Explain anti-Semitism to me
Explain anti-Semitism to me
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Bunch of alt-right neckbeards looking for someone to blame their problems on. They see jews as successful people with high IQs - cue the hatred, trolling and conspiracy theories.
Read culture of critique and then you will start to understand.
Pattern recognition
Well basically it’s when you make an observation on jewish behaviour.
You’re not allowed to see anything so it’s anti-Semitic for you to be observant.
goyims that know too much
Best summary:
Almost 2000 years ago, The Roman Emperor Hadrian got tired of Jewish giving him shit and annihilated them. Then some other assholes converted to Judaism because they wanted to give other people shit too. They gave shit to the Russians, and the Russian people gave them shit back, and the Czar told the Jews tog et back to their own lands because the people were tired of their shit. The Jews were bitter about this and swore a blood debt against the Czar's bloodline.
Many Jews moved to Europe and gave people shit. They started wars and profited from them. A banking system was set up by the Rothschilds, who would start a war, loan money to both sides (money on Jewish accounts) and the Rothschilds made a ton of money from all the shit. Well, guys like Jefferson, Henry Ford, The old Roman Catholic Church and so on were on to them. A movement in German started with the National Socialist German Workers party where they were sick of their shit, having gotten the shittiest end of the shittiest stick in the world from the Jews after WW 1. They Drove the Jews out, and then the Jews turned the world on Germany and dumped Epic Shit(tm) on them.
Some jews then moved to hollywood, and began to propagandize the Americans, because the Brits were out of shit and Americans became the new shit delivery service of the Rothschilds.
Oh, and the Rothschilds no longer need Jewish gold... so, they're gonna get Super Epic Shit(tm) as well that makes Epic shit look like a clean toilet. That's why the Moslems are invading Europe.
Jews are successful because they were given a monopoly on banking and used it to make wars.
Jews are not that smart, on average, but they do have a lack of moral and control of the media.
or or, when the goyim know too muchisimo
Jews are a conniving people who manipulate and corrupt societies for their own self gain. Multiculturalism is an agenda pushed by the tremendous jewish influence in western society, (lawyers, hollywood etc) in an effort to disrupt nationalism and patriotism and to ensure that the collective conciousness doesnt wake up to see how they are being manipulated by jews so they can keep their grip.
basically illuminati/global elite conspiracy with the jews being the boogeyman
it is a term invented by jews to describe people who are against jewish people but does not include non-jewish semites. "islamaphobia" is a term invented by jews to describe the condition of being anti-semetic against nonjewish semites.
even in italy my friend they control the media, you can find that info on the web, they control also our politicians ... thats why we have so many nigger migrants
I am anti-semetic for two reasons: The Bible and the observable world.
The power structure (banks, hollywood, and the media) is completely run by Jews who subvert our Christian and European way of life.
This persecution started 2017 years ago when the Jews persecuted Christ and his followers. Also they killed Jesus and the Bible explicitly says the blood is upon them AND their children.
Read the book Romans, Revalations 2:9, Matthew 27:24-25 and Thessalonians 2:14-15.
Jews do bad things, people notice.
Not before you explain what's a semite.
So, I've looked into all these reasons for anti-Semitism, ignoring religion and weird "world domination" conspiracies, and all that's left is pseudoscience. If anyone wants to give me an actual, logical, reason that has possibly some proof backing it up I'd be willing and interested to consider it
Made up word. Created by a fucking like of course
The proper term is counter-semitism. As in, being against semitic behaviour.
>i looked into your reasons
>except i ignored them
>give me more reasons
>i'll ignore those too
fuck off kike
I don't get it, isn't anti-Semitism supposed to be discrimination against jews? How's that made up/not a proper term?
Italian OP Asks for reasons, rejects all reason for no reason.
That's one spicy meat-a ball!
I ignored religious reasons because I don't care about religion.
I ignored conspiracies because they are ridiculous.
If those are really the only arguments for anti-Semitism then I'll keep passing it off as some irrational hate ideology, if you give me actual reasons then I'll definitely listen to you
>I ignored conspiracies because they are ridiculous.
wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
Anti-Semitism is a Jewish trick.
