags
This exactly .
Im not like that i am much more red pilled and will be going to college for physics degree after next year. I have defied all odds stacked against me. I have defied what my environment dictated me to be. Can you say the same user.
We've been trying to wake up black people to the JQ but that hasn't happened en masse yet even though some of their most influential leaders rail aganist them. So for now we deal with chimp outs aganist whites instead of (((whites)))
In my opnion this problem could be solved by destroying the nigger culture, rap, hip hop, drugs and all these things they like, but good luck doing this.
Black people don't like hip hop though.
Yes if we took the jews and elites out of our government i think the black community would naturally get better and have more success and less violence still would be worse than the White Community because of genetics but not as bad as it is now, also the White Community would do better too.
black people fucking rock!
Quite simply they need to contribute to society rather than leeching off of it.
Respect is earned, not given freely.
>Black dick kills people
Kek, how can white people be so insecure. I understand the hate but I mean cmon, this is stupid.
Because you are part of destroying our phenotypes and you don't want to stay where you are. Let us be and fuck off.
> Black People
no such thing
this is exactly why they shouldnt have a voice. the average african american is at or below the mentally retarded level(per the 1979 85< retarded level) and the entire continent of africa is like way below retarded. but then again has africa ever had an invention or anything? NOPE still in fucking mud huts
If I am to be honest, it's just that I find them ugly and untermensch as shit. Were the French or the Czech to behave the same way as the negro I would consider looking for a solution to help them, but I don't want negroes around Europeans in the first place, so that won't happen.
What a fucking pussy. let me guess - single moms raised these "men"?
Yes keep posting these i view these as niggers too, but your not listening to what i am saying what causes them to be like this you can say it is 100% genetics but my view is most of it is how they are raised and the environment most of them are born into.
one tried to sell me a bootleg CD on the beach
who gives a fuck about the environment? Nobody's cancelling welfare, nobody's taking away child support etc.
how does this picture say that I'm wrong? These guys were pussies, they didn't put up a fight at all
Don't bother arguing with them, most of them would just rather have black people deported instead of trying to actually fix the problem.
white boi mad that they're stuck in the BLACK MAN'S country where he is doomed to always be a second class citizen. It's only a matter of time before your house gets broken into and your whole family gets raped and killed. Kek mlungu.
White genocide when? Literally right now. Its going to be a black Christmas.
father unironically wearing the American flag. go USA!
That is why you have to red pill people on this in a non offensive way. Most black guys are already red pilled on this if you ask them about women, politics, taxes or child support its only when you put a name behind like Trump or Hillary then that they like Dems.
Then tell us how to fix them? Critical thinking is only observed at 115 IQ following the last study I read about the topic. In europe we don't want you. Every drop of your blood is a disgrace in my opinion. In America you would need to change their ways by literally hunger them to near death. Deporting you is easier and in some eyes even less cruel.
>on the day of the rope
The day of the rope begun long ago and your kind has been getting SLAUGHTERED.
That is why we should hate all blacks. Just as a principal.
Jesus Christ, have a (you) for the effort, son.
here's your (you) white boi LARPer, spend it wisely...
>I have reasons
No, you gave excuses. Black families survived slavery, Jim crowe, segregation etc, but they didn't survive the Democrats and their welfare state. The jew bulldozed their foundation to the ground, promoted degeneracy, promiscuity, drugs, gangs, violence. I don't want that around my family, nor does anyone else.
>Deporting you
I'm not in America to begin with though Check my flag.
>how to fix them
By not fucking deporting them, that's only going to add even more wood to the fire and that's exactly what the jews want you to do.
Dumb smelly loud violent apes
Having to deal with an ever increasing number of them made me hate them.
No problems with black people, just niggers who be racist
>newfag testing out greentext. Tried to youtube and a message told me to get FAQed
The Jews want us to do nothing and racemix.
>What do you have against black people
They always want to come in white countries.
deportation or extermination is the fix to the nigger problem
You will live to see your people become like that unless we are able to get our message to everyone including blacks and women.
Unironically state your education level with proof. I bet I'm more educated than you both locally and internationally.
What does that have to do with anything? You're baiting for responces, you're not here for education
No the jews want you to constantly think that the problem is a race war happening between you and arabs/blacks while you ignore the real problem: the jews. Ask yourself, who's in charge of the mass immigration plan in the first place, all the racemixing propaganda etc.
The smart thing to do is to unite, both white people and arabs have a common enemy, so stop trying to defeat us when we're only trying to help you you brainwashed kike.
It really boils down to jealousy. The black man is superior to the white man in so many ways and once slavery ended, the white man just couldn't handle it.
Yes you can deny them if you want but the root of your problem is jews and elites that are letting them in not colored people.
If you're not out there calling the heeb out, you're not my friend, nigger.
You don't have to race mix if you don't want to WTF you cuck you have will not to do so.
Stfu idiot
>What does that have to do with anything?
HAA HAA HAA HA, afraid of getting embarrassed publically when a black guy's more educated with a higher income than you! Even if you don't reply, even if you deny it, you're going to think about me the whole day, and you got rekt by a black guy on Sup Forums
Of course it's a combination of factors, as is everything else. Raising children right and setting a good example should be what all parents do, my goal in life is to set my children up for success, why isn't that happening in the black community? I honestly believe genetics has a lot to do with it also, the majority of Africa was still in the stone age while most of the world had progressed to gunpowder. I believe they're simply less evolved.
This is the most frustrating thing. How easily the kikes can manipulate the blacks and use them as a club against us. Jews made unfathomable fortunes from the Trans Atlantic slave trade. There are rich Jewish families to this day who hold fortunes dating back to the cotton trade up the Mississippi river to New York City. They got rich shipping and selling black slaves to the white goyim and then they got rich harvesting the raw cotton from those plantations and then they got rich again selling supplies (over-billed of course) to a heavily indebted federal government to fight a war to slaughter those southern goyim and burn their farms and cities to the ground. Then they come in as carpet baggers and buy up the ruins for pennies on the dollar enslaving white and black southerners alike on sharecropping farms. To this very day large portions of the south have not recovered from the civil war.
And the cherry on top? They tricked the blacks into thinking they were their friends and then pointed at the white goyim they robbed and raped and said "dose eevil white people did this to you you need to riot and demand reparations and make sure the reperations go to us so we can "manage them for you" hehe stupid schwartze goyim hehe"
goddamit do i hate jews. Niggers are annoying but I dont hate them. I hate jews. Niggers will be deported. Jews will all be fucking gassed.
wow i just got rekt by a black guy on Sup Forums in front of everybody and i'll think about it for the rest of my day.
what a tragedy
No one gives a fuck how educated you are or how much money you make tyrone stfu.
Do you have any proof for what you are saying?