Remember James Randi?, for the newfags, James Randi is an expert magician that debunks the paranormal.

He was offered a 1 million dollar prize, to anyone, or any GROUP of people that can objective proof ANYTHING supernatural.



Now, what is exactly meme magic and how will we prove it? great question

Let me clarify, meme magic being real, doesnt mean GETS always come true, GETS are a gauge, to get an idea of the synchronicity in the moment.

To provide proof, we must assemble all of meme magic into one big collection, chronologically showing the synchronicity between our shitposting, the Gets, the IDs, and current world events.

I believe it can be done because meme magic HAS an underlying "supernatural" cause. We are basically proving man kind's ability to get information out from the collective sub conscience, and of reality. This information manifest itself out of our brains into memes, but they didnt originated in us, we where their vehicules, and this ideas(memes) are intrinsic in the fabric of space time and the universe

random bits of information in one point achieve self duplication, like DNA, but memes use literal quantum particles, memes are alive in the electromagnetic field, hidden, until they manifest themselves through a human.

I can prove to him that americans are white. Bring 'em here.

>KEK flag
fuck off autistic faggot

meme magic isn't real and randi is a pedophile with dementia

The guy doesn't have a million dollars to give and he likes to move the goalposts to avoid paying the money his dumb ass doesn't have.

I have a friend who says he sees the devil and shit when he smokes weed
Let me give him a call boys we about to be rich

scientific proof by definition excludes the supernatural, since it is not: quantifiable, repeatable, and independent of observer

Synchronicity is real, but science cannot handle the truth of an 'acausal connecting principle'

Scientists are largely autistic savants, very few of them would go on a 40 day retreat in the wilderness to fast and pray for a vision from god, which is the experimental method required for duplication of St Francis' results

In essence, how I best understand it is, we, the universe, are all in the same field, all particles have an effect on potential every other particle

our brains function on electrons, be it chemical reactions and ionization that produces discharges. This electrons are the same electrons as everything else.

An idea, could be understood as a pattern of electrical activity, and if its self replicating, then its life, memes are alive, and they connected to everything by the underlying strings of quantum mechanics (metaphorical strings, not string theory).

So basically a meme can have a real tangible physical effect in reality, and might stir the path of possibilities one way or the other, but thats not all, i am talking about a meme in its incubation phase, not yet materialized in an image or verbalized to a language

your ideas have an effect on the collective subconsciousness EVEN if you dont share them. But when they are shared and the idea remains similar in everybody, then the information resonates with the others and has a bigger effect in reality, in the fabric of reality, steering us into one path or another.


so everybody is a pedo now? got any sauce or are you just talking shit?


This dude is a faggot with an illegal immigrant boyfriend

most craziness arrives from humans tapping into knowledge they cant handle, or understand

some people have a natural tendency to absorb information, but many times this information is not, process properly along with the personality, leaving the brains dissociated

the issue is, people dont understand reality is a mental construct, when you tap into something bigger, you mind is separated when you have to put it back together with all that extra info you got

some people cant do it and remain a with a soup for a mind

meh, I'd never get the money if I proved it to you....

so there's no point, is there?

Meme magic can be put in terms of Plato's world of ideas, the ether, etc...this is where you tap into, where everything came and comes from.

Since everything is connected to that, knowingly or not, ideas you bring into existence in this reality, bring them into language and human understanding, those ideas will have an effect on everything, opening the door of possibility

have you seen that many times people discover shit at the same time, without being aware of each other investigations.....its not chance

what is your mind, and your consciousness? think about it

you might be right on that, but still, maybe the point is to make it meme science, instead of meme magic

supernatural-anything is impossible to prove by definition. if something is outside the "natural" it is outside empiricism. which is why this Showman can make such an outrageous claim and dupe a bunch of retards into trying to actually do it.

Even if you could demonstrate what is believed to be a "supernatural" phenomena, it would automatically become a natural phenomena, instantaneously losing it's supernatural description. It's nothing more than glorified fedora tipping.

Take your autistic bullshit to /bant/. Faggot.

If anyone wants to financially support me, I will willingly dive deeper into what happens to my perspective of reality when smoking weed. I have seen some interesting things, and have hightened my sense of pattern recognition though the plant. My vision has been altered after an indescribeable synchronicity moment on the date of the solar eclipse this year. I’ve been seeing colored specs of light on textured surfaces and patterned ones as well. The synchronicity was a terrifying moment that sent me into a 7 hour panic attack that I contemplated eating a bullet to fix. I quit every addiction and lost thirty pounds in the span of about 2 months. I firmly believe I came into contact with something greater than my human understanding of reality. I’ve been getting better since, but the feeling of depersonilization is like a scar on my soul. Believe it if you want to, but I know for a fact something is different about me now. I made a visual for the most commonly seen specs of colored light. They start as one dimensional specs, then form a circle, then form shapes and begin to move. Yes, those are puzzle pieces, and no I don’t know why the fuck they take that shape. I also have visuals of other colors I see, but it’s more rare to see them. The color also determines what shape/form they take. It’s easier to see when I’m high, but when I see them...synchronicities happen and it’s no surprise that drives me crazier the more I look at them. I have with about 60% certantity been able to effect electric devices with thought and intention. But proving it will most likely drive me mad. I firmly believe the cost of ‘magic’ abilities is your own sanity. So, if anyone wants to take me under their belt I would be a martyr to this phenomena in the name of understanding.