Jews promote anti-Semitism to later cry "persecution!" and gain the sympathy of dumb goyim. Funny Sup Forums memes belong on Sup Forums. If you want to fight the Jew then do so intelligently; educate more than you entertain.
anti-semitism is for nazi wannabes.
counter-semitism is for sane white people.
The solution here is to stop giving them sympathy. Don't operate within a framework laid out by your enemy.
Alright, how's it possible that a relatively small ethnic group is able to secretly organise to achieve domination, while keeping this a secret for centuries? It seems incredibly unlikely to me
How do they differ exactly?
anti-semitism (from the latin) to hate that which is attempting to destroy you
Yes you're right. But before the masses stop giving them sympathy they must be educated as to why they do not deserve it. This is why funny Sup Forums memes belong on Sup Forums and anons should take a more level-headed approach when dealing with the JQ.
>secretly organise to achieve domination
This isn't the claim. Jewish behavior is self-serving and subversive by nature, there doesn't need to be a conspiracy. Just like there isn't a nigger conspiracy to leave chicken bones everywhere.
An ethnic group with in group preference levels that are off the charts allows them to exist in host cultures for millennia but not see themselves as part of that culture. They see the wider culture as cattle to be manipulated to their ends and preferences. They have no respect for their host cultures. To be an antisemite is a perfectly reasonable defensive reaction to this naturally aggressive and subversive ethnic group.
White people were barbarians. After destroying Roman Empire and their own hut and butt they wanted culture and stole the Torah added a few new chapters that read like they were written but retards then tried to wipe out Jews so they didn't have to be reminded of the fact.
>It seems incredibly unlikely to me
One cannot reason with the unreasonable. Op has an irrational belief and rejects All evidence and argument because he don't like the conclusion. OP is thinking like a child.
Kikes are constantly violating the NAP. They need to be put down
Well, maybe try reading a book like Jimi Carters Palestine Peace not Apartheid or maybe one of the jewish books themselves like the Talmud and maybe you'll start to understand anti-semitism.
Then I don't get what's the problem with jews. Ignoring the whole racial debate, let's say they actually behave how you say. You really think only jews are self serving and subversive? You're underestimating the problem, there are much, much more people behaving this way than you think.
Could you provide me with some evidence for this claim? I know jews tend to stick together and refuse other cultures, but this seems a bit overblown.
I'm finding it difficult to believe because you're underestimating how difficult it would be to actually conduct an operation of that scale for such a long time, it's just really impractical.
I very much enjoyed your summary of the situation, sire.
for the longest time I didn't know why people hated Jews, but I knew everyone everywhere hated them. that alone told me there was probably a good reason, unless you think you can prove everyone around the world for most all of human history is wrong about an opinion they have had.
>Jews ruin every country they've ever set foot in.
>Kicked out of around 400 different places
>oy vey why is everyone so anti-semitic!!?????!!
I don't think that's a good reason to believe in something, but what convinced you in the end to start hating jews?
Jewishness is a cult of otherness. What happens when Jews move into an area?
- Jews move in
- most learn the local language
- most live in mixed neighborhoods
- most get educated in the same schools
- jewboys break their mothers' hearts by dating shiksas and marrying them
- ruthie breaks her father's heart and gets knocked up by a goy with a Khazar milker fetish
- bunch of jewish mischlings and goyish mischlings
- skip several generations
- jewish autosomal dna resembles local populace
- most jews are culturally integrated
- jews still stubbornly insist upon being different from the goys, despite being clearly integrated
Jews want to exist among you and profit from you while definitively not being part of you. It's like having a permanent houseguest, or a live-in girlfriend who won't actually commit. Who complains all the time how they hate you for hating them for being different, and you don't hate them and you know they aren't actually that different.
Eventually the kvetching builds to the point where you do hate them.
it's a a word crazy inbred jews use to slander ppl they consider a threat in the propaganda blitz leading up to their genocide.
glad i could help.
its not a good reason, but it is a reason to think 'i don't know the reason but there is probably a good one for hate to be so prevalent throughout the world'.
I started paying attention
Assuming not a troll since your actually engaging with the thread.
