>this phenotype will die in your lifetime
Daily reminder
Redheads are disgusting anyways
shut up you filthy mud
>tfw you are that phenotype
I'm a survivor, we're a dying breed
That's not even a white skull, there are white redheads but that's not one of them, looks like an ape with a sloping tiny forehead.
just have more kids, dumb crackers
Dump redhead pics then. Let us preserve their beauty
My daughter has that exact colouring, except her eyes are blue. So I hope not.
>tfw you are a latino with a redhead gf
i'm sorry that im destroying her genes but shes so adorable
You are literally the problem. Do the right thing and stay with your own kind.
not aslong i live
not aslong i can plant my seed
reds and blondes make the most beautyfull ones
common beatyfull people, let's make some more of us!
As if gingers were smarter than latinos. They're the absolute lowest point of the white race
Not really, unless my kids somehow die before me
mine are ocean green/blue
depending on the seison and the sun, they become a bit grey with a bit of gold in it
during winter greener than blue
Any white is vastly greater to a Latino and your dummy gf is too simple to see it then we are stronger without her
Murdoch Chan explained it best to /r the Donald. If we mix all the colors together we loose the ones we started with and can never get them back. I think red heads are sexy as hell. We must ensure the existence of red-heads and a future for red-headed children.
Go look at ginger average IQ. They're the cancer of the white race.
Hitler had it wrong, Gingers are the master race.
The only group of people I would pass laws against intermarriage with, to maintain a pure red haired group.
>>the fox and the grapes
I for one love gingers.
>[citation needed]
My dick gets so hard when I look at redheads
How can it die in my lifetime, if i belong to the group?
Gingers aren't that great unless they're big titty gingers.
I had a ginger girlfriend sometime ago. Fuck you for reminding me of her.