Christmas is fu-

>Christmas is fu-

All your family members you didnt see all year show up and the only thing they do is bully you

>Why dont you have a gf user?
>Why dont you have a drivers license?
>When will you finally finish university?
>Well, user your uncle was already a succesfull manager at your age...

Then you go to church which is so crowded because everybody who doesnt go to church the other 364 days shows up and acts like they give a fuck about the same story they hear every year. Then the priest talks about "dem evil racists" and how refugees are the modern day Joseph and Marry and how we have to take them in.

Fuck this shit. The only thing i like about christmas is getting drunk, gifts, the food and christmas trees.

Why do we still celebrate christmas?

Its not like people care about their religion to begin with...

Other urls found in this thread:


No offense you do sound like a loser and your family is trying to help and understand you. You should really listen more and take some advice

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

your family isn't bullying you bro, they are worried about you. I use to have that problem then I stopped being lazy and got a career, a license and a home. Get out of the basement bro,.

Christmas is awesome. Fuck off you smelly yid.

Dirty kraut, fuck you. Don't blame Christmas for your failure at life.

Get out of the basement, Hans.
Also, there are Christians who take their worship seriously (like Catholics and Orthobros)
Get out of the heretical church and join the Catholic Church. God will help you get your life in order if you try to get your life in order.
Also, Joseph was a tradesman who could enhance Egypt's economy. He was one of the carpenters who helped in the building of the Decapolis

>Why dont you have a gf user?
>Why dont you have a drivers license?
>When will you finally finish university?

For me its me bullying my family

>the reason you can't find good men is because you aren't looking for them
>maybe you wouldn't be chronically sick if you lived a healthy lifestyle
>no, I'm not going to go vegan, because I don't need nutrient deficiencies and farm animals wouldn't have lived in the first place without meat consumption
>no bitcoin is not a fool-proof investment, you don't even understand what blockchain is...


wow took me a wile until i figured out he had cance :(

>tfw normalfags will never understand

How the hell do you not have a license? Even a monkey can get one

>The only thing i like about christmas is getting drunk, gifts, the food and christmas trees.

Me too. Only I can't drink alcohol anymore for medical reasons and I don't think anyone has given me a gift I actually valued in over a decade.

This is the real FPBP. Go the fuck back to /r9k/, this isn't a political discussion.

Kill them.
The only reason you tolerate this is because you are powerless. If you had some personal power you could at least keep yourself safe....

Euro/pol/, Oliver. If an American on this board doesn't have their license, they're not a loser, they're a parasite.

>getting bullied at christmas
>not teaming up with your chad grandad to bully weaker family members

>not bullying them back for being vapid materialists

Because tradition, you dumb bitch
You don't have to be religious to celebrate Christmas at this point
By now it's just a traditional American thing that spread to other countries
As in, consumerist Christmas is now the norm

What did progressives mean by this?

>She actually followed the That Feel Guy meme down the rabbit hole and discovered Wojak's irl story
sad regards

>There was a lot of cheese in that Christmas lasagna

The catholic church is the heretical church, pagan scum.

I don't have a problem if my parents need something or work done I always do it but I really don't enjoy spending time with them in so-called recreational activities, and I don't think they're bad people or anything I just hate it when I'm obligated to do something that's supposed to be for enjoyment but I don't enjoy it so then I feel guilt for not enjoying it. And somebody telling me to enjoy it since they'll die doesn't make me enjoy it more it just makes me feel more guilt about not enjoying it which makes me enjoy it less.


> Author: Daniel Kibblesmith & Ashley Quach
Of couuuurse


Back to r9k with you. Sort yourself out. Also what kinda gay church talks abour racism?

t. die for Israel Pr*testant

We'll friend I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. My Christmas is going to be just like last years. Wake up early and put on the Christmas roast to cook for the day. Make breakfast for my wife and me. Wake her up. Eat and go to church.

Listen to our Pastor talk about how we must come together as families and help each other in these times. Community and hearth&home. Go home tidy up a bit. Relax. Later my family will come over. Well all eat dinner together and listen to stories exchange gifts. The men will go drink scotch and rye on the porch and smoke and the women will wash dishes and serve desert. Hopefully baked apple crumble.
Then everyone will say their goodbyes and tomorrow will be Christmas Day.

I'm sorry your situation sucks man. I'm truly grateful to god that I live in a rural section of my state and my community is very close. If Its any help I would invite you to come over and enjoy tomorrow with me and mine if you could. No matter how autistic and smelly you may be.

Thanks. Im actually happy with my life. I have a nice paying part time job, a lot of free time, good friends and i work out. The only thing that pisses me of is people criticising me just to piss me off.

Well my Germanic friend. What's more important is that you are happy with your life choices. Cheers.

>96 year old grandfather spends the day ranting about the blacks and how Jews control everything
>no one called him out because he's the family patriarch but most are clearly uncomfortable
>he pulls me aside and tells me that he's always liked me the most
I love you gramps

Just go on a rant about jews, worked for me; got banned from every family gathering.

I like christmas. Seeing my grandparents and eating delicious food with everyone is nice.
Nobody asks me these questions anymore, they always just wish me the best with my plans. Seems like they have accepted me for how I am for the most part.

I am always looking forward to it. Hopefully I can have my own children someday and have a great christmas with them too.

This is literally polish christmas. I knew germans are polish!