First of all, don't really give a shit about 'ze jooz', other than I think their religion is shit, along with all the other abrahamic religions.
However, there is a legitimate issue to be had with the ethnic jewish influence on certain societies. Firstly, I don't believe that it is a conspiracy of any sort, nor do I believe it is even a conscious thing. If I believed in conspiracy theories though, the Jews would be the scapegoat for the real (((they))) if you get what I'm saying.
Getting back to the topic. user above is right about the Jews benefiting from banking practices that christians could not, allowing them to become rich. Then it was through natural nepotism and in-group biases did the ethnic class become dominant in the upper echelons of the world. I don't think they meant to take over the western world, but they ended up doing so because they had a healthy in-group preference, as well as a good, capitalist attitude.
So far, so good. People took advantage of a situation, people got rich from their merits. Nothing wrong here. The problem comes when the Jewish culture rubs the wrong way against the more christian/pagan local culture. There is no doubt that the Jewish people look down on others due to certain teachings in the Talmud, and even non-religious Jews seem to have a toxic 'philanthropic' air to them, which leads to mass immigration, and other disasters for the majority. Since they also have a bad habit of going 'oy vey' and claiming racism when people point out genuine issues, hatred is very quickly built up between the Jews and everyone else.
jews refuse to assimilate to their host countries. host countries can not trust jews to support the host country over their own tribe
ergo, they must be removed.
that is the most normie answer there is
To your why is anti-semitism a fake word.
This is why.
Keep in mind the reasoning that racism and anti-semitism is the exact same thing.
Both being coined by jews, for the jewish agenda pic related.
Jews don't want to be part of your nation. They are a "nation set apart." You can't trust them. They will betray you as they aren't on your side.
ok go ahead, keep ignoring it.
BTW did you know CIA, a mossad controlled organisation decided to deride anyone who didnt accept mainstream narrative as a "conspiracy theorist"?
im going to enjoy watching you fall :)
and im going to make antigoyimism illegal and anyone who ever cried "antisemitism" is going to get the same treatment "nazis" are given in the modern day. the word's going to be banned within 20 years.
jews do not realy integrtte in most cases, they tend to keep a jewish identity and act in favor of their jewish peers,
so they engage in nepotism
and if they have to decide chose their own people
that's the reason they were hated in middle ages, they demanded their own laws different from the laws the population had with their feudal lord as feudal rule was a contract between the feudal lord and the people he ruled over,
even in free town the feudal lord was a saint and actualy all ciitiziens of the town were owned by the towns saint
problem is the jews didn't integrated into that system, they demanded to keep their own laws and culture, therefore got extra taxes, because they only where foreigners by not accepting the law
that's why they couldn't become officials because they couldn't pledge propperly their alliegiance according to the law etc.
so they weren't realy persecuted in middle ages.
also jews weren't trustworthy, in spain they helped the moors to rule, which was in favor of the jews but not of the spanish people(s)
that's why they were kicked out at some point when spain was reconquered.
also the jews in europe engaged in practices like food speculation , rich jews bought whole grain harvests before the it was even grown, and then stored it to push up prices and then sell it
poeple of cause got angry at the jews but the jews through their extra taxes often got extra protection by their lords like jewish quarters often were guarded by the towns lords soldiers.
so people when realy angry just pogromed the whole quarter etc.
even later during ww1 the zionests definately were involved in getting the usa to join the war because they would loose their money if the entente was defeated and the british promised israel to the zionists,
even jewish historians don't denie that,
also i think jews through their history became inherently very collectivist,
that would explain why they tend to be so often involved in communism and such ideologies,
The Jewish Question derives from the socio-ethnic unity between Jewish people in the Jewish diaspora. The issue is in two parts:
>The belief that this has caused a "nation within a nation" situation, motivating Jews to work on behalf of national interests besides the one they reside in
>The belief that either the Jews are entirely villainous innately or they entirely lack respect for non-Jews (Gentiles) and so will do them ill-will or distrust them
The idea of the Jews innately villainous is somewhat popular on Sup Forums and the idea of seeing Gentiles as entirely separate from Jews is very much a thing but I only see it in Zionist circles. Zionism being the support of the existence and return to a Jewish ethnostate.
