So, we ARE pro-Israel now, right?

So, we ARE pro-Israel now, right?

Just making sure, because I've seen a lot of kike cock-sucking going on on this board over this Jerusalem bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

We're pro-nuke-the-whole-region

>trump simultaneously makes the whole world openly hate Israel and gives us a reason to cut most foreign aid that democrats won't fight him over
>it cost nothing at all
>this is somehow bad

Explain yourself.


top lel, cry more faggot


He literally is opposed by every anti-ZOG nation on earth, from North Korea, to Iran, to Syria, to Yemen. Literally you have to be a fucking retard if you think this lead to anything other than Israel annexing all of Palestine.

Put the flag back on kike

Kek except the UN already hated Israel. Now they hate the US, too. What it means is basically we have no more friends anymore. Which is a good thing desu, it's like one of those animes where everyone betrays the protagonist and he meditates under a waterfall before picking up his wakizashi and killing all his former friends.

Kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?

10/10 argument.

The whole world has been criticising Israel for decades you dumb cunt. Geo politics didn't start in 2017.

it's called the silver lining user. finding the silver lining

Everyone hates Semites

Didn't Hitler want to deport all the Jews to modern day Israel?

>What it means is basically we have no more friends anymore.

All to defend Trump's kids' little terrorist tribe in the middle east. Think about that, we have lost EVERYONE to defend ONE nation.

America First or Israel First?

>I-I-It's 4D chess amirite, fellow MAGApeeds?!

>Didn't Hitler want to deport all the Jews to modern day Israel?

Yeah before deciding on fucking killing all the kikes.

Yes, everyone loved when Trump pardoned that Jew the other day. We are officially pro Israel. I mean we elected a guy whose children all married Jews, one of whom was a close personal friend to Netanyahu himself and a Goldman Sachs executive. We cheered as he put Goldman Sachs executives in the highest levels of government and when he sucked Jewish cock in the UN.

Sup Forums loves Jews now thanks to Trump and there's nothing you filthy anti-semites can do about it.

Explain how letting Goldman Sachs Jews have complete control of the goverment is actually a 65th dimensional chess move to destroy the Jewish race. I'll wait.

It's fucking amazing, really. We have turned on every single one of our principles, aside from a few of us who can only sputter 'm-muh six million d chess,' very few Sup Forumsacks even try to defend it anymore.

I swear, if Trump came out in favor of gun control, half of this board would immediately invake /k/, and the other half would try to find a way to tie the NRA to George Soros.

What the fuck happened to this board? I don't even recognize it anymore.

The fact you have to ask what your political alignments are is fucking pathetic

It could have been anyone else. I mean literally all we did was move a building like 40 miles from its original location. I'm more worried about the fact that nations don't respect our sovereignty to do whatever the fuck we want than anything.

They are already defending DACA as 4 d chess by Trump.

>I mean literally all we did was move a building like 40 miles from its original location.

well that one area is in illegally occupied territory

there is only the British mandate of Palestine, Israel is illegal to begin with.

No but I'm not going to fall for the CIA nigger spamming that every single fly any or creature dies it's the Jews. The CIA niggers are using it against us to hide shit. And because we hate the fucking kikes we fall for it. Just don't be an idiot pawn. It's that easy.


Fly, ant* or creature. My bad just woke up like five minutes ago.

I'm confused about this stance, though, since I thought Sup Forums is also supposed to be a Christian board. The Jews as they are now are not God's people, but in the Bible, don't they turn to God and again say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD"?
And then we get through prophetic end times, all centered in Jerusalem. So isn't this still a good thing, Biblically?

You have a Jewish problem. Deal with it.

>I don't even recognize it anymore.
Because Sup Forums is The_Donald now. You'll find some poeple who were here before the election in /sg/ but i reckon most have either moved somewhere else.

I'd rather make the holy land European-Christian again but birthrates don't allow for it. Whitey has wasted trillions on the kikes for less than nothing in return. You Americans treated the inbreds better than your own blood and they still turned on you. Their tribe exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. They've been removed at least 359 times throughout history.

To everyone I say when do we all collectively say enough is enough? When do we finally look at making a pivot? The Muslims are content to live in separate lands and won't be polluting us through the airwaves or internet cables. They believe Jesus was the prophet before Muhammad. They revere Mary more than any other woman. Kikes believe Jesus is boiling in his excrement for eternity and they believe Mary was a whore. I ask everyone.. why is the choice so apparently obvious, if we're forced to choose?