see sorry dude, your service is already being provided, by me to me

me experiments need no publishing

agreed, still would be a massive breakthrough, specially in the minds of young scientists, which now will open themselves up to possibility, instead of the dogmatic academia we have now

Hello, I came here to probe Kek is real

Check ID and numbers

Goodbye, you won't see me posting in this thread again

but of course you try to keep learning on your own

i have to say i am privileged that i can live as neet wizard

James Randi is a faggot.
He likes to have sex with indian boys.

I AM CARLOS!!!!!!!!

>sorry dude, your service is already being provided, by me to me
Plus he's an amateur. He hasn't even had the dots form a web and start giving him hugs. If you just learn to stare without moving your eyes for a minute or two can see much more interesting effects without the expense of drugs.

Lyssa calm down and stop reading old jewish books to prove they're evil. I get it you're a supernatural Christian

I bet the nazi boys would love to know that I’ve seen about 30 neon green Byzantine era swastikas (pic) flood my vision for a couple seconds after my heart skipped a beat. How the fuck do you explain that shit

>rev up your meme magic, my fellow 'pedes

>we are going to have a seance to the great lord pepe (or lady pepe!)

>soon we will MEGA (make earth great again!!)

>praise kek!!!

Kill yourself, reddit scum.

Randi, the simpleton old codger, asks for material/physical proof of things which, by definition, are not material/physical. It's not as if one can show God or any other supernatural being through a microscope. Although you can through certain operations via a mirror. But that's not a conversation fit for here.

Like many atheists, who set up blockades in their mind to prevent "proof" from ever being realized, there is no way to win for him. In a sense, he has "rigged" it from the start. Hence why no one has ever won.

How anyone gives this con artist the time of day is astounding. It's best to ignore such worthless insects. They will wither away and die without ever attaining true knowledge of the Divine.

>he thinks he is special

and besides, what are you talking about? explain what?, so you hallucinated, a symbol which is prevalent in all of human history

probably it means the symbol is somehow intrinsic to our minds, maybe its a "primitive" pattern that has been with us since always

so,,,,what is so special about you?, nothing

people that focus on visuals are always superficial idiots

and seeing patterns is something i did as a kid without drugs or nothing, and still can do it now, most people will see stuff if they close their eyes hard

thats nothing

and besides, you could have the power of god, still that doesnt make you special, egocentric morons will end up putting themselves in hell

meme magic is about ideas, words, and the workings of the mind and consciousness

remember the bible stories of how God "soften" the heart of people who other wise are stubborn and close

this is it, noone is invulnerable, not even Randy, if we can give him, the correct set of strings, the correct order of the correct words that provoke the correct effects on the brain, if everything goes well, you can and will break him and anyone, to the prove of God, the philosophical prove, the logical prove.

Evidently you lack reading comprehension. Why even care about an insipid peasant like Randi in the first place?

>remember the bible stories

Does Jesus not say to not cast your pearls before swine? This is a fruitless endeavor.


Trips = God is Real
Dubs= only Hinduism is real, last number is Even=only Christ is real

if 69 jesus is real and i get muh dick sucked TONITE

jesus dont fail me

I’m not saying I’m special. My ego has no quarrel with you. Rejecting information like this is doing an absolute disservice to our understanding of ourselves and the world itself. I’m a student of life and only wish to further our understanding. Don’t believe it if you wish, that’s none of my business. If you want to talk about the material world, then yes I am special. I have god given talents that I am proud of and enjoy sharing with others. I never asked to specifically experience the things that have been happening to me over the past couple months. So please, if you want to understand things outside of your own understanding and personal belief system, stop berating people who have minds more open than your own.

Just save gets and see if they're proven right.

get off this board you subhuman dog

>If anyone wants to financially support me, I will willingly dive deeper into what happens to my perspective of reality when smoking weed.
stopped reading right there
no one is going to pay you to smoke weed you fucking NEET

If it can be explained and reproduced, it ceases to be paranormal by definition and therefore invalid. This means his "challenge" is unwinnable ego masturbation. It's very disconcerting that you monkeys are this stupid, I mean. Damn.

It was worth a try lmao. Not a NEET but who wouldn’t want to get paid for smoking weed hahaha

Poo hin duu

After posts like that you should change your name to 47 to more accurately represent your chromosomes.

Lol seriously man it feels like it sometimes. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Just try to summon one of the elder gods, it shouldn't be that hard.