Now the value of the Jews having an ethnostate to themselves is in question by those who oppose ethnostates, obviously, but also by people who still distrust the Jews in principle. Noting the manipulation by Israelis today in Europe it is debated within people who discuss the Jewish Question if they are just working to the aid of people still within the Jewish diaspora at the expense of gentiles or if they are just malicious generally. I lean heavily on the former, while doubting the true influence of them.
At the very core, it's a communication problem. Jews don't seem to care much for the will of the native population, and the native population like blaming issues on all Jews. Blaming all Jews is especially dumb, because it leads to mass exterminations, which only end up killing innocent people, with the crooks sneaking away under new identities (see the Celts and the Romans).
So, what's the solution. Well, an ethnonationalist would argue that the two communities should be separated. There is definitely merit to this idea, since good fences make nice neighbors, however, since the Jewish community is so fractured within itself, and so few in number, I doubt they would allow that to happen without a genocide first. The better option in my opinion is just for the Jews to fully integrate with the societies they live in. The whole reason why we have problems in the first place is due to the nepotism which rots relations. If there was no divide between the natives and the Jews ethnically or culturally, then there would be no conflict.
Evidence for the JQ is basically found in the 6 mass media companies in the US, as well as the banking sector. Both are dominated by Jews, despite being a tiny minority of the US population. This also goes for Porn, Professorships, and many other important industries.
However, they are not the only group with such massive success in the higher tier of American society. The Hibernian conspiracy has almost as much legitimacy as the JQ if one looks closely. The Catholic Irish 'ethnicity' dominates in IQ, and is of major prominence within the stock exchanges throughout the US. The Island itself also benefits disproportionately from business investment and EU aid, despite having a GDP growth of 25% in 2015. That's not a typo. The country actually now uses a different system to calculate its economic growth, after accusations of 'Leprechaun Economics' from the outside world.
In conclusion: There is some merit to the JQ.
Really nigger
Lol... those degenerate kikes wish thats what it was...
Thank you for actually giving me logical answers. I personally still don't get all the hate towards them. I mean, if jews actually integrated that would probably be the best outcome, but as long as they follow the laws of the country they live in I don't see why other people should care about them, if not for racial/religious reasons
Much of it is the people who believe the Jews to be innately villainous or treating non-Jews as sub-human. They get silently mixed in with all other discussion of the JQ here.
Jews are an ethnic group (race)
AND a religion
They are not good people.
As people they are evil and cruel and care for no one, not even their own.
See soros interview about selling out jews to the nazis and he doesnt regret it AT ALL, he admits.
And see the quotes in the jewish talmud about how 1000 goyim lives are not worth one jewish fingernail etc.
Its super discrimination against jews, the ultimate sin. They really start the holocaust guilt early, I remember being forced to read the devils arithematic and diary of Anne Frank at a very young age. Really makes you think, why would they be incentivized to teach young children about the holocaust so early? Hmmmmmm...
i wouldn't advocate hate,
i think it is understandable why they act in this way (well in tendency)
the problem are those jews (together with any other people) who pushed them selfes into destructive ideology,
like marxism,
best post
also this
and this
and of course the never ending bullshit and lies
Literally only bad when directed at Ayn Rand by crypto-com NatSoc larpers and 0.000001% of based Jews that have existed in the world's history.
This video alone can be accredited to the rise in antisemitism we're seeing.
How can I be an anti-semite when I support Palestine?
Only semites themselves can take out the (((establishment semites))), we need to team up with the Palestinians/Syrians/Lebanese in the next war and fight to expose this ZOG in the meantime
So you support Palestine then? Both semitic peoples of Jews and Palestinians should share the land of Israel peacefully. Do you agree? Jews need to stop building on Palestinian settlements. I support equality for all semitic people.
I would argue that it's more anti-semitic to be a zionist. Palestinians are the descendants of converted jews for the most part, while most of the "semitic" jews living there have no blood ties to that land.
