Trump: people from Haiti "all have AIDS"

>WASHINGTON — Late to his own meeting and waving a sheet of numbers, President Trump stormed into the Oval Office one day in June, plainly enraged.

>Five months before, Mr. Trump had dispatched federal officers to the nation’s airports to stop travelers from several Muslim countries from entering the United States in a dramatic demonstration of how he would deliver on his campaign promise to fortify the nation’s borders.

>But so many foreigners had flooded into the country since January, he vented to his national security team, that it was making a mockery of his pledge. Friends were calling to say he looked like a fool, Mr. Trump said.

>According to six officials who attended or were briefed about the meeting, Mr. Trump then began reading aloud from the document, which his domestic policy adviser, Stephen Miller, had given him just before the meeting. The document listed how many immigrants had received visas to enter the United States in 2017.

>More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained.

>Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there.

>Forty thousand had come from Nigeria, Mr. Trump added. Once they had seen the United States, they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa, recalled the two officials, who asked for anonymity to discuss a sensitive conversation in the Oval Office.


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He’s an asshole but he’s not wrong.

Sure we can. Per WHO study and relief efforts after the earthquake, the majority of the Haitian population is infected with HIV.

He tells it how it is. That's why I voted for him.

Saged for fake news.

I'm SURE this time our sources will deliver the truth!

It’s all true, snowflake.

is trump.... dare I say it...... /ourpresident/??????

Haití actually does have higher rates of AIDS/HIV than most of Africa.

Dominicans are some of the most racially aware people in Latin America. They generally lean right.

t. rural retard

>according to multiple sources

So no one?

Probably fake, but funny and true either way

t. aids haver

(((Anonymous sources)))

Trump didn't say those things, others did
fake and gay

This is finally the end of the road for Drumpftphph.

Haiti has the highest rate of AIDs in the world
It's true once people are in the US they don't want to go back which is why the majority of illegals are from over stayed visas

Is he wrong though?

>More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained.
>Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,”

he's right you know. and he's making nationalist statements; i fail to see racism in these declarations

>according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed on it by a different person who was there
The absolute state of the Jew York Slimes

>ccording to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there
Literally he said she said. How is this journalism

>>Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled,
>he grumbled

this is how i know this is fake news because President Trump does not lower his voice in fear of what others may think

Our Shitposters in Chief! Beloved instrument of KEK's will on earth!

He's probably right. At least he's saying what he really thinks instead of pretending to care about uncivilized niggers to advance a globalist agenda.

>According to multiple sources

I can find more than 1m sources of living people who said they experienced the Holocaust, but it doesn't mean it happened.

>They all have AIDS
I'm guessing the MSM hasn't fact-checked the president.
I'd respect the elites more if they insisted the next refugee shelter/home was built in their neighborhood rather than sending them all to Idaho or Minnesota where they're out of sight, out of mind.
Trump says what most people think

Archive the NYT, faggots

More nameless sources?
Must be the ny times.

Wait so did they all have sex with animals or something? I don't understand, how did black people survive when they all have AIDS? Are black people immune to AIDS or something? I'm confused. Did they all have a massive orgy with the farm animals? WTF? Isn't AIDS deadly as fuck? I can't imagine this is possible unless it was intentionally done by (((them)))

Haiti has been and will continue to be a complete cesspool. Since independence they have not ever been able to have a functioning government or society.

>Here begins the never ending liberal chimpout
>”Trump is WRONG! Not ALL Haitians have HIV, just similar to a sub-Saharan African Country!”

This literally happens on a weekly basis. Trump makes a ridiculous statement and the media glosses over the hidden truth of it to pretend to be offended.

There's only three words quoted. The first part of the sentence is what he didn't say. Spotting fake news 101

Taze that niglet.

they keep fucking, they keep making babies, they die young from AIDS and malnutrition, the babies they had earlier grow up, they keep fucking,... ad infinitum.

>reddit spacing

>unnamed sources named by NYT

seriously shill? you know how retarded obvious you are?

Trump has to watch south park, theres no other explanation

>"according to multiple sources"

Well, show us the sources then. VALID, TRUSTWORTHY sources.

Oh, you can't? Too bad.

Kill all libshits.

t. urban nigger faggot

Me too

>rather than just shoot it and put it out of its misery

Stevenchaim (((kopeck)))

>hate facts

>sources familiar with his thinking and activities

source: shareblue
Kopek is AIDS

t. subhuman muttalo

Well, they unironically really need to go back to the jungle. That's obviously where their natural habitat is. Clearly a "civilization" doesn't work for these people if they can't even take care of their own babies. Otherwise, "slavery" is probably indeed the right choice despite the negative connotation. Higher quality of life for sure.

I hope this is true.

Lefties suck at writing believable dialogue

Really sucks when you cry wolf for so long and no one even cares anymore.

>according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there

chain of hearsay

To add, I actually don't see what's so offensive about living in the jungle. It seems pretty fun if you're adapted to it like monkeys are as well.

Could wire speakers all across the jungle with recent technology too. They'd be able to have their parties in the jungle without worrying about police or neighbors. Sounds much more suited for them.

Yes I can, he's right and being racist is a good thing.

