>>Forty thousand had come from Nigeria, Mr. Trump added. Once they had seen the United States, they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa.
the left will now predictably pretend this isn't 100% true.
Ayden Carter
This Is exactly how you give democrats the black vote. Look for Obama level turnout in 2018 and 2020. Fuck Drumpf
Sebastian Roberts
I know, but consider the scenario. >be left-leaning faggot staffer >be present while Trump is speaking absolutely candidly in the oval office, especially candid since he is pissed >be triggered that he said these things >squeal to the NYT because Drumpf said a thing, knowing they would spin an entire story out of it >ask to remain anonymous because you're a bitch
It's plausible, and assuming it is true, the implications are interesting.
Samuel Cox
Wow. Op found another unsourced story from the NYT that the Whitehouse denies. More fake news. You got him now OP! You have Trump now.
Mason Hill
>Our Guy
Hunter Morris
They have to go back. Those who shill for importation of shitskins must hang.
Jonathan Ortiz
>sources say >tfw when they say trump is a nazi and you know he is not but you wish that he was
Lincoln Price
democrats will already have the black vote because they are feeble minded simpletons who stand no chance at resisting the propaganda machine.
Ian Mitchell
wish it were true but its prob fake news
Eli James
>Implying any white european wants to move here
Parker Sanchez
hopefully also, he's absolutely right, you know.
Jaxson Reed
Shit, he should seriously consider enforcing the law against Communists so he can lock up Bernie, Kamala, and Warren before 2020.
James Rivera
>NYT story on Trump in the oval office yelling at his cabinet, enraged
That is total bullshit, obvious disinfo and does not make any sense. Drummpph appointed an entire cabinet of open-borders globalist liberals to run his administration.
>(((tillerson >(((Nikki Haley))) >(((Neilson)))
Trump is triumphant, he wanted the borders kept open, he appointed a globalist cabinet according to his wants, and the borders are wide open with shitskins pouring in.
>(((Kelly, McMasterbaiter... it goes on and on goy))))))
Nathan Wood
Trump is fishing for a leaker here
Haiti and Nigeria?
he probably walked around the wh house and said 2 different countries names around the suspected leaker
once the leaker heard it and immediately informed the new York times Trump knows who the leaked is
Nicholas Peterson
His powerlevel is growing.
Hudson Morales
Brandon Reyes
How do you give something they never lost?
Alexander Adams
Evan Clark
This is the 2nd BS story I want to actually be true, the first being the piss tape.
Aiden Brooks
I hope it IS true, it means that Trump knows the score. It's also fucking hilarious.
Nathaniel Nelson
Don't think of the story as factual, but rather as the catalyst for considering Trump's true long-term goals for his 8-year mission. Do you think it's plausible that his campaign platform (muslim ban, the wall, etc.) are indicative of more extreme policies to come down the road?
Think of how much our country changed under Obama. Slowly and insidiously he changed the country into an unstable progressive shit hole, and it all started with the campain slogan "change". Applying that same principle to Trump and his MAGA slogan (which is on everything he does), do you think it's possible that after 8 years the country could be equally transformed, but in a good direction?
Angel King
>archive.is/szsts >“He’s basically saying, ‘You people of color coming to America seeking the American dream are a threat to the white people,’” said Mr. Sharry, an outspoken critic of the president. “He’s come into office with an aggressive strategy of trying to reverse the demographic changes underway in America.” Holy fuck, Trump really is on our side.
Christian Williams
Our. Fucking. Guy.
David Morris
also, how much do you bet Mr Sharry is a Jew?
Aaron Turner
I really wish this was true but I doubt it is
Hudson Jenkins
Ethan Howard
>Could this be a foreshadowing of his ultimate vision for the US? The travel ban and wall are just the beginning, perhaps?
because of this made up shit?
>anonymous sources say trump had russian hookers piss on him
He never said shit, its more anonymous source subversion.
Lucas Bailey
>sources familiar with the way he thinks sage goes into every orifice
Nolan Jones
I wished it was true. I would vote for any politician who said that and acted accordingly.
John Watson
I wish this was true.
Julian Price
Blacks vote democrat whether the GOP sucks black cock or wear white sheets. It's a given and our political motivations should not be dependent on their low IQ voting habits.