How is Trump pro-Israel? He just got the US out of being the "peace process" mediator.

What's the deal with all the Kikes on the board this morning using the Reich flag? Shouldn't you worms be sleeping on the Sabbath?

>How is Trump pro-Israel?

Sup Forums has always been pro Israel newfag

trumptards can't think for themselves.

If you have to ask, you're either not paying attention, a fucking idiot, willfully ignorant, or all of the above.

No shit, leaf and you have a Muslim influx problem, that's not the point. I'd say 3/4 of all of our problems are Jews but there is and always will be that 1/4. Instead of checking the shit out the CIA niggers come here and spam that it was the kikes and we all just say "ohhh okay" when in reality it was the god damned Saudis or some shit. It's been turned against us. If you don't think the glow in the darks are here manipulating us, you are blind. I'm just telling everyone we need to be more vigilant. The Jews fuckin are using this place against us too, it's not just shills and CIA niggers. You can tell because they're the ones screaming to our retarded faggot little cousins the MAGApedes that " hurr duur but muh chess" stay away from the conformist losers from Reddit and it'll be fine, the old fags still know the truth of the matter. If we could contain the Reddit fags then the board would be clean. That would take a raid on the_donald idiots, though. An open raid would fuckin make em ban linking here and we would see less kikes.

How do most Jews feel about this? we need to feel the opposite of how the jews feel. Not how they (((feel))) but how they really FEEL

shills will keep making this thread

the disparity in the way that political parties treat kikes is just a way of concealing the fact that all US foreign policy benefits Israel

Donald is playing his role to get the most done for actual Americans, as he has from the beginning

The Jews owning Jerusalem does not enhance their control of our government or economy in any way. Why the fuck do you care

The question is, why does Sup Forums hate Israel when its clearly disapora jews that are pushing West-destroying policy?


anti irsael doesnt mean anti jew

israel are a bunch of land grabbing, self entitled, nationalistic, inbred, cucks that cry to the UN about everything and suck the trump dick because money.

anti jew is a whole other thing

We've always been pro-Israel because it's containment land for Jews. What we should be focusing on is getting all Jews into Israel then launching our entire nuclear arsenal at it.

>da jooz did 9/11! Look at this blog for details!
>implying I give a shit about Israel blowing up ragheads inna desert


Why does pol hate ISIS when it is clear that it is diaspora Islamic state fighters are the ones committing terrorism?

Get this through your thick skull, OP. We may not like Jews but there has to be a place for them to run hide. So we like Israel. Has nothing whatsoever to do with liking Jews.

because jews in general are fucking retard infant cock suckers

>Just like Hitler worked on sending the Jews back to their rightfull land.

D-d-does that mean we are WITH the jews now?

Just lol at these mental gymnastics
I hope you're trolling you fucking cucklord


>What the fuck happened to this board? I don't even recognize it anymore.

nu-pol driving everyone away from civilized discussion + having no convictions = current state of affairs

Never faggot, she is a mutt between a Swedish mom and an Arab father and she is a terrorist sand monkey.

see: pic related

what would you expect from americans?

>I'm more worried about the fact that nations don't respect our sovereignty to do whatever the fuck we want than anything.

because jerusalem is not sovereign

some of these girls have matching cromossomes.

Is it possible at this point we need the Jew? I know Germany instantly went from shithole to paradise when they removed them, but USA has been living with ZOG for centuries compared to Germany. Also they had Hitler and were 100% white. Jews occupy all the top positions.. could amerifats survive without them now? Maybe Trump knows this, were too dumbed down now..

the absolute state of nu-pol

>its another ShareBlue "you don't wanna side with the JEWS, do you Sup Forums?" campaign
This is literally Assad 2.0. Reminder that Shareblue will label all posts, including this one, that don't explicitly denounce Trump as "kike shills", "nu-pol", and "r/thedonald", just like last time.

although he is a faggot he is right. US can't exist without jews and Trump knows it. The question is, in which side is Trump?

Mother of God

>everyone who points out that we did a total 180 on a position Sup Forums has had since the days of /new/ for no other reason than Trump going full muh greatest allies is shareblue

Sup Forums circa 2017.

Sup Forums has been so overran with t_d that it unironically supports israel now. These fucking trump cocksuckers ruined everything.
Case in point,
>muh 56d checkers
>durr everyone who disagrees with me is le shareblue