Can anyone explain to me why Spike gave up pretty much the only family he's ever had just to chase after some girl who...

Can anyone explain to me why Spike gave up pretty much the only family he's ever had just to chase after some girl who left him, slept around and more or less caused all the problems in his life.

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You would understand if you ever had a woman, you fucking virgin. Some things a man has to do by himself to the exclusion of others.

love makes people fucking retarded

Because they weren't the only family he ever had. Sure they cared for each other, but they were strays who found strength in each other for a while, but they all had pasts that went way beyond their time on the Bebop. The past was their real lives. Julia was Spike's family too, and more than that, the woman he loved.

>pretty much the only family he's ever had


But that's the whole point. Their past lives weren't like real families. The past "families" they had are what lead all of them to having problems and ending of as out cast drifters.

The family they had on the Bebop was more stable and supportive.

"Real" families are not always stable and supportive but that doesn't mean you can just get rid of them whenever you please and find new ones.

Just because families are toxic doesn't make them any less of family. The bebop might have been good for their lives, but the point was that wasn't enough to erase the past that kept pulling them. He had to leave the bebop to settle his real family matters. Just like Ed. Just like Faye (until she found out there was nothing there anymore).

>not walking away from toxic families

Come on nigga, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

>OMG so toxic you should like report him to the domestic violence department
Stop using tumblr language

But that's the point the series was making? Spike ends up dying because he can't let go of the past like Jet and Faye.

Because the entire point is that as suave and cool as Spike acts, he can't get over the past. Both jet and Faye confront and deal with their past, Spike on the other hand obsesses over it and refuses to let go.

Ehh, Jet and Faye both go back to their past but saw that there was nothing left there for them, but for Spike it wasn't really that easy, him dealing with his past meant dealing with Vicious, which is a lot more dangerous than say, going back to where your house used to be.

Except for the part part where Jet and Faye also obsess over their past and refuse to let go until they confront it and in the end Spike also confronts and deals with his past except Jet and Faye didn't have a maniac that's trying to kill them.

Wow sick insight bro

Spike had already confronted it. He was dead, he got out. He went back in and got killed because he couldn't stay out.

It's true though, Spike, Fay, Jet, Ed, they all had to face their past. But Spike's got him killed.

That is not confrontation. That is running away.

He just ran.

He almost died and managed to leave that life behind him, but the past ((Vicious and Julia)) were still alive and still pulling him back.


Discretion is the better part of valor.

Don't write like a retard.

Wait. Spike dies?

Uh, yeah, spoiler alert. Sorry.

It's not about valor. You either have something to prove or you don't.

20 years bro, you had 20 years

But I thought it was 10 years


There's no better death.


I think you mean "bang".

Vicious was his first family, and Julia was the love of his life.

>Spike gave up pretty much the only family he's ever had
But that's wrong you fool.

Cowboy Bebop in a nutshell:
An edgy ex mafioso goes rambo on his old gang because his waifu died.

Now you know

Think of the bebop as a triage center or halfway house. It's healing and comforting but at some point you gotta move on.

Especially when there's never anything to fucking eat except eggs and bell peppers.

>You're gonna haul that load
>See you space warrior

>Later, cosmic desperado


Wasn't the leader of the Red Dragon syndicate also something like a father figure to him? I faintly recall them having something deeper than just your regular murderous employee and crime boss.

The fact his last moments were so normal, full of regrets and disappointment, is beautiful.

>He didn't see yesterday's thread

Unless they ever make that sequel, yes.

I think I remember reading that the creator said it was open to interpretation, but yeah the guy is dead.

I watched a video about the show recently and it brought a new perspective on this: Why do you care?

Why do you care that Spike died? The whole show revolved around Spike meeting people in horrible situations and often times one of them ended up dead. The bebop crew couldn't give a damn. They couldn't get emotionally involved in the stories they were walking into. Why can't you do the same? Why can't you forget it and move on? If you can't do you think they could? Do you think they did? Now do you get it? The bebop crew were carrying that weight. Spike was carrying that weight. Now you're gonna carry that weight.

Spike felt that his life was not meaningful. Only two things brought it meaning to him: Julia and Viscous. Julia meant that something good could rise from the despair of life in the crime syndicate and Viscous meant that the despair of the syndicate would never end. Everything he did on the bebop was just him turning his eyes away from not only his past but the way he really looked at life. He had to 'find out if he was really alive.' He could have lived happily with Julia and discovered his life through her or he could take down Viscous and the syndicate and give his life meaning there. He couldn't do both. With Julia dead, the only means to give his life meaning was to kill Viscous. So he did, and died in the process.

But what if he lived? Do you think he'd just go back to the bebop? No. He has to deal with the fallout from what he'd just done. He'd have to go on the run from Viscous' minions he'd, have redefine himself again, and then he's right back where he started, running from his past. He took the only path his past and his way of looking at the world would allow and he hurt a lot of people along the way, even his traveling companions but he did the only thing his way of life could have allowed.

Love is a drug

This is a nice meme.

The viewer had a much more personal and in-depth look into Spike's life than the Bebop crew had into any on-off characters'.

But I get your point.

Because they needed to wrap up the show but realised they have absolutely no plot to speak of. This is the result of shoehorning said plot at the end of thr show. Throwing in a love interest that otherwise plays no part in the story as both a plot device and a form of characterisation is one of the cheapest and laziest devices in storytelling. It also happens to be one of the most overused.

how can something "play no part in the story" if it serves to move the plot along AND characterize the protagonist. that's exactly what secondary characters are supposed to do.

t. I fucked a 6/10 once

>how can something "play no part in the story" if it serves to move the plot along AND characterize the protagonist
By being locked away in the writer's closet for the entire duration of the show and serving no purpose other than convenience in regards to wrapping up the story. He may as well have been stabed by a random mugger while turning a corner after doing some shopping and it would have been as satisfying.

Wow, someone used it correctly

>The family they had on the Bebop was more stable and supportive.

no it wouldn't, that's absurd

Mmmmm watcha say

I mean hes survived getting thrown out of the top floor of a cathedral, falling 3 or 4 stories after getting shot and stabbed. So its possible he survived.

Well thats the classic use. Meanings change over time sometimes


For the love of god, learn to spell, I couldn't even finish reading that because it was too fucking absurd.

Simple boy "some times, A Man got to do what a Man got to do".

burn notice, in space.

I will talk to you later, astronaut cowboy


>not see you later cowboy

so death is the only escape from dealing with the consequences of our actions
thats pretty bleak

Red dead redemption had a similar message

You are going to hold this load

This OP.

>DT: Have you received any negative feedback for Spike's death?

>W: I've never officially said that he's died.
>At this point, I can tell you that I'm not sure if he's alive or dead.
>I think probably rather than being yelled at for killing Spike, I think ... people are more upset that I might make a continuation.

>>I think probably rather than being yelled at for killing Spike, I think ... people are more upset that I might make a continuation.
When you make an ending so perfect that people are more upset at the likelyhood of you making a sequel more than at the fact that you killed the character then you know you made something special.

It's like you can't even read.