How does this make blonde """"""""""men"""""""""" feel?
How does this make blonde """"""""""men"""""""""" feel?
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Don't care as long as he isn't a manlet.
blonde is for plebs, dirty blonde is where it's at.
I have a gf so I don't care my man
I have red hair. Every girl wants my hair but few think it’s sexy on me. It’s very gay desu
Well my anecdotal experience goes completely against this. Im not completely blond though, in between blond and brown. I actually had one girl ask me if I died my hair because it was 'the color guys want their hair to be' though this might have been some retarded female idea of game
Why would I care what women think*?
>*what tv, magazines, and their shitty online "friends" pressure them to think
>Men Don't Want To Date Women With Blonde Hair, Says New Survey, But Here's Who They Do Want
Imagine the outrage
Why don't they want blonde dudes?
i must break you