Problem is your run of the mill Greenberg or Epstein is a fake semite and doesn't belong in Palestine at all
Maybe you should stop being a lazy fuck and devote a single hour doing your own research? Here, I'll get you started, google "Walt Disney of porn" and "proposition 187".
> but as long as they follow the laws of the country they live in I don't see why other people should care about them
Here we have another issue. Since Jews are at the top of society, they are the ones who make the laws, or at the very least, have a large say in what laws get passed by the government. For example, the lovely George Soros is currently trying to get abortion legalized in Ireland, despite the citizenry clearly not wanting it. The reason: because he doesn't like the Catholic culture which dominates certain countries throughout the world.
Now luckily, it turns out Soros did actually break the law in this case, and so has had his influence limited (irishtimes.com
It's not a secret, moron.
Since all fiat currencies eventually go through an Epic Shit(tm), why do ((((they)))) no longer need gold anymore? Honest question.
There are these people called "Jews".
Then there are people out there who don't like these Jews. We call that "Antisemitism".
I admit I'm not really informed on the whole palestine debate, so I can't really take a position there. I just support equality for all people
I don't think that's really a problem with jews, it's more a problem with democracy
Why do they paint a target on their own back? It's like they want another major incident. Sad really. There are Jews who have nothing to do with this dogshit.
This is also true. It's not a conspiracy when it is public knowledge that everyone has access to if they go looking. Remember, we were all normies once. Many people here don't want the opinions they hold to be right, me being one of them. I'd much rather multiculturalism worked and the Jews be completely innocent, since it would make for a much simpler life.
Sadly, life isn't simple...
This, being Jewish is a social construct. They are such a mongrelized race of people that it's really hard to say they are even Semitic anymore.
go learn what semitism is you stupid faggot
He gives you an example of a Jew trying to push abortion against the will of the people and it's a problem with democracy?
Well, I've figured out your problem, it's low IQ. Sorry user.
That's definitely true. Democracy does allow too much corruption in the modern age, and really should be replaced with something better. The problem here is that we have nothing better so far to replace it with.
However, this problem is exasperated by the cultural differences, as well as the idea of Jewish supremacy embedded within Jewish culture. Look at the video in this post and see how Jews think themselves as benevolent caretakers, doing things against the will of the majority for the majority, because they think they are doing it for the good of the majority. This arrogance breeds anitsemitism and outright Nazism.
Yes, because in actual democracy the government should follow the will of people, which clearly is something that's not happening there, so there's a problem with the way democracy is practiced.
See above, I'm not condemning democracy, I can understand why some people would despise this kind of behaviour from the jews, but as long as we're talking about a truly democratic country, where the government follows the will of the people by design, they really don't pose any serious threat, and we should instead be seeking communication
Again true, but truly democratic countries do not exist, since perfection is impossible. This being the case, then the cultural gap and apathy within the Jewish community for outsiders will always be a problem unless something is done about it.
Having said that, all cultures have their problems. Don't listen to anyone who says that extermination is the best/only way. They just want to kill people they don't like.
>Don't listen to anyone who says that extermination is the best/only way
So let's rewrite their stupid book, and make them follow that. Not so simple eh?
I totally agree with you on that, we also have clear historical proof that genocide, violence and hatred haven't worked and don't work, so it ultimately comes down on trying to improve communication between both parties, which is obviously not an easy thing to do
Once you watch their propaganda and actually see the message that is being pushed which is destroying your culture and people on top of hurting/destroying lives of anyone involved (that isn’t jewish) you’ll come to realize that these people are diabolical and truly parasitic.
>"A careful study of anti-semitism prejudice and accusations might be of great value to many jews, who do not adequately realize the irritations they inflict."
H.G. Wells
(November 11, 1933)
>"Anti-Semitism is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects"
Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism
(From his diaries, as quoted by Arthur Kornberg 295)
>Anti-semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction."
Albert Einstein
>Jewish fear better be grasped as a war against terror within. Jews are too often tormented and haunted by their own racism and supremacy which they attribute to others by means of projection..
>On Jewish projection...
It is Counter-Semitism when there is an aggressive agenda that is harmful.
Millions genocided being Pro-Semitsm as history shows.