>...according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there...
According to some guy and a guy who knows a guy...
News sources are reaching 'my uncle who works at Nintendo' levels of credibility.

boomer fuck get out

>according to multiple "sources"


He isnt wrong.

He's employing hyperbole, not only that but you know it too and you just grasp at straws to REEE/bait.

Either that or you're too stupid for your opinion to matter.


>according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there
so this.......... is the power..... .. . . of the FAKE NEWS

>Statistics gathered so far, Federal epidemiologists say, show the rate of AIDS diagnosed in this country among Haitian-born people to be at least ten times higher than the rate for all Americans. Because of that, they say, all Haitians must be considered by the medical authorities to have an increased chance of getting the disease and must themselves acknowledge this higher risk. The rates for AIDS in Haiti are unknown.

>A Federal recommendation to exclude certain Haitians from blood donations as a safeguard against spreading AIDS has been expanded to all Haitians, and the change is being protested by Haitian organizations in New York City and Miami.
>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti, carried most likely by a single infected immigrant who set the stage for it to sweep the world in a tragic epidemic, scientists said on Monday.

>They found that HIV was brought to Haiti by an infected person from central Africa in about 1966, which matches earlier estimates, and then came to the United States in about 1969.

>The researchers think an unknown single infected Haitian immigrant arrived in a large city like Miami or New York, and the virus circulated for years -- first in the U.S. population and then to other nations.

Aussie, get out


(Anyone remember that fag?)

Just started liking Trump again if true. Fuck AIDS ridden shitskins and mudslimes worldwide. White fucking power to all of you nigger loving faggots out there

>1 post by this ID
(((Sources))) familiar with Trump’s thinking say...

Sieg Heil

Blacks have a much higher chance of sickle cell problems, it does make them immune yes. Still a carrier tho.



Here i was about to say he finally said something intelligent for the first time in months. But yeah it's prob fake

blah blah blah blah...we do not believe multiple sources( per nyt)

fuck off twit...


More leakers uncovered. This is just more planted shit from Gen Kelly’s “misplaced” phone.

The tears will be delicious.

Fake and gay. OP is a massive fag.

Please, explain to me why you think facts need to be defended. I actually hope this story is true because it means we finally have a president willing to use common sense instead of "diversity makes us feel better about ourselves" bullshit.

He's not wrong.

Dominicans really guard the shit out of that boarder, don't they?

Sickle cell disease only "helps" against malaria dumbo

"New York Times"

Thanks for the fake news.

With an estimated 150,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in 2016 (or an 100 percent prevalence rate among adults aged 15–49)


>storms into the oval office
>waving questionable sources in his hands
>yells out that all niggers have aids

Truly /ourguy/

Sounds like tabloid bullshit to me. How come all these gossip mag stories about trump are written like a screenplay for a children’s movie where the villain is the head of an evil corporation or something?
The fucking evil short guy from the terrible Lorax movie was better written than half of this shit.

Do they believe this will make people dislike trump?

bless our president


Borders closed due to AIDS

Trump is the husband and the US is his house. The left acts like the retarded wife who does nothing to contribute and compensates for it by taking in homeless people.

"No, NO! I don't give a fuck if they have nowhere to go, I do not want some HIV positive bum living in our house. Not to mention that you want to put him in the room next to our daughter's... Have you lost your fucking mind? This house isn't some charity for you to show off to your friends so you can feel like you accomplished something. You want to help him, do it outside of this house because if he stays here he'll never leave."

Your statement is so ignorant my brain momentarily rearranged the colors of your flag into an American flag.
Without medication AIDS takes ON AVERAGE 18 years to kill you.

They try. One Dominican leader did a genocide of all blacks a couple of decades ago. Unfortunately since DR is (relatively) doing well the big agribusinesses keep bringing Haitians in to work the farms, and then they run off to the cities, so then the bring more.

>More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven
>Haiti had sent 15,000 people
>Forty thousand had come from Nigeria
Why are we taking in people from these shit holes? Seriously. Whoever is in charge of immigration and is accepting this need to be fired. No more disease ridden criminals from the 3rd world because someone feels bad. Less feels and more brains.

==(((((((((((((((MULTIPLE ANONYMOUS ZOURCES GOYS!!)))))))))))))))

you deserve this for making it impossible for europeans to immigrate, we were only welcome if we were rocket scientists yet african cannibals are allowed by the tens of thousands enjoy your hellhole

kek even half niggers don't want ugly ape niggers. That says A LOT.


is it racist if it's true?

Where is the inaccuracy?


go back to r/eddit you gullible retard

Hej hej VPN

The head of a meeting is never late to the meeting.

This is the most triggering comment I see on this board. People act like the NYT didn’t fuck Flynn and Manifort, and that they aren’t going to fuck Kushner and Don Jr. next. Their “fake” reporting is going to send people to jail.

He didn't say this, but I wish he had

Again, reporting by the NYT and wapo is responsible for the firing of about a dozen White House staff so far. Flynn is fucked, manifort is fucked.

If this news was all fake there wouldn’t be so many real-world consequences.

He's not he's a prick, and pricks fuck assholes and pussy's.