Oliver Mitchell
only retards trust anonymous sources on anything ever
Owen Phillips
LOL faggot, Democrat jews already have the nigger vote. Who gives a shit, we need to continue radicalising whites. It wont matter what niggers do.
Samuel Howard
Bump. Interesting that they're talking about this instead of the executive orders.
Trump Executive Order SHAREBLUEFILES V.4
Christopher Bennett
Even if he did say those things, none of it would be wrong.
Aaron Flores
As soon as I read OP I laughed for a good minute. I honestly hope the allegations are true, then he'd be /mypresident/
Alexander Cook
He's right
Jace James
I'm spamming everyone on Twitter about how retarded they are to believe the obvious fake news. But at the same time, I hope he did say that. Or at least have those thoughts.
Grayson Hill
That's really the point of the thread is to hope it's true and consider the long term direction of the country under trump
Benjamin Harris
Imagine if Obama said something like this, just imagine how Sup Forums and other conservatives would react. You would be calling for him to resign, calling him unpresidential, unfit for office. Yet, because it's Trump you use mental gymnastics to excuse this immature, childish behavior that is incredibly unbecoming for someone serving as the leader of the free world. Remember that time when conservatives went ape-shit because Obama ate Dijon mustard, calling him an elitist in the process?
Why the hypocrisy? Why the double standards when it comes to Trump? Look at how all the children autistically screeching in this thread >BASED LOL TRUMP SAYS IT LIKE IT IS! MAGA! Fucking pathetic cucks. Any other president would have their careers ruined if they said shit like this, but of course because all Rs get a pass when they have scandals, you just lap it up and move on.
Asher Long
We learned not to allow Alinsky’s rules apply to us. We are okay with our double standards.
Samuel Davis
Fuck you're a special kind of stupid.
Brayden Garcia
1.) Trump didn't say this. It's more fake news via nytimes "familiar sources" 2.) IF obama had said it, I wouldn't give a shit because at the end of the day, he's still obama
Jason Sullivan
I hope this is true so fucking much
Jacob Anderson
>It's plausible
There's a spaghetti monster that hides on the dark side of Mars.
Aaron Jones
>their huts their mud huts, haha. And Haitians are third world street shitters. The Dominican Republic doesn't even want them, and would build a wall if they could afford it.
Oliver Rivera
Hmm I wonder which is more likely
Jayden Sullivan
Your image is fake and gay.
Logan Moore
Nobody said likely, they said plausible.
Blake Morales
How did you figure that out?
So you don't think it's plausible he could have said that?
William Ross
Guilt by plausibility. When you've got nothing.
Thomas Cox
>tfw mu country just removed the immigration rule barring AIDS and HIV positive people from moving here to leech of our health care system >tfw our immigration minister is a somali who proably has aids
Owen Torres
What's stopping conservative news outlets from saying anonymous sources say that X democrat sought out child porn?
Jonathan Robinson
checked and this
Ian Jones
>tfw we could have had executive orders shutting down immigration from these aids-ridden shitholes >if only the sessions doj had done its fucking job and defended the first travel ban properly using the abundantly clear INA as the basis
Ian Jenkins
>psychopath boomer with multiple sclerosis president of the united states of le 56% face said something about how other race >Hurr so Based durrrr
Gavin Long
David Brock needs to start performing I.Q testing.
Luis Hill
He was kind of correct though.
When it was time for them to go home, everyone was shocked that he was actually going to send them back... it was intended to be permanent from day 1
Of course even when they were going home, they all flooded up to Canada... the idea of actually going home was never even a remote possibility.
Chase Davis
thats just becuase niggers the only ones stupid enough to fall for half-assed propaganda
Cameron Miller
The only problem is that Obama hasn't said it and he never will, so we will never be able to test your hypothetical situation. I really doubt the people on Sup Forums would react that way, maybe regular conservatives would, but definitely not the one person who is Sup Forums.
Jeremiah Hill
would make me like him more if it were true
Oliver Kelly
Kek is here.
Cooper Brooks
Anthony Ortiz
> They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled. Haha
Ryan Morgan
somehow blacks are highly educated individuals, that have no preconceived image about africa, all those thugs hoes and drug dealers are not biased at all. go back to your hut.